






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-4-8 23:18| 查看数: 926| 评论数: 0|

BBC News.

President Trump has described the gassing of dozens of people during an air raid in northern Syria as an affront to humanity, and that it had very much changed his attitude towards President Bashar al-Assad. Western powers have blamed Mr. Assad's government for the attack on Tuesday in the town of Hungsihong. Moscow insists that Damascus shouldn't be blamed.


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vt. 冒犯,有意冒犯;面对;公开侮辱

n. 轻蔑;公开侮辱

n. (Affront)人名;(英)阿弗龙特

One of President Trump's closest advisers, his chief strategist Steve Banner has been removed from his position on the U.S. National Security Council. Mr. Banner's appointment had prompted widespread criticism. Before he joined the Trump team, he was executive chair of the controversial right-wing news website, Bright Bard.

A South Sudanese rebel group has called for an investigation into, what it says was, the murder of innocent civilians by government troops in the small town of x. An army spokesman reportedly denied that its troops had attacked civilians, saying they had been fighting rebels in the area.

A former Nigerian oil minister and three election officials have been charged with money laundering. The ex-minister Pajok, has been accused of bribing the officials before the 2015 elections. She was present to enter a plea, but has earlier rejected accusations about corruption.


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n. 洗烫

v. 洗涤;洗黑钱(launder的ing形式)


n. 恳求,请求;辩解,辩护;借口,托辞

Poland's top administrative court says the government can't take over the newly-opened Second World War Museum. The government has complained that the exhibition in Gdansk portrays the conflict from a global perspective, and will merge it with another museum, which focuses on Polish history.


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vt. 描绘;扮演


vt. 合并;使合并;吞没

vi. 合并;融合

n. (Merge)人名;(意)梅尔杰

South Africa's Constitutional Court has rejected an attempt by the government to keep a ban on the domestic trade in rhino horn. Rhino breeders have argued that legalising the trade could cut the number of rhinos killed, as rhino horns can be sawn off anaesthetised live animals. However, many conservationists disagree.


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adj. 国内的;家庭的;驯养的;一心只管家务的

n. 国货;佣人


vt. 使麻醉;使麻木

BBC News.


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