






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2017-7-31 23:31| 查看数: 914| 评论数: 0|

Hi. So I'd like to talk alittle bit about the people who make the things we use every day: our shoes,our handbags, our computers and cell phones. Now, this is a conversation thatoften calls up a lot of guilt. Imagine the teenage farm girl who makes lessthan a dollar an hour stitching your running shoes, or the young Chinese manwho jumps off a rooftop after working overtime assembling your iPad. We, thebeneficiaries of globalization, seem to exploit these victims with everypurchase we make, and the injustice feels embedded in the products themselves.After all, what's wrong with a world in which a worker on an iPhone assemblyline can't even afford to buy one? It's taken for granted that Chinesefactories are oppressive, and that it's our desire for cheap goods that makesthem so.


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