





BBC新闻爱尔兰沙滩消失33年 怪潮来临后重现

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-6-8 10:27| 查看数: 1170| 评论数: 0|

Reports from the United States say President Obama warned Donald Trump against hiring Michael Flynn as his National Security Advisor. Mr. Flynn resigned after less than a month in the position after it emerged he had misled Vice President Mike Pence about his contacts with Russian diplomats. Senior officials from the Obama administration are currently appearing before a congressional investigation into links between Russia and a Trump team.

The French President-elect Emmanuel Macron is continuing the task of forming a new government to begin work once he's sworn in on Sunday. Meanwhile, the political movement he set up says it's to alter its name as it focuses on winning a Parliamentary majority next month.

An appeals court in Austria has ordered that Facebook must remove hate postings in a ruling that is set to have international implications. It follows a case brought by the Green Party which sought to block postings against its leader from a false account.

There's been a large explosion in the Somali capital, Mogadishu. Police officers have been quoted as saying at least 8 people were killed. The Islamist group al-Shabaab said it carried out the attack.

Thousands of Venezuelans have again taken to the streets at the start of another week of marches to protest against President Nicholas Maduro's call for a constituent assembly. His opponents say it would sideline the National Congress.

Security has been reinforced in the Brazilian city of Curitiba ahead of the appearance of the former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva before an anti-corruption judge. Lula's supporters say they are binging thousands of people to the town.

Residents and tourists on a remote Irish island have flocked to see a sandy beach that has reappeared after being washed away by storms more than 30 years ago. A freak tide has dumped thousands of tonnes of sands on the 300-meter stretch of a rocky coastline on Achill Island.

BBC News.


Julie Candler为您报道BBC新闻。

来自美国的报道称,奥巴马总统曾警告唐纳德•特朗普总统不要雇佣弗林(Michael Flynn)为国家安全顾问。弗林担任该职位不到一个月就辞职,因为有消息披露他在与俄罗斯外交人员接触方面误导了副总统麦克•彭斯(Mike Pence)。奥巴马政府高级官员正配合国会调查俄罗斯和特朗普竞选团队之间的关系。

法国候任总统马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)继续组建新内阁的任务,一旦周日宣誓就职立即启动工作。与此同时,他发起的政治运动表示,他们将更改该运动的名字,集中精力在下月的议会选举中赢得大多数席位。




巴西前总统卢拉 (Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva)在反腐法官面前作证之前,库里提巴加强了安保措施。卢拉的支持者表示,数千人涌到这座城市。



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