






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-5-26 22:30| 查看数: 931| 评论数: 0|



1Paying by Cash

Guest: Waiter, the bill, please.服务员,结账。Waiter: Yes, sir. Here is your check/bill, sir. Thank you.好的,先生。先生,这是您的账单,多谢。Guest: Here you are.给你。Waiter: 200 yuan. Please wait a minute. I'll be right back with your changes and receipt.这里收您200元,请稍等一会,我将很快找回零钱及账单给您。


Waiter: Here is your changes and your receipt, thank you. Good night. Hope to see you again.多谢,这是找给您的零钱及账单。晚安,希望您再次光临。Guest: Thank you. This is your tip.谢谢!这是给你的小费。Waiter: Thank you, sir. You're very kind.多谢,先生。谢谢你的好意。


2Paying by Credit Card

Guest: Check/Take the bill,please.结账。Waiter: Here is your check, sir. Would you like to sign it to your room?这是您的账单,先生。您想签单吗?Guest: No, I'll just pay in cash. Do you accept U.S. Dollars.不,我付现金,你们收美元吗?Waiter: Yes. But we only have Chinese yuan for change. And the exchange rate is one hundred U.S. Dollar to RMB 804. Do you mind that?是的,但是我们找零只有人民币,兑换汇率是100美元兑804人民币,你介意吗?Guest: Well. May I use my credit card?那么,可以用信用卡吗?Waiter: Yes sure.当然。


3Using the Vouchers

Waiter: Excuse me, sir. Do you need anything else? If not, do you mind if I bring you your bill? It is nearly closing time.对不起,先生,请问还需要点什么吗?如果不需要的话,介不介先结账呢?因为就要到关门时间了。Guest: I'm sorry, check now, please.对不起,现在结账吧。Waiter: Would you like separate bills or one bill?/Would you like to pay together or separately?请问分单还是一起结账?


Guest: Together.一起结账。Waiter: How would you like to pay for it, sir? You may pay cash, credit card, cheque or charge it to your room.您打算怎样付账?你可以付现金、信用卡、支票或入房数。Guest: I'd like to pay cash. I have discount card and vouchers here.现金,我这儿有折头卡和赠券。Waiter: I'm sorry. Discount card and vouchers are not to be used together.对不起,折头卡与赠券不可以同时使用。Guest: Well, use the vouchers first.那先用赠券吧。


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