






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-3-11 22:10| 查看数: 953| 评论数: 0|

BBC News with David Austin.

David Austin为您播报BBC新闻。

Astronomers say they've made a major discovery of planets orbiting a distant star which may hold the right conditions to support life. They say they've found seven earth-sized planets orbiting a star called Trappist-1. They are believed to be the correct distance from the star for liquid water to exist on their surfaces.


Official figures from Mexico show that the number of murders increased by a third in January compared with the same month last year. The authorities suspect the jump in violence is linked to the extradition to the United States of the drug lord, Joaquin Guzman, known as El Chapo. They believe a power vacuum has encouraged attacks by rival criminal groups.

墨西哥官方数据显示,17年1月,全国杀人犯数量同比上升了1/3。当局怀疑暴力案件骤增与美国引渡绰号为“矮子”的毒枭乔奎因古兹曼(Joaquin Guzman)有关。他们认为,权力真空的形势鼓励了同与其竞争的犯罪集团发动暴力袭击。

The World Trade Organization says a deal, which is described as the biggest reform of global trade in a generation has come into effect. The agreement, which aims to streamline cross-border trade, has now been ratified by the United States, the European Union and China.


The centrist French presidential candidate, Emmanuel Macron, has accepted an offer of an alliance with a veteran campaigner, Fran?ois Bayrou, who could have split the vote if he stood against him. Mr. Bayrou said there was an urgent need to join forces in the face of challenge from the anti-immigration party, National Front.

法国中间派总统候选人马克隆(Emmanuel Macron)接受了资深政治家贝鲁(Fran?ois Bayrou)联盟的邀请。如若不然,贝鲁就会分走一部分选票。贝鲁表示,在反移民政党Front National(国民阵线)的挑战面前,急需联合力量。

The U.S. military has acknowledged that its troops have been involved in fighting with Islamic State militants in the battle for the Iraqi city of Mosul. When American forces were first deployed to Iraq, they were meant only to advise local allies. But they are now working more closely with the Iraqi Army.


Demonstrators opposed to the building of an oil pipeline under a lake in North Dakota in the United States have set fire to tents in their protest camp, shortly before a deadline to leave expires today. President Trump has signed an executive order, clearing the way for the construction of the Dakona Access Pipeline to proceed.

反对在美国北达科他州某湖下建造输油管道的示威者们在搬离期于今天正式截止的时间点之前纵火烧了抗议营里的帐篷。特朗普总统已签订总统令,为达科他输油管计划(Dakota Access Pipeline)的进行扫除了障碍。


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