






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2018-8-18 17:13| 查看数: 1249| 评论数: 0|

BBC News with David Harper.

大卫 哈珀(David Harper)为您播报BBC新闻。

The man who was leading Britain’s negotiations to leave the European Union has said the Prime Minister Theresa May’s policy on Brexit will leave parliament with illusory powers. David Davis resigned on Sunday night, launching a severe attack on the Prime Minister. He said her plans will hand control of much of the British economy to the EU. Mrs. May said she did not agree with his assessment. Two of his deputies have also resigned.

主导英国脱欧谈判的负责人表示,首相特雷莎 梅(Theresa May)的脱欧政策会让英国议会权责不明。戴维 戴维斯(David Davis)已于周日晚上辞职,并炮轰特雷莎。他表示,特雷莎的计划将把英国经济的诸多控制权拱手相让给欧盟。特雷莎表示自己并不同意戴维的论断。戴维的两个副手也已辞职。

Attempts will be made today to rescue eight boys and their football coach who remain trapped in a cave complex in Thailand. Ambulances have been seen arriving at the scene on the second day of the rescue operation. Four boys were brought out on Sunday.


The Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has cancelled an overseas visit to supervise the response to severe flooding in the west of the country. More than a hundred people have been killed and dozens more are missing.


British police have started a murder investigation after the death of a woman who had been contaminated by the nerve agent novichok. The Prime Minister said she was appalled by the killing of Dawn Sturgess who came into contact with the chemical 9 days ago.

英国警方已经开启了谋杀调查,因为一名女子受神经毒剂诺维乔克毒害而死。英国首相表示其对斯特奇斯(Dawn Sturgess)的死感到十分震惊。9天前,这名女子受到了这种神经毒剂的毒害。

The son of South Africa’s former President Jacob Zuma has arrived at the police station in Johannesburg who is expected to be charged with corruption. The charges against Duduzane Zuma are thought to be linked to an alleged bribery scandal, involving the Gupta family. He has denied any wrongdoing.

南非前总统雅各布 祖玛(Jacob Zuma)之子已抵达约翰内斯堡警局,或将面临腐败罪的判决。杜杜扎内 祖马(Duduzane Zuma)的罪名是与一起贿赂丑闻有关,古普塔笈多家族也涉嫌其中。杜杜扎内否认有此事。

A court in Myanmar has decided to press charges against two Reuter’s journalists who have been in detention for the past 7 months. Kyaw Soe Oo and Wa Lone denied accusations. They breached Myanmar’s official secrets act.


For the first time in 50 years, a rare marsupial called the eastern quokka has given birth in the wild in Mainland Australia. The quokka was driven to extinction there. But these years, scientists reintroduced the animal from Tasmania. Three females now have tiny baby quokkas in their patches.



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