





clean slate

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2017-10-2 19:30| 查看数: 1004| 评论数: 0|

记得小时候,经常与邻居的孩子打架斗殴,不过过了几天,大家又和好如初了。这让我想起的一个习语:clean slate

slate是石板的意思。将石板擦干净,不就是clean slate了吗?所以该习语的是指一笔勾销,忘记过去重新开始。to start fresh despite past mistakes or problems

I know we've had our differences, but I'd like to repair our friendship. Can we start over with a clean slate. (这句话大概意思是我知道我们存在分歧,但我们可以不计前嫌,和好如初吗?)

I really appreciate you giving me a clean slate after I failed my first test.

Let's forget our quarrel and start again with a clean slate.


After a decade of gambling, I am going to start my thirties with a clean slate.

The previous negotiations did not go anywhere, and we intend to start them again next week with a clean slate. (这里的didn't go anywhere是指谈判没有取得什么进展)

After the earthquake/ bankruptcy, I am looking forward to starting off/ over with a clean slate.


wipe the/ one's slate clean 一笔勾销,不计前嫌

She said she would wipe your slate clean if you pay for the vase you broke.

Let's wipe the slate clean and forget our past quarrels

I hope you could wipe the slate clean and forget about my mistakes.


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