





【同义词辨析】 2018-04-03 点燃light-fire

发布者: jason246 | 发布时间: 2018-4-6 02:57| 查看数: 797| 评论数: 0|

light: is likely to imply anaction for a specific end, such as illuminating, heating, or smoking: ~ a fire in the stove.

kindle: may connote difficulty in setting combustible materials alight, and is appropriate when special preparations are needed: we ~ the bonfire just after dark; OR may connote an exciting, arousing, or stimulating: a look that ~ a responsive spark.            (combustible仅表示可燃)

ignite: like kindle, stresses successful lighting but is more likely to apply to highly flammable materials: ~ a firecracker; OR it may imply a stirring into activity: a love of learning ~d by her first-grade teacher.

fire: suggests blazing and rapid combustion and is usually used with respect to something that ignites readily and burns fiercely:~ a haystack; OR may imply an inspiring, as with passion, zeal, or desire, to energetic activity: an imagination ~ with a thousand new ideas.      (blaze火舌火焰)

light: 表示点燃有特定目的,如照明取暖冒烟, kindle: 表示点燃困难或需要特殊准备,或表示引起(excite,arose,stimulate)兴趣火花等,ignite: 点燃高度易燃物,或激起(stir),fire: 表示有火焰,燃烧剧烈,或鼓舞激励(inspire)

记忆方法:  1) 首字母联想,LIKF想成喜欢简单一些(LIKF比LIKE少一横)==>简单容易,点燃兴趣

                2)点燃的意思是使燃烧mean starting something to burn.


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