






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-3-21 23:02| 查看数: 754| 评论数: 0|

BBC News with Cathy Clarkston.

President Trump has repeated his assertion that he was wiretapped during President Obama's administration. Speaking at a news conference with the visiting German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, he remarked that at least she and he had that experience in common. The U.S. acknowledged in 2015 that the Chancellor's phones had been tapped.


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n. 断言,声明;主张,要求;坚持;认定

Mrs. Merkel highlighted the benefits of NATO and of globalisation, saying it brought mutual benefits and created jobs. She said she hoped the President would come back to talks to secure a trade deal with the E.U. Mr. Trump insisted that putting America first did not mean he was an isolationist.


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n. 孤立主义者

adj. 孤立主义的;孤立主义者的

The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a notice of appeal against a decision by a federal judge in Maryland to strike down parts of President Trump's revised travel ban. The President has said he'll take his case for the ban national security to the Supreme Court.

The authorities in Brazil, the world's largest exporter of red meat, have closed three meat packing plants and suspended thirty government officials amid allegations that some of the country's biggest meat processors have been selling rotten beaf and poultry for years. Much of the meat produced by the companies, JBS and BRF, is exported.


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n. 家禽


Human rights groups say police have demolished the houses of more than 4,000 people at a waterfront community in the Nigerian city of Lagos. A court order has said they should go into mediation.


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vt. 拆除;破坏;毁坏;推翻;驳倒


n. 滩,海滨;水边

adj. 滨水区的

Two small planes have collided over a busy shopping mall on the outskirts of Montreal in Canada, killing one pilot and seriously injuring the other. Police say it was a miracle that no one else was seriously hurt.


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vi. 碰撞;抵触,冲突

vt. 使碰撞;使相撞

A leading think tank has called for schools to teach pupils how to spot fake news and recognise lies on social media. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development is to introduce questions on identifying misinformation in the next round of its PISA tests, which produce education rankings for more than sixty countries.


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