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christlulu 发表于 2006-5-20 10:36:48
听力原文 Section A? 1. M: How many students passed the College English Test last term?? W: Well, let me see,1016 students took the exam, but half of them failed.? Q: How many students did the woman believe had passed the exam.? 2. W: Would you tell me how I can get to the hospital?? M: Sure, let’s me give you a hand.? Q: What’s the man doing?? 3. W: May I help you?? M: Yes, I’d like to call Jane’s office, area code 502-2211, my name is Scott.? Q: Who is the man speaking to?? 4. W: Is aunt Mary in? I’ve got something important to tell her.? M: Sorry, mother has gone shopping, she won’t be back until lunch time.? Q: What is the relationship between the two speakers?? 5. M: Sue isn’t here yet, did you forget to invite her?? W: She was ready to come, but then changed her mind.? Q: Why isn’t Mary present?? 6. W: Why are you just standing outside instead of going in?? M: I have tried all my keys in the lock, but it won’t open.? Q: Why didn’t the man go in?? 7. M: You don’t look a day over thirty.? W: Really? In fact, I’m thirty-five.? Q: How does the woman feel about the man’s remark?? 8. M: Did your sister like her new car?? W: She thought it was too noisy, and something got wrong with the tyres, but my father believed it was quite a good car.? Q: What did the girl’s father think of the new car?? 9. W: Fasten your belts, and we will take off soon.? M: But would you like to tell me how to fasten it?? Q: Where did the conversation take place?? 10. M: Are you going to the concert tonight?? W: No, I promised to babysit for my neighbors while they have a meeting.? Q: What will the woman do tonight?? Section B? Passage One? The first day of April ranks among the most joyous days in the juvenile calendar.? “It is a day when you hoax friends of yours with jokes like sending them to the shop for some pigeon’s milk, or telling them to dig a hole because a dog has died; when they came back and ask where is the dead dog you say ’April fool’ and laugh at them .There are some when you just say ’Your shoe lace is undone’ or ’Your belt is hanging’ or ’’Go and fetch that plate off the table’, and of course their shoe lace is tied up right, and their belt is not hanging , and there is no plate on the table, so you say ’Ever been had, April fool.”? And parents, of course, are not exempt. “We have a lively time,” says an 11-year-old Swansea girl, “as there are so many jokes to play such as sewing up the bottom of Daddy’s trousers.” And a 9-year-old Birmingham boy writes:? “Last year I fooled father by gluing a penny to the floor and saying ’Dad, you’ve dropped a penny on the floor.’ He couldn’t get it off the ground because it was stuck firm, then I shouted ’Yah, April fool’.? Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. ? 11. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?? 12. Why did her father look for a penny?? 13. Why did she told her father that his penny dropped on the floor.? Passage Two? Some months ago my friend bought a new refrigerator, but became worried when it did not work properly.?The food did not keep well, the milk went sour quickly and the inside of the refrigerator had an unusual smell. My friend tried to do many different things to solve the problems. She checked every corner inside the fridge and wiped the refrigerator out with a wet cloth, all without success. This refrigerator would not work properly.? Finally, my friend decided she had had enough. She asked her son-in-law to find the paper with the shop guarantee on it. This guarantee said the shop promised to repair the refrigerator for free if it broke down in the first three months.? The son-in-law first had a look at the refrigerator to see what the problem was. To the amusement of all those present and the embarrassment of y friend, he found that she had plugged her refrigerator into the electric power plug in the wall, but had forgotten to switch the power on.? Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard. ? 14. Why does my friend become worried when he bought a new refrigerator?? 15. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?? 16. Which of the following is written in the paper with the shop guarantee according to the passage?? Passage Three? What a coincidence that your letter with the newspaper clipping “Riches of the Sea” arrived the same day the science department here was presenting a lecture on oceanography! I planed to go to a movie that night, but after I had got your letter I decided to attend the lecture instead, and I was certainly glad I did.? As you know, what I wanted to do after I finished school has never been very clear to me. Day always wants me to be a teacher but now I believe I liked to be an oceanographer. Until the lecture, I always had thought of the ocean as just a vast body of water where one swam, rode the surf, or took a ship for some far-off place. Dr Brown, the lecturer, made me realize that the ocean was a great new frontier, with untold potential as a source of food and of other products valuable to mankind. He talked about the new developments taking place in ocean research these days. I will try to give you a brief summary of some of the things he mentioned.? 答案与详解 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension? Section A? 1.【答案】C? 【试题分析】判断推理题? 【详细解答】男士问有多少学生通过考试,女士说1016名学生参加考试,但一半没有通过,由此推断答案为C。 ? 2.【答案】D? 【试题分析】判断推理题? 【详细解答】女士问去医院的路,男士表示愿意帮忙。关键词是give you a hand (给你提供帮助),由此推断答案为D。? 3.【答案】D? 【试题分析】判断推理题? 【详细解答】女士问可以帮忙吗,男士回答,他要接Jane办公室的电话,同时报出号码和自己的名字。由此推断答案为D。? 4.【答案】D? 【试题分析】判断推理题? 【详细解答】女士要找Mary姑姑,男士说妈妈不在。由此推断两人关系为cousin,故答案为D。? 5.【答案】C? 【试题分析】细节考察题? 【详细解答】男士问:Sue不在,你没有邀请她吗?女士回答:她准备来,但又改变主意了。关键词是change her mind,由此可知,答案为C。? 6.【答案】C? 【试题分析】细节考察题? 【详细解答】女士问男士为什么站在外面不进去,男士回答,他试了所有的钥匙,但是门打不开。关键是理解男士的回答。? 7.【答案】A? 【试题分析】判断推理题? 【详细解答】男士说女士看上去不到30岁,女士回答:真的吗?事实上我已经35岁了。35岁的女士听到别人说她不到30,态度必然是happy,由此推断答案为A。? 8.【答案】A? 【试题分析】细节考察题? 【详细解答】本题干扰的句子较多,问题是女孩父亲对汽车的态度,所以关键是女士回答的最 后一句:我父亲认为这是一辆好车。由此得知,答案为A。? 9.【答案】D? 【试题分析】细节考察题? 【详细解答】女士说:系紧安全带,我们马上要起飞。男士问:你能告诉我怎么系紧吗?关键词是take off,由此推断这个对话只能发生在飞机上。答案为D。? 10.【答案】C? 【试题分析】细节考察题? 【详细解答】男士问:女士今晚是否去音乐会?女士回答:邻居今晚要开会,她答应了要帮忙看孩子。关键词是babysit(临时照看孩子),故答案为C。? Section B? Passage One? 内容概要:本文主要叙述的是青少年在愚人节所搞的令人发笑的小动作,并举出详细的例子加以说明。? 11.【答案】D? 【译文】根据短文可知,下面哪一个是不正确的。? 【详细解答】本段文字叙述了青少年在愚人节所搞的令人发笑的小动作。文中谈到给鸽子买牛奶,给死了的狗挖个洞等,所没有谈到的是D项(在桌子上吃东西)。? 12.【答案】C? 【译文】父亲为什么寻找那个便士?? 【详细解答】文中说明,小孩子愚弄他的父亲,把一枚硬币粘在地板上,让他父亲认为是自己掉的,并让他父亲拣起来。所以选项为C。? 13.【答案】A? 【译文】她为什么告诉她父亲他的钱掉到地上了?? 【详细解答】愚人节时,小孩子玩的小把戏都是愚弄别人,快乐自己。从整个文章分析,答案为A。? Passage Two? 内容概要:本文叙述的是我的朋友买了一台冰箱,但由于使用不当,未能发挥冰箱的效能,放进去的食物都坏了。结果经检查是未接通电源,而不是冰箱本身的问题。? 14.【答案】B? 【译文】当我的朋友买回一台新的冰箱时,他为什么会很焦虑?? 【详细解答】文章前两段谈到,当我的朋友买回一台新的冰箱时,却不能正常使用,放进去的食物全部坏掉,他自然会很着急。故答案应为B。? 15.【答案】C? 【译文】根据短文,下面那一个说法是不正确的?? 【详细解答】文中谈到,放到冰箱中的牛奶很快变酸,冰箱内有异味,于是我的朋友检查了冰箱的每一个角落,并且将其彻底擦拭了一遍。故可得知C为不正确。? 16.【答案】C? 【译文】根据短文,下面那一个是商店的保修证上所写明的?? 【详细解答】文章第三段最后一句话谈到,商店售出冰箱三个月内可免费维修,得知答案为C。? Passage Three? 【答案】17.coincidence 18.certainly 19.lecturer 20.valuable?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-20 10:37:17
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension? Passage One? 内容概要:本文的作者论述了自己的主张,家里没有必要安装电话,因为它带来的是麻烦,而不是便利。作者通过大量的例子来证明自己的观点。? 21.【答案】A? 【译文】作者不喜欢公用电话亭是因为……? 【试题分析】细节考查题。? 【详细解答】文章第二段谈到When you do get into the box, you are half asphyxiated by stale, unventilated air, flavored with cheap face-powder and chain-smoking; 由此判断正确答案为A。 ? 22.【答案】B? 【译文】在第三段中 “it will all be the same in a hundred years’ time” 的意思是……? 【试题分析】细节理解题。? 【详细解答】文章第三段说,如果你自己家中有电话,当你睡觉、吃饭、谈话……你不愿它响时它偏要响,你足以执拗的置之不理,对自己说:“一百年不都是千篇一律吗?”其实指的就是每一次接电话时都是一样的。根据文章上下文不难看出,答案为B。? 23.【答案】A? 【译文】文章最后一句中“the truth will out”的意思是……? 【试题分析】细节理解题。? 【详细解答】文章最后一段说,如果消息真的很重要,你迟早总会知道的,如谚语所说:“坏事传千里”。我应该说好消息一样传得快。想想这条俗语:“真相大白”即是这样。本句中out常含有to the open air或to be opened 之意。在这里讲的是真实情况暴露出来,为人所知。故答案为A。? 24.【答案】C? 【译文】本文主要讨论了什么?? 【试题分析】主旨大意题。? 【详细解答】本文的作者论述了自己的主张,家里没有必要安装电话,因为它带来的是麻烦,而不是便利。作者通过大量的例子来证明自己的观点。故答案为C。? 25.【答案】A? 【译文】你认为作者是那一种类型的人?? 【试题分析】判断推理题。? 【详细解答】从文章中我们可以看出,作者认为家里没有必要安装电话,因为它带来的是麻烦,而不是便利。并且通过大量的例子来证明自己的观点。而事实上,在现代社会中,人们经常会用到电话。由此可以看出,作者不喜欢与人交往,而喜欢生活在一个远离喧嚣的和平安静的环境中。由此得知,他有一点eccentric(古怪)。? Passage Two? 内容概要:本文的作者论述了花时间在书店里是最令人愉快的一件事。虽然是不经意地去书店,却很容易被书店吸引,并给出书店吸引人的原因,警告读者注意在冲动之下买书的危险,同时指出书店的售货员应怎样行事,最后讲了一件轶事,说明理想中的卖书人应怎样行事。? 26.【答案】B? 【译文】花时间在书店里可能是……。? 【试题分析】词语辨析题。? 【详细解答】文中第一句说Time spend in a bookshop can be most enjoyable,enjoyable一词指“使能够高兴的,令人愉快的”,有使动意义在其中,故选择B。? 27.【答案】A? 【译文】当你进入书店找到一本书时,你会……。? 【试题分析】细节考查题。? 【详细解答】文中第二句说You may even have entered the shop just to find shelter from a sudden shower. Whatever the reason, you can soon become totally unaware of your surroundings. 句中unaware指without realizing...即不意识、不知道。句子指得是“被书本所吸引而完全不意识到他身在何处。故答案为A。? 28.【答案】D? 【译文】书店的老板应当怎样去做?? 【试题分析】细节考查题。? 【详细解答】文章最后一段第一句指出Book-seller must be both long-suffering and indulgent. long-suffering 指patient(足够耐心的),indulgent 指too kind, very kind to other people 。由此可知,答案为D。? 29.【答案】C? 【译文】为什么书店的主人把那本书放到角落里?? 【试题分析】细节考查题。? 【详细解答】文章最后一句I put it there in case anyone was tempted to buy it。句中was tempted意为was attracted,指为那本书所吸引而想购买。所以答案为C。? 30.【答案】C? 【译文】在一个好的书店里,售货员应该怎样做?? 【试题分析】细节考查题。? 【详细解答】文中第二段谈到In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the background until you have finished browsing. 由此可知答案为C。? Passage Three? 内容概要:本文讲的是日益增长的卫星需求和在这种需求下通信微波技术的发展,以及微波技术发展的优点和缺点,并解决了微波在传送过程中的问题。? 31.【答案】D? 【译文】文章第一段陈述了……。? 【试题分析】主旨大意题。第一段的主题句为本段最后一句:这种需求已正在由于通讯卫星而得到满足。A,B,C三项主要讲的是世界上对于通讯需求的增长及其范围,所以答案为D。? 【详细解答】 ? 32.【答案】D? 【译文】高频微波传送的最大直线距离是多少英里?? 【试题分析】细节考查题。? 【详细解答】第三段中Since the curvature of the earth limits a microwave’s line-of-sight path to about 30 miles,since一词在此表示原因,由此可知答案为D。? 33.【答案】B? 【译文】第五段第一行短语marked a major step的意思是……? 【试题分析】细节考查题。? 【详细解答】marked a major step的意思为‘标志着一次重大的推进’,选项中B的意思最为接近,故只能选B。? 34.【答案】A? 【译文】在第二段中作者想要告诉我们什么?? 【试题分析】主旨大意题。? 【详细解答】第二段的主题句为本段第一句,而主题句的核心在于冒号后面的the microwave relay。所以答案为A。? 35.【答案】B? 【译文】第六段中“....whose orbits are synchronous with the rotation of the earth so that this positions...” 的意思是……。? 【试题分析】细节考查题。? 【详细解答】该句中‘are synchronous with’的意思是‘与……同步’,所以答案为B。? Passage Four? 内容概要:本文主要阐明美国人的时间观念。他们珍惜时间,办事不重形式,讲求实效;他们整天都好像是匆匆忙忙;匆匆吃饭,匆匆返回工作,他们没有耐心,脾气大,爱发火,不耐烦排队。他们谈公事,少有罗嗦的开场白,而很快切入话题;他们喜爱高效率的交通工具等。?
36.【答案】C? 【译文】第一段第一行中If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind.的意思是……。? 【试题分析】理解题。? 【详细解答】从文章的前两句我们可以得出,本句的意思为“不进则退”,所以答案为C。? 37.【答案】C? 【译文】第二段包含了……。? 【试题分析】段落大意题。? 【详细解答】文章第二段中有这样一句话:Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime.这句话进一步说明了本段开头对于时间的看法,指出“许多人深感人的一生之短促”。所以答案为C。? 38.【答案】D? 【译文】在美国人的价值观中,耐心并没有排在很高的地位,表明了……。? 【试题分析】细节考查题。? 【详细解答】priority的意思是“居先,在前,优先”。文章中第五段第一句指出:这种时间观影响了我们对耐心的重视,按照美国人的价值观,耐心并没有排在很高的地位。所以答案为D。? 39.【答案】D? 【译文】“We begin to move restlessly about if we feel time is slipping away without some return...”,这句话反映了美国人对生活的态度是……。? 【试题分析】理解题。? 【详细解答】本句的意思是:只要我们感觉消耗了时间而没有回报,我们就开始烦躁不安地走来走去……,由此得知,答案为D。? 40.【答案】C? 【译文】这篇文章是……。? 【试题分析】理解判断题。? 【详细解答】整篇文章中,作者都在说明美国人对于时间的观念。所以该篇文章是以说明为主的,所以答案为C。?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-20 10:38:45
Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure? 41.【答案】C? 【译文】我们认为设备每次用过之后被调整是必需的。? 【详细解答】语法考查。consider后跟带有宾补的宾语从句时,常用it 做形式宾语,而将真正的宾语放到宾语补足语的后面。? 42.【答案】B? 【译文】你知道他为什么不同意这个计划?? 【详细解答】语法考查。本题考查宾语从句,why引导的从句做动词know的宾语。? 43.【答案】D? 【译文】当你踢足球时,和你踢球的人是你的对手。? 【详细解答】名词辨析题。A)opposition反对、敌对B)oppositionist反对党人C)competition比赛、竞争D)opponent对手、敌手。? 44.【答案】A? 【译文】我想知道约翰是否忘了我的电话号码,我在过去的两个小时里一直等他的电话。? 【详细解答】语法考查。我在过去的两个小时里一直等约翰的电话。这个动作从过去一直持续到现在,并且还将继续持续下去,所以应用现在完成进行时。? 45.【答案】C? 【译文】汤姆和他的两个同学一样被邀请参加晚会。? 【详细解答】语法考查。as well as引导的两个名词做主语,谓语动词应与前者一致。Tom第三人称单数,故选C。? 46.【答案】D? 【译文】他的答案不正确,我的也不正确。? 【详细解答】语法考查题。否定词neither放在句首,主谓倒装。主语为my answer, 用mine代替。? 47.【答案】B? 【译文】你今晚看起来很累了,你早该去睡了。? 【详细解答】It is (about, high) time + 从句,表示早该做而未做的事,含建议的意味。其动词用过去式。? 48.【答案】A? 【译文】我们公司和外国一家汽车公司签定了一个购买50辆汽车的合同。? 【详细解答】名词辨析题。A)contract契约、合同B)contrast对比、对照C)contact接触、联系D)convert改变、转变。? 49.【答案】D? 【译文】成功不值得以牺牲健康做为代价。? 【详细解答】名词辨析题。A)value价值 B)attitude态度 C)bargain讨价还价 D)sacrifice牺牲。? 50.【答案】C? 【译文】我的建议是我们应当派一个贸易代表团去马来西亚。? 【详细解答】语法考查题。本题考查虚拟语气的用法。在表示“建议、要求、命令”的从句中,从句的谓语动词用should+ 动词原形,should可省略。? 51.【答案】B? 【译文】为什么不试一下你的衣服,看看是否和你的衬衣相匹配?? 【详细解答】动词词组考查。A) try back重新回到 B) try on试穿 C) try for谋求、争取得到 D) try out试验、考验。? 52.【答案】A? 【译文】签证需得到你所要去的那个国家的官方的允许,可以从你所要去的那个国家的大使馆得到。? 【详细解答】名词辨析题。A)visa签证B)patent专利、特权C)license许可证、执照D)passport护照。? 53.【答案】A? 【译文】这个罪犯总是用现金来支付,所以警察不能追捕到他。? 【详细解答】在英语中用现金支付时,用pay in cash。? 54.【答案】D? 【译文】要不是你的合作,我们的实验不可能取得成功。? 【详细解答】A) because of 因为、由于,后接名词B) because因为、由于,后接从句 C) but that若非,后接从句 D) but for若非、要不是,后接名词。? 55.【答案】C? 【译文】没有人能够避免受到广告的影响。? 【详细解答】语法考查。动词avoid后接动名词做宾语,本题属被动语态。故答案为C。? 56.【答案】B? 【译文】我有很多工作要做,今年假期对我来说是不可能的。? 【详细解答】词组辨析题。out of the question(不可能), out of question(毫无疑问)。? 57.【答案】C? 【译文】尽管人们的目的是好的,但他们可能没有意识到节食对他们的健康是有害的。? 【详细解答】状语从句的考查。A) if(如果),引导条件状语从句。B) because(因为),引导条件原因从句。C) though(尽管),引导让步状语从句。D) when(当……时候),引导时间状语从句。? 58.【答案】D? 【译文】打折商店最初是建立在人们的购买力很低的时期。? 【详细解答】定语从句的考查。本题中,先行词为表示时间的that period of time,故用关系副词when引导。? 59.【答案】A? 【译文】他不可能偷钱,他不是那种人。? 【详细解答】本题考查情态动词的推测性用法。情态动词的推测性用法中,如果有原因说明自己的推测,也就是肯定的推测结果用must,否定的推测结果用can’t。如果推测的是过去的事,则用情态动词的完成时。? 60.【答案】B? 【译文】这个城市被地震严重破坏,必须重建。? 【详细解答】非谓语动词的考查。“这个城市被地震严重破坏”,该动作已经发生,故应该用完成时,从语态上来讲,属于被动语态,所以只能选择B。? 61.【答案】A? 【译文】安静一会儿好吗?我正在填表。? 【详细解答】习惯用法的考查。Would you mind doing something?(你介意做……吗?)。 try to do something(努力或设法做……。)? 62.【答案】C? 【译文】水银不同于其他的金属,因为它是液体。? 【详细解答】A)because of因为、由于,后接名词。B)though而、却。C)in that因为,由于,后接从句。D)though尽管。? 63.【答案】D? 【译文】他做了一个假想:太阳系一场巨大风暴能产生出大量电能。? 【详细解答】本题属同位语从句。that引导的从句做抽象名词hypothesis的同位语。? 64.【答案】B? 【译文】在接受良好的学前教育方面,他比其他的孩子有优势。? 【详细解答】习惯用法的考查。have the advantage over在……方面占优势。A)alternative二者择一;C)ability能力;D)challenge挑战。? 65.【答案】D? 【译文】昨晚约翰的很多朋友去参加了生日晚会。? 【详细解答】本句考查的是语法中名词的双重所有格:of + 名词’s ,此结构常用于表示部分概念或带有一定的感情色彩。? 66.【答案】A? 【译文】——“你累吗?”? ——“一点儿也不累。”? 【详细解答】习惯用法的考查。A)not in the least 一点儿也不;B)at (the) least至少;C)so to speak可以这么说。? 67.【答案】D? 【译文】告示上说阅览室的书不允许被带出去。? 【详细解答】本题考查动词的用法。动词allow后跟不定式做宾语。本题属于被动语态,故应用be allowed to be done。? 68.【答案】A? 【译文】坐在前排,用望远镜我能清楚地看到所有的事物。? 【详细解答】本题考查分词的用法。seat一词的用法较为特殊,它的被动形式常表示主动的意义。? 69.【答案】C? 【译文】他们一知道那个消息,就去酒吧喝酒庆祝。? 【详细解答】本题考查倒装。no sooner...than..., hardly/scarcely...when...,都表示“一……就……”。当no sooner或 hardly/scarcely置于句首时,主谓要倒装。? 70.【答案】A? 【译文】新年伊始,每个人都为将来制定了很多计划。? 【详细解答】动词词组的考查。A) come up with(提出、提供)。B)come to合计、苏醒;C)come through通过、穿过;D)come round过来、绕过。? Part Ⅳ Close? 内容概要:本文讲述的是蜜蜂发现食物后,它是通过不同的飞舞方式和气味向蜂群说明食物的地点和种类。? 71.【答案】A? 【详细解答】for food作look for 的目的状语,意思是通过寻找花来觅食。? 72.【答案】B? 【详细解答】finds在此强调找到食物,而上句的look for则强调寻找这一动作或过程。? 73.【答案】A? 【详细解答】communicates作联络、沟通解释,其余三个均无此意。? 74.【答案】A? 【详细解答】dances在这里是一个复数名词,并且下面有文字分别说明蜜蜂的两种不同的舞蹈,故此只能选A。? 75.【答案】C? 【详细解答】discovery告知蜂群发现食物这一具体事实,而不仅仅是一个消息、信息。? 76.【答案】C? 【详细解答】in this dance意思是“在这种舞蹈中。”? 77.【答案】D? 【详细解答】circle配合前面的a round dance这一词组,说明它饶着圈飞舞的样子。? 78.【答案】A? 【详细解答】当食物就在附近时,用饶圈飞舞来告知蜂群。? 79.【答案】A? 【详细解答】away在此是副词,表示“距……,离开……”? 80.【答案】C? 【详细解答】蜂群是通过嗅觉来闻一闻那只发现食物的报信的蜜蜂(得知食物的种类)。? 81.【答案】B? 【详细解答】to look for意思是寻找,在此强调其动作性,在句中作目的状语。? 82.【答案】B? 【详细解答】本句为that引导的一个定语从句。? 83.【答案】A? 【详细解答】动词的过去分词done做后置定语,来避免出现dance danced,而其它的分词没有这种替代性。? 84.【答案】C? 【详细解答】下句中的tail-wigging说明了在这种舞蹈中蜜蜂摆动的是它的尾部,end当尾部来讲。? 85.【答案】D? 【详细解答】这里介绍的第二种舞蹈显然有别于第一种饶圈飞舞的舞蹈,加之in a ...line表示动作方式,选项中可排除其余三项,而选D。?
86.【答案】A? 【详细解答】本句的意思是食物在10英里之外的地方,表示较nearby远,且直线飞行。? 87.【答案】C? 【详细解答】must在此做必须解。 ? 88.【答案】B? 【详细解答】that引导定语从句,说明就是那只已找到食物的蜜蜂。? 89.【答案】C? 【详细解答】本句之后明确列出了蜜蜂得知的三件事情,故此选择C。? 90.【答案】A? 【详细解答】这里考查的是how to do something的固定用法。? Part V Writing? 参考范文:?

How to Persuade People to Visit a Pet Fish Market ? Walking through a pet fish market always makes you feel relaxed.?As the fish basins and tanks are displayed on either side of the narrow street, it takes quite some time to walk through it, and considering the colorful varieties of fish displayed, it is an enjoyment to take a walk there. As soon as you enter the market, you see goldfish galore swimming in basins of all shapes and sizes. The “bubble eyes” may first come into view, their bubbles quivering with every twist of the body. The “skyward dragons” on the other hand, look foolishly conceited. Why do they always look upward with their eyes parallel to the horizon? Is this the social behavior of their kind-never looking down, but always looking up? You wonder. Then there are the “tiger-heads”, moving ever so solemnly. They fill you with a sense of calmness. For those who love jewelry, the “pearls” will surely provide great pleasure. Somewhere higher up in more expensive tanks, with air bubbles blowing up and weeds growing from the sandy bottoms, the tropical fishes are real attraction: extremely colorful and elegant.?Their prices may surprise you, but there’s no harm in looking.

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 09:23:17
(点击右键“另存为”可下载语音) 武汉大学外语学院 黄承英??

Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Section A
Directions: In this section you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of
each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter
on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.?
1. A) She can do the job.?
B) She could call a friend?
C) She’s just switched off the light. ?
D) She’s already replaced the shelf.?

2. A) They want to go downtown. ?
B) He wants to go to the park, but she doesn’t.?
C) He doesn’t know where to park the car. ?
D) He wants to find out where the park is.?

3. A)Company and customer. ?
B) Repairman and customer.?
C) Teacher and student’s parent.?
D) Wife and husband.?

4. A) She didn’t like working in a company. ?
B) She disliked machines.?
C) She was not good at doing business. ?
D) She didn’t like accounting.?

5. A) He has some money to buy a new car. ?
B) He fails in borrowing enough money from the woman.?
C) He will spend much money on his house.?
D) He wants to buy a new house and a new car.?

6. A) He had much trouble with his pronunciation.?
B) He began studying English too early.?
C) No one can understand him. ?
D) He knew nothing about English.?

7. A) Frustration. B) Joy.?
C) Excitement. D) Sorrow.?

8. A) He likes to go out of town. ?
B) He can’t attend.?
C) He never attends novel reading.?
D) He isn’t going out of town next week.?

9. A) He doesn’t like that kind of food. ?
B) The woman can do some cooking herself.?
C) He doesn’t intend to buy them. ?
D) The woman should stop looking at him.?

10. A) Mrs. Fisher wants to go abroad. ?
B) Mrs. Fisher is in hospital.?
C) Mrs. Fisher has no family. ?
D) There are three people in Mrs. Fisher’s family.??

Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each
passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.?

Passage One
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.
11. A) Given by the local government.?
B) Born by a large number of bitches.?
C) Bought from different cities and villages. ?
D) Captured over grassland.?

12. A) 11-week course for control duty. ?
B) 11-week course for patrol duty.?
C) 9-week course for control duty. ?
D) 9-week course for patrol duty.?

13. A) Catching runaway criminals. ?
B) Scratching the hidden bombs.?
C) Patrolling the dangerous town. ?
D) Drug-sniffing and bomb-sniffing.?

Passage Two
Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.
14. A) Gold was discovered. ?
B) The Transcontinental Railroad was completed.?
C) The Golden Gate Bridge was constructed. ?
D) Telegraph communications were established with the East. ?

15. A) Two million. ?
B) Three million. ?
C) Five million.?
D) Six million.?

16. A) Nineteen million dollars. ?
B) Thirty-two million dollars.?
C) Thirty-seven million dollars.?
D) Forty-two million dollars.?

Passage Three?
Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
17. A) Computers have become part of our daily lives. ?
B) Computers have disadvantages as well as disadvantages. ?
C) People have different attitudes to computers.?
D) More and more families will own computers.?

18. A) Computers can bring financial problems. ?
B) Computers can bring unemployment.?
C) Computers can be very useful in families. ?
D) Computerized robots can take over some unpleasant jobs.?

19. A) Computers may change the life they have been accustomed to.?
B) Spending too much time on computers may spoil people’s relationship.?
C) Buying computers may cost a lot of money.?
D) Computers may take over from human beings altogether.?

20. A) Affectionate. B) Disapproving. ?
C) Approving. D) Neutral.

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Passage One
Misjudging someone’s use of silence can take place in many contexts and on many levels. Take pausing for example. One’s conversational style may be marked by frequent pausing, thus giving room (or time) for the discourse partner to jump into the conversation by taking his or her next turn. Some speakers, however, may think that the pauses others leave for them are not long enough to claim the floor(发言权) without being rude, while it may be the feeling of the other party that longer pauses would create awkward silences. Such differences in the perception and valuation of pauses may lead to conflict. The person who does not tolerate long pauses may wonder why the other does not want to talk, whereas the person who needs longer pauses to take a turn may think of his or her partner as intolerably talkative.?
21. What is the passage mainly about??
A) Different conversational style. ?
B) Silence. ?
C) Pauses. ?
D) Misjudging someone’s use of silence.?

22. “Jump into the conversation” in the fifth line means ____.
A) participate in the conversation?
B) become involved in the conversation?
C) disturb the conversation?
D) interrupt the speaker by taking one’s turn unexpectedly?

23. What can we conclude from the passage??
A) A talkative person may not want the other to stop.?
B) Some speakers may think the pauses others leave for them are too short.?
C) A pause may be interpreted in different ways.?
D) We should tolerate long pauses.?

24. Conflicts may be aroused except____.?
A) when the person needs longer pauses while the other needs short pauses?
B) when the person’s conversational style is marked by frequent pausing?
C) when the person thinks pauses are too short while the other thinks they may create awkward silences?
D) when the person wonders why the other stops while the other thinks why his or her partner is so talkative?

25. What is the author’s attitude towards pauses in conversations??
A) Aggressive.?
B) Neutral. ?
C) Critical. ?
D) Positive.?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 09:23:48
Passage Two
Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate, and each course which he attends gives him a credit which he may count towards a degree. In many American universities the total work for a degree consists of thirty-six courses each lasting for one semester. A typical course consists of three classes per week for fifteen weeks; while attending a university a student will probably attend four or five courses during each semester. Normally a student would expect to take four years attending two semesters each year. It is possible to spread the period of work for the degree over a longer period. It is also possible for a student to move between one university and another during his degree course, though this is not in fact done as a regular practice.?
For every course that he follows a student is given a grade, which is recorded, and the record is available for the student to show to prospective employers.
All this imposes a constant pressure and strain of work, but in spite of this some students still find time for great activity in student affairs. Elections to positions in student organizations arouse much enthusiasm. The effective work of maintaining discipline is usually performed by students who advise the academic authorities. Any student who is thought to have broken the rules, for example,
by cheating has to appear before a student court. With the enormous numbers of students, the operation of the system does involve a certain amount of activity.A student who has held one of these positions of authority is much respected and it will be of benefit to him later in his career.?

26. Normally a student would at least attend ____ classes each week.?
A) 36 B) 12 C) 20 D) 15?

27. According to the first paragraph,an American student is allowed ____.?
A) to live in a different university ?
B) to take a particular course in a different university?
C) to live at home and drive to classes ?
D) to get two degrees from two different universities ?

28. American university students are usually under pressure of work because ____.?
A) their academic performance will affect their future careers?
B) they are heavily involved in student affairs?
C) they have to run for positions of authority?
D) they have to attend a lot of classes?

29. Some students are enthusiastic for positions in student organizations probably because ____.?
A) they hate the constant pressure and strain of their study?
B) they will then be able to stay longer in the university?
C) such positions help them get better jobs?
D) such positions are usually well paid?

30. The student organizations seem to be effective in ____.?
A) dealing with the academic affairs of the university?
B) ensuring that the students observe university regulations?
C) evaluating students’ performance by bringing them before a court?
D) keeping up the students’ enthusiasm for social activities?

Passage Three
The Industrial Revolution in Britain first began in the textile industry. England had been a major producer of wool for centuries. Ever since the enclosures,wool and then woolen cloth had been the principal exports of England. And cloth-making, though a domestic industry in the early years, had the characteristic of captalist production which separated the employer from the employee and introduced the division of labour, such as carding, spinning, weaving, fulling and dyeing. With the expansion of market, the demand for cloth also increased. But a spinner with a distaff could only make one thread at a time. The short supply of yarn became the main obstacle to mass production of cloth. The general effort to improve thread-making techniques led to the invention of spinning Jenny in 1764, by the English spinner Hargreaves. The new instrument enabled a singly workman to spin eight or ten threads at once. A year later, Richard Arkwright, a barber, patented a device for drawing out thread by means of rollers. Then in 1779, Samual Crompton drew on these two new devices and invented a new kind of spinning machine known as the mule. It greatly accelerated the speed of production and improved the quality of thread. Then Arkwright established a great factory by applying power-driven mules and became known as Father of Factory System in England.
By the end of the 18th Century, power-driven machines spinning two hundred threads simultaneously had been introduced in production.?

31. What was the most important export of England before the revolution?
A) Wool cloth. ?
B) Wool and woolen cloth.?
C) Spinning machines.?
D) Power-driven machines.?

32. Capitalist production was characterized by ____.?
A) the separation of the employer from the employee?
B) the division of labour ?
C) both A and B?
D) the expansion of market?

33. Which of the following is NOT TRUE??
A) Hargreaves invented the spinning Jenny.?
B) Arkwright patented a device for drawing out thread by means of rollers and thus was called Father of Factory System in England.?
C) Samual Crompton invented the spinning machine mule.?
D) By the end of the 18th century, power-driven spinning machines could produce two hundred threads simultaneously.?

34. “simultaneously” in the last sentence means ____.?
A) at the same time B) together ?C) at a time D) altogether?

35. This passage can best be titled ____.?
A) Process of the Industrial Revolution?
B) Beginning of the Industrial Revolution?
C) What led to the Industrial Revolution ?
D) Effects of the Industrial Revolution?

Passage Four
James Joyce was an Irish novelist who revolutionized the methods of depicting characters and developing a plot in modern fiction. His astonishing way of constructing a novel, his frank portrayal of human nature in his books, and his complete command of English have made him one of the outstanding influences on literature in the 20th Century. Many critics judge that he is second only to Shakespeare in his mastery of the English language. Joyce was deeply influenced by Ireland and wrote all his books about Dublin.?
When he was in Dublin College, he studied languages and spent his spare time
reading books. He refused to take part in the nationalist movement like his fellow students, but he became passionately interested in literature. He wrote outspoken articles of literary criticism that shocked his teachers and even taught himself Norwegian so that he could read Ibsen’s works in the original.?
When he graduated in 1902, he knew he would become a writer and an exile, because he felt he could not be one without the other. In order to preserve his ideal of writing truthfully, fully, and as objectively as he knew how, about the people and places he knew best, he had to escape from all temptations to become involved in popular opinion or public life. He went to France, Italy and Switzerland, where he lived in poverty and obscurity for the first 20 years, only returning to Ireland when his mother was dying. Except for a couple of brief trips, he stayed abroad all his life.?

36. James Joyce was first of all a ____.?
A) revolutionary B) critic ?C) novelist D) exile?

37. James Joyce was famous for many reasons EXCEPT ____.?
A) his way of constructing a novel ?
B) his frank portrayal of human nature ?
C) his complete command of English ?
D) his passion in literature?

38. “He is second only to Shakespeare” is a comment on his ____.?
A) achievement in literature ?
B) achievement in the nationalist movement?
C) achievement in his study of languages ?
D) mastery of the English language?

39. How many examples are used to show his passion in literature??
A) 2. B) 3. ?C) 1. D) 4.?

40. Why did James Joyce stay abroad almost all his life??
A) Because he wanted to live in poverty and obscurity.?
B) Because he wanted to write the people and places he knew best.?
C) Because he wanted to escape from all temptations to become involved in popular opinion or public life.?
D) Because he wanted to preserve his ideal of writing truthfully, fully and objectively about the people and the places he knew best.

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 09:24:12
Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)
Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.?

41. The only thing ____ really matters to the children is how soon they can return to their aunt and uncle’s farm.?
A) that B) what ?C) which D) this?

42. Although she claims to have left her job voluntarily, she was actually ____ for misconduct.?
A) dispelled B) exiled ?C) resigned D) dismissed?

43. They remained full of hope and determination ____ their repeated failures.?
A) instead of B) in search of ?C) because of D) in spite of ?

44. My next door neighbor saw the ____ break into my house and reported to the police immediately.?
A) thief B) robber ?C) burglar D) mugger?

45. Though she is getting on in years, she still has a ____ fear of the dark.?
A) childlike B) childish ?C) naive D) juvenile?

46. A flying stone ____ him on the head and knocked him out.?
A) beat B) hit ?C) strike D) flog?

47. If ____, we’ll stay at home. ?
A) it’ll rain B) it’s to rain ?C) it rains D) it’ll be raining?

48. If he had visited me in Beijing, I ____ him to see the sights.?
A) had taken B) will take ?C) would take D) would have taken?

49. You’ll soon get used to ____ a large breakfast in England.?
A) eat B) it that you eat ?C) eating D) you eat?

50. You’ve made a mistake——you’ve ____ the word.?
A) left out B) left behind?C) left off D) left for?

51. I need ____ more volunteers to help move the piano.?
A) none B) any ?C) few D) some?

52. The children are as ____ as larks.?
A) happy B) joyous ?C) gay D) merry?

53. She thought it was ____ not to know some of the basic facts of her country.?
A) shameful B) ashamed ?C) a shame D) ashameful?

54. Ted agreed to ____ the strike if the company would satisfy the demand of the workers.?
A) call out B) call to ?C) call off D) call on?

55. I went to my adviser to ask him what courses ____.?
A) should I take?
B) must I take ?
C) to take?
D) I were to take?

56. ____, the book has many mistakes.?
A) Having not been written carefully ?
B) Not writing carefully?
C) Having written not carefully ?
D) Not having been written carefully?

57. Your hair wants ____. You’d better have it done tomorrow.?
A) cut B) to cut ?C) cutting D) being cut?

58. In developing countries, people are ____ into overcrowded cities in great numbers.?
A) breaking B) filling ?C) pouring D) hurrying?

59. Some old people don’t like pop songs because they can’t ____ so much noise.?
A) resist B) sustain ?C) tolerate D) undergo?

60. As a result of careless washing, the jacket ____ to a child’s size.?
A) compressed B) shrank ?C) dropped D) decreased?

61. Many difficulties ____ as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel.?
A) risen B) arisen?C) arose D) raised?

62. Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only ____ to his confusion.?
A) extended B) amounted ?C) added D) turned?

63. Everybody looked ____ the direction of the explosion. ?
A) to B) from ?C) in D) into?

64. Who is ____ personnel at present??
A) in the charge of ?
B) under charge of ?
C) under the charge of ?
D) in charge of?

65. A lot of people have tried, but ____ have succeeded.?
A) the few B) few ?C) some few D) a few ?

66. Will all those____ the proposal raise their hands??
A) in relation to B) in excess of ?C) in contrast to D) in favor of ?

67. Trade unions often ____ with employers for better conditions of pay employment.?
A) ask B) require ?C) bargain D) plead?

68. The lawyer advised him to drop the ____, since he stands little chance to win.?
A) case B) event ?C) affair D) incident?

69. My brother’s plans are very ____; he wants to master English, French and Spanish before he is sixteen.?
A) abundant B) ambitious ?C) arbitrary D) aggressive?

70. The relationship between employers and employees has been studied ____.?
A) originally B) extremely ?C) violently D) intensively?

Part Ⅳ Cloze (15 minutes)

Directions: There are twenty blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D beneath the passage. You should choose the ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.?

One of the most important features that distinguishes reading from listening is the nature of the audience. ?___71___? the writer often does not know who will read what he writes, he must ?___72___? to be as clear as possible. Time can be taken to plan the piece of writing so that it is eventually organized into some sort of ?___73___? sequence of events or ideas. When we speak, however, we normally have very ?___74___? time to plan what we intend to say. ?___75___?, we may begin speaking before we ?___76___? what to say. Our thoughts then tumble out in ?___77___? a logical sequence. Since we are actually ?___78___? our audience face to face we may omit some of the information we believe our audience shares.?___79___? the more familiar we are with out audience, the more information we are likely to leave out. In any ?___80___? they can always stop and ask a question or ask for clarification if we have left out too much. A reader, however, cannot do ?___81___? but can at least attempt comprehension at his own speed;?___82___?, he can stop and go backwards or forwards,?___83___? to a dictionary or just stop and rest. When we listen we may have to work hard to sort out the speaker’s ?___84___? by referring backwards and forwards while the speaker continues. As the speaker struggles to organize his thoughts, he will use
filler phrases to give him time to plan.?___85___? these fillers, he will still make mistakes and repeat what he has already said. His speech will be characterized ?___86___? a limited range of grammatical patterns and vocabulary and the use of idioms to ?___87___? some general meaning quickly. It should be clear, then, that the listener has to take an active ?___88___? in the process by ignoring the speaker’s repetitions and mistakes, and by seeking out the main idea information through recall and prediction. To keep the process going ?___89___? he also has to inform the speaker that he has understood ?___90___? actually interrupting.?

71. A) However B) Since ?C) Although D) Unless1?
72. A) attempt B) intend ?C) pretend D) expect?
73. A) lawful B) historical ?C) natural D)logical?
74. A) few B) much ?C) little D)enough ?
75. A) Then B) Indeed ?C) Alternatively D) Soon?
76. A) have decided B) will decide ?C) decided D) will have decided?
77. A) nothing but B) nothing like ?C) anything but D) anything like?
78. A) appealing B) advertising ?C) convincing D) addressing?
79. A) And B) But ?C) Thus D)Nevertheless ?
80. A) case B) state ?C) condition D)affair ?
81. A) such B) much ?C) this D)itself ?
82. A) in general
B) in conclusion ?
C) on the contrary
D) that is to say?
83. A) yield B) prefer ?C) adapt D) refer ?
84. A) thoughts B) consideration ?C) concepts D) speculation?
85. A) In stead of B) In spite of ?C) Because of D) In view of?
86. A) at B) on ?C) by D) with ?
87. A) transmit B) convey ?C) negotiate D) conduct ?
88. A) role B) duty ?C) part D) function?
89. A) regularly B) fluently ?C) peacefully D) smoothly?
90. A) without B) except ?C) despite D) regarding?

Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic “Failure Is the Mother of Success”. You should write no less than 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below.?
1. 一方面,失败是生活的一部分;?
2. 另一方面,失败也许通向成功;?
3. 我的观点。

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 09:24:45
Section A?
1. M: Are you going to replace the light switch by yourself??
W: Why should I call an electrician??
Q: What does the woman imply??
2. W: The map shows that this street goes downtown.?
M: Yes, but what we want to know is how to get to the park.?
Q: What does the man mean??
3. W: Listen, the heating is broken in my room. When are you going to come and fix it??
M: I’m sorry to hear that, madam. I’ll get someone right away.?
Q: What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman??
4. M: Well, I thought you were working for a large business machine company.?
W: I did for a few months, but I decided that accounting wasn’t what I liked best.?
Q: Why did she want to change her job??
5. M: I wish to buy a new car, but I spent too much on my house last year.?
W: New cars are expensive. You can’t borrow so much money.?
Q: What happens to the man??
6. M: Well, if I had begun studying English earlier, I wouldn’t be having so much trouble with my pronunciation.?
W: Oh, I can understand why you feel that way.?
Q: What problem does the man have??
7. M: Have you filled out your tax forms yet??
W: Don’t remind me of them! They’re so confusing that I’m discouraged before I start!?
Q: What emotion is the woman feeling??
8. W: Will you come to my novel reading next week??
M: I’ll be out of town then.?
Q: What does the man mean??
9. W: Shouldn’t someone go to the supermarket to select some bread and cereals with the words “iron-added” on the label??
M: Don’t look at me.?
Q: What does the man mean??
10.W: I wonder if Mrs. Fisher has any family. Her room is always quiet.?
M: Actually she is a mother of three. Her children all live abroad. That’s why the nurses take care of her.?
Q: What can be inferred from the conversation??

Section B?
Passage One?
The dog has often been an unselfish friend to man. It is always grateful to its master. It helps man in many ways. Certain breeds of dogs are used in criminal investigations. They are trained to sniff out drugs and bombs. They help police to catch criminals. Some dogs are trained to lead blind people.?
The dogs that help in criminal investigations are trained at a school called the Military Dog Studies branch of the US Air Force in Lackland, Texas. The dogs to be trained are selected by an air force team. This team visits large cities across the country to buy the dogs. They may buy dogs from private citizens for up to $750 each. Some citizens freely give their dogs. The dogs selected must be
healthy, brave and aggressive. They must be able to fight back if they are attacked. The dogs chosen are between the ages of one and three. They are given a medical examination when they arrive at the school. Their physical examination includes X-rays and heart tests. The trainee dogs undergo the first stage of training when they arrive in Lackland. This is an 11-week course for patrol duty. After this course, the best dogs are selected to go on another 9-week course. They learn drug-sniffing or bomb-sniffing. After this course, the dogs are ready for their jobs in the cities or on air force bases.?
The training given to a drug-sniffing dog is different from that given to a bomb-sniffing dog. A drug-sniffing dog is trained to scratch and dig for the drugs when he sniffs them. A bomb-sniffing dog sits down when he finds a bomb. That
is the alert for hidden explosives.?
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.
11. How are the dogs obtained for training??
12. What is the first stage of training for the dogs??
13. What do dogs learn during the 9-week training??

Passage Two?
From this lookout we enjoy one of the most spectacular views of San Francisco. As you can see, the city rests on a series of hills varying in altitude from sea level to nine hundred and thirty-eight feet.?The first permanent settlement was made at this site in 1776. For thirteen years the village had fewer than one hundred inhabitants. But in 1848, with the discovery of gold, the population grew to ten thousand. The same year the name was changed from Yerba Buea to San Francisco.?By 1862 telegraph communications linked San Francisco with eastern cities, and by 1869, the first transcontinental railroad connected the Pacific coast with the Atlantic seaboard. Today San Francisco has a population of almost three million. It is the financial center of the west, and serves as the terminus for trans-Pacific steamship lines and air traffic. The port of San Francisco which is almost eighteen miles long with fort-two piers, handles between five and six million tons of cargo annually.?
And now, if you will look to your right, you should just be able to see the east section of the Golden Gate Bridge. The bridge, which is more than one mile long, spans the harbor from San Francisco to Marin County and the Red Wood Highway. It was completed in 1937 at a cost of thirty-two million dollars and is still one of the largest suspension bridges in the world. ?
Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.
14. According to the tour guide, what happened in 1848??
15. What is the population of San Francisco today??
16. How much did it cost to complete the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge??
Passage Three?
For good or bad, computers are now part of our daily lives. With the price of a small home computer now being lower, experts predict that before long all schools and businesses and most families in the rich parts of the world will own a computer of some kind. Among the general public, computers arouse strong feelings——people either love them or hate them.?The computer lovers talk about how useful computers can be in business, in education and in the home——apart from all the games, you can do your accounts on them, use them to control your central heating, and in some places even do your shopping with them. Computers, they say, will also bring some leisure, as more
and more unpleasant jobs are taken over by computerized robots.?
The haters, on the other hand, argue that computers bring not leisure but unemployment. They worry, too, that people who spend all their time talking to computers will forget how to talk to each other. And anyway, they ask, what’s wrong with going shopping and learning languages in classroom with real teachers? But their biggest fear is that computers may eventually take over from human beings
Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
17. What does this passage mainly talk about??
18. According to the passage, what is not mentioned about computers? ?
19. What is the biggest fear of the computer haters??
20. What’s the speaker’s attitude to computers??

Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension?
Section A?
1. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】男士问女士是否自己换电灯开关, 女士回答说,何必请电工。此处关键是理解why的用法,它既可表示建议,也可表示置疑, 并非总是表示询问。?
【试题分析】判断推理题 ?
【详细解答】女士房间的暖气坏了,想知道什么时候才会有人来修,男士说马上派人来。此处关键是get someone right away,因此此人代表公司。?
【详细解答】男士想一辆新车,但去年买房花钱太多,女士回答新车很贵,你不可能借那么多钱。此处关键是you can’t borrow so much money, 省略了from me。?
【详细解答】女士怀疑Mrs. Fisher是否有家人, 因为她家总是静悄悄的, 男士说她实际上是三个孩子的妈妈, 但孩子们都住在国外, 因此由护士照顾她。 ?
Section B?
Passage One?
内容概要:狗是人类无私的朋友, 它们以各种方式帮助人类. 有些狗被用于犯罪调查。一个空军小分队专门负责买狗,这些狗要接受11个星期的巡逻训练,表现好的狗将再接受9个星期的训练,此间它们要学习嗅毒品或炸弹。?
Passage Two?
Passage Three?
【试题分析】 ?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 09:25:08
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension?
Passage One
【译文】第五行jump into the conversation的意思是突然打断别人,进入对话。?
24. 【答案】B?
Passage Two?
【详细解答】文中有一句话“The effective work of maintaining discipline is usually performed by students who advise the academic authorities.”,此处关键是对 maintaining discipline的理解,意为维护纪律,因此B为正确答案。?
Passage Three?
【详细解答】文中提到三个人名,Hargreaves发明了Jenny纺纱机,Arkwright设计用轮子抽线,后来建立用动力驱动骡机的大工厂而成为英国大规模工厂生产的创始人,Samual Crompton发明骡机。答案B逻辑关系错误,为正确答案。?
【详细解答】该词可理解为“同一时间”或“一次”,根据上下文,动力驱使的纺织机可一次纺出两百根纱,上文还提到at a time,at once,因此答案为C。?
【详细解答】文章第一句就点明The Industrial Revolution in Britain first began in
the textile industry。下文就讲了纺织业的变化,未涉及其他领域,而实际上工业革命涉
Passage Four?
内容概要:James Joyce是爱尔兰小说家,他革新了现代小说表现人物及发展情节的技巧。他成为二十世纪对文学产生深远影响的人物之一,是由于他的小说的独特构造,他对人性的率直描写及他对英语的完全掌握。很多评论家认为他对英语语言的掌握仅次于莎士比亚。在都柏林大学,他拒绝参加民族运动,而沉迷于文学,1902年毕业时,他就知道他将成为一名作家和流亡者,为了自己的写作理想,他不得不远离公众舆论及社交活动而移居国外。?
【译文】James Joyce首先是小说家。?
【译文】James Joyce因为很多原因出名,他对文学的热情除外。?
【详细解答】“in his mastery of the English language”表明范围、方面,即在英语语言的掌握方面仅次于莎士比亚,本文没有具体提到他对文学的贡献或他学习的成绩,他没有参加民族运动,不可能在这方面有什么贡献,因此D为正确答案。?
39. 【答案】A?
40. 【答案】D?
【译文】James Joyce几乎一生都住在国外是因为他想保护他的写作理想,即真实、完整、客观地写他最为熟知的人物和地方。?
【详细解答】原文用in order to 来表明因果关系,因此to preserve his ideal of writing truthfully,fully,……为原因,结果就是he had to escape from all temptations to become involved in popular opinion or public life,即移居国外。?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 09:25:30

Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure?
41. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】此句从句为定语从句,可有两个关系代词,即that 和which,但主句中先行词受到only的修饰,因此只能选A。?
42. 【答案】D?
43. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】instead of 指两个动作、行为、事件等只出现其中一个;in search of 指搜寻,探索等;because of表因果关系;in spite of表让步关系。?
44. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】thief 泛指窃贼,小偷;robber指抢劫者,用武力抢夺别人的东西; burglar专指翻墙入室的窃贼; mugger指行凶抢劫者。?
45. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】childlike指像孩子一样天真的, 诚实的,中性词; childish指孩子所特有的,幼稚的,傻气的,带贬义; naive指天真的,幼稚的;朴素的,朴实的,褒义词; juvenile指青少年特有的,适合青少年的,中性词。?
46. 【答案】B?
【试题分析】词语辨析题。 ?
47. 【答案】C?
48. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】此题中,从句时态为过去完成时,主句时态应为过去将来完成时,即would have taken,其他选项均不符合虚拟语气中的时态的要求。?
49. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】get used to指适应,后接名词或动名词; used to指过去常常,后接动词原形; be used to 的逻辑主语若为人,则与get used to同义,用法相同;其主语若为物,则指某物用来干某事,后接动词原形,因此此处答案应为动名词eating,即答案C。
50. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】leave out指漏掉,遗漏,省去;leave behind指甩掉,超过;遗忘,忘带;leave off指停止;leave for指离开某地到另一地。?
51. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】首先要看清题意是肯定还是否定,然后决定用肯定的不定代词还是否定的不定代词。此处为肯定含义,因此none,any及 few均不能用,而只能用表示肯定的some。
52. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】此处根据题意四个选项均对,但as happy as a lark是固定搭配,是成语。?
53. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】此处意义非常清楚,但同根词的形式难以区分。shameful指可耻的,丢脸的,不道德的,不体面的;ashamed常作表语,表示羞耻,羞愧,害臊;a shame指羞辱,羞愧,耻辱,可耻的人或事;ashameful并无此词。?
54. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】call out指工会等命令工人罢工,唤起,引起;call to无此用法;call off
指放弃,取消; call on指呼吁,号召,请求。?
55. 【答案】C?
【译文】 我去见我的导师并问他该选什么课。?
56. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】句子的逻辑主语为书,它与动词写之间的关系为动宾关系,因此分词应为被动态,可先排除答案B,A和C形式上对了, 但语序错了,not修饰分词时应放在分词的前面。
57. 【答案】C?
【试题分析】语法题,主动形式表示被动含义。 ?
【详细解答】英语中有一些动词可跟主动形式的宾语表示被动含义,如: want, need,此时的主语一般为物;这些动词后面也可跟不定式的被动形式。?
58. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】break into指破门而入;fill into指填充,填满;pour into指倾注,源源输送;hurry into指匆忙进入,此处只有C符合题意,意指人们仍在不断的进入城市。
59. 【答案】C?
60. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】compress指用力挤压使变小,压缩,浓缩;shrink指收缩,蜷缩,皱缩,强调面积的变小;drop指坠下,落下;decrease指数量变小,衣服缩水通常指面积变小,因此shrank (shrink的过去式)符合题意。?
61. 【答案】C?
62. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】此处四个词均可与介词to搭配, 但搭配后的意义完全不同,extend to指延伸至;amount to指合计,总共达;相当于,等于;add to指增添,做加法;turn to指转向某人寻求帮助,只有add to符合题意。?
63. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】look to指照管,留心, 注意,期待,主语通常为人,后面通常跟人或物,跟方向时,主语为物;look from后跟地点或物品,表示从某个方位看;look in加方向表示朝某个方向看,look into指调查事件真相,或朝某物里面看。?
64. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】in the charge of指在某人的掌管、控制下,后跟人,此人为主控;under charge of同under the charge of指在某人的掌管(看管)下,后跟人,此人为主控;in charge of主管,掌管,看管,后跟物。此处personnel(人事部)为一个部门,因此答案为in charge of。?
65. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】the few指上文已提到的少数,意义肯定,few指几乎没有,意义否定;some,few不能同时使用,a few指有一些,意义肯定。此句后半部分语意转折,应为否定,故答案应为few。?
66. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】in relation to指关于,涉及,有关;in excess of指超过;in contrast to指与……形成对照;in favor of指赞同……,支持……,有利于……。?
67. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】此题四个选项中有三个可与题中介词for搭配,但意思不同,ask for指请求,向……要;通过询问来寻找;require需要,要求,命令,为及物动词,不能跟介词for;bargain for讨价还价,谈判;想廉价把……弄到手,指望,预期;plead for表示辩护,抗辩,申明,后跟人。?
68. 【答案】A?
69. 【答案】B?
仅有上进心,而且计划宏伟,只有ambitious符合题意。 ?
70. 【答案】D?

Part IV Cloze?
71. 【答案】B?
72. 【答案】A?
73. 【答案】D?
74. 【答案】C?
75. 【答案】B?
76. 【答案】A?
77. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】nothing but意思是“仅仅是”;anything but 意思是“决不是”。?
78. 【答案】D?
79. 【答案】A?
80. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】in any case是固定短语,意思是“无论如何,总之” 。?
81. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】this此处指上文提到的“ask a question or ask for clarification”。?
82. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】that is to say意思是:“也就是说”。它所引出的分句是对分号前一分句的解释。?
83. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】refer to是固定短语,意思是“查阅,参考”。?
84. 【答案】A?
85. 【答案】B?
86. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】“be characterized by”可视为固定说法,意思是“具有……的特征”。?
87. 【答案】B?
88. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】take a(n) (active) part in是固定短语,意思是“(积极)参与”。?
89. 【答案】D?
90. 【答案】A?

Part V Writing ?

Failure Is the Mother of Success?

In one way of thinking, failure is what often happens. For some objective or subjective reasons, we often have to face failure in a complex society. No one can avoid failure in one or another aspect of daily life. In another way, failure may be a way towards success. It makes us think a lot. We learn the lessons and accumulate the experience, and then we try to get access to the possible solution. Failure can become treasures. Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, made hundreds of models that failed before he found the right way to make one.?
In my opinion, failure isn’t always a bad thing. We will have a more realistic view about ourselves and the world around us. As people often say, failure is the mother of success. A temporary loser does not necessarily mean a permanent loser. Grasping opportunity, everyone can succeed with his or her efforts.?

1.dismiss 解雇,开除 ?
2.burglar 入室抢劫者 ?
3.childish 指孩子所特有的,幼稚的,傻气的,带贬义 ?
5.case 事实,实情;状况;事例,实例;病例;患者;诉讼;案件 ?
6.bargain讨价还价,谈判;指望,预期 ?
7.shame 羞辱,羞愧,耻辱 ?
8.ambitious有雄心的,劲头十足的,有野心的 ?
1.leave out漏掉,遗漏,省去?
2.call off放弃,取消?
3.in charge of主管,掌管,看管?
4.as happy as a lark高兴

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 09:26:23
 (点击右键“另存为”可下载语音) 上海外国语大学新闻传播学院 李美  
Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension(20 minutes)
Section A
Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
1.A) He’ll be speaking at the end of the meeting.?
B) He was supposed to speak last night instead.?
C) He suddenly decided not to speak.?
D) He already spoke very briefly tonight.?
2.A) The man shouldn’t expect her to go along.?
B) She doesn’t think she has enough money.?
C) She’ll go even though the movie is bad.?
D) The man should count the number of people going.?
A) Both the man and the woman have no time to look at the gift.?
B) The man can’t imagine what his friends get for him.?
C) The man already knows what Betty will say.?
D) The man is anxious to see Betty’s reaction to the gift.?
4.A) She wasn’t really studying.?
B) She hadn’t finished writing her articles.?
C) She had furnished her house.?
D) She could write beautifully.?
5.A) The problem may have been a very complicated one.?
B) No one can do it.?
C) The woman thinks that the problem is too easy.?
D) The man can solve the problem himself.?
6.A) The janitor is too busy to do his work.?
B) The sanitary conditions of an apartment.?
C) The relationship between the janitor and the two?speakers.?
D) The architecture of a building.?
7.A) He can’t tear either piece of cloth.?
B) He wants part of each piece of cloth.?
C) The pieces of cloth are made by a secret process.?
D) The pieces of cloth seem identical to him.?
8.A) Look around before going home.?
B) Prefer to argue about it.?
C) Disagree with the woman.?
D) Apologize to the woman.?
9.A) Tuesday. B) Wednesday.?
C) Thursday. D) Saturday.?
10.A) A photographer’s camera.?
B) A television camera.?
C) A movie camera.?
D) The man’s own camera.?? Section B
Directions:In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One ?
Questions 11 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard. ?
11. A) To keep fish alive.?
B) To punish criminals.?
C) To preserve dead bodies.?
D) To help heal wounds.?
12. A) For making salted fish.?
B) For stealing salt.?
C) For taking salt from the king’s table.?
D) For selling salt.?
13. A) He would lose his life.?
B) He would lose an ear.?
C) He would lose all his salt.?
D) He would be heavily fined.?
14. A) Three thousand years ago.?
B) When man began to salt fish.?
C) When man began to preserve the dead.?
D) No one knows.? Passage Two ?
Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.
15. A) A few inches above the knee.?
B) A little below the knee.?
C) Down to the ankle.?
D) Floor-length.?
16.A) Boots.
B) Sneakers.?
C) Slippers.
D) Leather shoes.?
17.A) Fashions change overtime.?
B) Men are thriftier than women.?
C) Skirts and shoes are more important than other clothing.?
D) Some clothing may suit all occasions.?
  Passage Three ?
Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
18. A) Vacations.?
B) Wages.?
C) Overcrowded classrooms.?
D) Paid sick leaves.?
19. A) They want the teachers to resign.?
B) They want the teachers to return to work.?
C) They are very sympathetic toward the strike.?
D) They are refusing to comment on the situation.?
20. A) Parent Board.?
B) District Court.?
C) Teachers’ Union.?
D) School Committee. Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)
Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some
questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B),C) and D). You should decided on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.  ? Passage One ?
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. ?
The horse came into existence before man on earth. Although the earliest remains of primitive horses have been found on the North American continent, many scientists believe this small species traveled over a land mass. In the Bering Sea to
found the beginnings of the modern horse in Asia. It became extinct(绝种的)in America. Other scientists believe that the horse may have originated in Asia. In any event the animal soon spread into China, Europe, and the Middle East. The
first modern horses to be introduced into the American continent came with the early Spanish explorers. Horses were bred into many types. The heavy horses developed in the low countries of Europe and were used for work and by the medieval knights (中世纪骑士)to ride. The oldest breed of horses is said to be the Arabian. The only true wild horses left in 20th century are found in Mongolia. Horses are said to rate in intelligence after the ape, elephant, the dog. They have excellent memories and can sometimes find their way home when lost, and sense danger better than their masters. The early civilizations of man that had made use of the horse developed more rapidly than those which had not.?
21. What are some of the characteristics of the horse??
A) Poor memories.?
B) More intelligent than the dog.?
C) Great loyalty.?
D) In some areas they can exceed the abilities of man.?
22. Where did the horse originate??
A) In the Middle East.?
B) In Europe.?
C) On the North American continent.?
D) In Spain.?
23. What were the primary uses of the horse for early man??
A) For food.?
B) For power.?
C) To make money.?
D) To work for him.?
24. What can be said about the varieties of horses??
A) The early horses were larger than the more modern breeds.?
B) The only true wild horses left in the 20??th? century are in the Middle East.?
C) The oldest breed of the modern horses is said to be the Arabian.?
D) Medieval Knights preferred fast, active horses.?
25. What might be the author’s possible purpose in writing this passage??
A) To tell readers that horse appeared earlier than human being.?
B) To inform us that horses can help us a lot.?
C) To introduce the history and characteristics of horses.?
D) To introduce the primitive horses to modern man.?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 09:27:16
Passage Two ?
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. ?
With tremendous force a great mass of solid rock suddenly moves deep inside the earth. Shock waves travel upward, and the surface of the earth begins to tremble. If the trembling is very strong, trees sway and fall, houses collapse, bridgestwist and slide into rivers. In cities, fires start as gas lines break. With a loud roar, the ground splits open. Earthquake!?
Experts cannot tell when earthquakes will occur. But they can tell us why they happen. In the center of the earth a huge, hot mass moves constantly, like rushing water. Vast areas of solid rock, called plates (板岩), rest on top of this mass. Sometimes two plates move and strain against each other. When they finally break, the earth’s surface moves, and an earthquake begins. Some quakes have other causes.?
Most of the world’s earthquakes happen around or in the Pacific Ocean. Called the “ring of fire” by scientists, this area suffers from about twenty powerful earthquakes each year. But there are others even too small to be felt. They occur a million times a year. However, they take place under the ocean or away from people. Therefore, there is no damage.?
Scientists measure the strength of earthquakes with sensitive machines called seismographs (地震仪). These instruments can record shock waves from earthquakes in any part of the world. Seismographs show us that some earthquakes can give off as much energy as 200 million tons of TNT. That is 10,000 times stronger thanan atomic bomb!?
Powerful earthquakes can sometimes take an enormous number of human lives. The worst earthquake on record took place in China in 1556. At that time 830,000 people died. In 1737, 300,000 were killed during an earthquake in India. In modern times, China was hit again with the world’s second worst quake in 1976. It left 650,000 dead.?
Many cities are taking steps to prevent loss of life in earthquakes. Buildings are being made quakeproof. Rescue teams practice saving victims. Partly because of such steps, the 1989 San Francisco quake took only sixty lives.?
26. We can infer from the passage that ____.?
A) a great mass of solid rock suddenly moves deep inside the earth?
B) earthquake usually does great damage to human beings?
C) earthquake cannot be measured?
D) earthquake takes place with a loud roar?
27. One of the causes of earthquake might be that ____.?
A) it occurs in the center of the earth, so experts cannot tell when earthquakes will occur?
B) there is rushing water in the center of the earth?
C) solid rocks under the ground move and strain against each other, causing the earths surface moving?
D) there are other unknown causes?
28.The phrase “ring of fire” (Para. 3) refers to____.?
A) the area around or in the Pacific Ocean where most of the world’s earthquakes happen?
B) the area where earthquakes are too small to be felt?
C) the area under the ocean or away from people?
D) the area where earthquakes occur a million times a year?
29. What is said about the earthquakes that happened in China??
A) Altogether 1,480,000 people were killed in the earthquakes.?
B) In the past, earthquakes happened twice in China.?
C) China is within the “ring of fire”.?
D) In the history, China had two worst earthquakes that took an enormous number of human lives.?
30. It can be concluded from the passage that____.?
A) earthquakes no longer happen any more since many cities are taking steps to prevent loss of life in earthquakes?
B) more sensitive machines are used to measure the strength of earthquakes?
C) people can save themselves when earthquake happens?
D) earthquakes do less damage to human beings because many cities are taking steps to prevent loss of life in earthquakes? Passage Three ?
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. ?
A weather map is an important tool for geographers. A succession of three or four maps presents a continuous picture of weather changes. Weather forecasters are able to determine the speed of air masses and fronts; to determine whether an individual pressure area is deepening or becoming shallow and whether a front is increasing or decreasing in intensity. They are also able to determine whether an air mass is retaining its original characteristics or taking on those of the s
urface over which it is moving. Thus, a most significant function of the map is to reveal a synoptic picture of conditions in the atmosphere at a given time.?All students of geography should be able to interpret a weather map accurately.
Weather maps contain an enormous amount of information about weather conditions existing at the time of observation over a large geographical area. They reveal in a few minutes what otherwise would take hours to describe. The United States
Weather Bureau issues information about approaching storms, floods, frosts, drougths, and all climatic conditions in general. Twice a month it issues a 30-day “outlook” which is a rough guide to weather conditions likely to occur over broad areas of the United States. These 30-day outlooks are based upon an analysis of the upper air levels which often set the stage for the development of air masses, fronts, and storms.?
Considerable effort is being exerted today to achieve more accurate weather predictions. With the use of electronic instruments and earth satellites, enormous gains have taken place recently in identifying and tracking storms over regions which have but few meteorological stations. Extensive experiments are also in progress for weather modification studies.?
31. One characteristic of weather maps not mentioned by the author in this passage is____.?
A) storms B) thermal changes?
C) frost D) wind speed?
32. The thirty-day forecast is determined by examining____.?
A) daily weather maps?
B) upper air levels?
C) satellite reports?
D) changing fronts?
33. The observation of weather conditions by satellites is advantageous because it ____.?
A) is modern?
B) enables man to alter the weather?
C) makes weather prediction easier?
D) gives the scientist information not otherwise readily obtained?
34. A weather map is synoptic because it____.?
A) summarizes a great deal of information?
B) appears daily?
C) shows changing fronts?
D) is prepared by the Weather Bureau?
35. At the present time, experiments are being conducted in____.?
A) controlling weather?
B) satellites?
C) 30-day “outlooks”?
D) controlling storms? Passage Four ?
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage. ?
Large companies need a way to reach the savings of the public at large. The same problem, on a smaller scale, faces practically every company trying to develop new products and create new jobs. There can be little prospect(前景)of raising the sort of sums needed from friends and people we know, and while banks may agree to provide short-term finance, they are generally unwilling to provide money on a permanent basis for long-term projects. So companies turn to the public, inviting people to lend them money, or take a share in the business in exchange for a share in future profits. This they do by issuing stocks and shares in the business through the Stock Exchange. By doing so they can put into circulation the savings of individuals both at home and overseas. ?
When the saver needs his money back, he does not have to go to the company with whom he originally placed it. Instead, he sells his shares through a stockbroker(证券经纪人)to some other saver who is seeking to invest his money.Many of the services needed both by industry and by each of us are provided by the Government or by local authorities. Without hospitals, roads, electricity, telephones, equipment and new development if they are to serve us properly, requiring more money than is raised through taxes alone. The government, local authorities, and nationalized industries therefore frequently need to borrow money to finance major capital spending, and they too, come to the Stock Exchange. ?
There is hardly a man or woman in this country whose job or whose standard of living does not depend on the ability of his or her employers to raise money to finance new development. In one way or another this new money must come from the savings of the country. The Stock Exchange exists to provide a channel through which these savings can reach those who need finance.?
36. Almost all companies involved in new production and development must____.?
A) rely on their own financial resources?
B) persuade the banks to provide long-term finance?
C) borrow large sums of money from friends and people they know?
D) depend on the population as a whole for finance?
37. The money which enables these companies to go ahead with their projects is____.?
A) repaid to its original owners as soon as possible?
B) raised by the selling of shares in the companies?
C) invested in different companies on the Stock Exchange?
D) exchanged for part ownership in the Stock Exchange?
38. When the savers want their money back they____.?
A) look for other people to borrow money from?
B) transfer their money to a more successful company?
C) put their shares in the company back on the market?
D) ask another company to obtain their money for them?
39. All the essential services on which we depend are____.?
A) run by the Government or our local authorities?
B) in constant need of financial support?
C) unable to provide for the needs of the population?
D) financed wholly by rates and taxes?
40. The Stock Exchange makes it possible for the Government, local authorities and nationalized industries____.?
A) to make certain everybody saves money?
B) to make certain everybody lends money to them?
C) to raise money to finance new developments?
D) to borrow as much money as they wish??
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 09:27:45
Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure(20 minutes)
Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ?
41. Harold is a good student, ____ his best subject.?
A) as English B) English as?
C) being English D) English being?
42. The culture and customs of America are more like ____ of England than of any other country.?
A) that B) those?
C) what D) which?
43. Through my ____ experience with them, I had no great hopes at the present time.?
A) late B) prior?
C) previous D) former?
44. ____ one you choose, make sure that is a best one.?
A) Whatever B) Whichever?
C) However D) Whenever?
45. Our new house ____ warm in winter and cool in summer.?
A) feels B) is felt?
C) finds D) is found?
46. The clothes were divided ____ according to the age and size of the
A) equally B) sufficiently?
C) proportionately D) adequately?
47. He’s sometimes hot-tempered but he’s good fellow ____.?
A) at heart B) in heart?
C) with heart D) by heart?
48. Most insurance agents would rather you ____ anything until they investigate the situation.?
A) do B) didn’t do?
C) don’t do D) hadn’t done?
49. It’s the first time that she has been to the United States, ____?
A) isn’t she B) isn’t it?
C) hasn’t she D) hasn’t it?
50. Color-blind people often find it difficult to ____ between blue and green.?
A) separate B) compare?
C) contrast D) distinguish?
51. ____ great was the destruction that the economy took several years to recover.?
A) Too B) So?
C) Such D) Very?
52. My typist has not returned my paper yet, but she promised ____ by tomorrow.?
A) for me to have it ready?
B) it was ready for me?
C) me it was ready?
D) to have it ready for me?
53. Three of the group members did not survive the terrible ____ across the desert.?
A) travel B) excursion?
C) journey D) voyage?
54. This man along with his daughters always ____ the largest fish.
A) catch B) catches?
C) are catching D) were catching?
55. It would be ____ a risk to let the child go to school by himself.
A) following B) running?
C) passing D) carrying?
56. By the time you get to Greenwich you ____ the most historic parts of London.?
A) will be seeing B) will see?
C) are going to see D) will have seen?
57. I always keep candles in the house ____ there is a power cut.?
A) if B) unless?
C) in case D) in the event?
58. No one can avoid ____ by advertisements.?
A) to be influenced?
B) having influenced?
C) being influenced?
D) influencing?
59. The travelers sought shelter ____ the rain and happened to find a roadside inn.?
A) in B) by?
C) from D) against?
60. She is leaving her husband because she cannot ____ his bad temper any longer.?
A) put up B) put up with?
C) put away D) put off?
61. ____ the people have become masters of their own country ____ science can really serve the people.?
A) It is only then / that?
B) It was that / when?
C) It is only when / that?
D) It was when / then?
62. It is important that a university student ____ at least one foreign language.?
A) learned B) learns?
C) must learn D) learn?
63. ____we can catch the train earlier, we will have longer time to enjoy the beautiful scenery there.?
A) Although B) However?
C) Provided that D) Even if?
64. The good service at the hotel ____ the poor food to some extent.?
A) made up B) made up for?
C) made for D) made out?
65. The couple doubted if it was worth ____ a hundred miles to watch the football game.?
A) driving B) being driven?
C) drive D) of driving?
66. The car that had been following us ____us and disappeared from sight.?
A) overtook B) encountered?
C) approached D) advanced?
67. No students are able to pursue nuclear science ____ mathematics.
A) with no solidly grasp of?
B) without solidly grasping of?
C) without a solid grasp of?
D) with no grasping solidly of?
68. No sooner ____ than he realized that he should have kept quiet.?
A) the words were spoken?
B) had the words spoken?
C) had the words been spoken?
D) the words spoken?
69. I didn’t know what to do but then suddenly an idea ____ to me.?
A) happened B) occurred?
C) hit D) entered?
70. WHO stands ____ “the World Health Organization”, of course.?
A) as B) like?
C) for D) by?? Part Ⅳ Cloze(15 minutes)
Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D)on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ? Anyone planning to go camping or hiking should first learn to recognize poison ivy, ?71____? this plant can cause a rash resulting in reddened skin, an annoyingitch, and painful blisters. A severe ?72 _____? can even force a person to remain in bed or become hospitalized. The best way to ?73 ______ these discomforts is to avoid the plant. ?
Fortunately this plant is easy to ?74 ______?. Whether it grows as a bush or a vine, the shape of its leaves is always ?75 ______?. Each leaf stalk has three glossy leaves, usually with jagged edges. In early spring the leaves are red, ?76 ____?. And then the autumn comes, the leaves ?77 ______?to become brightred or orange. The poison ivy plant is found ?78 ______? everywhere in North America. Because many birds eat its berries, its seeds are ?79 ______ distributed. The plant loves the sun and flourishes along beaches, in fields, and by roadsides. It also grows 80 _____in light shade and is often found in parks and pine forests. However, in thick woods the story is ?81 ______?. It is not ?82 ______there. That is because the leaves of the trees block out the sun, ?83 ______? the plant needs to grow. ?
The poison in poison ivy is in the form of an oil that is in all parts of the plant. It is extremely ?84 ______?. Merely touching the plant is enough contact for a person to be infected by the ?85______?. Touching clothing or shoes that have brushed against the plant can also cause a rash and blisters. Even the smoke from
a fire ?86 ______? poison ivy is burning can cause the skin poisoning. ?
A person who makes ?87 ______? with the plant should wash all infected areas with a strong laundry soap as soon as possible. Clothes that have come in contact with the ?88 ______? should be dry cleaned or washed in soap and water. There is one good way to prevent the ?89 _____?. ?90______? away from the plant!?
71. A) since B) so ?C) therefore D) then?
72. A) cold B) cough ?C) case D) accident?
73. A) keep B) prevent ?C) protest D) cut?
74. A) forget B) grow ?C) fertilize D) recognize?
75. A) the same B) different ?C) beautiful D) ugly?
76. A) to turn B) turned ?C) turning D) turns?
77. A) become B) change ?C) get D) avoid?
78. A) barely B) always ?C) usually D) almost?
79. A) widely B) narrowly?C) practically D) strongly?
80. A) very bad B) very good ?C) quite well D) worse?
81. A) alike B) different?C) same D) similar?
82. A) supported B) discovered ?C) watered D) disturbed?
83. A) that B) where ?C) what D) which?
84. A) deep B) high ?C) catching D) beautiful?
85. A) oil B) part ?C) form D) contact?
86. A) which B) that ?C) what D) where?
87. A) combination B) contact ?C) skin D) soap?
88. A) smoke B) fire ?C) plant D) clothing?
89. A) poisoning B) wee ding?C) growing D) seeding?
90. A) Connect B) Avoid ?C) Wash D) Stay?
? Part Ⅴ Writing(30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition, telling about your personal feeling of catching a cold. You should write at least 120 words and give your own writing a title if necessary.  
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 09:28:53
Section A?
1. W: Wasn’t Carl supposed to give a speech tonight??
M: Yes, but he backed out at the last minute.?
Q: What do we learn about Carl??
2. M: I thought it would be fun if we all went to see that new movie downtown.?
W: Count me out. I’ve heard it’s not worth the money.?
Q: What does the woman mean??
3. W: I can’t wait to see the look on Betty’s face when she opens our gift.?
M: Neither can I.?
Q: What does the conversation tell us??
4. W: Jane has written some articles for her research project.?
M: So she has finished them.?
Q: What had the man assumed about Jane??
5. M: I wonder if a problem like this can be solved by Linda.?
W: Well. If she can’t solve it, no one can.?
Q: What can be concluded from the conversation??
6. W: I’m going to ask the janitor to clean the lobby.?
M: Would you ask him to wash the staircase as well??
Q: What is being discussed??
7. W: One piece of cloth is pure wool and the other is a synthetic fabric.?
M: Amazing! I really can’t tell them apart.?
Q: What does the man mean??
8. M: What was it you wanted to talk to me about just now??
W: Never mind, it was nothing important.?
Q: What will the man probably do??
9. M: Has the latest Shanghai Daily arrived yet? Today is already Tuesday.?
W: Sorry, it’s late. Probably not till the day after tomorrow.?
Q: On what day of the week will the newspaper arrive??
10.M: Remember to act naturally when you’re on camera.?
W: How can I be natural in front of 10 million viewers??
Q: What kind of camera are they talking about?? Section B?
Passage One?
We do not know when men first began to use salt, but we do know that it has been used in many different ways throughout history. Historical evidence shows, for example, that people who lived over 3,000 years ago ate salted fish. Thousands of years ago in Egypt, salt was used to keep the dead from decaying.?
Stealing salt was considered a crime during some periods of history. In the 18th century, for instance, if a person were caught stealing salt, he could be put n jail. History records that about ten thousand people were put in jail during t
hat century for stealing salt! About 159 years before, in the year 1553, taking more than one’s share of salt was punished as a crime. The offender’s ear was cut off!?
Salt was an important item on the table of a king. It was traditionally placed in front of the king when he sat down to eat. Important guests at the king’s table were seated near the salt. Less important guests were given seats farther away
from it.?
Questions 11 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard. ?
11. How was salt used in Egypt thousands of years ago??
12. Why were the ten thousand people put in jail in the 18th century??
13. In the 16th century what would happen to a man who took more than his share of salt??
14. When did man first begin to use salt?? Passage Two?
Women’s fashions tend to change more rapidly and radically than men’s. In the early 1900s, all women wore their skirts down to the ankle. Today, skirt length varies from floor-length to ten inches above the knee. Women’s shoes have also gone through all sorts of changes in the last ninety years. For example, boots for women were very common around the turn of the 20th century. Then, for years, they were not considered fashionable. Today they are back in style again in all colors, lengths, and materials. In fact, today’s women can wear all sorts of clothes, even slacks and shorts, on almost any occasion. While all of these changes were taking place in women’s fashions, men’s clothing remained pretty much the same until a couple of years ago. In fact, most men still wear the traditional suit though bright colors and varieties in cut are now more common.?
Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard. ?
15. How did the women in the early 1900s wear their skirts??
16. What kind of shoes was considered fashionable for women at the turn of the 20th century??
17. Which of the following best express the main idea of the talk?? Passage Three?
Once again in Richfield Heights today, there were no classes in the public elementary and secondary schools. This marks the eleventh day that the schools in that community have remained closed. Teachers are still on strike despite the back-
to-work order issued yesterday by the District Court. A spokesperson for the Teacher’s Union stated at a press conference today that the strike would continue until such time as the School Committee agrees to a public hearing to settle the
dispute. According to the spokesperson, wages are not an issue in the dispute. At issue is a new rule passed by the School Committee, which eliminates paid sick leave from the teachers’ contract. Under the new contract, teachers would receive no salary for any day on which they failed to appear due to illness. School administrators, on the other hand, would continue to receive fifteen days of paid sick leave annually. The Parent Board, which was initially sympathetic to the teachers’ position, has urged the teachers to return to work until a settlement can be reached. Spokespersons for the School Committee are refusing to comment on
the latest developments.?
Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. ?
18.What seems to be the main issue in the dispute??
19.What is the present position of the Parent Board regarding the strike??
20. According to the news, which of the following institutions is LEAST likely to be in favor of the back-to-work order?? 答案与详解
Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension?
Section A?
1. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】女士认为卡尔今晚要发表讲话,男士说他最后决定不做了。关键短语是back out(收回,停止不干),说明答案是C。?
2. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】男士建议大家一起去市区看电影,女士认为电影不值那么多钱,让他不要把自己算在内。关键短语是count me out(别把我算在内),说明答案是A。?
3. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】女士急于见到贝蒂收到礼物时的表情,男士说他也急于见到。关键是男士的回答Neither can I.(我也等不急了),说明答案是D。?
4. 【答案】B?
5. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】男士不知道琳达能否解决这样的问题,女士回答道如果她不能解决,可就没人能解决了,说明琳达的能力比别人强。关键是no one can(无人能解决了),因此答案是A。
6. 【答案】B?
7. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】女士指出两块面料一块是纯羊毛另一块是合成纤维。男士很惊讶,说他根本看不出有什么区别。关键是男士的话语 I really can’t tell them apart.(我真的无法把它们区分开来),说明答案是D。?
8. 【答案】D?
9. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】男士劝女士在摄像机面前表现要自然,女士说面对一千万观众我怎么能自然呢,根据对话判断正确答案是B。? Section B?
Passage One?
【详细解答】根据第一段最后一句话“Thousands of years ago in Egypt, salt was used to keep the dead from decaying”(几千年前在埃及,盐就被用来防止尸体腐烂。得知答案是C。?
【详细解答】根据第二段第二句话“In the 18th century, for instance, if a person were
caught stealing salt, he could be put in jail”比如,在18世纪,如果一个人偷盐被抓,他会被送进监狱。得知答案是B。?
【详细解答】根据第二段最后两句话“About 159 years before, in the year 1553, taking more than one’s share of salt was punished as a crime. The offender’s ear was cut off”159年以前,也就是1553年,多拿一份盐就会被作为罪犯受到惩罚。犯罪人的耳朵会被割下来! 得知答案是B。?
【详细解答】根据文章第一句话We do not know when men first began to use salt... 我们不知道人类从什么时候开始使用盐,……判断得知答案是D。?
Passage Two?
【详细解答】根据第二句话“In the early 1900s, all women wore their skirts down to the ankle”在19世纪早期,女士的裙子都长及脚踝。得知答案是C。?
【详细解答】根据段中的“For example, boots for women were very common around the turn of the 20th century”比如,女士的皮靴在20世纪交接时非常普遍。得知答案是A。?
  Passage Three?
内容概要:本段听力材料讲的是某地(Richfield Heights)因教师罢课导致中小学停课的事情。此次争端的主要问题不是工资问题,而是学校委员会在教师合同中取消了教师带薪病休的规定。?
【详细解答】文中说明争端的主要问题不是工资问题,而是学校委员会在老师合同中取消了教师带薪病休(paid sick leave)的规定。所以答案是D。?
【详细解答】根据文中的“The Parent Board, which was initially sympathetic to the teachers’ position, has urged the teachers to return to work until a settlement can be reached”家长委员会开始很同情老师的遭遇,但现在他们希望争端解决后,老师马上回到工作岗位。判断得知答案是B。?
【详细解答】根据全文的内容,再加上文中明确指出的“A spokesperson for the Teacher’s Union stated at a press conference today that the strike would continue until such time as the School Committee agrees to a public hearing to settle the dispute.”教师联盟的发言人在新闻发布会上声称罢工会继续,直到学校委员会同意开听证会,解决此争端为止。可见the Teacher’s Union最不可能支持回学校工作的命令。由此可
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 09:29:18
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension?
Passage One?
内容概要: 本文讨论的是马的起源及历史。从起源来讲,马比人类还要早。在白令海,人们发现了亚洲现代马群的始祖。据说最古老的马种是阿拉伯马。二十世纪唯一存活的真正野马是在蒙古发现的。马的智力次于猿,大象和狗,其记忆力很好,迷路时会找到回家的路,比
21. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】见文章倒数第三行,“They have excellent memories and can sometimes find their way home when lost, and sense danger better than their masters.” 这段文字说明马记忆力很好,迷路时会找到回家的路,比主人更能感到危险的存在。说明在感知危险方面马比人更强,所以选D。?
22. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】见文章第二句话,“...the earliest remains of primitive horses have been found on the North American continent...”说明最早原始马的遗骨是在北美发现的。得知正确答案是C。?
23. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】见文章第九句,“The heavy horses developed in the low countries of Europe and were used for work and by the medieval knights to ride.”说明人们利用马为他们工作,所以选D。?
24. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】见文章倒数第五句,The oldest breed of horses is said to be the Arabian.得知答案是C。选项A和D文章没有提到,而B是错误的,正确的表述应该是The only true wild horses left in 20th century are found in Mongolia.?
25. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】根据全文内容,作者在文中介绍了马的历史渊源,种类,特点等,并不仅仅告知读者马比人类起源早A),或者马对人类有帮助B),或向我们介绍原始马D),所以选C。? Passage Two?
内容概要: 本文讲述的是地震发生的原因,地点,测量地震的方法,以及地震带给人类的巨大灾难等。到目前为止,科学家对地震发生的时间还无法预知。地震仪是测量地震的精密仪器,它可以测出地震的强度。有些地震释放的能量比一颗原子弹释放能量的1万倍都多。历史上有几次地震给人类的生命及财产造成过巨大损失。?
26. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】文章第一句明确指出“With tremendous force a great mass of solid rock suddenly moves deep inside the earth.”无需推断,排除A。根据第4段,地震可以通过地震仪测量,排除C。再根据文章第一段最后二句话,With a loud roar, the ground splits open.无需推断, 排除D。根据最后两段和常识,得知答案应是B。?
27. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】见文章第一段前两句话,With tremendous force a great mass of solid rock suddenly moves deep inside the earth. Shock waves travel upward, and the surface of the earth begins to tremble. 得知地震是地下的固体岩石盯互作用,震波向上传递导致地面的运动。直接推知正确答案是C。?
28. 【答案】A?
【译文】第三段的ring of fire指的是:地球上地震频繁发生的太平洋及周边地区。?
【详细解答】根据第三段的前两句话,Most of the world’s earthquakes happen around or in the Pacific Ocean. Called the “ring of fire” by scientists, this area suffers from about twenty powerful earthquakes each year. 得知所谓ring of fire是科学家对太平洋及周边地区这个地震多发地带的别称,所以选A。?
29. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】见文章倒数第二段,The worst earthquake on record took place in China in 1556. At that time 830,000 people died. ... In modern times, China was hit again with the world’s second worst quake in 1976. It left 650,000 dead. 两次大地震夺走了1,480,000人的生命,而不是所有的地震夺走了这些人的生命,所以A是错的。根据常识B和C都不对,所以选择D。?
30. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】根据最后一段,特别是前两句,Many cities are taking steps to prevent loss of life in earthquakes. Buildings are being made quakeproof. Rescue teams practice saving victims.得知许多城市在采取措施防止地震中的人员损失。在建建筑物都可防震,救援队练习救助伤员。由此推知答案应该是D。?
  Passage Three?
内容概要: 本文讨论的是气象图对地理学者的重要性以及天气预报的重要意义。气象图反映了天气变化的重要信息,任何从事地理学研究的学生都应该学会正确解读气象图。人们借助电子仪器和地球人造卫星,在天气预报这个领域取得了飞跃性的进展。?
31. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】文章第一段提到了the speed of air即D项;第二段提到了...storms, floods, frosts, drouths, and all climatic conditions in general...包括A和C项,所以只有B项未提及。?
32. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】见文章第二段最后一句话,These 30-day outlooks are based upon an analysis of the upper air levels which...即三十天预告是通过分析上层空气来决定的……,由此得知正确答案是B。?
33. 【答案】D?
34 【答案】A?
35. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】根据文章最后一句话,Extensive experiments are also in progress for weather modification studies.说明人们正在努力做试验,来改变天气控制天气,所以选A。?
  Passage Four?
内容概要: 本文讨论的是证券问题。大公司都想采取某种方式来影响公众的储蓄,它们通过在证券交易所发行股票和股份来实现这个目的。通过证券交易所,政府、地方权威机构以及国有企业借用资金来为某些部门提供必要的经费。?
36. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】见文章第一段第2行,文中指出从朋友和认识的人那儿等款前景黯淡,而银行只愿提供短期不愿提供长期,所以公司要向公众筹款(turn to the public),因此,人口的多少是决定性因素,所以选D。?
37. 【答案】B?
38. 【答案】C?
39. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】见文章第三段特别是最后一句话,The government, local authorities, and nationalized industries therefore frequently need to borrow money to finance major capital spending, and they too, come to the Stock Exchange. 得知正确答案是B。
40. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】根据文章的最后一句话,The Stock Exchange exists to provide a channel through which these savings can reach those who need finance以及倒数第二段的最后一句话,The government, local authorities, and nationalized industries therefore frequently need to borrow money to finance major capital spending, and they too, come to the Stock Exchange.得知答案是C。?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 09:31:05
Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure? 41. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】句中的English being his best subject 是分词独立结构,在句中起到补充说明的作用。?
42. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】句中的those 是代词,作介词like的宾语,代替前面的 the culture and customs,由于被代替的成分是一个复数概念,所以选B。?
43. 【答案】D?
44. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】whatever, whichever, however, whenever这四个词是形近词,但意义不同,分别是:无论什么;无论哪一个;无论如何;无论何时。四个词均可作连词使用,前二者也可作形容词用;后二者也可作副词使用。根据句意,正确答案应是B。?
45. 【答案】A?
46. 【答案】C?
47. 【答案】A?
【试题分析】本题测试考生对与名词heart 相关的介词短语的掌握。?
【详细解答】at heart是指在内心;本质上;in heart是指情绪高昂;with heart是指真心地;by heart是指用心记住。根据句意正确答案应是A。?
48. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】would rather后面所跟的从句一定要用虚拟语气结构,而根据句子时态,此处应
选择以过去时表示现在或将来的虚拟语气,才能与...until they investigate the situation的时态相一致,故答案是B。?
49. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】本句的主句是It’s the first time,后面的that从句是主语从句,该句是一个反意疑问句,反问部分的具体表达方式应该根据句子的主句而不是主语从句。?
50. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】distinguish between A and B是“辨别A 与 B”,separate 是“分离”;comp
51. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】本句是so...that...结构的倒装结构,该句的正常语序应该是The destruction was so great that the economy took several years to recover. 请考生熟练掌握。?
52. 【答案】D?
【试题分析】本题主要测试“promise +动词不定式”的用法。?
【详细解答】promise后面要跟动词不定式结构,表示“答应,许诺”。选项A中的for me 是不定式to have的逻辑主语,与题意不合。D中的to have 自身没带逻辑主语,其动作发出者就是句中的she, 故选D。?
53. 【答案】C?
54. 【答案】B?
【试题分析】本题主要测试考生对along with的理解。?
【详细解答】 句子的真正主语是This man,而along with只是跟在this man的后面的介词短语,所以谓语应用第三人称单数形式。?
55. 【答案】B?
【试题分析】本题主要测试习惯用语run / take a risk的用法。?
【详细解答】run / take a risk表示“冒风险”。与名词risk 相关的其他习惯用语如:at one’s own risk表示自担风险;at risk表示有危险;at all risks (= at any risk)表示无论如何;无论冒什么危险;take no risks表示慎重行事。?
56. 【答案】D?
57. 【答案】C?
【试题分析】本题测试考生对习惯用语的掌握,能学会运用in case.?
【详细解答】in case表示“以防万一”,in the event 表示“结果”,“到头来”。?
58. 【答案】C?
59. 【答案】C?
【试题分析】本题主要测试考生对习惯用语seek shelter from the rain的掌握。?
【详细解答】seek shelter from the rain表示“寻求避雨处”。?
60. 【答案】B?
【试题分析】本题是短语辨析题。主要测试考生对put 的相关短语的掌握。?
【详细解答】四个选项的意思分别为:put up是指提出,建起;put up with是指忍受,容忍;put away是指放好,储存;put off是指推迟。?
61. 【答案】C?
62. 【答案】D?
【详细解答】It is important that后面的主语从句要用虚拟语气结构,其后的谓语动词要用动词原形或should + 动词原形。?
63. 【答案】C?
【译文】如果我们能早一点赶上火车,那么我们就可以有更多时间欣赏那里的美丽景色。?【试题分析】本题主要测试考生对provided than 的用法的掌握。?
【详细解答】provided that (也可只用provided)表示“如果”,“假如”,用以引导条件状语从句。其他三个选项均不符合本题题意。?
64. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】四个选项的意思分别为:make up是指构成,化妆;make up for是指弥补,补偿;make for是指走向,有助于;make out是指辨认,理解。根据句意应选答案B。?
65. 【答案】A?
【试题分析】本题主要考核考生对to be worth doing这一结构的掌握。?
66. 【答案】A?
67. 【答案】C?
68. 【答案】C?
【试题分析】本题主要测试no sooner ... than 这一结构的意义及用法。?
【详细解答】no sooner ... than 表示“一……就”,要求句子使用倒装结构。另外,根据that 从句的语法结构,确定选择答案C,即过去完成时态。?
69. 【答案】B?
【试题分析】本题是动词词义辨析题,考生要学会使用occur (to) .?
【详细解答】occur作动词表示“发生”,“存在”之外,与介词to 连用,可以表示“想起”,“想到”,“浮现在某人的脑海中”等。?
70. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】stand for 是固定搭配,表示“代表”,“象征”。
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 09:31:36
Part IV Cloze?
【详细解答】从上下句的意思来看,该处需要一个引导原因状语从句的连词,so 与therefore
【详细解答】根据上下文,该句是上句...a rash resulting in reddened skin, an annoying itch, and painful blisters...的延伸,所以与cold(感冒), cough(咳嗽)都无关,
【详细解答】文章第一句话(Anyone planning to go camping or hiking should first learn to recognize poison ivy,任何计划外出宿营或徒步旅行的人都要首先学会识别毒藤)
【详细解答】因为beautiful, ugly都不具有客观的确定所指,大家的看法因人而异。再根据下文each, usually等字眼,确定选择答案A。?
【详细解答】本句承接上句对叶子色彩变化的描述,虽然become也表示“变成”,但其后直接跟颜色,即become bright red or orange,只有change后面需要加to 或into。?
【详细解答】句中also说明虽然毒藤喜好阳光照射,但荫凉处也适合其生长。应该选择作状语的副词quite well。?
【详细解答】which引导的定语从句修饰前面的the sun,作定语从句的宾语。?
【详细解答】根据本段第一句话“The poison in poison ivy is in the form of an oil that is in all parts of the plant.”,确定答案应为oil。?
【详细解答】本句where引导的定语从句用来修饰前面的from the fire,作定语从句的地点状语。其他选项均不合语法。?
【详细解答】make contact with是习惯表达,表示“和……接触”,其他选项不合题意。?
【详细解答】本句讲述的是与毒藤这种植物(plant)接触后的处理措施,与其他(smoke, fire, clothing)无关,显然应选答案C。?
【详细解答】stay away from表示“远离……”,其他三个选项均不能与away from连用。? Part V Writing?
Dear Mr. Cold,?
I am writing to thank you for your coming into my room and making me catch you. I know in the kind of season you are always very busy on business trip here and there. So I especially appreciate your kindness in remembering me during your
busy work.?
Of course, after catching you yesterday, I’ve been feeling uncomfortable from head to tiptoe. With my head aching the dazing, I have had a great consumption of napkin paper. But meanwhile I have a day of sick leave. I can sleep longer until 6:30 for the first time during the weekdays; I can have enough time to finish all the work left; I can sit at my desk in the dormitory with a cup of hot water in my hand and melody flowing in my ear; and I can even have a comfortable nap in the daytime.?I would like to extend to you my sincere thanks for giving me a dazing but restful day, and I’m longing for never meeting you again.?
Yours sincerely,?
Poor Me?
1.in the event结果,到头来;?
2.put up with忍受,容忍;?
3.run / take a risk冒风险;?
4.make up for弥补,补偿;?
1.provided that (也可只用provided)表示“如果”,“假如”,用以引导条件状语从句。
2.It is important that后面的主语从句要用虚拟语气结构,其后的谓语动词要用动词原形或should + 动词原形。
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 09:32:20

北京师范大学外语学院 范民 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension(20 minutes)
Section A
Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ?
1. A) At the department store. ?
B) At the office.?
C) In the restaurant. ?
D) In the drug store.?
2. A) He is upset. ?
B) He is disappointed.?
C) He is confident. ?
D) He is worried.?
3. A) It’s too high. ?
B) It’s acceptable. ?
C) It’s cheap indeed. ?
D) The woman should have bargained for it.?
4. A) At two o’clock. ?
B) At three o’clock. ?
C) At four o’clock. ?
D) At five o’clock.?
5. A) Shop assistant and customer. ?
B) Post clerk and customer. ?
C) Store keeper and customer. ?
D) Waitress and customer.?
6. A) To park the car. ?
B) To take pictures. ?
C) To take her to the park. ?
D) To have a look at the sight.?
7. A) His girlfriend complained of his going to the party without her.?
B) He was together with her girlfriend yesterday.?
C) He has been busy dating his girlfriend these days.?
D) He brought his girlfriend to the party.?
8. A) She regretted having bought the second-hand car.?
B) It is unnecessary to rent another house.?
C) They should sell their second-hand car and buy a new one.?
D) They can afford a second-hand car.?
9. A) She loves the film too. ?
B) She doesn’t think much of the film.?
C) She asks the man to repeat his words. ?
D) It’s not as good as she expected.?
10. A) Go outing with his wife. ?
B) Work for extra hours.?
C) Stay at home with his wife. ?
D) Go outing with his boss.?? Section B Compound Dictation ?
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. Then listen to the passage again. When the passage is read for the second time,
you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered S8 to S10 you are required to fill in missing information. You can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. ?
The lack of persistence is the reason most people fail in attaining their goals. Many organizational analysts and (S1) ____ consultants consider persistence to be the (S2) ____ key to success at both the organizational and (S3) ____ level.?
Success (S4) ____ comes easily on the first try. What (S5) ____ the successful from the unsuccessful is persistence. Successful people also fail (S6) ____ but they do not let their failures (S7) ____ their spirit. (S8) __________. And again. And again. Until they succeed. (S9)_______, usually passing the blame on to someone or something else, and learn nothing from their experience other than perfecting their scapegoating techniques. Successful people expect periodic defeats, learn what went wrong and why, don’t waste time looking f
or someone to blame, make necessary adjustments, and try again. (S10) _______. If you are not persistent, you will almost certainly fail. Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)
Directions: There are four reading passages in this part.
Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ? Passage One ?
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. ?
Classified advertising is that advertising which is grouped in certain sections of the paper and is thus distinguished from display advertising. Such groupings as “Help Wanted”, “Real Estate”, “Lost and Found” are made, the rate charged being less than for display advertising. Classified advertisements are a convenience to the reader and a saving to the advertiser. The reader who is interested in a particular kind of advertisement finds all advertisements of that type grouped for him.
The advertisers may, on this account, use a very small advertisement that would be lost if it were placed among larger advertisements in the paper. It is evident that the reader approaches the classified advertisement in a different frame of mind from that in which he approaches the other advertisements in the paper. He turns to a page of classified advertisements to search for the particular advertisement that will meet his needs. As his attention is voluntary, the advertiser does not need to rely too much extent on display type to get the reader’s attention. Formerly all classified advertisements were of the same size and did not have display type. With the increase in the number of such advertisements, however, each advertiser within a certain group is competing with others in the same group for the reader’s attention. In many cases,the result has been an increase in the size of the space used and the addition of headlines and pictures. In that way,the classified advertisement has in reality become a display advertisement. This is particularly true of real estate advertising.?
21. All of the following facts are advantages of classified advertisement for advertisers EXCEPT that ____.?
A) classified advertisement charges less money?
B) it is easier to attract the attention of the target consumers?
C) it provides more information for the readers?
D) it does not have to rely too much on display type?
22. One of the examples given of types of classified advertisement is ____.?
A) houses for sale?
B) people who are asking for help?
C) people who are lost?
D) job vacancies?
23.What sort of attitude do people have when they look at classified advertisement, according to the writer??
A) They are in the frame of mind to buy anything.?
B) They are looking for something they need.?
C) They feel lost because there are so many advertisements.?
D) They feel the same as when they look at display advertisements.?
24.According to the passage, in which way have the classified advertisements changed nowadays??
A) They depend more on display type.?
B) More money is charged for them.?
C) They are divided into more groups.?
D) They are less formal.?
25.Why have classified advertisements changed in appearance??
A) Because people no longer want headlines and pictures.?
B) Because real estate advertising is particularly truthful now.?
C) Because the increase in the number of such advertisements means they have to be small now.?
D) Because there are more advertisements now and more competition among advertisers.?

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 09:32:45
Passage Two ?
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. ?
Psychologists now believe that noise has a considerable effect on people’s attitudes and behaviors. Experiments have proved that in noisy situations (even temporary ones), people behave more irritably and less cooperatively; in more permanent noisy situations, many people can not work hard, and they suffer from severe anxiety as well as other psychological problems. However, psychologists distinguish between “sound” and “noise”. “Sound” is measured physically in decibels. “Noise” cannot be measured in the same way because it refers to the psychological effect of sound and its level of “intensity” depends on the situation. Thus, for passengers at an airport who expect to hear airplanes taking off and landing, there may be a lot of sound, but not much noise (that is, they are not bothered by the noise). By contrast, if you are at a concert and two people behind you are whispering, you feel they are talking noisily even if there is not much sound. You notice the noise because it affects you psychologically. Both sound and noise can have negative effects, but what is most important is if the person has control over the sound. People walking down the street with earphones, listening to music that they enjoy, are receiving a lot of decibels of sound, but they are probably happy hearing sounds which they control. On the other hand, people in the street without earphones must tolerate a lot of noise which they have no control over. It is noise pollution that we need to control in order to help people live more happily.?
26.According to the passage, people ____?
A) can not work in a noisy situation?
B) will suffer from complete deafness because of noise pollution?
C) can be psychologically affected by working in very noisy factories?
D) may cooperate well in a noisy surrounding?
27.“Sound”, as defined by the psychologists, ____.?
A) can be measured in the same way that “noise” is measured?
B) may be extremely harmful to health?
C) is not at all different from “noise”?
D) can be measured by machines?
28.The intensity of noise can be measured by ____.?
A) its effect on people’s hearing?
B) its decibel?
C) how much it affects people psychologically?
D) how long it lasts?
29.According to the passage, which of the following is sound rather thannoise??
A) A couple’s whisper behind you in the cinema.?
B) The snore of your roommate.?
C) The loud motor-horn in the street.?
D) The sound of airplanes taking off and landing when you are waiting to board plane.?
30.We can conclude from the passage that we need to control noise pollution if ____.?
A) we want to stay both psychologically and physically healthy?
B) we want to have better control over ourselves?
C) we want to cooperate well?
D) we don’t want to be anxious? Passage Three ?
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. ?
Psychologists take opposing views of how external rewards, from warm praise to old cash, affect motivation and creativity. Behaviorists, who study the relation between actions and their consequences, argue that rewards can improve performance at work and school. Some other researchers who study various aspects of mental life, maintain those rewards often destroy creativity by encouraging dependence on approval and gifts from others. ?
The latter view has gained many supporters, especially among educators. But the careful use of small monetary rewards sparks in grade-school children suggesting that properly presented inducements indeed aid inventiveness, according to a study in the June Journal Personality and Social Psychology.?
“If they know they’re working for a reward and can focus on a relatively challenging task, they show the most creativity,” says Robert Esenberger of the University of Delaware in Newark. “But it’s easy to kill creativity by giving rewards for poor performance or creating too much anticipation for rewards.”?
A teacher who continually draws attention to rewards or who hands out high grades for ordinary achievement ends up with uninspired students, Esenberger holds. As an example of the latter point, he notes growing efforts at major universities to tighten grading standards and restore falling grades.?
In earlier grades, the use of so-called token economics, in which students handle challenging problems and receive performance-based points toward valued rewards, shows promise in raising effort and creativity, the Delaware psychologist claims.?
31. Psychologists are divided with regard to their attitudes toward ____.?
A) the choice between spiritual encouragement and monetary rewards?
B) the appropriate amount of external rewards?
C) the study of relationship between actions and their consequences?
D) the effects of external rewards on students’ performance?
32. What is the view held by many educators concerning external rewards for students??
A) They approve of external rewards.?
B) They don’t think external rewards make any difference.?
C) They have doubts about external rewards.?
D) They believe external rewards can motivate small children, but not college students.?
33. According to the result of the study mentioned in the passage, what should educators do to stimulate motivation and creativity??
A) Give rewards for performances which deserve them.?
B) Always promise rewards.?
C) Assign tasks which are not very challenging.?
D) Be more lenient to students when mistakes are made.?
34.It can be inferred from the passage that major universities are trying to tighten their grading standards because they believe ____.?
A) rewarding poor performance may kill the creativity of students’?
B) punishment is more effective than rewarding?
C) failing uninspired students helps improve their overall academic standards?
D) discouraging the students anticipation for easy rewards is matter of urgency?
35.Which of the following facts about “token economics” is not correct?
A) Students are assigned challenging tasks.?
B) Rewards are given for good performances.?
C) Students are evaluated according to the effort they put into the task.?
D) With token economics, students’ creativity can be enhanced.? Passage Four ?
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage. ?
When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or in some other way does not live up to the manufacturer’s claims, the first step is to present the warranty, or any other records which might help, at the store of purchase. In most cases, this action will produce results. However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction.?
A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. In general, the “higher up” the consumer takes his or her complaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer’s favor, assuming he or she has a just claim.?
Consumers should complain in person whenever possible, but if they cannot get to the place of purchase, it is acceptable to phone or write the complaint in a letter.?
Complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but firmly, and especially when the consumer can demonstrate what is wrong with the item in question. If this cannot be done, the consumer will succeed best by presenting specific information as to what is wrong, rather than by making general statements. For example, “The left speaker does not work at all and the sound coming out of the right one is unclear” is better than “This stereo does not work”.?
The store manager may advice the consumer to write to the manufacturer. If so, the consumer should do this, stating the complaint as politely and firmly as possible. If a polite complaint does not achieve the desired result, the consumer can go to a step further. She or he can threaten to take the seller to court or report the seller to a private or public organization responsible for protecting consumer’s rights.?
36. When a consumer finds that his or her purchase has a fault in it, the first thing he or she should do is to ____.?
A) complain personally to the manager?
B) threaten to take the matter to court?
C) write a firm letter of complaint to the store of purchase?
D) show some written proof of the purchase to the store?
37. How can a consumer make his or her complaint more effective, according to the passage??
A) Explain exactly what is wrong with the item.?
B) Threaten to take the seller to court.?
C) Make polite and general statements about the problem.?
D) Avoid having direct contact with the store manager.?
38.According to the passage, which of the following is suggested as the last alternative that consumers may turn to??
A) Complain to the store manager in person.?
B) Complain to the manufacturer.?
C) Write a complaint letter to the manager.?
D) Turn to the Consumers’ Rights Protection Organization for help.?
39.The phrase “live up to” in this context means ____.?
A) meet the standard of ?
B) realize the purpose of ?
C) fulfill the demands of ?
D) keep the promise of?
40.The passage tells us ____.?
A) how to settle a consumer’s complaint about a faulty item?
B) how to make an effective complaint about a faulty item?
C) how to avoid buying a faulty item?
D) how to deal with complaints from customers??
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 09:33:10
Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure(20 minutes)
Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ?
41. There was a large crowd of demonstrators ____ against the war. ?
A) protecting B) preserving ?
C) protesting D) prosecuting?
42. I’m afraid I will have to ____her invitation to the party.?
A) refuse B) refute ?
C) ignore D) decline?
43. The coat I bought yesterday is not expensive at all. As a matter of fact, I would gladly have paid ____ for it.?
A) as much twice ?
B) much as twice ?
C) as twice much ?
D) twice as much?
44. He can’t start the car because the battery has ____.?
A) run up B) run down ?
C) run over D) run off?
45. Without facts, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion, for we need to have factual knowledge ____ our thinking.?
A) upon which to base ?
B) which to base upon?
C) which to be based on ?
D) to base on which?
46. This design is ____ that one.?
A) more superior to ?
B) far superior than ?
C) more superior than ?
D) far superior to?
47. I wondered what her ____ to the news would be.?
A) impression B) reaction ?
C) comment D) opinion?
48. She shouldn’t have stood in a queue; she ____ her underground ticket
from the machine.?
A) has got B) must have got ?
C) could have got D) got?
49. Don’t worry. ____ that you will be treated equally.?
A) I’ll look forward to it ?
B) I’ll try my utmost ?
C) I’ll be on the alert ?
D) I’ll see to it?
50. The workers agreed to ____ the strike if the company would satisfy their demand.?
A) call off B) call out ?
C) call to D) call on?
51. I’d rather you ____ so rudely to her.?
A) don’t speak B) won’t speak ?
C) should not speak D) didn’t speak?
52. Today many kinds of electrical ____ are available, which has made housework much easier than before. ?
A) facilities B) appliances ?
C) instruments D) equipment ?
53. The author is going to ____ his play for television.?
A) add B) adopt ?
C) adapt D)adjust ?
54. ____ for your help, I’d never have been able to achieve such a success.?
A) If I had not been ?
B) Had it not been?
C) If it were not ?
D) Had it not?
55. With all its advantages, the computer is by no means without its ____.?
A) boundaries B) limitations ?
C) confinements D) restraints?
56. I’m afraid I can’t ____ you ____; you’ll have to go to a hotel.?
A) put ...up B) pick ... up ?
C) pull ... up D) wake ... up?
57. The guests said that they wouldn’t mind ____.?
A) to have a little light music ?
B) having a little light music?
C) have a little light music ?
D) if they have a little light music?
58. Although this area is very poor just now, its ____ wealth is great.?
A) previous B) profound ?
C) potential D) primary?
59. He ran quickly to the classroom, two books ____ under his arm.?
A) to be hold B) held ?
C) were held D) holding?
60. We must try our best to lower the cost of our products. Otherwise the high cost will ____ our profit.?
A) cut off B) cut in ?
C) cut short D) cut into?
61. Tom is not very clever, but he is the most ____ pupil in the class.?
A) industrious B) indulgent ?
C) industrial D) indifferent?
62. No sooner had he arrived home ____ he was asked to start another journey.?
A) when B) than ?
C) then D) until?
63. Young children easily ____ words that their parents frequently use.
A) put up B) turn up ?C) bring up D) pick up?
64. Only when you have obtained all the information about it ____ come to a sound judgment.?
A) you can B) you will ?
C) would you D) can you?
65. American women were ____ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle. ?
A) ignored B) neglected ?
C) denied D) refused?
66. All ____ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life. ?
A) what is needed ?
B) the thing needed ?
C) which is needed ?
D) that is needed?
67. The factory has ____several workers because of the drop in sales.?
A) laid off B) laid out ?
C) laid aside D) laid down?
68. There were no tickets ____ for Friday’s performance.?
A) applicable B) approachable ?
C) attainable D) available?
69. There was a traffic jam; otherwise I ____ here on time.?
A) would be B) had been ?
C) should be D) would have been?
70. If you don’t work hard, you are bound to fall behind others, ____ smart you might be.?
A) whatever B) though ?
C) whatsoever D) however Part Ⅳ Short Answer Questions(15 minutes)
Directions: In this part there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. ?
Researchers have established that when people are mentally engaged, biochemical changes occur in the brain that allow it to act more effectively in cognitive areas such as attention and memory. This is true regardless of age.?
  People will be alert and receptive if they are faced with information that gets them to think about things they are interested in. And someone with a history of doing more rather than less will go into old age more cognitively sound than someone who has not had an active mind.?
  Many experts are so convinced of the benefits of challenging the brain that they are putting the theory to work in their own lives. “The idea is not necessary to learn to memorize enormous amounts of information,” says James Fozard, associate director of the National Institute on Aging. “Most of us don’t need that kind of skill. Such specific training is of less interest than being able to maintain mental alertness.” Fozard and others say they challenge their brains with different mental skills, both because they enjoy them and because they are sure that their range of activities will help the way their brains work.?
  Gene Cohen, acting director of the same institute, suggests that people in their old age should engage in mental and physical activities individually as well as in groups. Cohen says that we are frequently advised to keep physically active as we age, but older people need to keep mentally active as well. Those who do are more likely to maintain their intellectual abilities and to be generally happier and better adjusted. “The point is, you need to do both,” Cohen says. “Intellectual activity actually influences brain-cell health and size.”?
Questions: (注意:答题尽量简短,超过10个词要扣分)。?
S1. What is the passage mainly about??
S2. In what areas will the brain act more actively when people are mentally engaged??
S3. What kind of people are more cognitively healthy??
S4. According to Fozard’s view, how can people make their brains work more efficiently??
S5. What does Cohen advise older people to do??
__________________________________?? Part Ⅴ Writing(30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Social Practice. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline below. ?
1. 参与社会实践对学生的种种好处;?
2. 参与社会实践所带来的问题;?
3. 我的看法。
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 09:34:07
Section A?
1. W: Good evening, sir. Here is the menu. Would you like to order now??
M: Yes, but I’m in a rush. Can I be served and out of here in half an hour??
Q: Where are the speakers??
2. W: How do you feel about the oral test? ?
M: I couldn’t feel better about it. All of the questions are within my expectation.?
Q: How does the man feel about the test??
3. W: I spent $50 on this sofa. Do you think it is worthwhile? ?
M: Well, I think you’ve got a real bargain.?
Q: What does the man think of the price??
4. W: I heard the fire broke out at two in the morning. ?
M: That’s right. And it took the fireman three hours to put it out.?
Q: When was the fire put out??
5. M: Excuse me, I’d like to send a registration letter to Houston, Texas. How much is the postage??
W: Let me check. It’s a dollar and 55 cents.?
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers??
6. W: John, there is a really good view out there.?
M: Sorry, honey. I can’t stop here. There’s nowhere to park.?
Q: What does the woman ask the man to do??
7. W: Jack, I expected to see you at Sam’s birthday party yesterday but you were absent.?
M: I had to date with my girlfriend. I have been terribly busy these days. You know, she is complaining.?
Q: What do we know about the man??
8. M: I’m fed up with the noisy environment here. I suppose we should rent a house with better environment, but I don’t see how we can afford it right now.?
W: If only we hadn’t bought the second-hand car!?
Q: What does the woman mean??
9. M: I think the film “Titanic” is really wonderful. Beautiful scene, impressing music and touching story. Everything is so great. ?
W: You can say that again.?
Q: What does the woman mean??
10.W: Honey, I think we should go outing and relax this weekend.?
M: Yes, darling. But my boss asked me to overwork over the weekend. You know, time is really pressing for us.?
Q: What will the man do this weekend??
Section B?Compound Dictation?
The lack of persistence is the reason most people fail in attaining their goals. Many organizational analysts and career consultants consider persistence to be the ultimate key to success at both the organizational and personal level.?
Success seldom comes easily on the first try. What separates the successful from the unsuccessful is persistence. Successful people also fail occasionally but they do not let their failures defeat their spirit. Successful people learn from defeats, revise their strategy as needed and try again. And again. And again. Until they succeed. Unsuccessful people try something one or two times and when it fails they give up, usually passing the blame on to someone or something else, and learn nothing from their experience other than perfecting their scapegoating techniques. Successful people expect periodic defeats, learn what went wrong and why, don’t waste time looking for someone to blame, make necessary adjustments, and try again. If you are persistent, you will almost inevitably succeed. If you are not persistent, you will almost certainly fail.?
Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension?
Section A?
1. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】“Here is the menu. Would you like to order now?”是餐厅服务员接待客人的常用语,因此地点在餐厅。?
2. 【答案】C?
3. 【答案】C?
【详细解答】“you’ve got a bargain”是惯用法,意为“你买到了便宜货”。故选 C。?
4. 【答案】D?
5. 【答案】B?
【详细解答】由对话可知,男士要寄一封挂号信,询问女士邮资是多少,因此应选 B 。?
6. 【答案】A?
7. 【答案】B?
8. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】句式“If only...”通常接虚拟语气,意为“要是……该多好啊”,表示对现在或过去事实的一种虚拟假设。由此可知女士对买了二手车感到后悔。?
9. 【答案】A?
【详细解答】“You can say that again”是惯用法,表示“我非常同意你的看法”。?
Section B?Compound Dictation?
(S1) career (S2) ultimate (S3) personal (S4) seldom?
(S5) separates (S6) occasionally (S7) defeat?
(S8) Successful people learn from defeats, revise their strategy as needed and try again?
(S9) Unsuccessful people try something one or two times and when it fails they give up?
(S10) If you are persistent, you will almost inevitably succeed?
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