






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-3-24 17:08| 查看数: 904| 评论数: 0|

BBC News with Marion Marshall.

Britain has followed the United States in banning laptops, tablet computers and large smart phones from cabin baggage on flights from the Middle East. The U.S. ban affects eight countries, while the British one covers six. Officials say the moves follow intelligence suggesting that terrorist groups are actively targeting airlines.

The French Interior Minister Bruno Le Roux has resigned, after it emerged that he had employed his two daughters as parliamentary assistants while they were students. Prosecutors had earlier opened a preliminary investigation into contracts with 60,000 dollars that Mr.Le Roux gave his daughters.

Mr. Trump's nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, has sought to assure Senators of his independence as he testifies at his confirmation hearing. Mr.Gorsuch said he kept an open mind for the entire process when considering a judgement.

Rebel and jihadist forces in Syria say their assault on the capital, Damascus, is sending a message to the government just days before another round of peace talks. They say it shows they can still amount a major attack on what's regarded as Syria's most heavily-protected city.

The U.S. State Department says it has offered alternative dates to enable Rex Tillerson to attend a NATO foreign ministers' meeting next month. Earlier, it emerged that the Secretary of State would skip the Brussels so as not to miss a U.S. visit by the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping.


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vi. 跳跃;跳绳;遗漏;跳读

vt. 跳过;遗漏

n. 跳跃;跳读

n. (Skip)人名;(英)斯基普

South Korean prosecutors have spent fourteen hours questioning the former President, Park Geun-hye, over her role in the corruption scandal that led her impeachment. She apologised to the South Korean people but denies wrongdoing.

A prominent land rights activist in Brazil, Waldomiro Costa Pereira, has been shot dead by five gunmen, who burst into the hospital in the Amazon where he was being treated. Mr.Costa Pereira was recovering from a previous assassination attempt.


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adj. 突出的,显著的;杰出的;卓越的

BBC News.


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