






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2017-8-13 13:49| 查看数: 1039| 评论数: 0|


  Japan has once again mudded China’s normal and justifiable maritime activities and has hyped up the so-called "China threat" in its annual defense white paper released on Tuesday.


  The trick, nothing new of Japan, only serves to make excuses for its own military buildup and stir up tensions in the region, which will do no good to Japan and the region.


  In the 2017 defense white paper, Japan made irresponsible statements on China’s national defense system and smeared China’s normal and justifiable maritime activities in the East and South China Seas as "attempts to change the status quo by coercion."


  However, the fact is that Beijing has repeatedly made it clear that China’s navy and air force activities are in line with international law, domestic law as well as national defense needs.


  Japan has no right to make carping comments on China’s legitimate activities near the Diaoyu Islands, which are China’s inherent territory in all historical, geographical and legal terms and Japan has made unjustified claim for.


  As for the South China Sea issue, freedom of navigation has never been a problem in the area, and interference by Japan and other non-regional countries only jeopardizes peace and stability in the region.


  China and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries have successfully drawn up and adopted the framework of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea recently, and the issue is back to the track to resolve disputes through direct dialogue and negotiation by the parties directly concerned.


  Japan’s meddling in the issue, apparently for its own ulterior agenda of enhancing its regional influence and gaining leverage for its dispute with China on the East China Sea issue, could hardly win support from other countries in the region.


  Japan itself has been showing a growing ambition for military expansion, with its military expenditure keeping reaching new records over the past few years, which has caused heavy burdens to the country already deep in debt and raised concerns from neighboring countries which fell victim to Japan’s aggression before and during the Second World War.



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