






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-5-17 23:11| 查看数: 970| 评论数: 0|

BBC News with Julia Candler.

Julia Candler为您报道BBC新闻。

A senior member of North Korea’s government has warned that his country would react with a pre-emptive nuclear strike if it saw signs that the US was preparing to launch an attack. Speaking to the BBC, the Vice Foreign Minister Kung Sok-Ung said there would be all out war from day one if the US took military action.

朝鲜政府一名高级官员警告称,如果他们发现美国准备发动袭击的迹象,他们将先发制人,发动核战争。接受BBC采访时,朝鲜外交部副部长宫宋文(Kung Sok-Ung)表示,如果美国采取军事行动,从第一天开始就会爆发全面的战争。

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he will ignore international criticism of Sunday’s referendum. In a combative speech outside the Presidential Palace, he suggested he might hold a referendum on ending more than a decade of talks on joining the European Union.

土耳其总统埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)表示,他将忽略国际社会对周日全民公投的谴责。在总统宫外发表的斗志昂扬的讲话中,他表示将针对终结加入欧盟的长达十多年的对话举行全民公投。

The two front runners in the French Presidential election have been fighting to win over undecided voters as they head towards the first round next Sunday. The centrist Emmanuel Macron warned against voting for JeanLuc Melenchon, the communist-backed firebrand, whose strong performance in the Television debates have put him in contention. The far-right candidate MarineLe Pen whose support basis is thought to be the most solid is holding a rally in Paris.

在下周日的第一轮选举之前,法国总统选举两名领先的候选人努力争取犹豫不决的选民。中立派马克隆(Emmanuel Macron)警告大家不要投票给梅朗雄(Jean-Luc Melenchon)。梅朗雄是共产党支持的煽动叛乱者,他在电视辩论中的表现使他得以参加竞选。极右翼候选人马琳娜•勒庞(Marine Le Pen)的群众基础最坚实,她正在巴黎举行集会。

The Israeli authorities have taken action against the leader of a mass hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners. Marwan Barghouti, a prominent figure in the Fatah political action who is serving life sentence for this murder, has been moved to a different jail and put in solitary confinement.

巴勒斯坦囚犯大规模绝食,以色列当局对这场活动的头目采取了行动。巴尔古提(Marwan Barghouti)是法塔赫政治运动一名杰出的人物,因谋杀罪被判处终身监禁,正在服刑。现在他已被转往其他监狱单独监禁。

The President of Paraguay Horacio Cartes says he will not stand as a candidate in elections next year after demonstrators set fire to the congress last month in protest of the secret senator vote to amend the constitution to allow second presidential terms. He said he had been inspired by Pope Francis’s call for peace and dialogue.

巴拉圭总统卡提斯(Horacio Cartes)表示,他不会以候选人的身份参加明年的选举。上月,示威者在国会纵火,抗议参议员秘密投票修订宪法,让总统可以连任的行为。他表示,教皇方济各呼吁和平与对话,他受到鼓励。

An Indian singer has provoked a debate on social media by complaining about being woken up in the morning by the amplified call to pray from a mosque. Sonu Nigam also criticized amplification in Hindu and Sikh temples.

一名印度歌手在社交网站上引起一场辩论。他抱怨早上被清真寺扩音器传来的召集祈祷的声音吵醒。Sonu Nigam还批评了印度教和锡克教庙宇的扩音器。

BBC News.



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