






发布者: laniya | 发布时间: 2006-4-22 11:24| 查看数: 4602| 评论数: 5|

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<  align=left><BR>  <FONT face="Times New Roman">1. A kiss can be a comma; a question mark or an exclamation mark. That is a basic spelling that every woman should know. <BR></FONT>  一个吻可以是个逗号,问号,或感叹号。这条规则每个女孩都要记牢。<FONT face="Times New Roman"> <BR></FONT>  <FONT face="Times New Roman">2. You have to kiss an awful lot of frogs before you find a prince. <BR></FONT>  你要吻过无数青蛙后才找到你的白马王子。<FONT face="Times New Roman"> <BR></FONT>  <FONT face="Times New Roman">3. Some women blush when they are kissed; some call for the police; some swear; some bite; but the worst are those who laugh. <BR></FONT>  有的女孩被吻时会脸红,有的会报警,有的会破口大骂,有的还会咬人。可最要命的却是那些哈哈大笑的。<FONT face="Times New Roman"> <BR></FONT>  <FONT face="Times New Roman">4. It takes a lot of practice for a girl to kiss like a beginner. <BR></FONT>  只有久经情场的女孩才能装出情窦初开的那种吻。<FONT face="Times New Roman"> <BR></FONT>  <FONT face="Times New Roman">5. Never let a fool kiss you or a kiss fool you. <BR></FONT>  莫让笨蛋吻,莫因吻变笨。<FONT face="Times New Roman"> <BR></FONT>  <FONT face="Times New Roman">6. To a woman the first kiss is just the end of the beginning; to a man it is the beginning of the end. <BR></FONT>  对于女人而言,初吻意味着序幕刚刚结束,好戏还在后头;对于男人而言,则已经接近尾声,快要曲终人散了。<FONT face="Times New Roman"> <BR></FONT>  <FONT face="Times New Roman">7. Women still remember the first kiss after men have forgotten the last. <BR></FONT>  女人对最初一吻记忆犹新,男人则连最近一吻都想不起来。<FONT face="Times New Roman"> <BR></FONT>  <FONT face="Times New Roman">8. A man snatches the first kiss, pleads for the second, demands the third, takes the fourth, accepts the fifth---and endures all the rest. <BR></FONT>  男人攫取第一吻,哀求第二吻,要求第三吻,得到第四吻,接受第五吻<FONT face="Times New Roman">------</FONT>剩下的全都是硬着头皮忍受着。<FONT face="Times New Roman"> <BR></FONT>  <FONT face="Times New Roman">9. Kissing don’t last; cookery do! <BR></FONT>  吻功了得不如厨艺了得!<FONT face="Times New Roman"> <BR></FONT>  <FONT face="Times New Roman">10. The first kiss is stolen by the man; <BR></FONT>  <FONT face="Times New Roman">The last is begged by the woman. <BR></FONT>  男人的初吻是偷来的。女人最后一吻是求来的。<FONT face="Times New Roman"> <o:p></o:p></FONT>
<  align=left><BR>   <FONT face="Times New Roman">Kiss on the hand - I adore you. <BR></FONT>  吻着你的手<FONT face="Times New Roman">------</FONT>我崇拜你。<FONT face="Times New Roman"> <BR></FONT>  <FONT face="Times New Roman">Kiss on the cheek - I just want to be friends. <BR></FONT>  吻着你的脸<FONT face="Times New Roman">-------</FONT>只想和你交个朋友。<FONT face="Times New Roman"> <BR></FONT>  <FONT face="Times New Roman">Kiss on the chin - You are cute! <BR></FONT>  吻着你的下巴<FONT face="Times New Roman">------</FONT>你好可爱!<FONT face="Times New Roman"> <BR></FONT>  <FONT face="Times New Roman">Kiss on the neck - I want you. <BR></FONT>  吻着你的颈<FONT face="Times New Roman">-------</FONT>我要你。<FONT face="Times New Roman"> <BR></FONT>  <FONT face="Times New Roman">Kiss on the lips - I love you. <BR></FONT>  吻着你的唇<FONT face="Times New Roman">-------</FONT>我爱你。<FONT face="Times New Roman"> <BR></FONT>  <FONT face="Times New Roman">Kiss on the ears - Let's have some fun. <BR></FONT>  吻着你的耳<FONT face="Times New Roman">------</FONT>咱们玩一玩。<FONT face="Times New Roman"> <BR></FONT>  <FONT face="Times New Roman">Kiss anywhere else - You're the best. <BR></FONT>  吻你其它部位<FONT face="Times New Roman">------</FONT>你是最棒的!<o:p></o:p>
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samin 发表于 2006-4-22 19:02:44
哈哈,那个。。。。。。<FONT face="Times New Roman">3. Some women blush when they are kissed; some call for the police; some swear; some bite; but the worst are those who laugh. <BR></FONT>  有的女孩被吻时会脸红,有的会报警,有的会破口大骂,有的还会咬人。可最要命的却是那些哈哈大笑的
maybe man will be angry with this kind of woman
laniya 发表于 2006-4-23 14:06:24
coconut 发表于 2006-4-30 16:44:59
<FONT face="Times New Roman">6. To a woman the first kiss is just the end of the beginning; to a man it is the beginning of the end. <BR></FONT>  对于女人而言,初吻意味着序幕刚刚结束,好戏还在后头;对于男人而言,则已经接近尾声,快要曲终人散了。<FONT face="Times New Roman"> <BR></FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT color=#f709c7>同样是生活在地球的人,做人的差距怎么就这么大呢?</FONT></FONT>[em06]
christlulu 发表于 2006-4-30 18:20:27
<FONT face="Times New Roman">10. The first kiss is stolen by the man; <BR></FONT>  <FONT face="Times New Roman">The last is begged by the woman. <BR></FONT>  男人的初吻是偷来的。女人最后一吻是求来的。<FONT face="Times New Roman"> <O></O></FONT><BR>为什么女人总是到最后一刻才学会主动呢?或许这就是被动带来的后果吧!!
Quickie 发表于 2006-12-15 07:33:35
Are we going to share our experience with our first kiss?
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