






发布者: christlulu | 发布时间: 2006-5-6 20:28| 查看数: 57427| 评论数: 129|


christlulu 发表于 2006-5-17 08:04:56
A: Be sure to keep this rope in the boat at all times in case of emergency.
B: Should we tie one end of it to the boat? rope n.绳,索
vt.用绳捆(或扎等) rope in说服

A: Do you usually work the day shift or the night shift?
B: Our shifts rotate , so it depends. rotate v.1.(使)旋转,(使)转动; 2.(使)轮流

A: On the farm we were roused up early each morning by the crowing of the rooster.
B: Did you mind getting up so early? rouse vt.惊起,唤起,唤醒

A: I’ve driven the same route to work every day for the past fifty years.
B: That’s amazing. route n.路线,路程

A: What’s the normal morning routine at our house?
B: We get up around seven and then have breakfast around eight. routine n.例行公事,惯例,惯常的程序

A: Does England’s Royal Family have much political power?
B: They don’t have much power, but they do have influence. royal a.王室的,皇家的

A: Would you mind giving me a back rub ?
B: It would be my pleasure. rub vt.擦,摩擦 rub it in 反复提及令人不快的事

A: What’s your least favorite part about being a waiter?
B: When customers are rude to me. rude a.1.粗鲁的,不礼貌的; 2.粗糙的,粗陋的

A: I love your new rug .
B: Thanks. I bought it from the new furniture store downtown. rug n.(小)地毯

A: I heard a rumor that you’re engaged?
B: That’s the first I’ve heard of it! rumor n.传闻,谣言

A: Do you like living in a rural area?
B: Yes. It’s nice to be away from the noise of the city. rural a.农村的

A: You shouldn’t leave your bike out in the rain because it will rust .
B: Thanks for reminding me. rust n.铁锈

字部 S

A: I can’t carry all of these potatoes at one without dropping them.
B: Why don’t you put them in this sack to make it easier? sack n.1.麻袋,包; 2.[the ~ ]解雇; 3.[the ~ ]洗劫,劫掠

A: Could you sacrifice your free afternoon to take me to the mall?
B: Only if you could help me clean my closet later. sacrifice n.1.牺牲,舍身; 2.献祭,供奉; 3.祭品

A: Please put the saddle on the horse so we can go for a horseback ride.
B: Sure, I’d love to do that for you. saddle n.1.(马)鞍,鞍状物;2.(自行车)车座
vt.1.给…装鞍 ; 2.使承担任务
in the saddle 在职,掌权

A: The sailor pulled the sail tight to make the boat go faster.
B: He must really know how to handle a sailboat. sailor n.水手,海员

A: My mother spent weeks sewing this quilt for me.
B: What a saint she is! saint n.1.(基督教正式追封的)圣徒; 2.圣人,道德高尚的人; 3.[S-]圣(用于人名,地名等前)

A: He did it for the sake of his country.
B: I don’t know many people who would make such a sacrifice. sake n.缘故,理由
for the sake of 为了…起见,看在…的份儿上

A: I would like a tossed salad with Italian dressing.
B: It will be ready in a minute. salad.

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-17 08:05:15
A: They are paying me a higher salary this year.
B: Are you working many more hours? salary n. 薪金,薪水

A: I am waiting for a salesman to tell me the cost of this car.
B: He will be with you as soon as he finishes, with his other customer. salesman n.售货员,推销员

A: Try a sample of our new product and see if you like it.
B: Okay. sample n.样品,试样,样本
vt.1.从…抽样(试验或调查); 2.品尝,体验

A: The government has imposed economic sanction on that country.
B: Hopefully, that won’t cause problems here at home. sanction vt.批准,认可
n.1.批准,认可;2.约束因素,约束力; 3.[常pl.]国际制裁

A: We can watch the game on satellite television.
B: Do you know what time it starts? satellite n.卫星,人造卫星

A: I hope the report I sent you was satisfactory.
B: If not, I’ll send it back to you for revisions. satisfactory a.令人满意的

A: What sauce would you like on your meat?
B: I would prefer a white cream sauce, thank you. sauce n.调味汁,作料

A: Please put the cups and saucers on the table for our coffee.
B: I’d be glad to. saucer n.茶托,碟子

A: I’d like scrambled eggs and sausage for breakfast.
B: Sorry, we only serve eggs with bacon. sausage n.香肠,腊肠

A: I had an excellent holiday but I spent all of my savings.
B: Don’t worry. At least you had a good time. saving n.1.节省,节约; 2.[pl.]储蓄金,存款

A: Could I borrow your saw to cut down that tree in my yard?
B: You could, but it’s broken. saw n.锯,锯床

A: How could I have lost fifteen pounds in one day?
B: I think your scale must be broken. scale n.1.大小,规模;2.等级,级别;3.[pl.]天平,磅秤;4.比例(尺);5.刻度,标度;6.(鱼等的)鳞
on a…scale… 规模地,在…规模上 scale down缩减

A: Why don’t you scan the horizon and see if you see any antelopes?
B: Okay, I’ll use my binoculars. scan vt.1.细看,审视; 2.扫描; 3.浏览

A: Did you read about the savings and loan scandal in the newspaper?
B: No, but I did hear something about it on the news. scandal n.1.丑事,丑闻;2.流言蜚语;3.反感,愤慨

A: Because of the drought, water has been really scarce in this area.
B: Maybe we shouldn’t wash our cars as often. scarce a.1.缺乏的,不足的; 2.稀少的,罕见的
make oneself scarce溜走,躲开

A: I had scarcely said a word before he got angry and left!
B: I wonder why he was so upset? scarcely ad.1.几乎不,简直不;2.决不;3.刚刚,才 scarcely…when 一…就,刚…便

A: When you scare me like that, my knees begin to shake.
B: I’m sorry, I was just joking. scare n.惊恐,恐慌

A: How do I plant these seeds?
B: First, rake the ground smooth, and then scatter them lightly on the soil. scatter vt.1.撒,撒播;2.使散开,驱散

A: What a fantastic view from here!
B: Yes, this mountain is known for its beautiful scenery at this time of year. scenery n.1.风景,景色;2.舞台布景

A: When would be a good time for us to meet for lunch?
B: I’m free tomorrow. What’s your schedule like? schedule n.1.时间表,日程安排表;2.清单,明细表
ahead of schedule 提前
on schedule 按时间表,及时,准时

A: We need a scheme that will help us complete our project on time.
B: Perhaps we could plan it out ahead of time. scheme n.1.计划,方案;2.阴谋

A: He’s a fine scholar who has studied at Oxford University.
B: What is his field of study? scholar n.1.学者;2.奖学金获得者

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-17 08:05:59
A: I don’t have enough money to go to that college.
B: Could you apply for a scholarship? scholarship n.1.奖学金;2.学问,学识

A: Do you have a pair of scissors I could borrow?
B: Yes, there are some in my sewing kit. scissors n.剪刀

A: I would like to write a book. But I don’t think it is within my scope.
B: Oh! But you are a very talented person. You have to believe in yourself. scope n.1.(活动,影响等的)范围; 2.(发挥能力等的)余地,机会

A: We need someone to act as a scout and find the best places in this town to eat.
B: I’ll do it. I love to explore new places. scout n.1.侦察员(或机,舰); 2.童子军

A: Come on in.
B: I’d love to, but first let me scrape the mud off my shoes. scrape v.刮,擦
n.刮,擦,刮擦声 scrape by/through勉强通过 scrape together/up费力地获得

A: My whole face is inching!
B: Don’t scratch it or the rash will spread. scratch v.1.抓,搔,扒; 2.刮擦,刻划
n.1.抓,搔,刮; 2.抓痕,划痕
from scratch从零开始,从头做起
up to scratch合格,处于良好状态

A: Flies keep getting in to our kitchen!
B: Maybe you’d better shut that window. It doesn’t have a screen on it. screen n.1.屏幕,银幕;2.屏风,帘,纱窗
vt.1.掩蔽,遮蔽;2.放映(电影),播放(电视节目); 3.审查,甄别

A: Why did the saw fall apart?
B: Because it was missing a screw. screw n. 螺丝(钉)
put the screw(s) on对…施加压力,强迫 screw up1.拧紧;2.扭歪,把…弄糟

A: I’ve lost my script and don’t know all of my lines yet.
B: What are you going to do? The play is in two weeks! script n.1.剧本,广播稿; 2.文字体系;3.笔迹,手迹

A: Do you have any duct tape? I need something to seal off the cold air coming through the window.
B: No, but we could run to the hardware store and get some. seal n.1.封铅,封条;2.印,图章;3.海豹
vt.(密)封 seal off封闭,封锁

A: Do I need to itemize these purchases?
B: No, that’s of secondary importance. A total amount will be sufficient. secondary a.1.次要的,第二的;2.(教育,学校等)中等的;3.辅助的,从属的

A: Tell me the section of the auditorium where you will be sitting.
B: We will be sitting in Section A, Row 5. section n.1.部分;2.章节;3.部门,科; 4.截面,剖面

A: Which sector of the population will you be targeting with your advertisements?
B: We will be focusing on the Baby Boomer age group. sector n.1.部门,部分;2.防御地段,防区; 3.扇形

A: How can we be sure we won’t miss out on this real estate deal?
B: If you put down a deposit, you can secure the property until you pay in full. secure a.1.安全的,可*的;2.牢固的,稳固的;3.无忧虑的,安心的

A: We are checking bags to ensure the security of all passengers.
B: That’s fine with me! security n.1.安全,保障;2.抵押品; 3.[pl.]证券
A: There’s a segment of property close to the river that interests me.
B: Let’s go take a look at it this afternoon. segment n.1.部分,断片;2.(橘子等的)瓣

A: If you would select two scarves that you like, I will tell you which is the cheapest.
B: Actually, I would be happy with any of them. select vt.选择,挑选

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-17 08:06:21
A: I didn’t particularly enjoy that selection of music.
B: Fine. See what you think of this one. selection n.1.选择,挑选;2.被挑出来的人(或物),精选品; 3.可供选择的东西

A: If you weren’t so selfish, I would enjoy being with you more.
B: I am just trying to express what I want. selfish a.自私的,利己的

A: What course will you be taking this semester?
B: I will be taking Physics II, since I took Physics I in the fall. semester n. 学期

A: Has the rise in semiconductor prices adversely affected the economy?
B: Not in any statistically measurable way. semiconductor n.半导体

A: What did you think of your graduate seminar?
B: I found it very interesting, mostly because of the small number of people and the relaxed atmosphere. seminar n.(大学的)研究班,研讨会

A: Once the law is passed in the House of Representatives, it needs to be voted on in the Senate.
B: By that time it will be too late for it to become effective this year. senate n.参议院,上院

A: I am really disturbed by our foreign policy in the Mideast.
B: Why don’t you write your state senator and tell her your concerns? senator n.参议员

A: Why does he call so many shots in this business?
B: He’s been a Senior Trainer for 10 years. senior a.1.资格较老的,地位较高的;2.年长的
n.1.较年长者; 2.(中学或大学的)毕业班学生

A: I can’t see any way to solve this problem short of giving up!
B: Now, let’s be sensible about this and think it through before we act. sensible a.明智的,合情理的

A: I must be a very sensitive person to let these things affect me so much.
B: No, I just think you care a lot and your feelings were hurt. sensitive a.1.敏感的,灵敏的;2.神经过敏的,容易生气的; 3.易受伤害的

A: Could you describe for me the sequence of events?
B: Well, first, he went to the bank to cash a check, then he put the money in his wallet, and when he went to pay his bill, his wallet wasn’t in his pocket. That’s all we know. sequence n.1.连续,接续,一连串; 2.次序,顺序

A: There was a series of telephone calls in the middle of the night.
B: Could they have all been made by the same person? series n.1.一系列,连续;2.丛书,(电视)连续剧

A: Are you attending the first session of the conference or are you not coming until after lunch?
B: I wouldn’t miss the first session for anything! That’s when the keynote speaker will be there. session n.1.会议,一届会期; 2.(从事某项活动的)集会(或一段时间)

A: That hotel is the best setting for our conference meeting.
B: I agree. It has such a nice ambience and the service is excellent. setting n.1.环境,(小说等的)背景,(舞台等的)布景; 2.调节,设定的位置

A: It would be nice if we could come to a settlement on this before it actually goes to court.
B: Maybe so, but it would take a lot of compromising by both parties to reach an agreement. settlement n.1.解决,协议; 2.居留地

A: When do you think she will be responsible enough to take care of her own car?
B: Not before the age of seventeen. seventeen num.十七,十七个

A: How many children will be coming to the circus?
B: We think there will be about seventy. seventy num.七十,七十个

A: Severe thunderstorms have been predicted for tonight in our area.
B: I better make sure we have plenty of flashlights in case the power goes out. severe a.1.严重的;2.严厉的,严格的;3.严峻的,艰难的;4.朴素的,不加装饰的

A: He is being charged with ***ual harassment of a minor.
B: I find that hard to believe. ***ual a.1.性的,两性的;2.性别的

A: What was is that you didn’t like about her?
B: Her comments seemed quite superficial and shallow. shallow a.1.浅的;2.浅薄的

A: I really want to shave, but they asked us to grow a beard for the play.
B: I think you look quite handsome like that. shave vt.剃,刮,刨,削

A: Where should I put this extra firewood?
B: Just put it in the shed out back. shed vt.1.脱落,脱去; 2.流出,流下;3.发出(光等),散发; 4.摆脱,去掉

A: Did you have fun at the beach?
B: Yes, being with my family was sheer delight! sheer a.1.完全的,十足的; 2.陡峭的,垂直的;3.极薄的,透明的

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-17 08:06:42
A: Do you have a nutcracker? I can’t get this shell open.
B: Here. This one works really well. shell n.1.壳,贝壳;2.外壳,框架; 3.炮弹
vt.1.剥…的壳; 2.炮击

A: It’s starting to rain! What should we do?
B: Quick! Run to get under that shelter over there! shelter n.1.掩蔽处,躲避处; 2.住所;3.掩蔽,保护

A: Here, this umbrella will shield you from the sun.
B: Thanks. I burn very easily. shield n.防护物,护罩,盾(状物)

A: I need a car with automatic transmission. It’s hard for me to shift gears.
B: We only have two like that in stock. shift v.1.移动,转移;2.改变,转变

A: When it gets below thirty degrees, my hands begin to shiver with cold.
B: Why don’t you wear some gloves? shiver n.战栗,发抖

A: There is a shortage of water this time of year, so please only water your gardens once a week.
B: But my flowers will all die! shortage n.不足,缺少

A: I have only one major shortcoming. I can’t remember phone numbers.
B: If that’s the only problem you have, you’re in good shape. shortcoming n.短处,缺点

A: Shortly after we got there, I realized I had left my portfolio at home.
B: How did you get through the presentation without it? shortly ad.1.立刻,不久;2.不耐烦地,简短地

A: How can I fit this on my brochure?
B: Take it to the copy center and have them shrink it to a smaller size. shrink vi.1.起皱,收缩;2.退缩,畏缩

A: What did you mean when you shrugged your shoulders just now?
B: I just didn’t know what to say next. I was stumped. shrug v./n.耸肩(表示冷漠、怀疑等) shrug off对…满不在乎,对…不屑一顾

A: A crab moves sideways as opposed to forward and backward.
B: How does a turtle move? sideways ad./a.1.从一边地(的),向一边地(的); 2.在一边地(的); 3.斜着地(的),侧身地(的)

A: With a sigh of relief, she sat down in her chair after a hard day’s work.
B: What was it about her day that was so exhausting? sigh n.叹息(声)

A: As we were sightseeing, we saw the Queen entering the castle.
B: That must have been very exciting! sightseeing n.观光,游览

A: When you get to the end of the road, give me a signal so I will know what it is my turn to start.
B: But what if you don’t notice my signal? signal n.1.信号,暗号; 2.标志,表示
vt.1.向…发信号; 2.标志着

A: Where do I write my signature?
B: Right here on the dotted line. signature n.签名,署名,签字

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-17 08:07:01
A: What is the significance of the red light?
B: Could it mean that we are at the end of the line? significance n.1.意义,含义;2.重要性,重大

A: That was a very significant moment in her life.
B: You mean when she graduated from college? significant a.1.相当数量的;2.重要的,意义重大的;3.意味深长的

A: She was a talented young musician, and similarly an excellent singer.
B: Looks like she had a lot going for her in her life. similarly ad.相似地,类似地

A: How can he be so clear and effective in his presentation?
B: He has a strong sense of simplicity. simplicity n.1.简单,简易; 2.朴素

A: I truly want to simplify my life.
B: Perhaps you could start by cleaning out your closets. simplify vt.简化,使简明

A: What a sin to work so hard that you have no time for your family!
B: But how else can I bring in enough income to feed them all? sin n.罪,罪孽

A: I am sincere about wanting to spend time with you this weekend.
B: I feel exactly the same way. sincere a.诚挚的,真诚的,诚恳的

A: Did you know that the word “scissors” can be either singular or plural?
B: I did not know that. singular a.1.单数的;2.非凡的,突出的,奇特的

A: We picked the perfect site for building our house.
B: Please take me to see it. I want to see if it fits the lay of the land. site n.位置,场所,地点

A: When she turns “sweet sixteen” we want to have a big party for her.
B: How many more years until that happens? sixteen num.十六,十六个

A: We will move into our new house in sixty days.
B: Is that about two months away? sixty num.六十,六十个

A: The pond has frozen over.
B: I can’t wait to skate on it tonight with my friends! skate n.冰鞋

A: Could you sketch out your plan for the graphics in this project?
B: First, help me get a picture of it in my head. sketch n.1.略图,草图;2.梗概,大意;3.素描,速写
vt.1.绘…的略图,画…的素描(或速写); 2.概述,简述

A: What do you want to do over winter break?
B: I’d like to ski in the mountains. ski n.滑雪板

A: What are you qualifications for this job?
B: I am particularly skilled at writing grant proposals. skilled a.1.熟练的,有技能的; 2.需要技能的

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-17 08:07:25
A: He is a skillful writer.
B: Good, we need a stronger group of writers on our staff. skillful a.灵巧的,娴熟的

A: What is the best way to cover the topics for the meeting?
B: I think it would be best to just skim the surface of the first topic, and then delve deeply into the second topic. skim vt.1.撇(去); 2.掠过,擦过; 3.浏览,略读

A: Please don’t slam the door or it may wake up the baby.
B: Okay, I’ll keep it quiet. slam vt.1.砰地关上(门或窗); 2.猛地拉(或扔等),砰地放下;3.猛烈抨击

A: How did you get that bruise?
B: Someone accidentally slapped me on the face. slap vt.1.掴,掌击,拍; 2.啪的一声(用力)放

A: Where could I buy a shirt with short sleeves to wear when the weather gets warm?
B: Try the clothing store across the street. sleeve n.袖子

A: I wish I were more slender.
B: I think you look great just the way you are. slender a.1.苗条的,修长的; 2.微薄的,不足的,微弱的

A: Would you like to have a slice of my birthday cake?
B: Thank you, I would love a piece. slice n.1.薄片,切片;2.一份,部分

A: Is there room for me on the bench?
B: Sure! We’ll slide over and there will be plenty of room. slide v.1.(使)滑动,(使)下滑; 2.(使)悄悄地移动
n.1.滑动,下滑;2.滑道,滑面; 3.幻灯片
let slide 放任自流,听其自然

A: I notice a slight change in his appearance as he began to loose some of his hair.
B: Yes, I could tell a difference, too. slight a.1.轻微的,不足道的; 2.纤细的,瘦弱的

A: There is a slim chance that I could get us two tickets to the opera on Saturday night.
B: How wonderful! I was afraid they’d be all sold out. slim a.1.苗条的;2.薄的;3.(机会)少的,小的

A: Careful not to slip on the ice!
B: Thanks for warning me. I’ll be careful. slip vi.1.滑(倒),滑落;2.溜走;3.下降,跌落
give… the slip避开,甩掉
let slip偶然泄露(秘密等) slip up失误,出差错

A: It’s beginning to rain outside.
B: Watch out. The roads get very slippery when they are wet. slippery a.1.滑的; 2.油滑的,狡猾的,不可*的

A: There’s steep slope near the top of the trail.
B: I remember. That’s where people often lose their balance and fall. slope n.1.斜坡,斜面;2.倾斜,斜度

A: Did you see that car smash into the telephone pole?
B: Yes. I hope no one was hurt. smash vt.1.粉碎,打烂; 2.狠打,猛击; 3.使破灭,使失败
n.1.破碎(声);2.猛击,猛撞; 3.轰动的演出,巨大的成功

A: Sometimes it’s hard to snap out of a trance when you’ve been hypnotized.
B: It’s true. I’ve seen some people who have continued to act as if they were still hypnotized. snap vi.1.喀嚓折断,啪地绷断; 2.吧嗒一声(关上或打开); 3.(at)厉声说话,怒声责骂
vt.1.使喀嚓一声折断; 2.使发出吧嗒一声(关上或打开); 3.给…拍快照
n.1.吧嗒声; 2.快照
a.仓促的,突然的 snap out of迅速从…中恢复过来 snap up 1.抢购;2.抢先弄到手

A: How can I get this stain off my blouse?
B: I think it would help if you would soak it in baking soda. soak v.1.浸泡;2.(使)湿透,渗透 soak up 吸收,摄取

A: What is that so-called “friend” of yours up to?
B: Who? Him? He’s no friend of mine. We barely know each other. so-called a.所谓的,号称的

A: What are you doing this afternoon?
B: I’m off to play soccer with my frineds. soccer n.足球

A: He is very smart academically him too hard to study, and not allowing enough time for him to develop socially. social a.1.社会的;2.交际的,社交的

A: Your hamburger is almost ready. What would you like to drink?
B: A large soda, please. soda n.1.苏打水,汽水;2.苏打,碳酸钠

A: We need more places for people to sit in the living room.
B: Why don’t we move the long sofa over against the wall? sofa n. (长)沙发

A: I am having a terrible time keeping my finances in order.
B: Why don’t you go to the computer store and find a good software program to help you? software n.软件

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-17 08:08:09
A: I’d like to make our house more nergy efficient. Our electrical bills were very high this year.
B: Have you thought of adding solar panels to your roof to lower energy consumption and take advantage of the sun’s energy? solar a.1.太阳的,日光的;2.(利用)太阳能的
A: How can I help you?
B: I need to have the sole on my shoe repaired. It is worn down on on e side. sole a.1.单独的; 2.唯一的;2.独有的
n.脚底; 鞋底; 袜底

A: Could you tell if he was being serious in our converstion yesterday?
B: Yes, he gave solemn answers to my questions and looked me right in the eye as he talked. solemn a.1.严肃的;2.庄严的,隆重的

A: We need to keep working until we find a solution to the problem.
B: I agree. We can’t just give up. solution n.1.解答;2.解答,解决办法;3.溶液

A: How would you solve this mystery?
B: First, I would retrace our steps until we find the key. solve vt.1.解决,解答

A: Somehow, we will get everything done for this project and get it in on time.
B: It will be amazing, but now impossible to accomplish. somehow ad.1.以某种方式,用某种方法;2.不知怎么地

A: We must meet for lunch sometime soon.
B: How about this coming Friday? Are you free? sometime ad.将来某个时候,过去某个时候
a. 以前的,一度的

A: What do you think of her teaching style?
B: She seems somewhat distracted in her delivery and a little disorganized. somewhat ad.稍微,有点

A: He acted too sophisticated for me.
B: Me, too. I’m more comfortable with the relaxed, easy-going type. sophisticated a.1.老于世故的,老练的,精通的;2.精密的,尖端的,复杂的;3.高雅的,有教养的

A: Do you want to go running after school today?
B: I don’t think so. My legs are really sore from yesterday. sore a.1.疼痛的,痛苦的;2.恼火的;3.极度的,剧烈的

A: She’s been in constant sorrow since her cat died.
B: Maybe we could take her on a trip to the mountains to get her mind off it. sorrow n.1.悲哀,悲痛;2.伤心事,不幸的事

A: This milk has gone sour, could you replace it?
B: Sorry, here’s a fresh one at no charge. sour

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-17 08:08:26
a.1.酸的,酸味的); 2.馊的,酸臭的;3.乖戾的,尖酸刻薄的
v.1.(使)变酸,(使)变馊; 2.(使)变的乖戾(或暴躁)

A: What was the source of your information?
B: I read it in the newspaper yesterday. source n.1.源(泉),发源地; 2.来源,出处

A: I understand that there is a thunderstorm coming our way.
B: Yes, I heard on the weather channel that it would blow in from the southeast. southeast n.东南(方),东南部

A: Have you ever taken a trip to the southwest?
B: Actually, we are planning to go that direction this summer for vacation. southwest n.西南(方),西南部

A: April is the perfect time to sow seeds directly in the garden.
B: Is that after all danger of frost has passed? sow vt.播(种)

A: Why did they postpone the shuttle launch?
B: I heard that they found some malfunctions in the electrcal system of the spacecraft itself. spacecraft n.航天器,宇宙飞船

A: I am digging a spring garden. Do you have a spade I could borrow?
B: Yes, there is one in our garden shed. spade n.锹,铲子

A: Over the span of one year he has grown three inches!
B: It’s amazing how fast they grow at this age! span n.1.一段时间;2.跨距,跨度

A: That fire started from just one tiny spark.
B: I guess that’s why it’s so important to thoroughly douse a campfire before leaving. spark n.火花,火星

A: He certainly was a motivating speacker!
B: I agree, let’s invite him back next year. speaker n.1.说话者,演讲者;2.讲某种语言的人;3.扬声器

A: What can I do about her constant headaches?
B: I would send her to a pain specialist. specialist n.专家

A: Do you seel digital watches?
B: No, I only specialize in watch repair. You will need to go to the shop next door. specialize vi.(in)专门研究,专攻

A: What kind of skull is this?
B: It comes from a species of animal particular to this part of the world. species n.种,类

A: I have a specific shoe I am looking for.
B: Maybe if you describe it, I could help you find it. specific a.1.特定的,特有的;2.明确的,具体的

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-17 08:08:42
A: I can’t specifically remember what happened on that day.
B: Well, could you give me your general impressions and feelings? specifically ad.1.特别地;2.明确地,具体地

A: Please specify the details of the item you are ordering.
B: I would like two blue sweatshirts, please. specify vt.明确说明,具体指定

A: How do I find out the mercury content of the soil?
B: Just dig a small specimen from each area of your yard and send it to our lab. Then we will send you a report. specimen n.标本,样本

A: What did you think of the show last night?
B: It was a spectacular performance! spectacular a.壮观的,引人注目的

A: Who do you think commited the crimes?
B: I’d rather not speculate on that at this time. speculate vi.1.(about, on)推测,推断; 2.投机,做投机买卖

A: He writes a very interesting story.
B: Yes. And now he needs to work on his spelling and mechanics. spelling n.拼写,拼法

A: When people began to see the earth as a sphere, modes of travel took on a new meaning.
B: Mapmaking drastically changed as well. sphere n.1.球(体); 2.范围,领域

A: Look at the spider spinning its web!
B: I see. And the drops of dew on it look like diamonds! spider n.蜘蛛

A: Be careful not to spill your drink on the rug.
B: I’ll just drink it in the kitchen. spill v.(使)溢出,(使)洒落

A: Why are they raising so many sheep?
B: They shear them and spin the wool into yarn. spin vi.1.旋转;2.晕眩; 3.纺(纱),织(网)

A: I am in need of some spiritual renewal.
B: Perhaps going on a silent retreat would help. spiritual a.1.精神(上)的;2.宗教(上)的

A: I really dislike seeing people spit on the sidewalk.
B: I find it not to be a clean and healthy practice. spit vi.吐唾沫(或痰)
n.唾液,唾沫 spit out厉声说出

A: In spite of all the criticism you hear from me, I think you are doing a fantastic job!
B: Thank you. I am relieved to hear that. spite n.恶意,怨恨
in spite of 不顾,不管

A: What if we split our job in half and you did the mornings and I worked afternoons?
B: That’s fine with me!
vt.1.使分裂;2.劈开,撕裂; 3.分担,分享
n.1.裂口;2.分裂 split up1.断绝关系,离婚;2.划分

A: It would spoil things now if you left our band.
B: Oh, I didn’t realize you needed one more vocalist. spoil vt. 1.损坏,破坏;2.宠坏,溺爱

A: We need to go and talk to them about this problem.
B: Okay, I’ll be the spokesman for the group. spokeman n.发言人

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-18 09:09:49
A: Would you sponsor me when I apply for membership into the club?
B: I’d be glad to. I think you would be an excellent member. sponsor n.发起者,主办者,赞助者
vt.1.发起,主办;2.资助,赞助; 3.支持

A: He has become quite a sportsman.
B: I remember when he was just learning the game three years ago. sportsman n.运动员

A: When you asked me to sing in front of the group, I felt really on the spot.
B: Sorry, next time I’ll try to be more sensitive. spot n.1.地点,处所;2.斑点,污点;3.少量
on the spot 1.在场,到场;2.立即,马上,当场

A: The aphids are eating up my plants!
B: I hate to spray insecticide, because it is terrible for the environment. Let’s try to find another alternative. spray v.喷,(使)溅散
n.1.浪花,水花,飞沫; 2.喷雾

A: I have pain shooting down my neck and arms every day.
B: Could you have a bone spur on your spine? spur n.刺激(物),激励
on the spur of the moment 一时冲动之下,当即

A: I know I can always count on him.
B: I agree. He is a very stable person. stable a.1.稳定的,稳固的;2.沉稳的,持重的

A: What should we do with all this firewood?
B: Let’s stack it under that shed so we can keep it dry for winter. stack n.整齐的一叠(或一堆)

A: Are you going to the game?
B: Yes. Let’s meet at the north side of the stadium under the clock. stadium n.运动场,体育场

A: Tell me about your department.
B: Well, we have an incredible staff of five people, and each of us handles one aspect of the business. staff n.全体职工,全体人员

A: How could I get this stain out of my shirt?
B: Why don’t you try bleach? stain vt.玷污,污染,染色

A: We have so much at stake with this deal.
B: I sure hope you are successful in getting it spproved. stake n.1.桩,标桩; 2.利害关系,股份;3.赌本,赌注
at stake 在危急关头,在危险中

A: The crackers are going stale.
B: I’ve heard that if you put them in the oven for a few minutes, you can crisp them up. stale a.1.不新鲜的;2.陈腐的,过时的

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-18 09:10:05
A: If you look at it from the standpoint of the customers, then it makes sense to lower prices.
B: But can we afford to take that risk? standpoint n.立场,观点

A: I cannot accept the fact that there are people who starve to death every day.
B: Neither can I . What can we do about it? starve v.(使)挨饿,(使)饿死

A: He made a statement to the press that I did not understand.
B: Maybe we could ask him to clarify at our next meeting. statement n.1.声明,陈述,说法;2.结算单,报表

A: I could’t hear what you said. There was too much static on the phone.
B: Okay, I’ll repeat what I said. static a.1.静的,静力的,静态的;2.静止的,停滞的

A: Is there a static that would help support our conclusions?
B: I think we could find one or two on this chart. statisitc n.1.统计数值,统计资料; 2.[~s]统计学

A: The statue in the garden looks old and cracked.
B: Maybe we should replace it with a new one. statue n.塑像,雕像

A: What’s the status on the traffic today?
B: I hear it’s pretty congested on the forth side of town. status n.1.地位,身份;2.情形,状况

A: Do you think we should hire her?
B: Yes, she’s a steady and capable worker. steady a.1.稳的,平稳的;2.稳定的,持续的;3.稳重的,坚定的
v. (使)平稳,(使)稳定

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-18 09:10:39
A: I am hungry for some good pretein.
B: How about a delicious steak? steak n.牛排;肉排;鱼排

A: I’m cooking steamed broccoli tonight. Have you seen our steamer?
B: I think it’s in the bottom cabinet. steamer n.汽船,轮船,蒸锅,蒸笼

A: I don’t know if I can make it up that steep hill.
B: Try peddling fast going down this one, and you’ll be able to make it up that one. steep a.1.陡的,陡峭的;2.(价格等)过高的;3.急剧的(上升或下降)

A: Which way do I go to get to the theater?
B: Head north on the highway, and when you come to the fork, steer left towards the river. steer vt.1.驾驶,为…操舵; 2.引导
vi.驾驶 steer clear of 绕开,避开

A: What did that idea stem from?
B: I think it came from my experience with children playing hopscotch. stem n.1.茎,干; 2.词干
vi. (from) 起源于
vt. 堵住,止住,抑止

A: Whenever I spill honey on the kitchen counter, it gets very sticky.
B: Usually a rag with hot water will wash it off. sticky a.1.粘的,粘性的; 2.(天气)湿热的;3.困难的,棘手的

A: My joints are getting stiff. Is there anything I can do to loosen them up?
B: I usually take herbs and a hot bath with salts. stiff a.1.硬的,僵直的;2.不灵活的;3.拘谨的,生硬的;4.艰难的,费劲的;5.(风等)强烈的
ad.1.极其,非常; 2.僵硬地

A: I wish I could find something that would stimulate me to exercise.
B: Have you tried doing it with a friend? Or how about dancing? stimulate vt.刺激,激励

A: Did that bee sting you on the hand?
B: Yes, I was digging in the garden and I must have gotten into a hive! sting vi.1.刺,蛰,叮; 2.感到剧痛
vt.1.刺,蛰,叮; 2.刺痛,使痛苦;3.激怒
n.1.(昆虫的)蛰刺; 2.刺(痛),剧痛

A: After you add all the ingredients, stir them all together.
B: But we are out of eggs. I need to run to the store first. stir vt.1.搅拌,搅动;2.使徽动;3.激起,打动
n.1.搅拌,搅动;2.激动,骚乱 stir up 激起,挑起

A: It may snow tonight. Let’s stock up on hot chocolate.
B: Good idea! Let’s go to the store. stock n.1.备料,库存,现货; 2.股票,公债;3.世系,血统;4.汤汁; 5.[总称]家畜,牲畜
a. 常用的,常备的
in stock 有现货的,有库存的
out of stock 无现货的,脱销的
take stock of 对…估价,判断

A: Do you like my stokings?
B: Actually, I think they look sort of silly. stocking n.长袜

A: Why are you stooped over like that ?
B: My back’s been really hurting me lately. stoop vi.1.弯腰,俯身;2.(to)堕落到,降低身份(做某事)

A: We have so much stuff! Let’s put some of it in storage.
B: Okay, I’ll reserve us a storage unit. storage n.1.贮藏,保管;2.存储

A: If we add enough wood to the stove, maybe we can stay warm all night.
B: We need to. I have been freezing at night! stove n.炉子,火炉

A: I don’t want to put a strain on you.
B: That’s okay! I think I can handle it! strain n.1.拉紧,绷紧; 2.过劳,极度紧张;3.张力;4.扭伤,拉伤; 5.[常pl.]旋律,曲调;6.品种,品系,家系;7.气质,个性特点
vt.1.扭伤,拉伤; 2.尽力使用,使紧张; 3.绷紧,拉紧

A: How can we keep this from falling off our bike?
B: What if we strap it to the handlebars? strap n.带,皮带

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-18 09:10:56
A: We need tcome up with a strategic plan of how to get there.
B: I know, we could travel in the night to avoid the traffic. strategic a.1.对全局有重大意义的,关键的; 2.战略上的

A: What strategy is he using to get into law school?
B: I think he is applying to four schools and sending resumes and portfolios. strategy n.战略,策略

A: How can we keep the weeds our of the garden ?
B: Straw works pretty well, unless ther eare seeds in it that start to sprout. straw n.1.稻草,麦杆; 2.吸管

A: We followed the stream to the pond.
B: What did you do next? stream n. 1.小河,溪流;2.流,一股,一串
v. 流(出),涌(出)

A: I would like to strengthen my calf muscles.
B: Have you thought about hiring a trainer to help you plan an exercise routine? strengthen vt.加强,巩固

A: How can I cope with all of the stress in my life?
B: Have you tried daily maditation? stress n.1.压力,紧张;2.强调,重要性;3.应力; 4.重音

A: I wake up in the moring with a lot of back pain.
B: Why don’t you try doing a regular stretch routine at night before you go to bed? stretch vi.伸展,延伸,延续
n.1.一段时间,一段路程,连绵的一片; 2.伸展,延伸,延续
at a stretch 不停地,连续地

A: That certainly is a striking ourfit you’re wearing.
B: Thank you. striking

A: Please don’t string our this project.
B: If I really put my mind to it, I should be able to finish it in the next few days. string n.1.弦,线,细绳; 2.一串,一行
vt. 1.用线串; 2.(用线)悬挂,系住 string along 1.欺骗,愚弄; 2.(with)跟随 string out (使)成行地展开

A: There is s strip of fast-food restaurants on that road.
B: Surely we will be able to find somewhere to eat strip vi. 脱光衣服
vt. 1.剥去,脱去…的衣服; 2.剥夺,夺走
n. 条,狭条,带状物

A: I would like to buy the blue workout pants with the red stripe down the side.
B: They are a good buy and are on sale. stripe n. 条纹

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-18 09:11:18
A: We just had a stroke of good luck!
B: What happened ? Did you win the lottery? stroke n. 1.中风; 2.一举,一次努力; 3.划桨,划水;4.击,敲; 5.报时的钟声;6.笔划,一笔; 7.抚摩
vt. 抚摩

A: Will this building be able to withstand hurricanes and earthquakes?
B: I ma confident that the structure of the building is sound and strong enough. structure n. 1.结构,构造;2.建筑物
vt. 构造,建造

A: I will be working all day in my studio.
B: Are you trying to get your paintings done for the art show? studio n. 1.画室,摄影室; 2.播音室,录音室,摄影棚

A: We have so much stuff in this house!
B: If we ever have to pack up and move, it will be a big job! stuff n.原料,材料,东西

A: What do you think it is about her style of writing that is so appealing?
B: I think it’s how she can describe her characters as if they were paintings. style n. 1.风格,文体; 2.式样,类型;3.流行式样,时尚

A: If I were to submerge myself in my work, I think I might get all of the project completed on time.
B: But what would it cost you in the rest of your life? submerge vi. 潜入水中
vt. 浸没,淹没

A: Could you submit your letter to me for review by the end of October?
B: Ohly if I stop all other projects to get it done. submit vi. (to) 屈服,听从
vt. 1.呈送,提交;2.主张,建议

A: There were subsequent calls on the phone that added evidence to the case.
B: Do you think any of them were related to the previous call? subsequent a.随后的,后来的

A: There was not a lot of substance to her testimony.
B: I agree. It was very weak and unreliable. substance n. 1.物质;2.实质;3.大意,要旨; 4.根据,理由

A: He made a substantial contribution on our charity.
B: Does he do this every year? substantial a.1.可观的,大量的;2.牢固的,结实的;3.实质的,真实的

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-18 09:11:31
A: Our main actor is sick? What should we do ?
B: We’ll just have to find a substitute. The show must go on. substitute n. 代用品,代替者
vi.(for) 代替,替代 A: If I subtract the twenty-five damaged pots from our inventory, how many do we have ready to ship?
B: I think we will still have 130 left. subtract v.减(去) A: Where does he live?
B: He lives in the nearby suburb and drives to work each day. suburb n.市郊,郊区 A: What is the quickest way to get to the north part of town?
B: The subway is quickest and cheapest. subway n.1.地铁;2.地下过道,地道 A: There were eight monarchs in successsion over the last twenty years.
B: Who has the first monarch? succession n.1.连续,接续;2.一连串,一系列;3.接替,继任 A: What was your greatest achievement as a coach?
B: Probably winning five successive championships. successive a.连接的,连续的 A: How does a baby learn to suck milk from its mother?
B: I just think it is a natural instinct that humans are born with. suck v.吸,吮 suck up 奉承,拍马屁 A: Is that a sufficient amount of money to cover the cost of the beach house?
B: I don’t know! I’ll need to check with the realtor. sufficient a.足够的,充分的
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-18 09:13:07
A: Do you have a suggestion of what would be the best way to solve the traffic problem in the mornings?
B: I think we first need to do a survey of the traffic patterns at that time of day, and then look at how the timers are set on the stoplights. suggestion n.1.建议,意见;2.细微的迹象;3.暗示,联想

A: What is the current suicide rate for teenagers in urban communities?
B: I think it varies based on the quality of their family life. suicide n.1.自杀;2.自取灭亡

A: What is the sum of two and two?
B: That’s too easy. It’s four. sum n.1.总额,总和; 2.金额;3.算术
vi. 共计
in sum 总而言之 sum up 总结,概括

A: Would you please summarize the main points of the keynote address so that I can remember them?
B: I’m sorry, but I was picking up a colleague at the airport at that time. summarize vt. 概括,总结

A: Here is a summary of the work I have been doing over the last month.
B: Does this include your time at the conference in Beijing? summary n.摘要,概要
in summary 总的来说,概括起来

A: We will be having a summit meeting in June to discuss the peace initiatives.
B: Hopelly we will then be able to address the boundary issues between our countries. summit n.1.(山等的)最高点,峰顶; 2.最高级会议;3.顶峰,极点

A: Every morning the sunlight wakes me from a deep sleep.
B: Have you tried drawing the curtains? sunlight n.日光,阳光

A: At sunrise, I sit and meditate before I start my busy day.
B: Does that help to calm your spirit and focus your mind? sunrise n.1.日出,拂晓;2.朝霞

A: At sunset, I look out over the field and often see a herd of deer peacefully grazing.
B: Sunset is a very calming time of day. sunset n.1.日落,傍晚;2.晚霞

A: I love sitting in the sunshine!
B: Just be sure to wear sunscreen! sunshine n.日光,日照

A: What a superb dinner that was!
B: Thank you! I really wanted to fix a special one for you. superb a.极好的,高质量的

A: The conversation I had with her was very superficial.
B: Maybe you could give her another chance in a less stressful situation. superficial a.1.肤浅的,浅薄的;2.表面的

A: She talked to us as if she were our superior.
B: It actually felt very condescending to me. superior a.1.上级的,(在职位,地位等方面)较高的;2.(to)较好的,优于…的; 3.优良的,卓越的;4.有优越感的,高傲的

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-18 09:13:37
A: Would you go to the supermarket and pick up a few fresh tomatoes for dinner?
B: I’d be glad to. See you soon. supermarket n.超级市场

A: Each day I take a vitamin supplement for my skin.
B: Does is really help? supplement n.1.增补(物),补充(物); 2.增刊,副刊

A: What would you characterize as the superme accomplishment of your storied career?
B: I would have to say negotiating the peace agreement of 1974. superme a.1.最高的,至上的;2.极度的,最重要的

A: He went in for routine surgery on his heart.
B: Was is successful, or were there complications? surgery n. 1.外科,外科手术;2.手术室

A: There’s a surplus of corn in our part of the country.
B: Could you work out a way to export it to another country or region? surplus n.过剩,剩余,赢余
a. 过剩的,多余的

A: When did the enemy finally surrender?
B: They surrendered at the stroke of midnight last night. surrender vi.1.投降;2.(to)屈服(于),让步

A: The troops are beginning to surround our camp.
B: Perhaps we could spread out and distract them surround vt.1.包围; 2.环绕,围绕

A: When I’m alone in the woods, I feel at one with my surroundings.
B: Can you describe the feeling in more detail? surroundings n.周围的事物,环境

A: Before we can appraise the house, we need an accurate survey of the property.
B: Let’s wait until we have a fair weather day. survey n.1.调查,查勘; 2.测量,测勘; 3.全面审视,概括论述
vt.1.调查,检视(建筑物等);2.测量,测勘; 3.全面审视,概括论述

A: If all we do is watch out for our own survival, we miss a major piece of our existence.
B: I firmly agree with you. survival n. 1.幸存,继续生存;2.幸存者,残存物
A: If I can survive writing this book, I can survive anything.
B: I don’t think writing a book is as hard as you’re making it our to be. survive vi.活下来,幸存,继续存在
vt.1.从…逃出,幸免于; 2.从(困境等)中挺过来;3.比…活得长

A: Who is the chief suspect in the crime?
B: As of right now, the chief suspect is the victim’s brother. suspect vt.1.疑有,推测;2.对…表示怀疑(或不信任)

A: Let’s suspend all judgment until all the facts are in.
B: It will be hard to wait that long. suspend vt.1.暂停,中止; 2.悬,挂,吊

A: What is your suspicion about this case?
B: Well, I believe we don’t yet have enough information to make either a guess or a judgment. suspicion n.1.怀疑,涉嫌; 2.一点儿,少量

A: Can you sustain this amount of energy throughout the tournament?
B: I don’t know. I may need to build up my endurance. sustain vt.1.保持,使持续下去;2.供养,维持(生命等); 3.支持,支撑;4.经受,遭受

A: It is hard for me to swallow pills.
B: Have you tried putting them in apple sauce? swallow vt.1.吞,咽; 2.轻信,轻易接受;3.承受,使不流露
n.1.燕子; 2.吞,咽

A: As I watch the trees sway in the breeze, I realize that I am a small part of a much bigger picture.
B: Yes, we are truly only a part of the whole! sway vi.摇摆,摇动
n. 1.摇摆,摇动;2.起支配作用的影响

A: I swear that I will not tell anyone our secret!
B: Good, because I’m putting my trust in you. swear v.1.诅咒,咒骂;2.宣誓,发誓 swear by 极其信赖 swear in [常用被动语态]使宣誓就职 swear off 保证戒掉,放弃

A: After three hours of basketball, I was covered in sweat.
B: Were you drinking enough water to stay hydrated? sweat vi.出汗,流汗

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-18 09:13:56
A: What color is your sweater?
B: It’s a mixture of greens and blues. sweater n.针织套衫,羊毛套衫
A: That would be swell if you could come.
B: I’ll try, if my game finishes early enough. swell vi.1.肿胀,膨胀,鼓起; 2.增强,增多,扩大
n.1.波浪起伏; 2.鼓起,隆起;3.增强,增加
A: He’s very swift on his feet!
B: Yes, I think he could be a sprinter. swift a.1.迅速的,速度快的;2.敏捷的,反应快的
A: When I was a kid, I loved to play on the swings.
B: So did I. I felt like I was flying. swing v.1.(使)摇摆,(使)摇荡;2.(使)旋转; 3.(使)突然转向
in full swing 正在余力进行中
A: Do you think we could switch seats on the airplane so we can sit together?
B: I think it depends on how full the plane is. switch v.转变,改变,转换
n.1.开关,电闸;2.转变,改变 switch off (用开关)关掉 switch on (用开关)开启
A: He pulled out his sword and began to fight.
B: Did his opponent have a sword, too. sword n.剑,刀
A: The flag is an important symbol of the nation.
B: What are some other symbols of the nation? symbol n.1.符号,标志;2.象征
A: He was very sympathetic to our cause.
B: I could tell that he would be willing to support us. sympathetic a.1.同情的,体谅的;2.(to)赞同的,支持的;3.和谐的,合意的
A: I sympathize with her point of view.
B: Do you think she knows we understand her perspective? sympathize vi.1.同情,怜悯;2.体谅,赞同
A: How can I let her know I care?
B: You could express your sympathy by sending a note or a card. sympathy n.1.同情,同情心;2.(思想感情上的)支持,赞同
A: What is the main symptom for a heart attack?
B: Usually the main symptom is chest pain. symptom n.1.症状;2.征候,征兆
A: Is this shoe made of real or synthetic leather?
B: It’s real, as far as I know. synthetic a.1.合成的,人造的;2.虚假的
A: Why has the team struggled this year?
B: Because they’re still getting used to the new coach’s new system. system n.1.系统,体系;2.制度,体制;3.方法,做法;4.身体
A: We need a systematic way of handing all of this paperwork
B: I agree, it is getting out of hand. systematic a. 有系统的,系统化的 语言村新概念学习俱乐部
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-18 14:52:16编辑过]
继木 发表于 2006-5-18 11:24:26
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