






发布者: christlulu | 发布时间: 2006-5-17 10:07| 查看数: 42654| 评论数: 68|


christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:10:47
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)
Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B),C) and D). You should decided on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.   Passage One ?
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. ? There are many ways of defining success. It is accurate to say that each of ushas our own concept of success to the extent that each of us is responsible for setting our own goals and determining whether we have met these goals satisfactorily. Because each of us possesses unique differences in genetic ability and favorable environments in which to express these abilities, it is necessarily truethat we must define success broadly.?
  For some people, simply being able to live their life with a minimum of misery and suffering is considered a success. Think of the peace of mind of the poor shepherd who tends his sheep, enjoys his frugal life with his family in the beauty of nature, and who is respected because he does a good job of achieving the goals expected of and accepted by him and his society. On the other hand, it seems that even though some people appear to be rich in material possessions, many
of them seem to be miserable and consider themselves unsuccessful when judged by their own goals of success. Because not all ventures can be successful, one should not set unrealistic goals for achieving success, but if one has self-confidence it would be unfortunate to set one’s goals at too low a level of achievement. ?
 A wise counselor once said to a young man who was experiencing frustration with his own professional success: “You do not have to set your goal to reach the moon in order to have success in traveling. Sometimes one can be very successful merely by taking a walk in the park, or riding the subway downtown,” The counselor added, “You have not really failed and spoiled your chances for success until you have been unsuccessful at something you really like, and to which you have given your best effort.”?
21. In the first paragraph, the author implies that ____ is essential in achieving success.?
A) ability and goals ?
B) goals and determination ?
C) ability and environment ?
D) goals and environment?
22.The word “frugal”(Line. 4, Para 2.) means____.?
A) wealthy B)wasteful ?
C) thrifty D)miserable?
23. Some rich people consider themselves unsuccessful because____.?
A) their life is miserable ?
B) they do not live in peace?
C) their goals are too low ?
D) they are not rich enough by their own standards?
24. The last paragraph implies that____.?
A) we should have high goals ?
B) success means achieving great goals?
C) success means taking a walk in the park?
D) success means trying one’s best at what one really likes ?
25. This passage mainly talks about____.?
A) the definition of success ?
B) how to achieve success?
C) how to set goals ?
D) the importance of goals? Passage Two ?
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. ?
Friendship is one of the basic bonds between human beings. While the characteristics of friendship might vary from one country to another, people from all cultures not only enjoy friends but need them.?
Many studies have shown that teenagers who have no friends often suffer from psychological disorders. It has been shown that teenagers, perhaps more than anyother age group, need companionship and a sense of belonging. The negative cons
equences of loneliness have also been observed among the elderly. The death of aspouse often leaves a widow or a widower totally bereft. If, however, they are surrounded by friends and relatives and if they are able to articulate their feelings, they are more likely to recover from their grief.?
“No man is an island.” In other words, we are all parts of society. We all need the love, admiration, respect and moral support of other people. If we are fortunate, our friends will provide us with all of these necessary aspects of life.
? As most people observe, there are many levels of friendship. The degree or intensity of friendship varies depending on the personality of the individuals involved and the context of the relationships. Extroverts enjoy being surrounded by many people whereas introverts are perhaps content with fewer but more intense friendships.?Everyone is not equally open with all their friends. The degree of intimacy is determined by many factors. Close friends can be formed at any stage in one’s life but they are usually very rare. Not very many people have more than a few really close friends. Irrespective of the level of intimacy, all friendships are based on reciprocity, honesty and a certain amount of love and affection.?
26. The second paragraph implies that ____.?
A) teenagers without friends will suffer from psychological problems?
B) a widow or a widower will die very soon without companionships?
C) human being need companionships and a sense of belonging.?
D) both A and B?
27. “No man is an island”(Line 1, Para. 3) implies that____.?
A) everyone is a part of an island ?
B) man cannot be an island?
C) everyone is just a part of society ?
D) society is an island?
28. The degree of intimacy of friendship mainly depends on____?
A) age B) belonging ?
C) personality D) culture?
29. The author thinks that close friends____.?
A) can be easily formed when one is young?
B) cannot be long-lasting?
C) are not rare for everyone?
D) are rare for most people?
30.The word “irrespective”(Last Sentence, Para5) means____.?
A) not respecting ?
B) dishonoring ?
C) regardless?
D) considering? Passage Three ?
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. ?
If you want to stay young, sit down and have a good think. This is the research finding of a team of Japanese doctors,who say that most of our brains are not getting enough exercise-and as a result, we are aging unnecessarily soon. ?
Professor Taiju Matsuzawa wanted to find out why otherwise healthy farmers in northern Japan appeared to be losing their ability to think and reason at a relatively early age. With a team of colleagues at Tokyo National University, he set about measuring brain volumes of a thousand people of different ages and varying occupations. ?Computer technology enabled the researchers to obtain precise measurements ofthe volume of the front and side sections of the brain, which relate to intellect and emotion, and determine the human character. The rear(后方的) section of the brain, which controls functions like eating and breathing, does not contract with age, and one can continue living without intellectual on emotional faculties or functions.?Contraction of front and side parts—as cells die off—was observed in some subjects in their thirties, but it was still not evident in some sixty-and seventy-year-olds.Matsuzawa concluded from his tests that there is a simple remedy to t
he contraction normally associated with age—using the head.?
The findings show in general terms that contraction of the brain begins sooner in the country than in the towns. Those least at risk says Matsuzawa, are lawyers, followed by university professors and doctors, white collar workers
doing routine work in government offices are, however, as likely to have shrinking brains as the farm worker, bus driver and shop assistant.?Matsuzawa’s findings show that thinking can prevent the brain from shrinking.Blood must circulate properly in the head to supply the fresh oxygen the brain cells need. “The best way to maintain good blood circulation is through using the brain,” he says. “Think hard and engage in conversation. Don’t rely on pocket
31. The Japanese doctors find out that____.?
A) our brains are aging too early?
B) Japanese farmers are ageing at a relatively early age?
C) our brains are not getting enough exercise?
D) Japanese farmers are losing their ability to think?
32. The research findings based on ____.?
A) a survey of Japanese farmers.?
B) tests performed on a thousand old people?
C) study of brain volumes of different people?
D) the latest development of computer technology. ?
33.According to the third paragraph, ____.?
A) the volume of the side section of the brain determines the human character?
B) the front section of the brain controls function of eating ?
C) the front section of the brain does not contract with age?
D) human can live without intellectual on emotional functions.?
34.According to the passage, which people seem to age sooner than the others??
A) Shop assistants. B)Professors.?C) Lawyers. D)Doctors.?
35.We should not rely on pocket calculators because____.?
A) They are not clever as our brains?
B) We need to use our brains to prevent it from shrinking?
C) They are harmful to our brains ?
D) We could not get enough practice on mathematics?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:11:21
Passage Four ?
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage. ?
It is not often realized that women held a high place in southern European societies in the 10th and 11th centuries. As a wife, the woman was protected by the setting up of a dowry (嫁妆). Admittedly, the purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of desertion, but in reality its function in the social and family life of the time was much more important. The dowry was the wife’s right to receive a tenth of all her husband’s property. The wife had the right to with hold consent, in all transactions the husband would make, and more than just a right; the documents show that she enjoyed a real power of decision, equal to that of her husband. In no case do the documents indicate any degree of difference in the legal status of husband and wife.?
The wife shared in the management of her husband’s personal property, but the opposite was not always true. Women seemed perfectly prepared to defend their own inheritance against husbands who tried to exceed their rights, and on occasion they showed a fine fighting spirit. A case in point is that of Maria Vivas. Having agreed with her husband Miro to sell a field she had inherited, for the needs of the household, she insisted on compensation. None being offered, she succeeded in dragging her husband to the scribe to have a contract duly drawn up assigning her a piece of land from Miro’s personal inheritance. The unfortunate husband was obliged to agree, as the contract says, “for the sake of peace.” Either through the dowry or through being hot-tempered, the wife knew how to win herself, with the context of the family, a powerful economic position.?
36. Originally, the purpose of a dowry is to ____.?
A) give her the right to receive all her husband’s property?
B) help her to enjoy a higher position in the family?
C) protect a woman against the risk of desertion?
D) both A and C?
37. According to the passage, the legal status of the wife in marriage was____.?
A) higer than that of a single woman?
B) higher than that of her husband?
C) lower than that of her husband?
D) the same as that of her husband?
38. Why does the author give us the example of Maria Vivas??
A) To show that the wife shared in the management of her husband’s personal property.?
B) To show that the wife can defend her own inheritance. ?
C) To prove that women have powerful position. ?
D) To illustrate how women win her property.?
39.The compensation Maria Vivas gets for the field is ____.?
A) some of the land Miro had inherited?
B) a tenth of Miro’s land?
C) money for household expenses?
D) money form Miro’s inheritance?
40. The author’s attitude towards Maria Vivas is ____.?
A) sympathetic B) disapproval ?C) indifferent D) objective?? Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure(20 minutes)
Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ?
41. By buying ten books every month, he soon ____ a good library.?
A) accumulated B) assembled ?
C) collected D) acquired?
42. Mary doesn’t want to work right away because she thinks that if she ____ a job she probably wouldn’t be able to see her boy friends very often.?
A)has to get B) had got ?
C)were to get D) could have got ?
43. They are all for your proposal that the seminar ____.?
A) be put off B) was put off   ?
C) should put off    D) is to put off?
44. She never laughed, ____ cry.?
A) or she ever did  ?
B) nor did she ever ?
C) or did she ever ?
D) nor she ever did?
45. The United Nations ____ trying to find a better way to bring the two parties together.?
A) is B) are?
C) be D) being?
46. You can ____ meat or fish in salt. ?
A) preserve B) reserve ?
C) remain D) maintain?
47. He ____ the newspaper while having his breakfast .?
A) observed B) overlooked ?
C) scanned D) glanced?
48. ____ her sister, Mary is careless and irresponsible.?
A) likely B) unlike ?
C) dislike D) alike?
49. Although his gestures were elaborate, his face was ____.?
A) blank B) empty ?
C) vacant D) hollow?
50. It is universally____ that dogs have an acute sense of smell.?
A) confessed B) acknowledged ?
C) admitted D) conceded?
51. Ability to get along with people is an ____ in business.?
A) capital B) property?
C) goods D) asset?
52. Many Africans were ____ to Christianity.?
A) changed B) transformed ?
C) converted D) exchanged?
53. The ____ scene of the waterfall is a perfect delight to the eye.?
A) significant B) magnificent ?
C) superstitious D) substantial?
54. A lot of traffic accidents____ from carelessness.?
A) arouse B) arise ?
C) raise D) rise?
55. The teacher____ me____ for disobedience.?
A) called ...down ?
B) called...upon ?
C) called...off ?
D) called...out?
56. Some areas, ____their severe weather conditions, are hardly populated.
A) due to B) but for ?
C) in spite of D) with regard to?
57. I left for the school earlier than usual this morning ____ traffic jam.?
A) in terms of ?
B) in case of ?
C) for the sake of?
D) at the risk of?
58. John felt very ____ when everyone laughed at his question. ?
A) boring B) complex ?
C) embarrassed D) encouraged?
59. He criticized everything and everybody, and even ____ his teachers.?
A) ran over B) ran down ?
C) ran against D) ran into ?
60. In this experiment, they are wakened several times during the night, and asked to report what they ____.?
A) had been dreaming ?
B) have been dreaming?
C) are dreaming ?
D) had dreamt?
61. It was several hours before I was ____ of what was happening.?
A) alive B) aware ?
C) awake D) ware?
62. Understanding this article is ____ a seven-year-old child’s capacity.?
A) on B) up ?
C) down D) beyond?
63. Frequent cultural exchange will certainly help ____friendly relations between our two universities.?
A) foster B) utilize ?
C) cherish D) raise?
64. Such a difficult operation may not succeed, it’s a(n) ____ gamble.
A) essential B) fundamental ?
C) elementary D) inevitable?
65. The Chinese nation is____ for its diligence and courage.?
A) disgusted B) distinguished?
C) discouraged D) disappointed?
66. ____ right now, she would not be late for the class.?
A) Would she leave ?
B) If she leave ?
C) Were she to leave?
D) If she had left?
67. The student was very excited when he ____ his teacher in this important lecture.?
A) assisted B) insisted ?
C) resisted D) persisted?
68. In a few days Mr. Barnstaple had ____strength of body and mind?
A) retreated B) recorded ?
C) recovered D) replaced?
69. He was bothered by the____ bark of dogs in the neighborhood every night.?
A) constant B) perpetual?
C) long D) steady?
70. The Song Dynasty contributed three great inventions____ world civilization.?
A) to B) towards ?
C) with D) in??
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:11:47
Part Ⅳ Cloze (15 minutes)
Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C),and D)on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Modern people wear many masks that keep their reality confined and ?71 ____? , even to themselves. The possibility of encountering one’s ?72 ____?, learning about one’s self, is frightening and ?73____?. Many people expect ?74 ____? the worst. A hidden fear ?75 ____? the fact that they may also discover the best.?
To discover the worst is to face the decision of ?76 ____? or not to continue in the same pattern. To learn the best is to face the decision of whether or not to live up ?77 ____? it. ?78 ____? discovery may involve change and ?79 ____? causes anxiety. ?80 ____?, this can be a creative anxiety which may be thought of as excitement—the excitement of enhancing one’s ?81 ____? for being a winner.?Transactional analysis(沟通分析) is a(n) 82 ____? you can use to know yourself, to know how you relate to others, and to discover the dramatic ?83 ____? your life is taking. The unit of personality structure is the ego state. By becoming ?84 ____? of your ego state, you can 85 ____ between your various sources of thoughts, feelings, and behavior pattern. You can be more aware of the choices available to you.?
The unit of measure in interpersonal relationships is the ?86 ____?. By analyzing your transactions, you can gain a ?87____? conscious control of how you operate with other people and how they operate with you.?
Transactional analysis is a practical ?88 ____? from which you can ?89 ____? old decisions and behavior and change ?90 ____ you decide is desirable for you to change.
71. A) known B) unknown ?C) surrounded D) unlimited?
72. A) mask B) armor ?C) reality D) fact?
73. A) frustrating B) exciting ?C) interesting D) encouraging?
74. A) discovering B) to discover ?C) being discovered D) to be discovered?
75. A) relies on B) lies in ?C) based on D) according to?
76. A) how B) why ?C) what D) whether?
77. A) to B) on ?C) with D) in?
78. A) Both B) Either ?C) One D) Neither?
79. A) therefore B) however ?C) even D) but?
80. A) Therefore B) Moreover ?C) Then D) However?
81. A) possibility B) pattern?C) anxiety D) decision?
82. A) instrument B) appliance?C) equipment D) tool?
83. A) course B) process ?C) track D) direction?
84. A) beware B) aware ?C) awake D) unconscious?
85. A) choose B) change ?C) distinguish D) compare?
86. A) transaction B) transition ?C) transmission D) transformation?
87. A) much B) more ?C) few D) little?
88. A) desire B) frame ?C) stage D) step?
89. A) evaluate B) change ?C) make D) decide?
90. A) which B) that ?C) whether D) what?? Part Ⅴ Writing(30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Should Smoking Be Completely Banned? You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below.?
Section A?
1. W: I have never seen such a wonderful movie. I hope you enjoyed it as I did.?
M: I must admit that I felt drowsy during the two hours.?
Q: How did the man feel about the movie??
2. M: Could you tell me the timetable of the school bus??
W: Well, the bus leaves here for school every two hours from 6:00a.m..But on Saturdays it starts half an hour later.?
Q: When does the bus leave on Saturdays??
3. W: I had prepared dinner for six people before Mary called and said that she couldn’t make it.?
M: That’s all right. I am just going to tell you I have invited John.?
Q: How many people are coming to the dinner??
4. W: This is too much. I have been waiting for my meal for more than half an hour.?
M: I know, but you see the restaurant is full and we’re shorthanded today.?
Q: How does the woman feel??
5. W: I’d like to make an appointment with Prof. Mao tomorrow.?
M: I’m sorry. Prof. Mao went on a one-week vacation in Hong Kong. He’ll probably be back next weekend.?
Q: Where is Prof. Mao now??
6. M: You call Mary a dreamer, but I think she has many good ideas.?
W: Good ideas are only useful if you can make something out of them.?
Q: Why does the woman think Mary is a dreamer.?
7: M: Tom must be joking when he said he planned to sell his shop to go to university.?
W: Don’t be sure. I don’t know how many times he’s told me he wishes to go to university.?
Q: What does the woman mean??
8: M: Of the two cars we have seen, which one do you think fits our needs better, the first one or the second one??
W: The second one. It seems very expensive, but in the long run it will save us a lot of money.?
Q: What does the woman say about the reason for her choice??
9: W: It never occurred to me that you were an athlete ?
M: Most people who meet me don’t think so either.?
Q: What can we learn from the conversation??
10. M: What an accident! If you had been careful, things would not be as they are.?
W: What do you mean, it was my fault? If it were, I would take all responsibility for it.?
Q: What does the woman mean? ? Section B?
Passage One?
A guide dog is a dog especially trained to guide a blind person. Dogs chosen for such training must show good intelligence, physical fitness, and responsibility.?At the age of about fourteen months, a guide dog begins an intensive course that lasts from three to five months. It becomes accustomed to the leather harness and stiff leather handle it will wear when guiding its blind owner. The dog learns to watch traffic and to cross streets safely. It also learns to obey any command that might lead its owner into danger.?
The most important part of the training course is a four-week program in which the guide dog and its future owner learn to work together. However, many blind people are unsuited by personality to work dogs. Only about a tenth of the blind find a guide dog useful.?
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. ?
11. How long does the intensive course last??
12. Which of the following is not a necessary skill guide dogs have to learn??
13. How long does the most important training course last??

Passage Two?
Everywhere we look, we see Americans running. They run for every reason anybody could think of. They run for health, for beauty, to lose weight, to feel fit, and because it is the thing they love to do. Every year, for example, thousands of people run in one race, the Boston Marathon, the best know long distance race in the United States. In recent years there have been nearly 5,000 official competitors and it takes three whole minutes for the crowd of runners just to cross the starting line.?
You may have heard the story of the Greek runner, Pheidippides. He ran from Marathon to Athens to deliver the news of the great victory 2,500 years ago. No one knows how long it took him to run the distance. But the story tells us that he died of the effort. Today no one will die in a Marathon race. But at the finish line, we see what this race is about; not being first, but finishing. The real victory is not over one’s fellow runners, but over one’s own body. It is a victory of will-power over fatigue. In the Boston Marathon, each person who crosses that finish line is a winner.?
Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard. ?
14. How long does it takes for the runners to cross the starting line in recent Marathon race??
15. Why did the Greek runner run from Marathon to Athens??
16. Why is a person who crosses the finish line a winner?? Passage Three?
Of all the stars the sun is the nearest to the earth. Millions of other stars are even bigger and brighter than the sun. They look small only because they are much father away. You can’t see them in the daytime. But if you go out at night, you’ll be able to see thousands of them.?
The earth is one of the sun’s planets, and the moon is the nearest to the earth in space, and men have visited it already. No man has traveled farther than the moon, but spaceships without people have reached other planets.?
Many countries have sent up man-made satellites to circle the earth. With their help, people have done much research in many fields of science. Our countries sometimes have sent up man-made satellites to send and receive TV programs. This has helped the people of China and other countries to understand each other better.?
Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. ?
17. What do we learn about the Sun??
18. Which planet have some people reached??
19. What can we do because of the man-made satellites??
20. What do we learn from the passage??
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:12:08

Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension?
Section A?
1. 【答案】D?
2. 【答案】B?
3. 【答案】A?
4. 【答案】C?
5. 【答案】A?
6. 【答案】B?
7. 【答案】 C?
8. 【答案】 D?
9. 【答案】C?
10. 【答案】 A?
【详细解答】男士抱怨女士不够小心,不然也不会发生事故。女士反驳并不是自己的错。如果是她的错,她会承担一切责任。关键是虚拟语气的用法,表明女士不认为是自己的错。? Section B?
Passage One?
11. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】第二段第二句提到“At the age of about fourteen months, a guide dog begins an intensive course that lasts from three to five months.”由此知训练持续三至五个月。?
12. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】见第二段最后一句,“The dog learns to watch traffic and to cross streets safely. It also learns to obey any command that might lead its owner into danger.”答案 A) Watch traffic,B) Obey commands,C) Cross streets safely都提到过。只有D)是不需要领路狗所掌握的技能。?
13. 【答案】 C?
【详细解答】见第三段第一句,“The most important part of the training course is a four-week program”,由此可知,最重要的训练课程持续四个星期。? Passage Two?
14. 【答案】 A?
15. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】见第二段, “He ran from Marathon to Athens to deliver the news of the great victory 2,500 years ago”由此可知,是为了传达胜利的消息。?
16. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】见第二段,“The real victory is not over one’s fellow runners, but over one’s own body”真正的胜利不是战胜对手,而是战胜自己。?

Passage Three?
17. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】见第一段第一句,“Of all the stars the sun is the nearest to the earth”,所有的恒星中太阳是离地球最近的一个。?
18. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】见第二段第二句,“No man has traveled farther than the moon, but spaceships without people have reached other planets”没有人到达过比月球更远的地方,但人造卫星到达了其他的星球。?
19. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】见第三段第二句和最后一句,“With their help, people have done much research ...”“This has helped the people... understand each other better.” 由此可总结人造卫星既可以帮人们展开研究,也可以增进人们之间的了解”。?
20. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】见第二段第一句,“The earth is one of the sun’s planets”由此知,地球是一个行星。?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:12:44
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension ?
Passage One?
21. 【答案】C ?
【详细解答】见文章第一段第三句话,“Because each of us possesses ... genetic ability and favorable environments...”由于我们每个人的天生能力和后天成长环境的不同……由此可知,C)为正确答案。?
22. 【答案】C ?
【译文】 “frugal”这个词的意思是节俭的,朴素的。?
【详细解答】见第二段第二句,“... the poor shepherd who ...enjoys his frugal life ...”通过下文提到的拥有财富的人的对比,可以推测出该词的意思是节俭朴素的。?
23. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】见文章第二段第三句,“On the other hand...many of them ... consider themselves unsuccessful when judged by their own goals of success”根据他们自己的目标来判断,他们并不认为自己是成功的,由此可知D)为正确答案。?
24. 【答案】D ?
【试题分析】细节推理题。?详细解答;见文章最后一句,“You have not really failed ...for success until you have been unsuccessful at something you really like...”在你没有尽全力做自己喜欢的事而失败之前,你的失败都不算真正的失败, 由此可推断出作者暗示成功就是尽全力做自己喜欢的事,所以D)为正确答案。?
25. 【答案】A ?
【详细解答】文章第一句话就是全文的主题句,每个人对成功的定义不同。接下来的几段也都是从不同的角度定义成功,所以A)为正确答案。? Passage Two?
26. 【答案】C?
27. 【答案】 C?
【译文】“No man is an island”(Line 1, Para. 3) 的意思是,每个人都是社会的一部分。?
【详细解答】第三段第二句话解释了这句引言的意思, “In other words, we are all parts of society”所以C)为正确答案。?
28. 【答案】 C?
【详细解答】见第四段第二句,“The degree or intensity of friendship varies depending on the personality of the individuals ...”所以C)为正确答案。?
29. 【答案】 D ?
【详细解答】见第五段第二句,“Close friends can be formed at any stage in one’s life but they are usually very rare”在人生的任何阶段都可以交到亲密的朋友,但数量通常很少,由此推断D)为正确答案。?
30. 【答案】C ?
【详细解答】见最后一句,“Irrespective of the level of intimacy, all friendships are based on ...”不论亲密的程度如何,任何友谊都是建立在互惠,诚实和爱的基础之上的。根据上下文,可推测出这个词语的意思是不论,不考虑。所以C)为正确答案。? Passage Three?
31. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】见第一段第二句, “This is the research finding ...who say that most of our brains are not getting enough exercise...”由此知C)为正确答案。?
32. 【答案】 C?
【详细解答】见第二段第二句,“With a team of colleagues ...measuring brain volumes of a thousand people of different ages and varying occupations”由此知C)为正确答案。 ?
33. 【答案】D ?
【详细解答】见第三段最后一句,“one can continue living without intellectual on emotional faculties or functions”,故D)为正确答案。?
34. 【答案】A?
【译文】根据本文,下面哪种人比其他人老得更快? 售货员。?
【详细解答】见第四段, “Those least at risk says Matsuzawa, are lawyers ...however, as likely to have shrinking brains as the farm worker, bus driver and shop assistant”用脑比较少的人,大脑的萎缩更快。四个选项中,shop assistant比其他人要老得快,故A)为正确答案。?
35. 【答案】B ?
【详细解答】见第六段,“Matsuzawa’s findings show that thinking can prevent the brain from shrinking...The best way ... is through using the brain”防止大脑萎缩老化的最好办法就是用脑,因此不应该依赖电子计算器,由此知B)为正确答案。? Passage Four?
内容概要:本文介绍了欧洲南部10和11世纪嫁妆对女性在婚姻中地位的重要性。虽然嫁妆最初的目的防止女性被抛弃,但实际上它的作用远远不止于此。它使妻子在婚姻中的地位与丈夫平等,并保障了妻子的经济利益。女性在维护自己的利益上,是很坚定果敢的,Maria Vivas就是一个例子。?
36. 【答案】C ?
【详细解答】见第一段第三句,“Admittedly, the purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of desertion...”,虽然在实际生活中嫁妆有更重要的作用,但最初它的作用只是为了防范女性被丈夫抛弃,所以C)为正确答案。?
37. 【答案】D ?
【详细解答】见第一段最后一句,“In no case do the documents indicate any degree of difference in the legal status of husband and wife”文件中并没有表明丈夫和妻子在法律地位上有任何的差别,也就是说他们的地位是平等的,所以D)为正确答案。?
38. 【答案】B ?
【译文】作者为什么要举Maria Vivas的事例?是为了说明妻子是能够捍卫自己的利益的。?
【详细解答】见第二段第二句,“Women seemed perfectly prepared to defend their own inheritance...they showed a fine fighting spirit.”如果丈夫要侵占自己的利益,女性们就时刻准备着捍卫自己的利益,有时她们还表现出很强的斗争精神。接下来作者就举了Maria Vivas的例子,说明女性是有能力捍卫自己的利益的。所以B)为正确答案。?
39. 【答案】A?
【译文】Maria Vivas得到的一份作为补偿的土地,本来是属于Miro的个人财产。?
【详细解答】见第二段第五句,“None being offered, she succeeded in... assigning her a piece of land from Miro’s personal inheritance”由此知A)为正确答案。?
40. 【答案】D ?
【译文】作者对Maria Vivas所持的态度是客观的。?
【详细解答】作者客观地介绍了Maria Vivas的事例,并没有表示出同情、不满或者是漠不关心,所以A),B),C)都是错误答案。? Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure? 41.【答案】A?
【译文】他每月买十本书, 不久便集成一个丰富的藏书库。?
42. 【答案】 C?
【详细解答】: 该条件句应当用表示将来情况的虚拟语气。 条件从句的谓语用should或were to引出。 因此C) 是本题答案。A) has to get是陈述语气的现在时,不能用于虚拟条件句中。B) had got是虚拟语气的过去时,不能表示将来时间。D) could have got不能用于虚拟语气的条件从句中。?
43. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】在表示建议、请求、命令等主观意向的名词(suggestion, proposal, requirement, demand, desire, advice, order, insistence…) 做主语时,其后的表语从句或同位语从句中,需用虚拟语气。谓语动词用should+动词原形。注意这种句型中的虚拟语气形式不受主句动词时态的影响。?
44. 【答案】B?
45. 【答案】A?
【译文】 联合国正在寻求更有效的方法来调停双方。?
46. 【答案】A?
47. 【答案】C?
48. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】likely指很可能,与题意不符;unlike不同的,与题意相符; dislike指不喜欢,是动词,用在此处语法上不对;alike指长的相似。?
49. 【答案】A?
50. 【答案】B?
51. 【答案】D?
52. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】 transform指在性质上或形态上发生彻底或基本的变化;convert指改变信仰;exchange指交换。?
53. 【答案】B?
54. 【答案】B?
55. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】call down指挑剔、找麻烦,斥责;call upon指命令;要求;call off指取消;call out指召集使集中;召唤。?
56. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】due to指由于;but for指要不是;in spite of指不管;with regard to指关于。?
57. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】in terms of 指根据,按照;in case of指假设,万一;for the sake of指为了;at the risk of指冒危险。?
58. 【答案】C?
59. 【答案】B ?
【详细解答】run...over指撞到,碾过;run...down指批评,贬低;run...against 指违反,偶遇;run...into 指进入,偶遇。?
60. 【答案】B ?
61. 【答案】B?
62. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】只有 D) beyond超越与题意相符,为正确答案。?
63. 【答案】A?
64. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】essential指本质的,实质的; fundamental指基本的;elementary指初步的;inevitable指不可避免的。?
65. 【答案】B?
66. 【答案】C?
67. 【答案】A?
68. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】 retreat指撤退;record指录音;recover指使恢复原状,使(身体)复原;replace指取代,代替。?
69. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】constant指始终如一的,不变的,持续地发生或反复地发生;perpetual指永久的,不间断的;steady 指稳定的。?
70. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】contribute和 to 搭配,指贡献,捐献。?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:13:13
Part IV Cloze?
71. 【答案】B ?
【详细解答】本句要表达的是“戴着面具使自己不被人了解”。只有B)unknown ,为正确答案。?
72. 【答案】C?
73. 【答案】 A?
【详细解答】此处需要一个跟frightening感情色彩相近的词,故A) frustrating为正确答案。?
74. 【答案】 B?
75. 【答案】 B?
【详细解答】 relies on指依赖于;lies in指在于; based on 指以什么为基础;according to 指依照;根据题意可知B) lies in为正确答案。?
76. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】whether or not 用在此处表示是否要继续原来的。?
77. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】live up to 表示达到,做到。?
78. 【答案】B?
79. 【答案】A?
80. 【答案】D?
81. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】这种激动和兴奋使一个人有可能成为胜利者,只有 possibility 符合题意。?
82. 【答案】D?
83. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】course指路线,进程;process 指过程;track指轨迹;direction指方向。?
84. 【答案】B?
85. 【答案】C?
86. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】transactional analysis是这种分析方法的名称,显然它是以人们之间的沟通作为分析的对象的。?
87. 【答案】B?
88. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】由文章可知,沟通分析是一种有效的了解自身的方式。desire显然不和题意; stage指阶段;step指步骤;与题意不符,为错误答案。B)为正确答案。?
89. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】对旧的决定显然已经无法改变,故B)不正确;C)和D) 均不能搭配,为错误答案,只有A)evaluate是正确答案。?
90. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】What 做decide 的宾语,表示你决定的是什么。?

Part V Writing?
Should Smoking Be Completely Banned? ?

Some people maintain that smoking should be completely banned. In their opinions, smoking is harmful not only to the smokers but also to the people around. Moreover, smoking is a waste of money. When one smokes a cigarette, one is actually burning money.?
Other people do not agree. They believe that smoking helps to sharpen one’s mind and prevents one from sleeping. And smoking does not seem to shorten one’s life since many people who smoke live a long life. Also the government gets a lot of money from cigarette taxes.?
In my view, everyone has the right to choose his/her own way of life, but one does not have the right to impose his way of life on other people. So smoking in public places should be banned but in some areas it can be allowed.? 本套试题测试的语言重点?
1.accumulate 积累,聚集 2.acknowledge 承认,感激?
3.aware 意识到的 4.arise 发生,起因于?
5.convert 使转变,使改变信仰?
6.preserve 保存,储藏 7.foster 培养,助长?
8.distinguished 著名的,卓著的?
1.call...down 责骂 2.in case of 万一?
3.due to 由于 4.run...down贬低?

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:15:38

同济大学外语学院 禹昱?
Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)
Section A
Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ?
1. A) In a laboratory.?
B) In a drugstore.?
C) In a supermarket.?
D) In the dining hall.?
2. A) Stop bothering the woman.?
B) Take the books of the woman.?
C) Show the woman where the library is.?
D) Give her his books.?
3. A) The project demands more time.?
B) The project is only half done.?
C) She will finish it within four months.?
D) She has spent less time on the project.?
4. A) She didn’t like the paintings there.?
B) She believed the painting course is too abstract.?
C) She had a good taste for the arts.?
D) She would like to have one of the paintings on display.?
5. A) The weather forecast is usually inaccurate.?
B) The typhoon is already a real thing.?
C) The weatherman used to be inaccurate in his forecast.?
D) The meteorologists are always correct.?
6. A) She is glad to lend her car.?
B) She refuses to lend her car.?
C) She will first insure the car before lending it.?
D) She doesn’t know what the man is going to do with her car.?
7. A) He only focuses on what he is going to say.?
B) He is only interested in his own work.?
C) He has poor hearing.?
D) He is always lost in thought.?
8. A) Two students.?
B) A student and a parent.?
C) A teacher and a student.?
D) A student and a supervisor.?
9. A) Use her mobile phone .?
B) Make calls after 5 o’clock.?
C) Fix his mobile phone.?
D) Ask her to make the calls.?
10. A) He is always in high spirit.?
B) He has got a good mark.?
C) He will get the full scholarship.?
D) He has got a precious gift.?

Section B
Compound Dictation
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea.Then listen to the passage again. When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10 you are required to fill in the missing information. You can use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.
According to the evolutionary theory of sleep, evolution S1____ us with a regular pattern of sleeping and waking. The theory does not S2 ____ that sleep provides some important restorative functions. It merely says that S3____ has programmed us to perform those functions at a time when activity would be S4____ and possibly dangerous. However, sleep protects us only from the sort of S5____ we might walk into; it does not protect us from trouble that comes lookingfor us. So we sleep well in a S6____, safe place, but we sleep lightly, if
at all, when we fear that bears will S7____ into the tent.?S8 ___________________________________. Why do cats, for instance, sleep so much, while horses sleep so little? S9_____________________________________. But cats can afford to have long periods of inactivity because they spend little time eating and are unlikely to be attacked while they sleep. Horses must spend almost all their wakinghours eating, because what they eat is very low in energy value. Moreover, S10____________________________________________________.??

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)
Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some
questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Passage One?
Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.?
However urban life strikes you, cities worldwide have been growing ever more rapidly. Some of this growth has occurred in the developed world, but the most dramatic increase has been in the Third World. Almost all the world’s population growth over the next 30 years will take place in the cities of developing countries
. By the year 2030, for the first time in history, 60 percent of the world’s people will be living in cities.?
This is actually good news in some ways. “Cities are the fundamental building blocks of prosperity,” says Marc Weiss, chairman of the Prague Institute for Global Urban Development, “ both for the nation and for families.” Industrial and commercial activities in urban areas account for between 50 and 80 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) in most countries of the world“ there’s the crazy notion that the way to deal with a city’s problems is to keep people out of them,”Weiss continued. “But the problems of the rural life are even more serious than those of the city.” For better or worse, urban-watchers are clear on one point:
The quality of life for most people in the future will be determined by the quality of cities.?Those cities will be bigger than ever. And yet, population numbers by themselves don’t determine a city’s prospects; after all, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and Hamburg, Germany, have the same population. Nor is explosive growth necessarily the determining factor. “City problems,” one authority points out, “mostly have to do with weak, ineffective, and usually unrepresentative city governments.”?
11. What is the passage mainly about??
A) Big cities.?
B) City life.?
C) Population.?
D) Gross Domestic Product.?

12. What will happen in the year of 2030??
A) There will be 21 cities having a population of more than 10 million.?
B) Rural area will be extinct.?
C) Most people will live in cities.?
D) The third world will keep abreast with the developed world.?

13. The author most likely agrees that____.?
A) better city, better life?
B) both urban and rural areas have their advantages?
C) the larger population, the faster a city develops?
D) both urban and rural areas have their problems?

14. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage??
A) The developing countries develop faster than the developed countries.?
B) Cities contribute more to the GDP than the villagers.?
C) Some problems are more easily solved in cities than in country.?
D) It’s impossible to solve urban problems by getting people out of cities.?

15. What is implied in the last paragraph??
A) Public services are ineffective.?
B) Cities are increasing too fast.?
C) Population is not linked with development.?
D) Government should be responsible for the problems in the cities.?

Passage Two?
Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.?
Some researchers claim that people’s personalities can be classified by their blood types.?If you have blood type O, you are a leader. When you see something you want, you strive to achieve your goal. You are passionate, loyal, and self-confident, and you are often a trendsetter. Your enthusiasm for projects and goals spreads to others who happily follow your lead. When you want something, you may be ruthless about getting it or blind to how your actions affect others.?Another blood type, A, is a social, “people” person. You like people and work well with them. You are sensitive, patient, compassionate, and affectionate. You are a good peacekeeper because you want everybody to be happy. In a team situation, you resolve conflicts and keep things on a smooth course. Sometimes type As are stubborn and find it different to relax. They may also find it uncomfortable to do things alone.?
People with type B blood are usually individualists who like to do things on their own. You may be creative and adaptable, and you usually say exactly what you mean. Also you can adapt to situations, you may not choose to do so because of your strong independent streak. You may prefer working on your own to being part of a team.?The final blood type is type AB. If you have AB blood, you are a natural entertainer. You draw people to your because of your charm and easygoing nature. ABs are usually calm and controlled, tactful and fair. On the downside, though, they may take too long to make decisions. And they may procrastinate, putting off tasks until the last minute.?
16. The passage is written by means of ____.?
A) enumeration B) process analysis?C) classification D) examplification?
17. People with type O will do the following things except____.?
A) direct a board B) burn the night’s oil?C) be considerate D) self-oriented?
18. Which of the following is not the feature of type A??
A) Stubborn. B) Sensitive.?C) Reserved. D) Patient.?
19. What is Not true to type B??
A) He likes to work by himself.?
B) He doesn’t think much before he speaks.?
C) He has many original ideas.?
D) He cannot fit in with the environment.?
20. The best profession for a type AB is ____.?
A) Musician B) Peacekeeper?C) Actor D) Spokesman

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:16:01
Passage Three?
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.?
When death came, it was silent and sudden. On the night of August 21, 1986, a cold and misty blanket of carbon dioxide gas flowed through the valleys that run down from Lake Nyos in northwest Cameroon(喀麦隆). Hugging the ground, and smothered(窒息) more than 1,700 people, many as they slept.?
The region surrounding Lake Nyos is volcanic, and so sulphurous(硫磺的) volcanic gases were initially suspected as the cause of the disaster. But subsequent investigation by teams of scientists dispatched to the remote highland lake suggested that as much as 80 million cubic metres of CO?2, formerly held in solutionin the lake’s depths, has been released explosively at its surface. Such an event, called a limnic(湖泊的) eruption, had been recorded only once before- at nearby Lake Monoun, 35 kilometers from Lake Nyos. That eruption, which killed 37 people in 1984, was kept secret at first, as the Cameroonian authorities had suspected terrorist involvement.?Expeditions to Lake Nyos since the 1986 disaster have allowed researchers to unravel(拆开)the geological process that underlie the lake’s lethal tendencies. Armed with this information, a small group of scientists ands engineers- funded to the tune of $450,000 by the Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance, with additional help from the French and Cameroonian governments arrived in the are a in January to attempt to “degas” the lake, and so prevent it killing again. The plan is simple - the limited budget and the lack of decent roads into the region mean it has to be. The team will lower a length of high-density polyethylene pipe deep into the lake and pipe CO?2 rich water towards the surface, where the
gas can bubble out on a controlled way.?Most experts agree that degassing the lake is a good idea. But some say there is a small chance that the effort could trigger another limnic eruption and lives at risk. Although villagers surrounding Lake Nyos have been evacuated(撤退) to avoid a repeat of the 1986 catastrophe, farmers and their livestock still venture into the area, lured by its lush pastures.?
21. Why was the death regarded silent??
A) Because it’s quiet after an explosion.?
B) Because the people were killed outright.?
C) Because when it came, the victims were in sleep.?
D) Because it happened suddenly.?
22. What caused the disaster at Lake Nyos??
A) Terrorism.?
B) Volcanic eruption.?
C) Release of CO?2 at a nearby lake.?
D) A limnic eruption at Lake Nyos.?
23. “to degas the lake ” in the third paragraph means ____.?
A) to remove gas from the lake?
B) to inflate gas into the lake?
C) to purify the lake ?
D) to exploit the lake to produce gas?
24. Which of the following is true of the idea of degassing the lake??
A) It was a good idea.?
B) Some scientists veto it.?
C) It’s impossible.?
D) Some farmers still venture back with their livestock.?
25. The passage is mainly about ____.?
A) the causes for a disaster?
B) African volcanic eruptions?
C) how to tame a killer lake?
D) discussion of how to protect the pastures in Africa?

Passage Four?
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.?
We have waited for more than 340 years for our constitutional and God-given rights. The nations of Asia and Africa are moving with jetlike speed toward gaining political independence, but we still creep at horse-and buggy pace toward gaining a cup of coffee at a lunch counter. Perhaps it is easy for those who have never felt the stinging darts of segregation to say, “Wait.” But when you have seen vicious mobs lynch(处以私刑) your mothers and fathers at will and drown your sisters and brothers at will; when you have seen hate-filled policemen curse, kick, and even kill your black brothers and sisters; when you see the vast majority of your twenty million Negro brothers smothering in and airtight cage of poverty in the midst of an affluent society; when you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering(口吃) as you seek to explain to your six-year-old daughter why she cannot go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on TV, and see tears welling up in her eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children, and see ominous clouds of inferiority(自卑) beginning to form in her little mental sky, and see her beginning to distort her personality by developing an unconscious bitterness toward white people——then you will understand why we find it difficult to wait. There comes a time when the cup of endurance runs over, and men are no longer willing to be plunged into the abyss of despair. I hope, sirs you can understand our legitimate and unavoidable impatience.?
26. Which of the following best describe the tone of the article??
A) Emotional. B) Factual.?C) Pessimistic. D) Balanced.?
27. Which of the following is NOT the response of the six-year-old girl mentioned in this passage??
A) Her tongue twisted.?
B) Tears filled her eyes.?
C) She felt inferior.?
D) She starts to hate the white.?
28. The writer might be ____.?
A) a victim B) a leader?C) a Negro D) a boy?
29. What is the purpose of the passage??
A) To motivate people.?
B) To teach how to educate a child.?
C) To defend civil disobedience.?
D) To complain of an unjust law.?
30. The writer might do all of the following things except for ____.
A) lead a bus-boycott?
B) launch a campaign against segregation?
C) write a book entitled as ?Stride Towards Freedom??
D) lead a march to surround the jail?

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:16:28
Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)
Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.?
31. She had no objection to ____ the airplane ticket which would send herto Geneva. ?
A) to take B) taking ?C) of taking D) to taking?
32. I’m ____ the impression that you’ve told me about it.?
A) into B) on?C) of D) under?
33. In the summer holidays, they have a plan to go to movies at weekly ____.?
A) intervals B) bases?C) gaps D) times?
34.I have decided to ____ my smoking.?
A)cut up B)cut off?C)cut across D)cut down?
35. Many of the imported planes have been lying ____for years because
of the restrictions on the foreign spare parts.?
A) idle B) vacant ?C) empty D) hollow?
36. Electrical ____ are(is) used to free people from the heavy housework.?
A) equipment B) facilities?C) appliances D) apparatus?
37. The rain came on time and would certainly ease the feat ____ the people of inland. ?
A) to face B) face ?C) facing D) faces?
38. They bought a Yamaha piano at the price of 10,000 yuan. They liked it
so much that they would have paid ____ for it.?
A) twice as much B) as much twice?C) as twice much D) much as twice?
39. It was not until she had come downstairs ____ remembered the keys were not with her.?
A) she B) when she ?C) that she D) and see?
40. Mike is very happy. His mark in the English examination is higher than____ in the class?
A) anyone’s B) anyone else?C) anyone else’s D) anyone’s else?
41. The first prize goes to ____ makes the greatest contribution to the company.?
A) whomever B) whichever?C) no matter who D) whoever?
42. Society is a building, to the construction of ____ every member brings a brick.?
A) that B) which ?C) it D) this ?
43. The applicant filled in the form,but he didn’t know which office room ____.?
A) to send it to B) to be sent to ?C) to have it sent to D) to sent it?
44. Young ____ he was,he was trusted with an important task.?
A)because B)although?C)as D)since?
45. Tom broke the glass of the neighbor’s window. I’ll ____ that he will not do it again.?
A) hope for B ) be sure ?C) see to it D) make it so ?
46.The new cars of the Volkswagon Company are now being ____at the rate of 1,000 every week. ?
A) turned out B) turned down?C) turned up D) turned on?
47. It was urgent that he ____ her immediately.?
A) calls B) called?C) call D) would call?
48. I don’t ____ going to the movie.?
A) feel for B) feel like?C) feel out D) feel?
49. The meeting drew to a ____ late in the afternoon.?
A) near B) close ?C) point D) tail?
50. John regretted ____ to the meeting last week.?
A) not going ?
B) not go to ?
C) not having been going ?
D) not to be going ?
51. The great us of a school education is ____ to teach you things ____ teach you the art of learning.?
A) as much ... as?
B) much as ... as?
C) not so much ...as to?
D) not to be going?
52. Mr. Smith has been away from home for a long time. He is looking forward to ____ his wife. ?
A) hear from B)hearing from ?C)hear of D)hearing of ?
53. Whenever we visited them, they ____ television.?
A)have watched B)watch?C)are watching D)were watching?
54. He couldn’t say what it was ____ bothered him.?
A) what B) it?C) that D) which?
55. The master was very angry and had all the men ____ before him.?
A) brought B) be brought ?C) to be brought D) being brought?
56. Evidence has been piled up ____ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as five months old.?
A) what B) which ?C) whose D) that?
57. She doesn’t want to work right now, because she thinks that if she ____ a job she probably wouldn’t be able to visit her friends very often.?
A) has to get?
B) were to get?
C) had got?
D) could have got?
58. It’s reported that by the end of this year the output of cement in the factory ____ by about 20%.?
A) will have risen B) will be rising ?C) has risen D) has been rising ?
59. You ____ her in her office last week; she has been out of the city for two months.?
A) needn’t have seen?
B) might have seen?
C) must have seen?
D) can’t have seen?
60. It’s politely requested by the hotel management that radios ____ after
10 o’clock at night.?
A) were not played?
B) not to play?
C) not be played ?
D)did not play??

Part Ⅳ Short Answer Questions (15 Minutes)
Directions: In this part there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or incomplete sentences in the fewest possible words. ( not exceeding 10 words )

By the time I was graduating from high school, my parents had done their best to produce an intelligent, obedient daughter, who would know more than the average Chinatown girl and should do better average at a conventional job, her earnings brought home in repayment for their years of child support. Then, they hoped, she would marry a nice Chinese boy and make herself be a good wife, as well as an above-average mother for his children. Chinese custom used to decree that families should “introduce” chosen partners to each other’s children. The groom’s family should pay handsomely to the bride’s family for rearing a well-bred daughter.
They should also pay all bills for a glorious wedding banquet for several hundred guests. Their daughter was longed to the groom’s family and must henceforth seek permission from all persons in his home before returning to her parents for a
But having been set upon a new path, I did not oblige my parents with the expected conventional ending. At fifteen, I had moved away from home to work for room and board and a salary of twenty dollars per month. Having found that I could subsist independently, I thought it regrettable to terminate my education. Upon graduating from high school at age of sixteen, I ask my parents to assist me in college expenses. I pleaded with my father, for his years of encouraging me to be above mediocrity in both Chinese and American studies had made me wish for some undefined but brighter future.?
My father was briefly adamant. He must conserve his resources for my oldest brother’s medical training. Thought I desired to continue on above-average course, his material means were insufficient to support that ambition. He added that if I had the talent, I could provide for my own college education. When he had spoken, no discussion was expected. After this edict, no daughter questioned. ?
61. Where did the writer live when she was a high school girl??
____ ____ ____ ____ ____?
____ ____ ____ ____ ____.?
62. What did the parents of the writer expect her to do ??
____ ____ ____ ____ ____?
____ ____ ____ ____ ____.?

63. Why did the father refuse to support the girl to further her studies?
____ ____ ____ ____ ____?
____ ____ ____ ____ ____.?

64. How was the writer’s performance at school??
____ ____ ____ ____ ____?
____ ____ ____ ____ ____.?

65. What do you think of the writer??
____ ____ ____ ____ ____?
____ ____ ____ ____ ____.??

Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Greener City, Better Life. You should write atleast 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline below.

1. 随着城市的发展,城市绿地越来越多。?
2. 城市绿地的好处?
3. 我们要爱护绿地

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:17:04
Section A?
1. M: I counted numbers. I drank milk. I tried everything. But they just didnt help. ?
W: It looks you have been overworking recently. I’ll give you some sleeping pills. Take one pill before going to bed.?
Q: Where did this conversation most likely take place??
2. M: Liz, could I bother you for a moment. This book is already overdue. But I cannot leave my work for now to return it to the library. Will you help me??
W: No problem. I happen to go in that direction.?
Q: What will the man probably do next??
3. M: When are you ever going to finish your project. You have wasted six months without making any progress.W: Only four, to be exact. But it does seem longer, because everybody believes it starts from January instead of March. ?
Q: What does the woman say about the project??
4. M: Hi, Judy. It is said you have just come back from the art gallery. What do you think? ?
W: I guess it seems I haven’t developed a taste for those abstract paintings.?
Q: What does the woman mean??
5. M: I heard on the radio that the typhoon is coming.?
W: If the weatherman is as accurate as usual, it will be a nice day tomorrow.?
Q: What do we learn from the conversation??
6. M: Can I borrow your car tomorrow??
W: Well, you know, it’s still a new car. And I haven’t insured it.?
Q: What does the woman mean??
7. M: I have got the impression that Michael never listens to the others.?
W: You said it. It’s as if he is always preoccupied. ?
Q: What do we know about the person in question??
8. M: I’m shocked that you managed to get an A on the physics test. You don’t even come to my class.?
W: Now you know I rank high on the Binet scale.?
Q: Who are the two speakers??
9. M: Something is wrong with my mobile phone. And I have five urgent calls to return now.?
W: Feel free to use mine. ?
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do??
10.M: Pierce is all smiles. What’s up with him??
W: His tutor announced the marks of the final examination.?
Q: What can we infer from the conversation??

Section B?
According to the evolutionary theory of sleep, evolution ?(S1)?equipped us with a regular pattern of sleeping and waking. The theory does not ?(S2)?deny that sleep provides some important restorative functions. It merely says that ?(S3)?evolution has programmed us to perform those functions at a time when activity would be ?(S4)?inefficient and possibly dangerous. However, sleep protects us only from the sort of ?(S5)?trouble we might walk into; it does not protect us from trouble that comes looking for us. So we sleep well in a ?(S6)?familiar, safe place, but we sleep lightly, if at all, when we fear that bears will ?(S7)?nose into the tent.(S8) The evolutionary theory accounts well for differences in sleep among creatures.Why do cats, for instance, sleep so much, while horses sleep so little? ?(S9)?Surely cats do not need five times as much repair and restoration as horses do. But cats can afford to have long periods of inactivity because they spend little time eating and are unlikely to be attacked while they sleep. Horses must spend almost
all their waking hours eating, because what they eat is very low in energy value. Moreover, ?(S10)?they cannot afford to sleep too long or too deeply, because their survival depends on their ability to run away from attackers.?

Part ⅠListening Comprehension?
Section A?
1. 【答案】B?
【试题分析】场景判断题 。?
【详细解答】the man 数数字,喝牛奶,都难以入睡。 the woman认为他工作过度劳累,因而给他一些安眠药。由此可见, the man正在买药。 ?
2. 【答案】D?
【试题分析】 推断题。?
【详细解答】the man想麻烦 the woman帮忙还书。 the woman 觉得不麻烦,因为她碰巧经过那里。因而接下来,the man 会把书交给the woman. ?
3. 【答案】D?
【试题分析】隐含否定题 。?
【详细解答】the man 认为the woman 已经花费六个月而毫无进展。the woman 纠正说其实只有四个月,没有the man 想象的那么长。But it does seem longer 中it 指的是时间而不是项目本身。?
4. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】对话中 the woman 告诉the man 她对抽象画没有鉴赏力。因而她不可能喜欢。艺术课程在对话中没有提及。选项B是干扰项。?
5. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】本题的关键内容在于对 the woman 的话的理解。好天气和台风是矛盾的。由此可见,气象员的天气预报通常不准确。推断题。?
6. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】the man 想借用the woman 的汽车,而the woman指出她的汽车是新车,还没有上保险。
7. 【答案】D?
【试题分析】语义理解题 。?
【详细解答】you said it意为“你说得对”;preoccupied表示心事重重的,出神的,即 lost in thought的意思。?
8. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】the man说 the woman 从来没有上过他的课。由此可知,他们是老师和学生的关系。比奈年龄指的是用比奈·西蒙智力测验法测定的心理年龄。?
9. 【答案】A?
【试题分析】信息明示题 。?
【详细解答】the man抱怨手机坏了,the woman说Feel free to use mine意即尽管用她的。
10. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】the man想知道为什么Pierce满脸笑容。 the woman告诉他老师公布了期末考试成绩。由此可知Pierce考得高分。?

Section B?
S1 equipped S2 deny S3 evolution S4 inefficient ?
S5 trouble S6 familiar S7 nose ?
S8 The evolutionary theory accounts well for differences in sleep among creatures.?
S9 Surely cats do not need five times as much repair and restoration as horses do.?
S10 they cannot afford to sleep too long or too deeply, because their survival depends on their ability to run away from attackers.?

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:18:25
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension?
Passage One?
11. 【答案】A?
【试题分析】主旨大意题。 ?
12. 【答案】C?
【试题分析】细节题。 ?
13. 【答案】A?
【译文】作者最同意的一句话是:城市越发展, 生活越美好。?
【试题分析】推断题。 ?
【详细解答】本文第二段最后一句话说明城市的质量决定未来人们的生活质量。由此推断,答案为A。B, D是平行项。C 项可依据第三段排除。?
14. 【答案】A?
【试题分析】 综合理解题。?
15. 【答案】D?
【试题分析】推断题。 ?

Passage Two?
内容概要: 本文谈血型和性格之间的关系。?
16. 【答案】C?
【试题分析】结构题。 ?
17. 【答案】C?
【试题分析】推断题。 ?
18. 【答案】C?
【试题分析】细节题。 ?
19. 【答案】D?
【试题分析】细节题。 ?
20. 【答案】C?
【试题分析】 推断题。?

Passage Three?
内容概要: 本文讲述1986年非洲Nyos湖沼二氧化碳喷发引起的重大灾难。科学家们认为除去湖底沼气可能是解决问题的办法。?
21. 【答案】C?
【试题分析】细节题。 ?
22. 【答案】D?
【试题分析】细节题。 ?
【详细解答】本题关键是对选项D的理解。原文的第二段揭示了它的意思。选项A和C都是与1984年附近的Monoun 湖相关的概念。选项B火山喷发在本段中没有提及。?
23. 【答案】A?
【试题分析】猜测词义题。 ?
【详细解答】词根gas 的意思是熟悉的。词缀de-表示to remove, to take away的意思。结合上下文可知答案。 ?
24. 【答案】B?
【试题分析】 推理题。?
25. 【答案】C?
【试题分析】主旨大意题。 ?

Passage Four?
内容概要: 本文选自Martin Luther King在Birmingham 监狱中写的一封信。他详尽论述了游行而为何不合作的原因。本段说明了黑人遭受的种种种族歧视。?
26. 【答案】A?
【试题分析】语气题。 ?
27. 【答案】A?
【试题分析】细节题。 ?
28. 【答案】C?
【试题分析】推断题。 ?
29. 【答案】C?
30. 【答案】D?
【试题分析】推断题。 ?

Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure?
31. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】have no objection to doing something表示不反对做什么事情。注意to为介词。 ?
32. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】 to be under the impression that 表示有模糊印象发生过什么事情。?
33. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】at intervals是考点,表示每隔一段时间或者距离。其余三项均无此义。?
34. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】cut up切碎,破碎;cut off 切断,删去;cut across 走捷径,抄近路;cut down 减少,符合题意。?
35. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】idle 空闲的,无用的,懒散的;vacant 空缺的,未占用的;empty空无一物的;hollow中空的。?
36. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】 equipment 不可数名词表示设备,装备,仪表,一起;facilities表示便利设施;appliances表示用具,家电;apparatus表示仪器和器具。?
37. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】 分词短语作定语,它的作用相当于定语从句。现在分词短语表示动作是由前面的名词发出的,既可以表示进行中的动作,又可以表示习惯性动作。过去分词短语表示前面的名词是受动者。?
38. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】 twice as much/many 可以用来表示双倍,谈论不可数的东西时用much; 谈论可数的东西时用many。?
39. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】 强调句型中应该用that 不用其他的引导词。与not ...until 句型连用时注意,当强调 until部分时, not应该和until 部分一起强调。
40. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】 表示其他任何人应该用 anyone else;它的属格是anyone else’s.?
41. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】虽然介词之后应该用宾格,但因为后面跟的是一个句子,只能选用主格的whoever 不选用whomever;whichever不用来指表示人的主语;no matter who用来引导让步状语从句。 ?
42. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】 定语从句的复杂介词引导词要结合上下文确定。本句中缺少的是一个关系代词, 指物,且用在介词之后只能选B。?
43. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】 由疑问词+不定式构成的不定式短语可以用作动词宾语,相当于从句。但不定式的逻辑主语必须是句子的主语,否则应用宾语从句。?
44. 【答案】C?
45. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】see to 是一个词组,表示注意照料; 该词组后接从句,构成see to it that.
46. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】turn out 表示生产,制造;turn down关小,调低,拒绝;turn up 出现,出席,被发现;turn on 打开,开启。?
47. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】 在it is urgent that... 的从句中应该用虚拟语气,should+动词原形,且 should可以省略.?
48. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】 feel like要求加动名词,表示想要; feel for 表示摸着寻找; feel somebody out 表示摸清某人的意图,想法。49. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】 draw to a close表示快要结束。come to an end /a close也可以表达同样的意思。?
50. 【答案】A?
【译文】John 很后悔上星期没有去参加那个会议。?
【试题分析】考查 regret的用法。?
【详细解答】 对以前的事情后悔应该用regret加上doing。?
51. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】 not so much ... as ... 表示与其说……不如说……。注意as 要连接两个对等的成分。?
52. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】 look forward to doing sth.表示盼望某事;hear from表示收到回信。所以B符合题意。?
53. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】 过去进行时表示在过去某个时刻正在发生的事情。本题的事件状语从句表示了具体的过去时间。?
54. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】该题考查隐含的强调句型。如果把say之后的内容改变回正常的强调句型的语序的话,答案更容易找到: It was what that bothered him.?
55. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】使役动词have之后有三种形式:do, doing, done.这是个基本考点。仆人被带到主人面前,因而,应该使用被动形式。
56. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】 同位语从句一般紧跟在同位短语的后面,如果谓语很短,且结构简单,可以把同位语从句后置。?
57. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】 were to do表示对将来的假设, 和wouldn’t 相配合。?
58. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】 by the end of this year要求与将来完成时连用。?
59. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】 cann’t have done 表示在目前看来,过去不可能发生某事。?
60. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】一些动词要求与虚拟语气的从句相配合。这些动词主要有:ask, advise, demand, desire, determine, decide, insist,maintain, propose, order, recommend, require, request, suggest 等。它们后面的从句的动词为should do,should可以省略。 ?

Part IV Short Answer Questions?
61. In a chinatown?
62. To live the traditional life of a Chinese girl ?
63. His income was limited?
64. Outstanding?
65. Ambitious?

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:18:44
Part V Writing?
With the expansion of our city, there appears large amounts of green land. Nowadays, big trees grow well in the parks and along the streets. Grass and flowers decorate the squares and the land around our houses. People in the cities can also enjoy the fresh air, which is the long-held natural franchise of the countryside.?Greenery can bring people many benefits. Fresh air is its upmost contribution to us. And we do feel thankful to the tall trees which enable us to walk in the shade instead of in the sun. After a day’s hard work, it is really refreshing to turn our attention to the beauty and fragrance of the flowers. The forest of steel and cement bore us, while the green give us a lift.?
We should spare no efforts to make our city greener. What’s more important is every citizen ought to realize the importance of the green land to our existence and do something to keep our city green.?

1.idle空闲的 2.hollow空的,中空的?
3.empty空的 4.request要求?
5.regret遗憾 6.equipment装备?
7.lest唯恐,免得 8.appliance电器?
1.turn out, not so much...as...与其说……不如说……?
2.have no objection to不反对做某事?
3.draw to a close快要结束?
1.虚拟语气 2.连接词

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:19:33
(点击右键“另存为”可下载语音) 上海交通大学外语学院 李晓红

Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension(20 minutes)
Section A
Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
1. A) 4. B) 3.?C) 7. D) 8.?
2. A) She baked the cake herself.?
B) She bought it from the shop.?
C) She wants the man to bake it for her.?
D) The bakery baked the cake.?
3. A) To buy some potatoes.?
B) To pass him some potatoes.?
C) To have some potatoes.?
D) To help him cook some potatoes.?
4. A) Jim looks nice in anything.?
B) Jim doesn’t look nice in the new shirt.?
C) Jim does not look nice in the old shirt.?
D) He wants Jim to lend him that shirt.?
5. A) The rain has stopped.?
B) She wants to soak her clothes.?
C) She is looking for her clothes.?
D) It’s raining heavily.?
6. A) She will give him something to write.?
B) She doesn’t know who took away his notebook.?
C) She wants to borrow some paper for him.?
D) He can borrow a notebook from her.?
7. A) She wants to go in another day.?
B) It will depend on the weather.?
C) It’s a nice day to go to class.?
D) Some of them can go swimming.?
8. A) He is very surprised to have such a bad weather.?
B) He doesn’t think the train will be late.?
C) The train is late because of bad weather. ?
D) Nobody will be surprised that the train is late. ?
9. A) Painting the room white.?
B) Buying white furniture.?
C) Waiting the man to decide.?
D) Asking Mr. White for advice.?
10. A) Jenny does not want to go with him.?
B) Jenny wants to go to the party tomorrow.?
C) He asked Jenny to go to the meeting tomorrow.?
D) He’s been unable to ask Jenny.??

Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ?

Passage One ?
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.
11. A) Have to buy a special electronic ticket.?
B) Have to travel a long way to visit the university.?
C) Need an expensive device designed especially for the museum.?
D) Need a computer linked to a telephone.?
12. A) Provide a place for computer artists to show their work.?
B) Sell the art works more easily.?
C) Save space of museums for other purposes.?
D) Provide more fun for the artists.?
13. A) It helps a computer artist to record his pictures electronically.?
B) It helps a computer artist to send his pictures to others.?
C) It helps a computer artist to print pictures on paper.?
D) It helps a computer artist to connect his computer to the art museum.?

Passage Two ?
Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.
14. A) 4 years. B) 5 years.?C) 8 years. D) at least 9 years.?
15. A) Biology. B) Chemistry.?C) Philosophy. D) Medicine.?
16. A)Each student must pass a national examination.?
B) Students who do best in the studies have a greater chance.?
C) They can seek to enter a number of medical schools?
D) Chances to gain the entrance are many.?

Passage Three ?
Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
17. A) Guarding the coats of the United States.?
B) Being part of the United States Navy.?
C) Guiding people along the coast.?
D) Protecting people from army attack.?
18. A) Enforcing laws controlling navigation, shipping, immigration and fishing.?
B) Enforcing laws affecting the privately-owned boats in the U.S. .?
C) Searching for missing boats and rescuing people.?
D) Training people to good swimmers along the beach.?
19. A) 17,000. B) 1,700.?C) 70,000. D) 7,000.?
20. A) Dangerous. B) Hard.?C) Exciting. D) Dull. ??
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:19:56
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)

Directions:There are four reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.?

Passage One ?
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. ?
When Mike Kelly first set out to build his own private space-ferry service, he figures his bread-and-butter business would be lofting satellite into high-earth orbit. Now he thinks he may have figured wrong.“People were always asking me when they could go,” says Kelly, who runs Kelly Space & Technology, “I realized the real market is in space tourism.”?
According to preliminary market surveys, there are 10,000 would-be space tourists willing to spend $1 million each to visit the final frontier .Space Adventures in Arlington has taken more than 130 deposits for a two-hour, $98,000 space tour tentatively set to occur by 2005. This may sound great, but there are a few hurdles. Putting a simple satellite into orbit-with no oxygen, life support or return trip necessary- already costs an astronomical $22,00/kg. And that doesn’t include the cost of insuring rich and possibly litigious passengers. S1 The entire group of entrepreneurs trying to corner the space-tourism market have between them“just enough money to blow up one rocket.”
The U.S. space agency has plenty of money but zero interest in making space less expensive for the little guys. So the little guys are racing to do what the government has failed to do: design a reusable launch system that’s inexpensive, safe and reliable. Kelly Space’s prototype looks like a plane that has sprouted rocket engines. Rotary Rocket in California has a booster with rotors to make a helicopter-style return to Earth. The first passenger countdowns are still years away, but bureaucrats at the Federal Aviation Administration in Washington are already informally discussing flight regulations. After all, you can’t be too prepared for a trip to that galaxy far, far away.?
21. Which of the following is the best title for the passage??
A) Take Vacations in Space?
B) Building Hotels in Space?
C) Flight regulations in Space Travels ?
D) Cost of Space Traveling?
22. The phrase “bread-and-butter business” most probably means ____.?
A) a business to sell bread and butter?
B) a business to produce bread and butter?
C) the business to make a living ?
D) a traveling agency?
23. How much is the 2-hour space tour for each person according to Space Adventures in Arlington??
A) $1 million. B) $ 10,000.?C) $98,000. D) $ 22,000.?
24. Which of the following is true according to the passage??
A) The biggest hurdle for the space-tourism project is lack of a life supporting system.?
B) The entrepreneurs trying to explore the space- tourism have plenty of moneys.?
C) The government have little interests in this project.?
D) The first passenger countdowns are within a few years.?
25. What’s the author’s tone in the last sentence of the passage??
A) Objective. B) Ironical.?C) Approving. D) Enthusiastic.?

Passage Two ?
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. ?
For more than a decade, dieticians and nutritionists harangued us to lower the amount of fat in our diet. As it happens, their message was only partly correct. S2 Although all fats are high in calories, certain fats, like the omega-3 fatty acids commonly found in fish, are actually good for us, provided we consume them in moderation. Not only do omega-3s reduce the risk of clot formation in blood vessels, they also lower the amount of triglycerides, another fatty substance in the blood. S3 The bottom line is that folks who eat 6 to 8 oz. of fatty fish a week experience significantly fewer heart attacks and strokes.Still on the consume-sparing lists are saturated fats, commonly found in red meats and whole-milk dairy products. Recent studies also suggests that another group fats, called trans-fatty acids, found in abundance in crackers and cookies prepared with hydrogenated oils, may be an even more dangerous promoter of high cholesterol than saturated fats.?
The most immediate benefit from adopting a healthy diet is that it can lower blood pressure. Even if you don’t have hypertension, decreasing your blood pressure makes your blood vessel springier and can help stabilize potentially dangerous plaques in the arteries. Two major studies have shown that DASH(Dietary Approaches to Stopping Hypertension) diet- which emphasizes fruits and vegetables, promotes low-fat dairy and high-fiber grains, permits modest portions of lean meat and reduces sodium intake can lower blood pressure as effectively as taking a prescription anti-hypertension drug. Just as important, the foods are filling, taste good and aren’t that different from what most Americans are used to eating.?
26. Which of the following is the best title for the passage??
A) To Eat Right. B) Go on Diet.?C) Get Fit. D) Healthy Habits.?
27. Which of the following about omega-3 fatty acids is not true according to the passage? ?
A) They are not fats actually.?
B) They are good to our health if taken properly.?
C) They can reduce clot formation in blood vessels.?
D) They can lower the amount of triglycerides.?
28.The author states that trans-fatty acids ____.?
A) are not on the consume-sparingly list.?
B) are found commonly in red meat.?
C) may promote high cholesterol.?
D) are not so dangerous as saturated fats.?
29.The “DASH” might include all of the following except____.?
A) emphasizing fruits and vegetables?
B) promoting low-fat dairy and high-fiber grains?
C) reducing sodium intake?
D) encouraging large portions of lean meats?
30. The word “harangue” in the first sentence most probably mean____.?
A) threaten B) ask?
C) order D) talk/persuade ...into?

Passage Three ?
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. ?
S4 Car crashes are the leading cause of injury and death among U.S. children, and though most of us now think of car seats as standard baby equipment, about half of all children under the age of four who died in vehicle accidents last year were not restrained. It is calculated that only about two-thirds of children ages five to fifteen buckle their seat belts.?
Moreover, the traffic-safety agency estimate that even among parents who always strap their children in, 85% are not doing it properly. They often don’t know where best to place the kids, don’t use the proper restraint for their age and weight, or don’t install the safety seats properly.?Despite the reports about front seats collapsing onto back seats when certain car models get in accidents, the safest place in the car for any child up to the age of 12 is still the back seat. Babies up to 9kg and one year old should ride in rear-facing infant seats. Never place a child under age 12 in the front seat with a working passenger-side air bag. These devices are discharged at 320 km/h and can be triggered by low-speed fender benders. They have killed 77 kids in the U.S. since 1993. If you must place a child in front, make sure the passenger-side bag is switched off.?
Children over age one should ride in forward-facing safety seats with a five-point harness system. A child who weighs at last 18 kg and is at least 2m tall can graduate to a booster seat that elevates her so that the standard shoulder and lap belt fit properly.?
31. What does the author mainly discuss in this passage??
A) How to avoid car crash.?
B) How to design safer baby equipment.?
C) How to educate children properly.?
D) How to properly secure children in the car.?
32. The author states that 85% parents are not strapping their children properly. Which of the following is not among the “improper ways”?A) They don’t know where best to place the child.?
B) They don’t have the safety equipment for the child.?
C) They don’t use the proper restraint for the kid’s age and weight.?
D) They don’t install the safety seats properly.?
33. Which of the following is the best seat for the children under 12??
A) Forward-facing seats. B) Rear-facing seats.?C) Front seats. D) Back seats.?
34. The author indicates that a passenger-side air bag____.?
A) might not be dangerous if switched off?
B) is designed for the safety of children?
C) is discharged at 320 km/h and will not triggered by other factors?
D) is not working if a child sits in the seat?
35. What does the word “graduate” mean in the last paragraph ??
A) Finish schooling.?
B) Change to something else.?
C) Collapse.?
D) Stand.?

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:20:35
Passage Four ?
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage. ?
A computer virus is a piece of software programmed to perform one major task: to replicate. Viruses accomplish their reproductive task by preying on other computer files, requiring a host program as a means of survival.?
Viruses gain control over their host in various ways, for example,by attaching their infected code to the end of a host program and misguiding the header information at the beginning of the file so that it points toward itself rather than the legitimate program. Therefore, when an infected host program is run, the virus gets executed before the host. The host program can be almost anything: an application, part of the operating system, part of the system boot code, or a device driver. The virus continues to spread, moving from file to file in this infectious manner.?
In addition to its propagation mission, many viruses contain code whose purpose is to cause damage. In some viruses, this code is activated by a trigger mechanism. A trigger condition may be linked to the number of times the host file is run, or it could be a response to a particular date, time or random number.(S5)In other cases, the damage could occur continuously on a random basis. Of the 11,000
known viruses present today, more than 2000 have been diagnosed as being data destructive.?
All personal computers are at risk for viral infection. Several events, trends and technological in-roads have combined in the past few years to increase our vulnerability to infection. The proliferation of local area networks, the downloading of information from mainframes to desktop computers, our increased reliance on personal computers to store mission critical data, the arrival of electronic bulletin boards, the globalization of communications, the gained popularity of shareware, the growing use of remote communications, the portability of data, the casual spread of software via piracy, and the staggering rate of new virus creation all contribute to increase our risk of virus infection.?
36. Which of the following is true according to the passage??
A) Viruses gain control over their host through replacing the host files with their own.?
B) When an infected program is run, the virus gets executed together with the host.?
C) Viruses attack computer system by causing power failure. ?
D) To replicate, viruses need a host system as a means of survival.?
37. All of the following can be the host program except____.?
A) a device driver?
B) part of the system boot data?
C) part of the operating system?
D) a software?
38. The trigger mechanism of damage can get executed____. ?
A) at a particular time?
B) continuously?
C) on a random basis?
D) all of the above?
39. Which of the following might not increase the risk of virus infection??
A) Downloading of information from mainframes to desktop computers.?
B) The arrival of electronic bulletin boards.?
C) The portability of data.?
D) Popularity of personal computers.?
40. The phrase “preying on” in the last sentence in the first paragraph means____.?
A) reproducing B) begging?C) destroying D) inducing ??

Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure(20 minutes)
Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.
41. She took ____ singing 2 years ago when she was in Italy.?
A) on B) up?
C) in D) over?
42. They ____ through the woods talking about the current affairs.?
A) wandered B) strayed?
C) rambled D) wondered?
43. Tom felt awfully sorry ____ her about his absence in the party.?
A) about B) for?
C) with D) on?
44. We chose this flat for it is very ____ for my office.?
A) suitable B) comfortable?
C) near D) convenient?
45. Chinese is the ____ language of most Chinese.?
A) mother B) native?
C) natural D) home?
46. He has been ____ such a bad temper all day.?
A) in B) on?
C) by D) at ?
47.While at home, she preferred ____?
A) doing something to doing nothing ?
B) to do something rather do nothing?
C) doing something rather do nothing ?
D) to do something to doing nothing?
48. ____she finds out that you’ve lost her dog? ?
A) What though B) What if?
C) What about D) What ever?
49. All the machines in the lab are ____ Miss White.?
A) in charge of ?
B) in the charge of?
C) under the charge of?
D) under charge of?
50. We agreed to you plan____, but we think it needs modification in some area.?
A) in principal ?
B) on principal?
C) in principle ?
D) on principle?
51. You will surely succeed in passing CET-4, ____ you work hard at your English.?
A) so long as ?
B) in case?
C) in that ?
D) as soon as?
52. The whole journey ____ a full week by the time it ends in France.?
A) will have lasted ?
B) would last?
C) has lasted ?
D) must have lasted?
53. Autumn now approaching, the peasants are ____.?
A) at busiest ?
B) at their busiest?
C) on busiest ?
D) on their busiest?
54. She is fully occupied everyday with ____.?
A) her not intelligent son ?
B) her not very intelligent son?
C) the not intelligent son of her ?
D) the not intelligent son of hers?
55. Not until ____ to go on strike.?
A) all the demands has been turned down the workers decided?
B) had all the demands been turned down the workers decided?
C) all the demands had been turned down did the workers decide?
D) had all the demands been turned down did the workers decide?
56. As heir ____ his parent’s property, he will get 8 million dollars.?
A) on B) by?
C) to D) at?
57. The ____ of the meal were thrown away.?
A) remainder B) rest?
C) ruins D) remains?
58. The best student in each class will ____ a prize at the end of term.?
A) award B) possess?
C) reward D) receive?
59. Great efforts to increase wheat production must be made if bread shortages ____ avoided.?
A) will be B) are to be?
C) can be D) were to be?
60. There are more than 50 proposals ____ at the conference.?
A) to discuss ?
B) to be discussed?
C) discussing ?
D) having been discussed?
61. How do you ____ for coming late for the meeting? ?
A) explain B) excuse?
C) describe D) account?
62. The mother was so ____ at the news that she didn’t know what to do. ?
A)admired B) amazed?
C) amused D) curious?
63. He likes to listen to music with the radio turned on at full ____. ?
A) power B) voice?
C) volume D) sound?
64. The coach must take a large ____ of the blame for the failure of the football match. ?
A) quantity B) number?
C) share D) amount?
65. Although alone in the house, he was so busy with his research that he felt____ lonely. ?
A) all but B) nothing but?
C) something but D) anything but?
66. The introduction of modern technique from abroad makes it necessary for skilled workers to ____ unskilled workers.?
A) take place B) take over?
C) take down D) take the place of?
67. ____ so few people in the street was unusual. ?
A) For there to be ?
B) As there to be?
C) For there being ?
D) As there being?
68. There are signs ____ Internet are becoming more and more popular
with teenagers. ?
A) that B) whose?
C) what D) which?
69. Bob had been ____ on a meadow sprinkled with dandelion for a long time before he sat up. ?
A) laid B) lying?
C) lain D) laying?
70. Jill would rather that his girl friend ____ in the same department as he does. ?
A) studied ?
B) should study?
C) study ?
D) had studied
?Part Ⅳ Translation(15 minutes)
Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating into English the Chinese expressions given in brackets. ?
S1. The entire group of entrepreneurs trying to corner the space-tourismmarket have between them “just enough money to blow up one rocket”.(Para 2. Passage 1)?
S2.Although all fats are high in calories, certain fats, like the omega-3 fatty acids commonly found in fish, are actually good for us, provided we consume them in moderation.(Para 1.Passage 2)?
S3.The bottom line is that folks who eat 6 to 8 0z. of fatty fish a week experience significantly fewer heart attacks and strokes.(Para 1.Passage 2)?
S4.Car crashes are the leading cause of injury and death among U.S. children, and though most of us now think of car seats as standard baby equipment, about half of all children under the age of four who died in vehicle accidents last year were not restrained.(Para 1.Passage 3)?
S5.In other cases, the damage could occur continuously or on a random basis. Of the 11,000 known viruses present today, more than 2000 have been diagnosed as being data destructive.(Para 3.Passage 4) ??

Part Ⅴ Writing(30 minutes)

Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Pressure. You should write in at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below.?

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-19 8:21:14编辑过]
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:21:48
Section A?
1. W: Are you busy today??
M: Yes. I have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon.?
Q: How many classes does the man have??
2. M: What a delicious cake! Did you bake it? ?
W: No, I had the bakery do it.?
Q: What does the woman mean??
3. M: Would you like some more potatoes??
W: I’m sorry I can’t manage more. Thank you.?
Q: What does the man ask the woman to do??
4. W: Jim looks nice in that new shirt, doesn’t he??
M: I still wish he’d dress in that old shirt.?
Q: What does the man mean??
5. M: Has the rain stopped??
W: Stopped? Look at my clothes, they are soaked.?
Q: What does the woman mean??
6. M: Oh, I forgot to bring my notebook.?
W: Don’t worry. You can borrow some paper from me.?
Q: What does the woman mean??
7. M: We can all go swimming after class tomorrow.?
W: If it’s a nice day, of course.?
Q: What does the woman mean??
8. W: The 10:30 train is late again.?
M: No surprise in such a bad weather.?
Q: What does the man mean??
9. M: I can’t decide which colour to paint my room.?
W: What about white? It matches the furniture?
Q: What does the woman suggest??
10. W: Did you ask Jenny to go to the party with you??
M: She’s away at a meeting until tomorrow.?
Q: What does the man mean??
Section B?
Passage One?
Florida International University has opened what it says is the first computerart museum in the United States. You don’t have to visit the university to see the art. You just need a computer linked to a telephone. You call the telephone number of a university computer and connect your own computer to it. All of the art is stored in the school computer. It is computer art, created electronically by artist on their own computers. In only a few minutes, your computer can receive and copy all the pictures and drawings.?Robert Shostak is director of the new computer museum. He says he started the museum because computer artists had no place to show their work and he just want
to help them to some extent.?
A computer artist could only record his pictures electronically and send the records, or floppy discs, to others to see on their computers. He could also put his pictures on paper. But to print good pictures on paper, the computer artist needed an expensive laser printer.?
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.
11.If you want to see the art in the computer museum,what do you do??
12.The director says why they started the museum??
13.What can a laser printer do??
Passage Two?`
Men and Women in the United States who want to become doctors usually attend four years of college or university; next they study for four years in a medical school. After that they work in hospitals as medical residents or doctors in training. Some people study and work for as many as 13 years before they begin their lives as doctors.?
During their university years, people who want to become doctors study science intensively. They must study biology, chemstry and other sciences. If they do not, they may have to return to college for more education in science before trying to enter medical school.?
There are 125 medical school in the united states. It is difficult to gain entrance to them. Those who do the best in their studies have a greater chance of entering medical school. Each student also must pass a national examination to enter a medical school. Those who get top score have the best chance of being accepted. Most people who want to study medicine seek to enter a number of medical schools. This increase their chances of being accepted by one. In 1998, almost 47,000 people competed for about 17,000 openings in medical schools.?
Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.
14.How many years does a student have to study before beginning his life as a doctor??
15.Which subject do the students who want to become doctors not study??
16.Which of the following is not true about the entrance to the medical schools??
Passage Three?
The Coast Guard does what its name says: it guards the coasts of the United States. During a war, the Coast Guard becomes part of the United States Navy, and helps to protect against enemy attacks.In times of peace, however, The Coast Guard is part of the United States Department of Transportation. It has responsibility for many different duties. The Coast Guard can be found at many large lakes in America, as well as in coastal waters. It enforces laws controlling navigation, shipping, immigration, and fishing. It enforces other laws that affect the thousands of privately-owned boats in the United States.
Coast Guard planes, boats and helicopters search for missing boats and rescue people in dangerous situations. Last year, Coast Guardsmen saved the lives of almost 7,000 people.?The Coast Guard does scientific research on the ocean. It also uses ice-breaking boats to clear ice from rivers or lakes, so boats can travel safely. One of The Coast Guard’s most important duties now is helping to keep illegal drugs out
of the United States. Coast Guard boats, armed with guns, use radios and radar to find boats that may be carrying drugs. They stop the boats suspected of carrying drugs and search them. They seize the drugs and arrest the people on the boats. Last year, Coast Guardsman seized more than 800,000 kilograms of marijuana and cocaine. And they arrested more than 700 persons trying to bring illegal drugs into the United States.?
This kind of action is exiting. Most of the time, however, Coast Guardsman say they see nothing more exciting than the ocean.?
Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
17.What does the name Coast Guard mean??
18.Which of the following is not the duty of The U.S. Coast guard? ?
19. How many lives have Coast Guardsman saved last year? ?
20.What does the speaker indicate about the life of the Coast Guardsmen for most of the time??

Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension?
Section A?
1. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】男士上午有4节课, 下午有3节课,因而总共要上7节课。?
2. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】本题主要是考学生对短语“have sb. do sth. ”的理解, 它的意思是让别人做某事,因而女士的的意思是她让面包师做的蛋糕。?
3. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】本题关键词是manage, 它在本句的意思是have. 男士问女士是否再要些土豆, 女士回答说吃不下了。?
4. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】女士问男士是否认为Jim穿那件新衬衣很好,男士说他还是希望他穿那件旧的,言下之意他认为Jim 穿新衬衫不好。?
5. 【答案】D?
6. 【答案】A?
7. 【答案】B?
8. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】女士说10:30的火车又晚点了,男士说在这种恶劣的天气里(晚点)一点也不奇怪, 意思是晚点的原因是天气。?
9. 【答案】A?
10. 【答案】D?

Section B?
Passage One?
【试题分析】细节推理题 ?
【详细解答】文中提到,Robert Shostak 说过他建立这个图书馆的原因是计算机艺术家们没有地方展示他们的作品。?

Passage Two?

Passage Three?

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:22:15
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension?

Passage One?

【译文】 去太空旅游?
【译文】 bread-and-butter 的意思是“主要的,谋生的”。?
【详细解答】根据上下文,当他开始创立自己的太空旅行服务社的时候,他构想他的主要“谋生”手段就是……C为答案。A指出售面包奶酪的商家, B生产面包奶酪的商家,D旅行社,都不对。?
【译文】 每人去太空旅行的费用是98,000美元。?
【译文】 美国官方对于开发太空旅游业毫无兴趣。?
【详细解答】 文中提到太空旅行最大的困难是资金问题,而美国官方对此毫无兴趣。C为正确答案。A意思是计划的最大困难是生命维持系统问题,B想要开发此市场的企业家们有足够的资金, D首次航程在几年内就可实行,因而都不符合原文。?
【译文】 作者的语气是讽刺的。?

Passage Two?
【译文】 正确地饮食。?
【译文】 欧米伽-3是一种脂肪。?
【详细解答】 文中提到欧米伽-3是一种脂肪,它能防止血管梗阻C),减少甘油三酸脂D),如果摄入适量,对人体有好处B)。只有A的说法不正确。?
【译文】 trans-fatty acids 会增加人体胆固醇的含量。?
【详细解答】 文中第二段提到trans-fatty acids比saturated fats 更危险,会增加人体胆固醇的含量, 肯定在不建议饮食名单里,因而A,D 不正确。是saturated fats常见于红色肉类中,因而B 也不正确。?
【译文】 DASH不鼓励大量食用瘦肉。?
【译文】 harangue一词在本文中的意思是“游说,说服”?
【详细解答】 文中提到十多年来营养师们一直在游说我们减少脂肪的摄入量。而且下文中还有“message”相呼应,由此判断D为正确答案。A)意思是威胁,B)为要求C)为命令,都不对。

Passage Three?
【译文】 如何保障车内孩子的安全。?
【详细解答】文章指出造成儿童车祸死亡的一大原因是未系安全带,或者没有正确使用安全带。作者继而指出应该如何根据孩子的年龄,体重,身高等正确的使用安全带。因而D)为正确答案。A) 的意思是怎样避免车祸,B) 为如何设计更安全的婴儿设备,C) 为如何恰当的教育孩子,都不正确。?
【译文】 他们没有孩子的安全设施。?
【详细解答】文章的第二段提到A)家长往往不知把孩子放于何处,C)用的安全带不适合孩子的体重年龄,D)安全座也往往安装不正确,但未提到他们没有孩子的安全设施, 因而B是正确答案。?
【译文】 后排座对12岁以下的孩子是最安全的。?
【译文】 空气包关上以后对孩子就没有危险了。?
【详细解答】文章指出,前座旁的空气包在320 km/h. 的速度下会释放,而且路面的减速拦会诱发它。所以把孩子防在前排时最好把它关上。由此判断只有A 正确。?
【译文】 换坐其它的。?
【详细解答】文章提到孩子体重18公斤`身高1米以上可以改坐booster seat, A)为学校毕业,C) 为塌陷,D) 为站立, 都不合适。B为正确答案。?

Passage Four?
【译文】 计算机病毒的主要功能就是复制, 但它要通过控制对方的程序而达到其目的。?
【译文】 除了那一个,其它都可能会成为病毒攻击对象。?
【译文】 病毒可能在何时诱发。?
【详细解答】文章提到,病毒发作的诱发可以是一个特定的日期、时间或任意的数字, 它可能持续发作也可能随机发作,所以选择D项。?
【译文】 哪项选择可能不会增加病毒袭击的危险性。?
【试题分析】 信息考察题?
【译文】 破坏?

Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure?
【译文】两年前在意大利时她开始学唱歌。 ?
【详细解答】take up 开始从事、着手处理;take on 呈现、承担;take in 接纳、吸收、领会;take over接管、承袭。本句的意思是她两年前开始学起唱歌,因而选B。?
【译文】 他们在树林里边走边讨论着时事。?
【译文】 他为自己没有参加晚会而感到很对不起她。?
【详细解答】feel sorry for sb. about sth. 因为某事而对某人愧疚。?
【译文】 我们选择这套公寓是因为离我的公司很近。?
【详细解答】be convenient for sth. 对……而言很方便,在本句中指的是离得很近。suitable合适的,comfortable舒适的,near 近的,后面直接加名词。 ?
【译文】 汉语是大多数中国人的母语。?
【详细解答】母语,mother tongue 或native language,natural自然的,home家(的)。?
【译文】 他一整天都是这么坏的脾气。?
【详细解答】in a bad temper 脾气很坏。?
【译文】 在家时,她喜欢做点事而不喜欢闲着。?
【译文】 如果她发现你把她的狗丢了,那会怎么样??
【详细解答】what if +从句表示推测会发生什么事情,what if +名词或名词短语表示征求对
方的意见,what though 后面的从句要用虚拟语气。?
【译文】 实验室里的所有机器都由怀特小姐负责。 ?
【详细解答】sb. + be+in charge of sth.某人管理、负责某事,sth.+be+in the charge of sb.
【译文】 我们基本上同意你的计划,但是我们认为有些地方要做些改动。?
【详细解答】in principle 基本上、原则上,principle 原则,principal 主要的。?
【译文】 只要你努力,你肯定能通过CET-4的。?
【详细解答】so long as/as long as 引导条件状语从句,表示“只要……”,in case 以防,in that因为,as soon as 一……就……?
【译文】 到在法国结束时为止,整个旅程将持续一个礼拜。?
【详细解答】by the time 引导时间状语从句,表示到将来某时为止,主句用将来完成时。
【译文】 秋天到了,农民最忙的时间到了。?
【详细解答】at one’s busiest最忙的时候,其它选项都不对。?
【译文】 她整天忙于她的弱智儿子。?
【详细解答】形容词前不可以直接加not ,所以选择B。?
【译文】 所有的请求被拒绝之后,工人们才决定开始罢工。?
【详细解答】否定副词用于句首时,主句谓语半倒装,即助动词和主语倒装。本句中,did 提前。?
【译文】 作为父母的财产继承人,他得到了8百万美元。?
【详细解答】heir +to表示“是……的继承人”。?
【译文】 剩饭被扔掉了。?
【详细解答】测验学生对几个名词近义词的辨认。remainder 余额、余下的部分;the rest 其余的;ruins 废墟;remains剩余物,往往指吃剩或用剩的残留物。?
【译文】 最好的学生在学期结束时会受到奖励。?
【详细解答】测验学生对几个名词近义词的辨认。award sb. sth. 颁发给某人某物;reward sb.sth. 奖励、回报某人某物;possess拥有。本句的主语是学生,A、C都不合适,B的含义与上下文不符,所以选择D.?
【译文】 如果想要避免粮食危机的话必须努力增加小麦产量。?
【详细解答】 be+动词不定式表示按计划将来要发生的事。本句的意思是如果一定要避免粮食危机的话,语气较强。will 表示的将来往往带有个人意愿,语气较轻。?
【译文】 将有50多件提案要在会议上讨论。?
【详细解答】动词不定式的被动形式to be discussed 在句中做定语,修饰proposals,表示这些提案将会被讨论。?
【译文】 你怎么解释你开会迟到了??
【详细解答】account for 解释、导致;explain解释;excuse 原谅;find excuse for 找借口;describe 描述。?
【译文】 听到消息,这位妈妈震惊得不知所措。?
【详细解答】测验学生对几个形容词近义词的辨认。admired 敬慕的,amused 被逗乐的,curious好奇的,be amazed at 对……很震惊。?
【译文】 他喜欢听音乐时把音量开到最大。?
【详细解答】测验学生对几个名词近义词的辨认。power电力、功率、权力;voice 声音、说话声;sound声音、声响;volume 音量、容量。本句话说的是把收音机的音量开到最大,所以选择C。?
【译文】 教练必须对这次足球赛的失败负大部分责任。?
【译文】 尽管房子里只有他一人,但他忙于自己的工作所以一点也不感到孤独。?
【详细解答】这道题目主要是测试学生对于anything but 及nothing but 的掌握,anything but一点也不、决不, nothing but只不过……而已。?
【译文】 由于从国外引进了先进技术,所以很有必要用熟练工人取代不熟练工人。?
【详细解答】take place发生;take down 记下;take over 接管;take the place of 取代 。根据上下文,选择D。?
【译文】 街上人这么少,真奇怪。?
【详细解答】there to be 句型做主语时,通常用for做引导词。所以选择A项。?
【译文】 有迹象表明,互联网正越来越受到青少年的喜爱。?
【译文】 Bob在满是蒲公英的草地上躺了很长时间才坐起来。?
【详细解答】本题主要测验学生对几个容易混淆的词的辨认。lie 躺:过去式 lay,过去分词lain;现在分词lying;lie撒谎:过去式lied,过去分词lied,现在分词lying;lay放置:过去式laid,过去分词laid,现在分词laying. 句子中是lie(躺)的现在分词。?
【译文】 Jill宁愿他的女朋友和他在同一个系里学习。?
【详细解答】would rather 后面的从句常用虚拟语气过去式。所以选择A。?
Part Ⅳ Translation?
Part Ⅴ Writing ?

Pressure ?

In our modern society marked by competition, people have to be faced with various kinds of pressure, the pressure from work, from family, from study and even from your heart. And a lot of people are afraid of the pressure. They keep complaining about every thing and appear very anxious.?
However, a certain measure of pressure is not necessarily bad. Just suppose without pressure how a high school student can pass the entrance to the university?And the fear of losing one’s job keeps a worker working hard. Therefore , it is no exaggeration to say that pressure runs the world around.?Of course too much pressure is harmful to our life. He who cannot handle the pressure might collapse someday if it is too much to endure. We’ve already heard too many examples of this. Thus the question is we must learn how to relieve ourselves of the burden of work and study and at the same time, let the stimulus continue to drive us to efforts.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-19 8:22:45编辑过]
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-20 10:34:39
(点击右键“另存为”可下载语音) 西安外国语学院英语系 李振声 薜彩霞 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension(20 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversation. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ? 1. A) 1016.? B) 1060.? C) 508.? D) 580.? 2. A) He is going to the hospital.? B) He is showing his hand.? C) He is letting her go.? D) He is offering help.? 3. A) A shop assistant .? B) A sales clerk.? C) A waiter.? D) A telephone operator.? 4. A) Father and daughter.? B) Uncle and niece.? C) Aunt and nephew.? D) Cousins.? 5. A) She wasn’t invited.? B) She wasn’t ready to come.? C) She altered her decision.? D) She forget the invitation.? 6. A) The door needs repairing.? B) He had lost all his keys.? C) He couldn’t open the door.? D) He wanted the woman to help him.? 7. A) He’s rather happy to hear so.? B) He’s disappointed to hear so.? C) He’s unhappy to hear so.? D) He’s surprised to hear so.? 8. A) He thought it was a good car.? B) He thought it was too noisy.? C) He thought there was wrong with the car.? D) He didn’t like it.? 9. A) In a car.? B) In a train.? C) In a ship.? D) In a plane.? 10. A) She’ll go to the concert.? B) she’ll have a meeting.? C) She’ll watch her neighbor’s children.? D) She’ll visit her neighbor .?? Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passage. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ? Passage One ? Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11. A) Sending them to the shop for some milk. ? B) Telling them a dog has died.? C) Your shoe lace is undone.? D) Eating something delicious food on the able.? 12. A) Her father lost a pen.? B) Her father didn’t know where his penny was.? C) She told the father that he lost a penny.? D) Her father wanted to buy something.? 13. A) She fooled her father.? B) She wanted her father to pick it up.? C) Her father was looking for the penny.? D) All of the above were not true.? Passage Two ? Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard. ? 14. A) It is not really a new one.? B) It is the new one but doesn’t work properly.? C) It is the new one but it is not nice looking.? D) It is the new one but my friend doesn’t like it.? 15. A) The milk went sour quickly.? B) The refrigerator had an unusual smell.? C) She doesn’t check every corner inside.? D) She wiped the refrigerator out.? 16. A) The shop promised to change another one.? B) The shop promised to repair it if you charge it.? C) The shop promised to repair it for free it if it broke down in the first three months.? D) The shop promised to repair it for free it if it broke down in one month. ? Passage Three ? Please fill vacancies according to the passage you have just heard. ? What a ?17 ____________? that your letter with the newspaper clipping “Riches of the Sea” arrived the same day the science department here a lecture on oceanography! I planed to go to a movie that night, but after I had got your letter I decided to attend the lecture instead, and I was 18 _______?glad I did.? As you know, what I wanted to do after I finished school has never been very clear to me. Day always wants me to be a teacher but now I believe I liked to be an oceanographer. Until the lecture, I always had thought of the ocean as just a vast body of water where one swam, rode the surf, or took a ship for some far-off place. Dr Brown, the?19 ___________?, made me realize that the ocean was a great new frontier, with untold potential as a source of food and of other products?20 ________? to mankind. He talked about the new developments taking place in ocean research these days. I will try to give you a brief summary of some of the things he mentioned.? Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(35 minutes) Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One ? Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. ? If, at the end of a conversation somebody says to me, “as soon as I know, I’ll ring you up”, he is talking too much for granted. He is proposing to attempt the impossible. So I have to say, “I’m afraid you can’t. You see. I’m not on the telephone. I just haven’t got a telephone.”? Why don’t you have a telephone? Not because I pretend to be wise or pose as unusual. There are two chief reasons: because I don’t really like the telephone I find I can still work and play, eat, breathe and sleep without it. Why don’t I like the telephone? Because I think it is a pest and a time-waster. It may create unnecessary suspense and anxiety, as when you wait for an expected call that doesn’t come; or irritating delay, as when you keep ringing a number that is always engaged. As for speaking in a public telephone box, which seems to me really horrible. You would not use it unless you were in a hurry, and because you are in a hurry you will find other people waiting before you. When you do get into the box, you are half asphyxiated by stale, unventilated air, flavored with cheap face-powder and chain-smoking; and by the time you have begun your conversation your back is chilled by the cold look of somebody who is fidgeting to take your place.?If you have a telephone in your own house, you will admit that it tends to ring when you least want it to ring; when you are asleep, or in the middle of a meal or a conversation, or when you are just going out, or when you are in your bath.Are you strong-minded enough to ignore it, to say to yourself, “Ah, well, it will all be the same in a hundred years’ time.You are not. You think there may be some important news or message for you. Have you never rushed dripping from the bath, or chewing from the table, or dazed from the bed, only to be told that you are a wrong number??Suppose you ignore the telephone when it rings, and suppose that, for once, somebody has an important message for you. I can assure you that if a message is really important it will reach you sooner or later. Think of the proverb: “ill newstravels apace.” I must say good news seems to travel just as fast. And think ofthe saying: “the truth will out.” It will.? 21. The write does not like telephone in a public telephone box, because____.? A) unventilated air? B) it is far from his home? C) it is not convenient? D) he must pay for it? 22. In the third paragraph, “it will all be the same in a hundred years’ time’ means ____.? A) the phone has been the same thing for many years? B) everything will remain the same thing whether I answer the phone or not? C) the phone will not be changed in a hundred years? D) the phone will not be changed for many years? 23. What does “the truth will out” mean in the last sentence? ? A) The truth will become publicly.? B) The truth will be truth.? C) The truth will disappear.? D) The truth will be hidden.? 24. Which of the following in the main idea of the passage?? A) It is not necessary to have a telephone because ill news travels just as fast as good news? B) The writer states his reasons for not having a telephone.? C) The writer does not like the telephone at all.? D) People can live a normal life without a telephone.? 25. What kind of person do you think the writer is?? A) Eccentric. B) Modern.?C) Realistic. D) Idealistic.
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-20 10:35:36
Passage Two ? Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. ? Spending time in a bookshop can be most enjoyable, whether you are a book-lover or merely go there to buy a book as a present. You may even have entered the shop just to find shelter from a sudden shower. Whatever the reason, you can soon become totally unaware of your surroundings. The desire to pick up a book with an attractive dust-jacket is irresistible, although this method of selection ought not to be followed, as you might end up with a rather dull book. You soon become engrossed in some book or other, and usually it is only much later that you realize you have spend too much time there and must dash off to keep some forgotten appointment-without buying a book, of course.? This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think, the main attraction of a bookshop. There are not many places where it is possible to do this. A music shop is very much like a bookshop. You can wander round such places to your heart’s content. If it is a good shop, no assistant will approach you with the inevitable greeting: “can I help you, sir?” You needn’t buy anything you don’t want. In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the background until you have finished browsing. Then, and only then, are his services necessary. Of course, you may want to find out where a particular section is, but when he has led you there, the assistant should retire discreetly and look as if he is not interested in selling a single book.? You have to be careful not to be attracted by the variety of books in a bookshop. It is very easy to enter the shop looking for a book on, say, ancient coins and to come out carrying a copy of the latest best-selling novel and perhaps a book about brass-rubbing-something which had only vaguely interested you up till then. This volume on the subject, however, happened to be so well illustrated and the part of the text you read proved so interesting, that you just had to buy it. This sort of thing can be very dangerous. Apart from running up a huge account, you can waste a great deal of time wandering from section to section.? Book-seller must be both long-suffering and indulgent. There is a story which well illustrates this. A medical student had to read a text-book which was far too expensive for him to buy. He couldn’t obtain it from the library and the only copy he could find was in his bookshop. Every afternoon, therefore, he would go along to the shop and read a little of the book at a time. One day, however, he was dismayed to find the book missing from its usual place and was about to leave when he noticed the owner of the shop beckoning to him. Expecting to be told off, he went towards him. To his surprise, the owner pointed to the book, which was tucked away in a corner, “I put it there in case anyone was tempted to buy it,” he said, and left the delighted student to continue his reading. ? 26. Spending time in a bookshop____.? A) can be very much enjoy? B) can be very pleasant? C) can be pleasure-giving? D) can give you the greatest pleasure? 27. When you enter the bookshop to find a book, you will ____.? A) become completely absorbed in the books without realizing where you are.? B) become completely lost without any knowledge of your whereabouts.? C) become completely unconscious in the bookshop.? D) lose any sense of direction as to where you are.? 28. How should book sellers do?? A) He should be both suffer for a long time and satisfy customers’ wishes.? B) He should be both endure and indulge for a long time.? C) He should be both tender and lenient.? D) He should be both patient and kind.? 29.Why did the owner of the shop put the book in a corner?? A) He put it there in case anyone was persuaded to buy it.? B) He put it there in case anyone was inclined to buy it.? C) He put it there in case anyone was attracted to buy it.? D) He put it there in case anyone was fascinated to buy it.? 30.How should an assistant do in a good shop?? A) Help you to choose a book.? B) Approach you with the inevitable greeting.? C) Keep himself staying until you have finished glancing.? D) Show his great interest in selling book.? Passage Three ? Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. ? In a world that is becoming more and more interdependent, there is an ever-increasing need to link communications systems on various continents and to provide live international television coverage. This need is now being met by the communications satellites.? Communications satellites make use of technology that has been available for some time: the microwave radio relay. Microwave, which have a higher frequency than ordinary radio waves, are used routinely in sending thousands of telephone calls and television programs across long distances. They give high-quality performance, and they can carry many messages at the same time.? But they has always been one problem in using radio relay in overseas communications. Although high-frequency waves can travel almost unlimited distances, they travel only in straight lines. Since the curvature of the earth limits a microwave’s line-of-sight path to about 30 miles, good reception requires a series of relay towers spaced every 30 miles or so. Obviously it isn’t possible to built these towers across the ocean. But by sending signals high up into the sky and then bouncing them back again to a far-off spot, we can send microwave messages long distances.? As long ago as 1945, Arthur C. Clarke, an English science-fiction writer, proposed that manned “stationary” satellites be used to relay and broadcast electromagnetic communication signals. In 1945, of course, the idea of getting a satelliteout into space seemed fantastic. But with ten years, satellites were close to reality. With the first launching of a satellite into orbit by the Soviet Union (Sputnik I) in 1957, the real development work on satellite communications began. Shortly thereafter, two successful satellites were launched in the United States, Echo I and Telstar I.?The launching of the Telstar I satellite in 1962 marked a major step toward opening the era of commercial satellite communications. Echo I, a ten-story aluminum-coated balloon, was a “passive” target; it merely reflected weak signals back to the earth. But Telstar I was the first “active” satellite to pick up a broadband signal, amplify it, and transmit it back to the earth on a different frequency. The satellite’s transmission of transatlantic television thrilled millions.? A few months after Telstar I went into orbit, Relay, a medium-altitude satellitelaunched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), provided the first satellite communication between North and South America. Relay was followed by the Telstar II satellite, and by NASA’s Syncom series and its successors——all of them high-altitude (23,000 miles) satellites whose orbits are synchronous with the rotation of the earth so that this positions, if they could be seen from the earth, would appear to be fixed in one spot.? Shortly before Telstar I was launched, the United States Congress established the Communications Satellite Corporation——Comsat——to develop a commercial satellite system as part of an improved global communications network. Comsat, which is owned partly by public investors and partly by communications carriers, represents the United States in the International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium-Intelsat-and acts as manager for that body. Since its inception in 1962, the corporation, in collaboration with Intelsat, has inaugurated commercial satellite transmission of telephone, television, and other telecommunications traffic between North America and Europe and North America and the Far East.? The commercial satellite Intelsat IV was launched in June of 1972.This one-and-one-half-ton spacecraft multiplied by five times the space-borne relaying capacity linking Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia. With the launching of Intelsat IV, full global coverage by communications satellites had at last been achieved.? 31. The first paragraph indicates ____.? A) communications systems is becoming more and more independent ? B) link communications systems on various continents? C) the need to link communications systems on various is ever-increasing? D) this need is now being met by the communications satellites? 32.The maximum distance for high-frequency and straight line microwave tr ansmission is ____ miles.? A) much more than 30? B) less than30? C) 30? D) about 30? 33.The phrase “marked a major step”(Line 1,Para. 5) most probably means____.? A) got significant step? B) was an important advance? C) made a progress? D) marked in the history? 34.What is the author trying to tell us in the second paragraph?? A) Microwave radio relay.? B) Microwave itself.? C) Microwave’s transmission.? D) Microwave’s value.? 35. In paragraph 6, “...whose orbits are synchronous with the rotation of the earth so that this positions,...” means ____.? A) satellites are orbited in the same time with the rotation of the earth? B) that moves as fast as the earth the earth turns round? C) that travels in the same direction with the earth turns round? D) that travels faster than the earth turns ? Passage Four ? Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage. ? Americans believe no one stands still. If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind. This attitude results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring. Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being labor.? “We are slaves to nothing but the clock,” it has been said. Time is treated as if it were something almost tangible. We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it. It is a precious commodity. Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime. Once the sands have run out of a person’s hourglass, they cannot be replaced. We want every minute to count.? A foreigner’s first impression of the U. S. is likely to be that everyone is in a rush-often under pressure. City people appear always to be hurry to get where they are going, restlessly seeking attention in a store, elbowing others as they try to complete their errands. Racing through daytime meals is part of the pace of life in this country. Working time is considered precious. Others in public eating places are waiting for you to finish so they too can be served and getback to work within the time allowed. Each person hurries to make room for the next person. If you don’t, waiter will hurry you. ? You also find drivers will be abrupt and that people will push past you. You will miss smiles, brief conversations, small courtesies with strangers. Don’t take it personally. This is because people value time highly, and they resent someoneelse “wasting” it beyond a certain courtesy point. ?This view of time affects the importance we attach to patience. In the American system of values, patience is not a high priority. Many of us have what might becalled “a short fuse.” We begin to move restlessly about if we feel time is slipping away without some return-be this in terms of pleasure, work value, or rest. Those coming from lands where time is looked upon differently may find this matter of pace to be one of their most difficult adjustments in both business andday life.? Many newcomers to the States will miss the opening courtesies of a business call, for example. They will miss the ritual socializing that goes with a welcoming cup of tea or coffee that may be traditional in their own country. They may miss leisurely business chats in a café or coffee house. Normally, Americans do not assess their visitors in such relaxed surroundings over prolonged small talk; much less do they take them out for dinner, or around on the golf course while they develop a sense of trust and report. Rapport to most of us is less important than performance. We seek out evidence of past performance rather than evaluate a business colleague through social courtesies. Since we generally assess and probe professionally rather than socially, we start talking business very quickly. ? Most Americans live according to time segments laid out in engagement calendars.We often give a person two or three ( or more) segments of our calendar, but in business world we almost always have other appointments following hard on the heels of whatever we are doing. Time is therefore always ticking in our inner ear.? As a result we work hard at the task of saving time. We produce a steady flow of labor-saving devices; we communicate rapidly through telexes phone calls or memos rather than through personal contacts, which though pleasant, take longer-especially given our traffic-filled streets. We therefore save most personal visiting for after work hours or for social weekend gatherings.? 36.“If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind.”(Para.1,Line1)means ____.? A) if you are moving, you are falling down? B) you would fall behind if you move ahead? C) you are moving ahead or you are falling behind? D) you are not moving, you are disappear? 37. The second paragraph implies____.? A) everyone’s life has his regrets? B) everybody has his defaults? C) lifetime is not long for everyone? D) lifetime is full of pities? 38. In the American system of value, patience is not a high priority indicates ____.? A) patience is very important? B) patience is high valuable? C) patience is not of value? D) patience is ranked after others? 39. “We begin to move restlessly about if we feel time is slipping away without some return...”, this sentence reflects Americans’ attitude to life ____.? A) is not patient enough? B) gets angry easily? C) saves times? D) values time? 40. Is the article to ____?? A) narrate B) tell story? C) inform D) argue ??
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-20 10:36:10
Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure(20 minutes) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) . Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ? 41. We consider ____ the instrument should be adjusted each time it is used.? A) necessary that ? B) necessary of it that ? C) it necessary that ? D) that it necessary? 42. “____ he would not agree to this plan?”? A) Why do you know ? B) Do you know why? C) You know why? D) You know the reason why? 43. When you play football, the person with whom you are playing against is your ____.? A) opposition ? B) oppositionist? C) competition ? D) opponent? 44. I wonder if John has forgotten my number. I ____ him to call for the past two hours.? A) have been expecting ? B) have expected? C) have been expected ? D) expected? 45. Tom as well as two of his classmates ____ invited to the party.? A) are B) will be? C) is D) be? 46. His answer is not correct, and ____.? A) neither is mine ? B) mine is neither? C) neither am I ? D) either is mine? 47. You look so tired tonight, It’s time you ____ to bed.? A) go B) went?C) going D) to go ? 48. Our company has made a ____ with a foreign automobile company to buy 50 cars.? A) contract B) contrast?C) contact D) convert? 49. Success is not worth the ____ of your health.? A) value B) attitude?C) bargain D) sacrifice? 50. My suggestion is that we ____ a trade delegation to Malaysia.? A) sent B) be sent?C) send D) being sent? 51. Why not ____ that suit to see it matches with your shirt?? A) try back B) try on?C) try for D) try out? 52. A ____ is official permission to visit a country granted by the government of that country. It may be obtained from the embassy of the country you wish to visit.? A) visa B) patent?C) license D) passport? 53. The criminal always paid ____ cash so the police could not track him down.? A) in B) by?C) on D) for? 54. ____ your cooperation, we could not have succeeded in our experiment. A) Because of B) Because?C) But that D) But for? 55. No one can avoid ____ by advertisements.? A) influencing ? B) influenced? C) being influenced ? D) to influence? 56. I have so much work to do that a holiday for me this year is ____.? A) out of question ? B) out of the question? C) out of a question ? D) out question? 57. ____ their common aim may seem good, people probably do not realize that dieting can do harm to their health.? A) If B) Because?C) Though D) When? 58. The discount houses were first established in that period of time ____ people’s purchasing power was low.? A) what B) where?C) which D) when? 59. He ____ the money, he is not such kind of person.? A) can’t have stolen ? B) mustn’t have stolen? C) can’t steal ? D) may not steal? 60. ____ by the earthquake, the city had to be rebuilt.? A) Having badly damaged ? B) Having been badly damaged? C) Been badly damaged ? D) Being badly damaged? 61. Would you mind ____ quiet for a moment? I’m trying ____ of form.? A) keeping,to fill out ? B) keeping,filling out? C) keep,to fill out ? D) to keep,to fill out? 62. Mercury is different from other industrial metals ____ it is a liquid.? A) because of ? B) whereas? C) in that ? D) though? 63. He made a hypothesis ____ the great storms on the sun create large amounts of electric energy.? A) why B) which?C) when D) that? 64. He had the ____ over other boys of having had very good preschool education.? A) alternative B) advantage?C) ability D) challenge? 65. ____ went to the birthday party last night.? A) Many friends of John ? B) Many John’s friends? C) Many of John friends ? D) Many friends of John’s? 66. —“Are you tired?”? —“No, not ____.”? A) in the least ? B) at the least? C) so to speak ? D) at least? 67. The notice says that no books in the reading room are allowed ____ out of it.? A) to take ? B) take? C) taking ? D) to be taken? 68. ____ in the front row and ____ a pair of binoculars I saw everything clearly and beautifully.? A) Seated,using ? B) Seating,using? C) Seated,used ? D) Seating,used? 69. ____ they want to the bar to enjoy a drink.? A) No sooner had they got to know the news when? B) Hardly they had got to know the news than? C) No sooner had they got to know the news than? D) Scarcely had they got to know the news than? 70. At the beginning of a year, everybody ____ many plans for the coming days.? A) come up with ? B) come up to ? C) come through ? D) come round? Part Ⅳ Cloze(15 minutes) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage.
For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ? Bees are very small animals which fly through the air to look for flowers (71)____. When a bee (72)____ some food, it returns to the hive and dances. The dance is the way a bee (73)____ to other bees that is has found food.? Bees do two kinds of (74)____ to tell other bees of their (75)____ of food. First, there is a round dance. (76)____ this dance, the bee moves in a (77)____ inside the hive. The round dance is used (78)____ the food is close by. The food must not be more than ten meters (79)____ If a bee comes back and dance a round dance, other bees know they must go out and look nearby for food. The bees also (80)____ the bee that has found the food. The smell tells them what kind of flower to (81)____. After watching the round dance and smelling the bee (82)____ has found the food, the other bees can find the other source.? A second kind of dance (83)____by the bee is a tail-wagging dance. In this dance, the bee wiggles the (84)____ of its body as it moves in a (85)____ line. The tail-wagging dance is used when the food is far away. The food must be (86)____ ten meters away. The bees know from the speed of the tail-wagging dance just how far away the food source is. The line the bee dances on shows the direction that the bees (87)____ fly into find the food. In the tail-wagging dance, the bees also smell the bee (88)____ has found the food. The smell tells them what kind of flowers to look for. After watching the tail-wagging dance and smelling the bee that has found the food, the other bees know (89)____ things. They know how far (90)____ fly, what direction to fly in, and what kind of flowers to look for.? 71. A) for food B) for eating?C) to eat D) for eating food? 72. A) looks for B) finds?C) in search of D) found? 73. A) communicates B) makes?C) helps D) supports? 74. A) dances B) ways?C) methods D) means? 75. A) information B) news?C) discovery D) happiness? 76. A) on B) for?C) in D) at? 77. A) direction B) line?C) round D) circle? 78. A) when B) as?C) at D) that? 79. A) away B) long?C) high D) from? 80. A) taste B) touch?C) smell D) do? 81. A) wait for B) look for?C) engage in D) subject to? 82. A) what B) that?C) who D) it? 83. A) done B) made?C) danced D) got? 84. A) head B) eyes?C) end D) middle? 85. A) circle B) round?C) around D) straight? 86. A) more than B) much than?C) much D) less than? 87. A) should B) would?C) must D) may? 88. A) which B) that?C) it D) what? 89. A) these B) those?C) three D) below? 90. A) to B) in?C) for D) on? Part Ⅴ Writing(30 minutes) Directions: The attraction of such a market is described first, then details of this source of enjoyment are presented, both appearing to the emotions of the readers.?Title: How to Persuade People to Visit a Pet Fish Market?
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