






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-5-12 14:21| 查看数: 1021| 评论数: 0|

Now the BBC News with Stewart Macintosh.

Stewart Macintosh为您报道BBC新闻。

The US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is in Russia for talks as tensions grow between Moscow and Washington over Syria. He is the most senior US official to visit Moscow since President Trump took office. Earlier Mr. Tillerson warned that Russia was risk of becoming irrelevant in the Middle East by continuing to support President Assad.

莫斯科和华盛顿因叙利亚问题紧张关系不断升级之际,美国国务卿雷克斯•蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)访问俄罗斯。他是自特朗普总统上台以来访问俄罗斯的美国最高级官员。早些时候,蒂勒森警告称,如果继续支持阿萨德总统,俄罗斯将面临在中东地区变得无关紧要的风险。

There have been three explosions near the team bus of the German football club Borussia Dortmund. It was on its way to a Champions League quarterfinal against Monaco. The tie has been postponed for 24 hours. One Dortmund player, the Spanish defender Marc Bartra, was taken to hospital with a hand injury caused by pieces of glass shattered in the blasts.

德国多特蒙德足球俱乐部乘坐的巴士附近发生了三起爆炸。他们正在前往冠军联赛现场参加对阵摩纳哥的四分之一决赛途中。比赛被推迟了24小时。多特蒙德一名队员,西班牙防守队员马克•巴特拉(Marc Bartra)被爆炸飞溅的玻璃碎片划伤手部被送往医院。

President Trump has formally approved Montenegro's membership of NATO, moving the Balkan nation a step closer to becoming the alliance's 29th member. One Republican Senator warned this would antagonize Russia.


There has been a fall in shares in United Airlines which has faced a storm of criticism since forcibly dragging a passenger off an overbooked plane on Sunday. At one stage, they dropped 4%.


The front-runners in the French presidential election Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen have called for changes in migration policy after a fire on the French north coast destroyed a camp for some 1500 migrants hoping to cross the channel to England. A spokesman from Mr. Macron said anagreement with Britain which had left the French acting as its border guards would have to be reviewed during Brexit negotiations.

法国北部海岸发生一起大火,毁坏了大约1500名移民暂居的营地,他们希望穿越海峡前往英格兰。随后,法国总统选举中的领头羊马卡龙(Emmanuel Macron)和玛丽娜•勒庞(Marine Le Pen)呼吁改革移民政策。马卡龙一名发言人表示,与英国之间达成的协议使法国沦为它的边境守护者,在英国脱欧谈判中必须重新考虑。

The lawyer for Zambia’s opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema says he’s been detained on suspicion of treason for obstructing the motorcade of the President. He hasn’t been formally charged.

赞比亚反对派领袖哈凯恩德•希奇莱马(Hakainde Hichilema)的律师表示,他因为阻碍总统的车队涉嫌叛国罪被拘留。目前他还没有被正式控告。

Gay rights activists in Russia say they are organizing the evacuation of gay man facing persecution, torture and even death in the southern Russian Republic of Chechnya. One told BBC that about 100 people have been detained since February in a wave of arrests.


BBC News.



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