





BBC新闻:英国电影学院奖揭晓 《爱乐之城》成

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-2-27 22:08| 查看数: 1180| 评论数: 0|

BBC News with Kathy Clugston.

Kathy Clugston为您报道BBC新闻。

President Trump's senior policy adviser says the United States is going to reinforce vital alliances in the Pacific region to deter, what he called,increasing hostility from North Korea. Stephen Miller's comments followed international condemnation of the firing by Pyongyang of a ballistic missile into the Sea of Japan.

特朗普总统高级政治顾问表示,美国将增强亚太地区至关重要的联盟关系,遏制来自朝鲜的不断增加的敌意。米勒(Stephen Miller)发表评论之时,平壤向日本海发射弹道导弹引发国际社会谴责。

Voters in Switzerland have approved a measure to make it easier for third generation immigrants to become citizens. Under the proposal, the grandchildren of immigrants will be fast tracked in the lengthy process of gaining a Swiss passport.


The former German foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who last year described Donald Trump as a hate preacher, has been elected as the country's new president. He received 74% of the votes cast by a special federal assembly.

去年曾经说特朗普是仇恨的散播者的德国前外长史坦麦尔(Frank-Walter Steinmeier)当选新总统。他在德国特别联邦议会上赢得了74%的选票。

The Romanian Foreign Minister has told the BBC that his government has no intention of resigning unless it loses the confidence of Parliament. The comments by Teodor Melescanu follow nearly two weeks of anti-government protests.

罗马尼亚外长告诉BBC,他的政府没有辞职的意向,除非不能通过议会信任投票。特奥多尔•梅列什卡努(Teodor Melescanu)发表评论之前,罗马尼亚已经进行了持续近两周的反政府抗议活动。

Officials in Eastern Afghanistan say they are investigating the murder of a teenage couple by an angry crowd. The young woman, thought to be 18, recently had an arranged marriage, but ran away with the man she'd hoped to marry.


Around half of the military police force in the Brazilian state of Espirito Santo has returned to work after more than a week of strikes. The rest of the force remains in barracks, which are still being blockaded by the families of officers protesting about low pay and bad working conditions.


A ceremony has begun at the Royal Albert Hall in London to hand out the British Academy Film Awards, or BAFATs. The American musical La La Land, starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, has 11 nominations, and is the favorite to take the Best Film Award.


The award-winning Jazz and Pop singer Al Jarreau has died in a Los Angeles hospital, just days after announcing he was retiring due to exhaustion. He was 76.



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