






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-4-10 22:50| 查看数: 905| 评论数: 0|

BBC News with Julia Candler.

The United States has said it could take further military action against the Syrian government, after firing missiles at a Syrian air base from which Washington believes a chemical weapons attack was launched. Addressing an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council, the American Ambassador to the U.N. said Washington had taken a major step, but was prepared to do more, although she hoped it wouldn't be necessary. Russia's Deputy Ambassador to the U.N. described the U.S. action as a flagrant violation of international law.


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adj. 公然的;不能容忍的;非常的;臭名远扬的;明目张胆的;恶名昭著的(名词flagrancy,副词flagrantly)

The U.N. Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, has called for restraint to avoid any escalation of the situation. The Syrian government denounced Thursday night's attack as irresponsible, but American allies around the world have backed the U.S. action.


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n. 抑制,克制;约束

A truck has plowed into pedestrians in the Swedish capital, Stockholm, before ramming into a department store in the city centre. An eyewitness told local media that someone jumped into the truck driver's cab while the vehicle was being unloaded, and drove off, Four people were killed and 15 other injured, some seriously. A man has been arrested in connection with the attack.

The Republican-led U.S. Senate has confirmed President Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court. The confirmation of the conservative judge Neil Gorsuch restores a conservative majority on the highest judicial body in the U.S. The move follows a year-long battle since the long-serving conservative justice Antonis Kalliandied.

Police in India's eastern state of Jakai say they've arrested three men in connection with a murder of a Muslim man, who was beaten to death after meeting his Hindu girlfriend. Local reports said a group of people tied the man to a tree and hit him with sticks for hours.

The Burmese authorities say at least 20 people have drowned after a passenger ferry hit another boat on a River in the Ayeyarwady Delta. Around 30 people are said to have survived.


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n. 渡船;摆渡;渡口

vt. (乘渡船)渡过;用渡船运送;空运

vi. 摆渡;来往行驶

n. (Ferry)人名;(法、德、英、印尼)费里

BBC News.


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