






发布者: christlulu | 发布时间: 2006-5-17 10:25| 查看数: 51345| 评论数: 87|


christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:51:34
Passage Three? 内容概要:? 本文讨论的是科学的进步与人类的发展。三百年以来,我们一直在从事各种科学活动,试图利用科学,揭开科学的神秘面纱,从而构建现代文明。但是,科学发展到现在还只是个开端,人类在各项研究方面都需要继续探索和努力,只有这样,人类才能不断提高对自身的认识。? 31.【答案】C。? 【译文】与第一段内容相悖的是:现代文明依赖科学的发展,因此所有的人都毫无异议地支持科技的进步。? 【试题分析】细节辨析题,通过理解原文即可推理得知答案。? 【详细解答】文章第一段提到:...maybe even long enough to vote on whether to go on with it or not. There is an argument.也就是说,对于将科学继续进行下去,人们观点不一。并且下文就不同的观点进行了详细的阐述,因此答案C是正确的。与之相比较,其他三个选项均是错误的。? 32.【答案】D。? 【译文】本世纪的主要发现表明,人类已经放弃了某些曾经接受的理论。? 【试题分析】细节辨析题,通过理解原文即可推理得知答案。? 【详细解答】见文章第3段,尤其是最后几句话,...some of the laws of physics are amended every few years, some are canceled outright, some undergo revised versions of legislative intent as if they were acts of Congress. 得知人类对理论所采取的做法是修正,摈弃,甚至采取立法手段等,因此正确答案是D。? 33.【答案】D。? 【译文】在过去的几年里,科学家发现人们对DNA尚需进行继续深入研究。? 【试题分析】细节辨析题,通过理解原文即可推理得知答案。? 【详细解答】承接第4段末尾人们对DNA的再认识(But just in the last few years it has become almost unbelievably complex, filled with strange parts whose functions are beyond today’s imagining.),作者在第5段指出了对DNA研究的态度:继续深入地开展下去。由此确定答案为D。? 34.【答案】A。? 【译文】作者写作此文的目的是说明科学才刚刚起步。? 【试题分析】总结归纳题,通过理解全文归纳出答案。? 【详细解答】文章的最后一段明确指出,It is not just that there is more to do, there is everything to do.从而清楚地将作者的观点公之于众,那就是说,科学刚刚起步,面前的路还很长很长。因此答案应是A。虽然科学取得了很大进展(C),大大改善了人们的生活(B),但这都不是本文的写作目的。? 35.【答案】B。? 【译文】作者对待科学的态度是满意的。? 【试题分析】综合归纳题,在理解文章主题思想的基础上推理得知答案。? 【详细解答】根据全文的主题,作者对待科学的态度不是挑剔(A),中立(C)也不是遗憾(D),而是满意的积极的态度,所以应选择答案B。? Passage Four? 内容概要:? 本文讨论的人们对滥用毒品采取的态度问题。随着人们对毒品危害性的日益了解,毒品滥用的情况在减少,但“所有毒品都对人有极大危害”的说法显然不具有太大的影响力,因为人们都很明了毒品的毒性是有很大差异的。反毒品教育只是在一定程度上降低了毒品滥用的情况,但这个问题任重道远。? 36.【答案】C。? 【译文】根据文章内容得知,到目前为止,反毒品教育只是在某种程度上起到了一定的效果。? 【试题分析】细节辨析题,通过理解原文即可推理得知答案。? 【详细解答】文章第一段所述,antidrug education既没有完全失败(选项D. a total failure),也不是如选项A,B那样使所有的人都意识到了吸毒的危害,而是Observed declines in the use of such drugs...即在某种程度上了解了其危害,所以只有C是正确的。? 37.【答案】C。? 【译文】文中提到的Reefer Madness这部电影没有真实地反映大麻的危害。? 【试题分析】细节辨析题,通过理解原文即可推理得知答案。? 【详细解答】见文章第一段最后几行,了解到...Reefer Madness, a widely unrealistic propaganda film against marijuana made in the 1930s.也就是说,这部电影是一部相当不真实的反大麻宣传影片,因此正确答案是C。? 38.【答案】A。? 【译文】“所有的毒品对人的危害都极大”这种说法没有影响力是因为它忽略了毒品在危害性方面差异很大的事实。? 【试题分析】细节辨析题,通过理解原文即可推理得知答案。? 【详细解答】见文章第1段中部,Such sources are influential, because they do not give a simple “all drugs are terrible for you” message. Drug users know there are big variations in danger among drugs, and antidrug education that ignores or denies this is likely to be ridiculed.明确得知答案是A。? 39.【答案】B。? 【译文】大多数吸毒者对毒品的危害都视而不见,这种说法是错误的。? 【试题分析】细节辨析题,通过理解原文即可推理得知答案。? 【详细解答】见文章第1段中部,Such sources are influential, because they do not give a simple “all drugs are terrible for you” message. Drug users know there are big variations in danger among drugs, and antidrug education that ignores or denies this is likely to be ridiculed. 得知吸毒者了解毒品在危害性上差异很大,因此答案是B。? 40.【答案】D。? 【译文】本文的题目是:勿滥用毒品——能劝好吗?? 【试题分析】综合归纳题,在理解全文基础上推理得知答案。? 【详细解答】根据文章的主题,作者不是解释是否所有的毒品都有害(A),也不是吸毒的危害性是否已经被人所知(C),更不是地下报纸的可信度问题(B),正确答案只能是D。? Part Ⅲ? 41.【答案】B。? 【译文】财政部长强调,促进国民经济的关键不是产量,而是产品的质量。? 【试题分析】短语辨析题,要求后面考生能辨析...than的差别,并能正确使用。? 【详细解答】other than 表示“不同于”,“除了”;more than 是“大于”,“多于”,而better than 常指“比……更好”,“胜于”;只有rather than指“不是……(而是……)”,符合本题语境。? 42.【答案】C。? 【译文】如果人们不必为自己酒后的行为承担责任,那么我们还是原谅那些酒后驾车的司机为好。? 【试题分析】本题是考察几个与情态动词相关的习惯用语的使用。? 【详细解答】might/may as well 是比较常用但许多考生并不明确的习惯表达,表示have no better reason not to...(没理由不……还是……为好);没有may well as 这种说法,另外两个短语大多数考生比较熟悉:had better ——最好;would rather——宁可……也不,宁愿。? 43.【答案】A。? 【译文】要不是大夫赶来,他可能已经死了。? 【试题分析】本题测试重点是虚拟语气的使用。? 【详细解答】 but for的意思是if not(要是没有,要不是),要求后面跟虚拟语气的谓语。其他三个选项从意思上均说不通。? 44.【答案】D。? 【译文】这些地区矿产资源贫乏,工业发展滞后,几乎完全依赖农业,? 【试题分析】本题测试副词的用法。? 【详细解答】四个选项分别为respectively(分别地,各个地);undoubtedly(毋庸质疑地,的确地);incredibly(难以置信地);exclusively(排外地,专有地)。根据句意只能选D。? 45.【答案】B。? 【译文】很奇怪,艾米长得特别像她姑妈。? 【试题分析】本题测试take的短语动词的使用。? 【详细解答】各选项的意思分别为:take down——拿下,记下,拆卸,病倒;take after——长得相似;take to——从事,喜欢,养成……习惯;take on——聘用,承担(工作,责任等)。显然本题正确答案是B。与take 相关的短语动词有许多,请考生多加注意。? 46.【答案】D。? 【译文】实验接近尾声,即将获得最后的成功。每个人都明白谁都承担不起因一个小差错而毁掉全局的后果。? 【试题分析】词语辨析题,主要明确 can’t afford 的含义及用法。? 【详细解答】can’t afford 表示“承担不起……的责任/后果”;inflict 后常接on/upon,表示“使……受(痛苦),给……以(打击/惩罚)”;endure也常与cannot等否定词连用,表示“不能容忍/忍受”;而stand 表示“容忍”之意时与endure用法相同。? 47.【答案】D。? 【译文】老板强调指出,要做一名合格的服务员必须使自己的服务让顾客满意。? 【试题分析】本题考察介词的使用。? 【详细解答】do sth. to the satisfaction of sb. 的意思是“把某事做得使某人满意”,其他三个选项均不合题意。? 48.【答案】C。? 【译文】在经过多年的努力工作之后,我才意识到金钱本身并不能带来幸福和成功。? 【试题分析】本题考察考生对虚拟语气和倒装句的正确使用。? 【详细解答】only after 表示“在……之后”,要求后面跟虚拟语气,同时,如果把only after置于句首则要求用倒装语序,综合考虑只有C答案正确。? 49.【答案】D。? 【译文】工厂引入自动控制之后,所有由手工进行的工作都将让位于装配线。? 【试题分析】本题是短语辨析题,主要考察考生对give way to 与take the place of 等短语/词汇的区别。? 【详细解答】give way to (让位于)既包含着take the place of / replace的意思,又不仅仅是take the place of / replace 的意思,它强调了被比较对象的关系,如 A gives way to B 表示“B 取代了A,A 因退步/落后等原因让位于B”。所以本题答案是D。? 50.【答案】A。? 【译文】游客们正要欣赏壮观的海啸,突然一阵浓雾出现了,整个景色变得一片模糊。? 【试题分析】词语辨析题,要求考生能够辨析blur等词语,并学会正确使用。? 【详细解答】blur—把视线、界限等弄得模糊不清;belittle—轻视,使……显得渺小;ban—禁止,取缔;collapse—倒塌,失败,崩溃。? 51.【答案】B。? 【译文】史密斯教授请他的秘书用复印机把这篇文章复印100份。? 【试题分析】本题是动词短语辨析题,要求考生对run的相关动词短语的用法非常了解。? 【详细解答】四个选项的常用意思分别是:run down—停止,把……撞倒;run off—逃跑,驱逐;run over—撞倒,掠过;run into—偶然遇见,遭遇。但考生只掌握这些意思还远远不够,比如run off在口语中还表示“复印,印刷,打印”,本题即此用法。? 52.【答案】C。? 【译文】新的经济政策的目的不是为了阻碍经济的增长,而是指导经济沿着有益的方向发展。? 【试题分析】本题考察固定搭配的使用。? 【详细解答】固定搭配not ..., but...表示“不是……而是……”,其他三个选项均不能和not构成搭配。? 53.【答案】A。? 【译文】既然你今天晚上不想做饭,我们出去吃怎么样?? 【试题分析】考察考生对inclined, pleased, obliged, apt等词语的习惯用语的实际应用能力。? 【详细解答】feel inclined to do sth. 相当于have a wish to do sth.,表示“想做某事”;be pleased with sb./sth. 表示“对……人/事感到满意”;be obliged to sb.表示“感谢(某人)”, be obliged to do sth.则表示“不得不/必须(做某事)”;apt 的常用词语包括:be apt at (善于, 巧于),be apt for(适合),be apt to/to do sth.(易于动辄, 往往有可能)。? 54.【答案】B。? 【译文】那个偏远地区的人们仍过着简朴的生活因为那儿的经济还很不发达。? 【试题分析】本题是词语辨析题。? 【详细解答】正如我们会用a modest income来形容收入不高一样,modest一词除了表示“谦虚”之意,也可用来表示“简单的,不大多的,不过分的”等。其他三个选项(difficult —艰难的;arduous—费劲的,险峻的;domestic—家庭的,驯服的)均不合本题题意。? 55.【答案】A。? 【译文】虽然作为大夫我很佩服他,但我不喜欢他的为人。? 【试题分析】本题测试点是副词as / so 与 much 连用的意义与用法。? 【详细解答】much as 中的as 相当于 though,表示让步,译作“虽然”;而as much中的as 则表示“与……同样(多)”;so much 表示“和……一样多”,“就只那么多”;没有much so 的说法。? 56.【答案】C。? 【译文】他们玩得很开心。更确切地说,他们看上去玩得很开心。? 【试题分析】本题测试考生对习惯用语or rather 的掌握。? 【详细解答】or rather是对上文的补充或修正,译作“更确切地说”,根据句意,其他三项都不合题意。? 57.【答案】D。? 【译文】鉴于目前的出生率,有关世界人口在近期将下降的预言是完全没有道理的。? 【试题分析】本题考察动词的使用,要求考生对动词的多个义项都有所了解。? 【详细解答】hold 一词作动词用时可以表示“拿着”、“保存”、“支持”、“占据”、“拥有”等,它还有一个义项是考生不太熟悉的,意思相当于to be valid, applicable, or true,“使有效/可行/真实”,“有道理”。其他三个选项显然均不能适用于本句。? 58.【答案】D。? 【译文】巨浪淹没了整个村庄。? 【试题分析】本题是词汇测试题,主要考察考生对几个动词的熟悉和掌握。? 【详细解答】四个选项的意思分别为:conquer—征服;imprison—囚禁;confine—限制;inundate—淹没。根据句意选择答案D。? 59.【答案】A。? 【译文】机器虽然老了些,但尚能正常工作。? 【试题分析】本题测试点是副词reasonably的用法。? 【详细解答】reasonably 表示“适度的”,“尚可以”,“过得去”,符合本题题意。而其他三个选项均不合题意(rationally—讲道理地,理性地;probably—大概,或许;occasionally—有时候,偶尔)。? 60.【答案】C。? 【译文】我们仅仅感受到偶然落入我们感觉器官的光和声音的一小部分,大部分就已经过去了。? 【试题分析】本题主要测试考生对几个形近名词的意义的掌握。? 【详细解答】四个选项的意义分别为:fiction—小说;function—功能,作用;fraction—小部分,一点儿;friction—摩擦。故根据句意选择答案C。? 61.【答案】B。? 【译文】他的总结性发言对观众有巨大的影响。? 【试题分析】本题测试点是名词词义辨析。? 【详细解答】impact 与 influence同义,表示“影响”,后面接介词 on,其他三个选项均不合本题题意(response—回答,响应;affection—倾向,爱情;assertion—声明,断言)。? 62.【答案】B。? 【译文】尽管我在海上,也有许多事情要观察要了解,因为这是我第一次航海。? 【试题分析】本题考察考生根据句意判断对连词的恰当使用。? 【详细解答】原句提到的是my first voyage, 因此C)不合适,what with 表示“由于”,“因为”,不能用于该句,而despite不是连词是介词,所以选择B)。? 63.【答案】C。? 【译文】送给别人昂贵礼物的人总感觉自己应比送出一份廉价礼物得到更多的称赞。? 【试题分析】本题考察考生对虚拟语气不同时态的正确使用。? 【详细解答】句中if 从句是表示过去时间的虚拟语气,因此必须用“had + 过去分词”形式。? 64.【答案】D。? 【译文】尽管他今年的记录让人失望,但是我仍然认为他是我们队最优秀的运动员。? 【试题分析】本题考察考生对副词的掌握。? 【详细解答】however比较常用,表示“无论如何,然而”; otherwise是“否则”,therefore表因果,译为“因此,所以”,只有nonetheless 符合本句含义,除了表示“虽然如此,但是”,还相当于still,表示“仍然”。? 65.【答案】B。? 【译文】今天早上我刚把洗好的衣服晾出去,突然下起雨来,只好又收了回来。? 【试题分析】本题测试英语中when 的一个特定句型。? 【详细解答】这个特定句型是,如果when引导的从句表示在做某事的过程中突然出现意想不到的情况,主句用进行时。考生需要对此句型牢记。? 66.【答案】C。? 【译文】公司破产时他没有失去信心,相反地,他却全力以赴一切从头开始。? 【试题分析】本题测试考生对习惯用语address oneself to sth./ doing sth. 的用法的掌握。? 【详细解答】address oneself to sth./ doing sth.表示“全力以赴做某事”或“全神贯注做某事”,是习惯用语,考生应掌握其意义及用法。? 67.【答案】A。? 【译文】他的政治分析虽没新意,但非常雄辩。? 【试题分析】该题主要考察考生对双重否定句的理解和应用能力。? 【详细解答】本题可用排除法,hardly应紧跟情态动词,排除答案C),根据句意,B)不正确,而答案D)表达不完整。? 68.【答案】B。? 【译文】我们正在给主任写一封有关在上述地址进行修理工作的信。? 【试题分析】本题主要测试考生对习惯表达的理解和应用能力。? 【详细解答】with the exception of意为“将……除外”;with reference to表示“有关,关于”;而with the purpose of 是指“为了”;with a view to则是“打算要,有意要”。因此根据句意选择答案B。 ? 69.【答案】B。? 【译文】我不知道你为什么还对她充满着仇恨。事情可是已经发生了十年了。? 【试题分析】本题测试be + 动词的过去分词+ with的意义和用法。? 【详细解答】be confronted with表示“面临”,“面对”,“碰上”;be paved with表示“(路面等)以……铺成”;而patronize 一词表示“资助”,“光顾”等,没有be patronized with 这种用法。只有be consumed with 才真正适合本句句意,意思是“对……充满着……”(后常跟表示情感意义的词)。? 70.【答案】D。? 【译文】角色处理上的变化是莎士比亚作为一位剧作家成长的明显标志。? 【试题分析】本题是词语辨析题,主要考察考生是否对index的用法有全面了解。? 【详细解答】index (to) 表示“标志,表征”,如Manner of walking gives an index to one’s character(行路的姿态是人的性格的表征)。其他三个选项(image—图象,映像;label—标签,商标;signal—信号)均不适合本句句意。?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 08:52:38
Part Ⅳ? 71.a 改为 an。a 用在以辅音字母或辅音开头的单词之前,an用在以元音字母或元音开头的单词之前。? 72.to 改为 by。abide by 是固定用法,表示“坚持,遵守”。? 73.possession改为 possessions。因为possession 在句中意为“财产”,应用其复数形式。? 74.or改为 and。只有both...and...没有both...or...,both...and...表示“既……又……”。? 75.settling改为settled。过去分词表达被动与完成,现在分词表达主动与进行。Settled表示“定居下来的(人们)”。? 76.like改为as。句中的as 作介词,表示“例如”。? 77.fact改为true。come true 表示“成为事实”,没有come fact 这种表达法。? 78.which前加in。句中的which是关系代词,引导定语从句,修饰前面的trick,加上in 句意才完整。? 79.convince改为 persuade。convince表示“(已经)信服”,而persuade是指“劝说(某人)使之相信”。根据句意显然应使用后者。? 80.them改为it。根据句意此处的代词表示money, 而该词是不可数名词,故应用it。?   Part Ⅴ? 写作指导:? 张国荣的自杀事件引起了大家的关注,就这个话题写一篇英文作文看上去容易,写起来不一定很简单,挖掘出新意来就更难了。一般来讲,就事论事的议论文不要面面俱到,应该选择一个或两个重点,从具体的着眼点进行议论评说。下面的范文以人生的结局为话题,展开对“自杀”的论述,应该说对考生是不无启发的。? 参考范文:?

Is It a Perfect Ending?? Some people hear their inner voice of pursuing perfection, including a perfect ending. Such people become triumphant, but they choose to suicide. Mr. Zhang Guorong is among them. ? Ending never stops fascinating human beings. Ending is the most important part of a story, a period of history, a pursuit, and finally a life. Naturally we have certain kind of curiosity toward the end of our life, but death seems to be out of our reach. Suicide then becomes the fastest and the most convenient way to see the ending, especially for a perfectionist. To some degree, suicide is also a change for the better, at the cost of life.? However, suicide doesn’t only cause death. It hurts the feelings of other people still alive. In other words, many broken hearts may become the victims of a released heart. In this sense, suicide is an action without responsibility. One may have his right to die, but he doesn’t have rights to hurt those who love him.? Anyway, death is the last and worst solution to any problems, let alone a pursuit for perfection and a temptation to see the ending.?   本套试卷测试语言重点? 10个重点单词:? exclusively: 排外地,专有地? inflict: 使……受(痛苦),给……以(打击)? blur: 把视线、界限等弄得模糊不清? belittle: 轻视,使……显得渺小? hold: 使有效/可行/真实,有道理? inundate: 淹没? reasonably: 适度的,尚可以,过得去? fraction: 小部分,一点儿? assertion: 声明,断言? patronize: 资助,光顾? 4个重点词组:? take after: 长得相似? give way to: 让位于? run off: 复印,印刷,打印? feel inclined to do sth.: 想做某事

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 17:28:29
(点击右键“另存为”可下载语音) 武汉大学外语学院 游长松 ?

Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension

Section A
Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Example:You will hear: ?
M: When shall we start our work, Jane??
W: Tomorrow at 9 o’clock. But we must work quickly, for we have to finish everything before 2 in the afternoon.?
Q: For how long can they work??
You will read:
A) 2 hours.
B) 3 hours.
C) 4 hours.
D) 5 hours.?
From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 o’clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D)“5 hours” is the correct answer. You should choose [D] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center.
Sample Answer [A] [B][C] [D]?

1. A) Mary earned the prize.?
B) Mary has granted the prize.?
C) Mary fails in the speech contest.?
D) The man doesn’t think Mary deserves the prize.?

2. A) Driving a car. B) Taking a taxi.?C) Going by train. D) Taking the subway.?

3. A) Where is the manager now? ?
B) Who will be his new manager??
C) Whether his manager is ill. ?
D) When the manager will go to the headquarters.?

4. A) He dislikes museums and galleries. ?
B) He does not care about the hot weather.?
C) Going to the beach is the best choice. ?
D) He doesn’t want to go to Washington.?

5. A) She wants to live in the suburbs.?
B) She is offended by her naughty children.?
C) She disagrees with father. ?
D) She turns a deaf ear to her husband’ s words.?

6. A) She will choose a new topic to write the essay.?
B) She used to choose the poetry written by Shakespeare as the topic.?
C) She refuses to accept the man’ s advice.?
D) She is on the wrong track.?

7. A) Husband and wife. B) Teacher and student.?
C) Policeman and driver. D) Mother and son.?

8. A) How to buy a good computer. ?
B) How to borrow a computer from the company.?
C) The price of the computer. ?
D) The newly-bought computer.?

9. A) At the library.?
B) At the airport.?
C) At the post office. ?
D) At the teacher’ s office.?

10. A) He is good at drawing pictures. ?
B) He likes paintings very much.?
C) He likes visiting the art museum very much. ?
D) He thinks the art museum is a very quiet place.?

Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. During the first reading, you should listen carefully for a general idea of the whole passage. Then listen to the passage again. When the first part of the passage is being read, you should fill in the missing words during the pause at each blank. After listening to the second part of the passage you are required to write down the main points according to what you have just heard. Finally when the passage is read the third time you can check what you have written.?

A few years ago it was (11)____to speak of a generation gap, a division between young people and their elders. Parents (12)____ that children did not show them proper respect and (13)____, while children complained that their parents did not understand them at all. What had gone wrong? Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared? (14)____, the generation gap has been around for a long time. Many (15)____argue that it is built into the fabric of our society.?
One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life-styles. In more (16)____ societies, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and (17)__ of, and often to continue the family occupation. In our society, young people often travel great distances for their educations, move out of the family home at an early age, marry or live with (18)____. ?
In our upwardly mobile society, parents often expect their children to do better than they did: to find better jobs, to make more money, and to do all the things that they were unable to do. Often, however, (19)___.?
Finally, the speed at which changes take place in our society is another cause of the gap between the generations. In a traditional culture, (20)____.

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)

Directions: There are 4 passages it this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ?

Passage One
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:

Chemistry did not emerge as a science until after the scientific revolution in the seventeenth century and then only rather slowly and laboriously. But chemical knowledge is as old as history, being almost entirely concerned with the practical arts of living. Cooking is essentially a chemical process; so is the melting of metals and the administration of drugs and potions. This basic chemical knowledge, which was applied in most cases as a rule of thumb, was nevertheless dependent on previous experiment. It also served to stimulate a fundamental curiosity about the processes themselves. New information was always being gained as artisans improved techniques to gain better results. ?
The development of a scientific approach to chemistry was, however, hampered by several factors. The most serious problem was the vast range of material available and the consequent difficulty of organizing it into some system. In addition, there were social and intellectual difficulties, chemistry is nothing if not practical; those who practice it must use their hands, they must have a certain practical flair. Yet in many ancient civilizations, practical tasks were primarily the province of a slave population. The thinker or philosopher stood apart from this mundane world, where the practical arts appeared to lack any intellectual content or interest. ?
The final problem for early chemical science was the element of secrecy. Experts in specific trades had developed their own techniques and guarded their knowledge to prevent others from stealing their livelihood. Another factor that contributed to secrecy was the esoteric nature of the knowledge of alchemists, who were trying to transform base metals into gold or were concerned with the hunt for the elixir that would bestow the blessing of eternal life. In one sense, the second of these was the more serious impediment because the records of the chemical processes that early alchemists had discovered were often written down in symbolic language intelligible to very few or in symbols that were purposely obscure. ?

21. What is the passage mainly about? ?
A) The scientific revolution in the seventeenth century.?
B) Reasons that chemistry developed slowly as a science.?
C) The practical aspects of chemistry.?
D) Difficulties of organizing knowledge systematically. ?

22. According to the passage, how did knowledge about chemical processes increase before the seventeenth century? ?
A) Philosophers devised theories about chemical properties. ?
B) A special symbolic language was developed.?
C) Experience led workers to revise their techniques. ?
D) Experts shared their discoveries with the public. ?

23. The bold word “hampered” in Line 1 Para 2 is closest in meaning to____. ?
A) recognized B) determined ?C) solved D) hindered ?

24. The bold word “it” refers to which of the following? ?
A) Problem. B) Material.?C) Difficulty. D) System. ?

25. Which of the following statements best explains why “the second of these was the more serious impediment”(Underlined)??
A) Chemical knowledge was limited to a small number of people.?
B) The symbolic language used was very imprecise.?
C) Very few new discoveries were made by alchemists. ?
D) The records of the chemical processes were not based on experiments.?

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 17:29:14
Passage Two
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:?

An important new industry, oil refining, grew after the Civil War. Crude oil, or petroleum a dark, thick ooze from the earth had been known for hundreds of years, but little use had ever been made of it. In the 1850’s Samuel M. Kier, a manufacturer in western Pennsylvania, began collecting the oil from local scapages and refining it into kerosene. Refining, like smelting, is a process of removing impurities from a raw material.?
  Kerosene was used to light lamps. It was a cheap substitute for whale oil, which was becoming harder to get. Soon there was a large demand for kerosene. People began to search for new supplies of petroleum.?
  The first oil well was drilled by E. L. Drake, are tired railroad conductor. In 1859 he began drilling in Titusville, Pennsylvania. The whole venture seemed so impractical and foolish that onlookers called it “Drake’s Folly”. But when he had drilled down about 70 feet(21 meters), Drake struck oil. His well began to yield 20 barrels of crude oil a day.?
  News of Drake’s success brought oil prospectors to the scene. By the early 1860’s these wildcatters were drilling for “black gold” all over western Pennsylvania. The boom rivaled the California gold rush of 1848 in its excitement and Wild West atmosphere. And it brought far more wealth to the prospectors than any gold rush.?
  Crude oil could be refined into many products. For some years kerosene continued to be the principal one. It was sold in grocery stores and door-to-door. In the 1880’s and 1890’s refiners learned how to make other petroleum products such as waxes and lubricating oils. Petroleum was not then used to make gasoline or heatingoil.?

26.What is the best title for the passage??
A) Oil Refining: A Historical Perspective?
B) The California Gold Rush: Get Rich Quickly?
C) Private Property: Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted?
D) Kerosene Lamps: A Light in the Tunnel?

27.It can be inferred form the passage that kerosene was preferable to whale oil because whale oil was too____.?
A) expensive B) thick ?C) hot D) polluted?

28.According to the passage, many people initially thought that E. L. Drake had made a mistake by____.?
A) going on a whaling expedition ?
B) moving to Pennsylvania?
C) searching for oil ?
D) retiring from his job?

29.Why does the author mention the California gold rush??
A) To explain the need for an increased supply of gold?
B) To indicate the extent of United States mineral wealth?
C) To describe the mood when oil was first discovered?
D) To argue that gold was more valuable than oil?

30. Which of the following words could best replace the word “one” (Underlined)??
A) Oil. B) Door. ?C) Store. D) Product.?

Passage Three?
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:?

“Welcome to the U.S.A.! Major credit cards are accepted!”?By the millions they are coming no longer the tired, the poor, the wretched masses longing for a better living. These are the wealthy. “We don’t have a budget,” says a biologist from Brazil, as she walks with two companions through New York City’s South Street.“ We just use our credit cards.”?
The US has long been one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations, but this year has been exceptional. First, there was the World Cup, which drew thousands from every corner of the globe; then came the weakening of the US dollar against major currencies. Now the US, still the world’s superpower, can also claim to be the world’s bargain basement(廉价商品部). Nobody undersells America these days on just about everything, from consumer electronics to fashion clothes to tennis rackets. Bottom retail prices anywhere from 30 % to 70% lower than those in Europe and Asia have attracted some 47 million visitors, who are expected to leave behind $ 79 billion in 1994. That’s up from $74 billion the year before.?
True, not everyone comes just for bargains. There remains an undeniable fascination in the rest of the world with all things American, nourished by Hollywood films and US television series. But shopping the USA is proving irresistible. Every week thousands arrive with empty suitcases ready to be filled; some even rent an additional hotel room to hold their purchases. The buying binge(无节制)has become as important as watching Old Faithful Fountains erupt in Yellowstone Park or sunbathing on a beach in Florida.?
The US has come at last to appreciate what other countries learned long ago: the pouring in of foreign tourists may not always be convenient, but it does put money in the bank. And with a trade deficit at about $130 billion and growing for the past 12 months, the US needs all the deposits it can get. Compared with American tourists abroad, visitors to the US stay longer and spend more money at each stop; an average of 12.2 night and $ 1624 a traveler versus the Americans’ four nights and $298.?
31. From what the Brazilian biologist says, we know that tourists like her ____.?
A) are reluctant to carry cash with them?
B) simply don’ t care how much they spend?
C) are not good at planning their expenditure?
D) often spend more money than they can afford?

32.The reason why 1994 was exceptional is that ____.?
A) it saw an unusually large number of tourists to the US?
B) it witnessed a drop in the number of tourists to the US?
C) tourism was hardly affected by the weakening of the US dollar that year?
D) Tourists came to the US for sightseeing rather than for bargains that year?

33.By saying “ nobody undersells America” (Underlined), the author means that ____.?
A) no other country underestimates the competitiveness of American products?
B) nobody expects the Americans to cut the prices of their commodities?
C) nobody restrains the selling of American goods?
D) no other country sells at a lower price than America?

34.Why does the author assert that all things American are fascinating to foreigners??
A) Because they have gained much publicity through the American media?
B) Because they represent the world’ s latest fashions?
C) Because they embody the most sophisticated technology?
D)Because they are available at all tourist destinations?

35.From the passage we can conclude that the US has come to realize____.?
A) the weakening of the US dollar can result in trade deficits?
B) the lower the retail prices, the greater in profits?
C) tourism can make great contributions to its economy?
D) visitors to the US are wealthier than US tourists abroad?

Passage Four?
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:?

The most interesting architectural phenomenon of the 1970’s was the enthusiasm for refurbishing old buildings. Obviously, this was not an entirely new phenomenon. What is new is the wholesale interest in reusing the past, in recycling, in adaptive rehabilitation. A few trial efforts, such as Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco, proved their financial viability in 1960s, but it was in the 1970’s, with strong government support through tax incentives and rapid depreciation. As well as growing interest in ecology issues, that recycling became a major factor on the urban scene.? One of the most comprehensive ventures was the restoration and transformation of Boston’s eighteenth century Faneuil Hall and the Quincy Market, designed in 1824. This section had fallen on hard times, but beginning with the construction of a new city hall immediately adjacent, it has returned to life with the intelligent reuse of these fine old buildings under the design leadership of Benjamin Thomson. He has provided a marvelous setting for dining, shopping, professional offices, and simply walking.?
Butler Square, in Minneapois, examplifies major changes in its complex of offices, commercial space, and public amenities carved out of a massive pile designed in 1906 as a hardware warehouse. The exciting interior timber structure of the building was highlighted by cutting light courts through the interior and adding large skylights.? San Antonio, Texas, offers an object lesson for numerous other cities combating urban decay. Rather than bringing in the bulldozers, San Antonio’s leaders rehabilitated existing structures, while simultaneously cleaning up the San Antonio River, which menders through the business district. ?

36. What is the main idea of the passage??
A) During the 1970’s, old buildings in many cities were recycled for modern use.?
B) Recent interest in ecology issues has led to the cleaning up of many rivers. ?
C) The San Antonio example shows that bulldozers are not the way to fight urban decay.?
D) Strong government support has made adaptive rehabilitation a reality in Boston.?

37. What is the space at Quincy Market now used for??
A) Boston’ s new city hall.?
B) Sports and recreational facilities. ?
C) Commercial and industrial warehouses.?
D) Restaurant, offices, and stores.?

38. According to the passage, Benjamin Thompson was the designer for a project in____.?
A) San Francisco B) Boston?C) Minneapolis D) San Antonio?

39. When was the Butler Square building originally built??
A) In the eighteenth century. ?
B) In the early nineteenth century.?
C) In the late nineteenth century.?
D) In the early twentieth century.?

40. What is the author’s opinion of the San Antonio project??
A) It is clearly the best of the projects discussed.?
B) It is a good project that could be copied in other cities. ?
C) The extensive use of bulldozers made the project unnecessarily costly.?
D) The work done on the river was more important than the work done on the buildings.

Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes)
Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.?
41.The British Library____ the right to a free copy of every new book published in the United Kingdom.?
A) contains B) retires?
C) retains D) conveys?

42.The secretary____ the foreign minister____ an interview he was to give that afternoon.?
A) reminded … of ?
B) reassured…about ?
C) consulted…about ?
D) questioned…to?

43. The way other people behave towards us influences how we____ ourselves.?
A) conceive of B) consist of?C) confront with D) conform to?

44. I suppose some people create an idea of who they want to be and, they ____ it____.?
A) work…over B) bear…out?C) live…out D) get… over?

45.With the economy of the country growing strong, the____ mood is one of optimism .?
A) presiding B) circulating ?C) floating D) prevailing?

46. These technological advances in communication have____ the way people do business.?
A) revolted B) represented ?C) adopted D) transformed?

47. The workers of the textile mill ____ that trade union leaders be elected from the workshops . ?
A) urged B) related ?C) combated D) adapted?

48. It is a____ of our company to give refunds if goods are faulty.?
A) policy B) discipline ?C) decision D) determination?

49. ____ friends helped him to get appointed ambassador to France .?
A) Efficient B) Influential ?C) Impressive D) Effective ?

50.Their ambitious schemes for making money quickly____.?
A) took a chance ?
B) came to nothing ?
C) went into action ?
D) got to the point?

51.She knew who wrote the letter, so without opening it she tore it into pieces____?A) in excitement ?
B) in disappointment ?
C) in disgust ?
D) in expectation?

52.He had always been ____the way Ruth looked, and had never once paid her a compliment .?
A) oblivious to B) guilty of ?C) wary of D) subject to?

53.Familarity with a wide range of idiomatic expressions, and the ability to use them appropriately____ are among the distinguishing marks of command of English like a native.?
A) in context B) in practice ?C) in place D) in case?

54.We are still____ things here, but I can’t guarantee the situation will stay that way.?
A) in memory of ?
B) in search of ?
C) in control of ?
D) in need of?

55.Democratic government is a phrase that is notoriously hard to____.?
A) credit B) defy ?C) modify D) define?

56.Bill is rich. His house is full of ____ such as expensive high-tech video systems and all the latest computer equipment.?
A) luxuries B) festivities ?C) dimensions D) instruments?

57.She is quite capable, but the problem is that she is not____.?
A) consistent B) insistent ?C) beneficent D) resistant?

58.Based on the____ that every business is now free to formulate its own strategy in light of the changing market, I would predict a market improvement in the efficiency of China’s economy.?
A) guidance B) instruction ?C . premise D) eminence?

59.Nurses should do all they can to make their patients feel ____.?
A .on board B) at ease ?C) at leisure D) at heart?

60.The accused was ____to have been the leader of the plot to overthrow the government?A) reconciled B) blended ?C) alleged D) referred?

61. She ____the letter, put it in the envelope and handed it to her father.?
A) folded B) wrapped ?C) rolled D) slided?

62. In the last century, new drugs have ____ improved health throughout the world.?A) inconsistently B) supposedly ?C) notedly D) markedly ?

63. Now a paper argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly from ____ on earth rather than bacteria on Mars.?
A) configuration ?
B) constitution ?
C) condemnation ?
D) contamination?

64. When he went to the airport for the ticket, Tom suddenly realized that his passport had ____ for half a year.?
A) abolished B) expired ?C) amended D) constrained?

65. Since the information was easily____, we found it immediately.?
A) acceptable B) accessory ?C) accessible D) possible?

66.There is no known cure for SARS, but doctors are developing ways to help sufferers ____ it.?
A) retard B) eliminate ?C) dispense D) handle?

67. She was____ her brains to remember the man’s time, but her bad memory failed her.?
A) hitting B) beating ?C) racking D) exhausting ?

68. Many apartments have doors with a security window so that one may____ outside and observe visitors without being seen.?
A) peer B) peek ?C) peel D) pile?

69. French cars are more elegantly styled than their British ____.?
A) counterparts B) equals ?C) ones D) copies?

70. After failing his driving test four times, he finally____ trying to pass.?
A) gave up B) gave away ?C) gave off D) gave in

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 17:29:40
Part Ⅳ Translation
Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating into English the Chinese expressions given in the brackets.?
71. The chairman requested ____________(所有的书面资料都要储存在电脑的硬盘上).?
72. _____________( 如果我是你的话), I would have accepted such an offer given by the manager.?
73. Do you mind___________(推迟这次会议到本季度末)??
74. _______________(考虑到各种各样的因素),our subjects should be rearranged to meet the requirements of the curriculum.?
75. __________(理完发之后),Professor Smith went straightly to the laboratory to proceed with his experiments.?
76. Living in the desert has many problems, ______________(缺水并不是唯一的问题).?
77. The production __________(增加到每月500吨) by the end of this month.?
78. Both boys and girls put much emphasis ________________(有足够的钱以便到外面去痛快享受).?
79. Please _____________(不要忘记告诉你的姐姐到超市买一些牛排)。?
80. The students now __________________(宁愿单独一个人玩电脑,也不愿意到图书馆去查阅资料。)

Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)
Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on Studying Abroad. Your composition must be based on the outline given below in Chinese. Your part of writing should be no less than 150 words. Remember to write neatly and you will be rewarded for that.?
1. 有些人认为学生应该呆在自己的国家学习?
2. 有些人认为学生应该到美国学习?
3. 我的观点

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 17:30:05
Section A?
1. W: Don’t you think it’s marvelous that Mary has won the first prize of the English Speech Contest??
M: She deserves it.?
Q: What does the man mean??
2. W: I have to go to the other side of the town, but it’ s the rush hour now.?
M: Driving is not the ideal way. I always take the subway at this time of the day.?
Q: According to the man, what is the better way to go to the other side of the town??
3. W: Have you got the news that the manager will be transferred to the headquarters of our company??
M: Really? Who will be our new manager??
Q: What does the man want to know??
4. W: The weather is terribly hot. Shall we go to the beach for the vacation for the coming holiday??
M: Oh, why? There are so many museums, art galleries and restaurants in Washington, I’d be happy there no matter what the weather is like.?
Q: What does the man mean??
5. W: I wonder what makes mother so upset these days.?
M: Father would like to afford a new villa in the faraway suburbs, which goes against her wishes. And, what is more, he turns a deaf ear to her words.?
Q: Why is mother very unhappy recently??
6. W: You are on the right track. I’m just thinking you need to choose another topic.?
M: Yes, you are right. I can’t find adequate material for this topic. Maybe, I should write the essay on Shakespeare’s poetry.?
Q: What will the woman probably do next??
7. W: Why are you giving me a speeding ticket? I was going at 40 miles per hour.?
M: Can’t you see the notice nearby? It reads “10 mph limits”. ?
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers??
8. W: That’s a nice computer. Its software is especially wonderful.?
M: The problem is how to utilize it.?
Q: What are they discussing??
9. W: Professor Smith said that I could find the book relevant to my major on the shelves in this section. But I could not even figure out anything similar.?
M: Maybe the book has been borrowed from here. Now, please look it up in the computer.?
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place??
10.W: Jack seems to be fancy about the art items of painting. On the walls of his bedroom, there are so many famous pictures. Some of them are priceless.?
M: However, he does not like visiting the art museum because he considers it a noisy place.?
Q: What can we conclude about Jack from the conversation??

Section B?
A few years ago it was fashionable to speak of a generation gap, a division between young people and their elders. Parents complained that children did not show them proper respect and obedience, while children complained that their parents did not understand them at all. What had gone wrong? Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared? Actually, the generation gap has been around for a long time. Many critics argue that it is built into the fabric of our society.?
One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life-styles. In more traditional societies, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and approve of, and often to continue the family occupation. In our society, young people often travel great distances for their educations, move out of the family home at an early age, marry or live with people whom their parents have never met, and choose occupations different from those of their parents. ?
In our upwardly mobile society, parents often expect their children to do better than they did: to find better jobs, to make more money, and to do all the things that they were unable to do. Often, however, the ambitions that parents have for their children are another cause of the division between them. Often, they discover that they have very little in common with each other.?
Finally, the speed at which changes take place in our society is another cause of the gap between the generations. In a traditional culture, elderly people are valued for their wisdom, but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become obsolete overnight.


Part Ⅰ?
Section A?
【详细解答】第一个人说:我要去城市的另一边去,但是现在是车流高峰期。第二个人说:开车过去不是最好的方式。在这个时候,我总是乘地铁。而所问的问题是第二个人认为最好的方式是什么。他所说的话I always take the subway at this time of the day.所暗含的意思就是“你最好乘地铁前往”。故本题的正确答案是D。?
【详细解答】第一个人说:你是否听说我们的经理被调到公司总部去了?第二个人说:真的吗?谁将成为我们的新经理呢?所问问题是:第二个人最想知道什么?他所说的话Who will be our new manager?非常明确地告诉我们:他最想知道的是谁将成为他们的新经理。在四个选项中,只有选项B与该意思相一致。?
【详细解答】第一个人说:你为什么给我一张超速罚款单?我的行驶速度是40英里每小时。第二个人说:你难道没有看到附近的告示吗?时速限制是10英里每小时。所问问题是:两个说话人之间是什么关系?本段对话的关键词是:speeding ticket,40 miles per hour,notice,10 mph limits。它们能让我们联想到交通警察和司机之间的对话。故本题的正确答案是C。?
【详细解答】第一个人说:这是一台不错的电脑,特别是它的软件。第二个人说:问题是如何使用它。所问问题是:他们在讨论什么?本段对话的关键词是:a nice compute,Its software is especially wonderful,how to utilize it。它们能告诉我们他们正在讨论新买的电脑。故本题的正确答案是D。?
【详细解答】第一个人说:史密斯教授说我能在这个部分的书架上找到与我的专业有关的书。可是,我连一点相似的东西也找不到。第二个人说:那些书可能被借走了。我们去电脑上的书目上查查去。所问问题是:这段对话发生在什么地方?本段对话的关键词是:on the shelves,book has been borrowed from here,look it up in the computer。它们能告诉我们对话发生的地点是在图书馆。故本题的正确答案是A。?
Section B?
11.fashionable 12.complained?
13.obedience 14.Actually?
15. critics 16.traditional?
18.people whom their parents have never met, and choose occupations different from those of their parents?
19.the ambitions that parents have for their children are another cause of the division between them. Often, they discover that they have very little in common with each other?
20.elderly people are valued for their wisdom, but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become obsolete overnight
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 17:30:36
Part Ⅱ?
Passage One?

【详细解答】选项A的意思是“哲学家编写了有关化学知识的理论。”,文章第二段的最后一句话The thinker or philosopher stood apart from this mundane world告诉我们哲学家远离有关的化学知识,而不是编写了理论;选项B的意思是“形成了一套特殊的符号语言”,文章最后一段的最后一句话告诉我们使用符号的原因是为了保守秘密,而不是为了发展化学知识;选项C的意思是“经验引导着工人们改进他们的技术。”,第一段所讲的内容正是关于这一点,而且这也是发展化学知识的方法,故是正确答案;选项D的意思是“专家们与公众分享这些化学知识”,文章第三段明显提到为了保守秘密他们这些炼丹术士采取多种手段保守秘密,所以该选项不正确。?
【详细解答】做这类题目时,首先找到该单词所在的位置,并把上下文的句子仔细研读。它们所提供的线索和提示会告诉我们这个陌生单词的意思。在这句话中的hamper的意思是“阻碍,挡住”。而在四个选项中,只有选项D hinder是这个意思。故本题的正确答案是D。?
【详细解答】选项A的意思是“化学知识只是局限在少数人的手中。”,文章第三段所讲的内容正是关于这一点,故选项A是正确答案;选项B的意思是“所使用的符号语言不准确”,文章第三段中提到了intelligible to very few or in symbols that were purposely obscure告诉我们这些符号并不是不准确;选项C的意思是“非常少的发现是由炼丹术士发现的”,文章第三段中所提到的信息告诉我们大部分发现都是由这些术士发现的,与文章内容不符;选项D的意思是“关于化学过程的记录不是建立在实验的基础上”,原文中明确提到所有化学知识的记录都是建立在实验的基础上。 ?

Passage Two?
【详细解答】文章第二段第二句话It was a cheap substitute for whale oil, which was becoming harder to get.告诉我们鲸油很难得到,而且煤油是一个比较便宜的替代品。故本题的正确答案是A。?
【译文】根据文章内容,刚开始很多人认为E. L. Drake开始寻找石油是一个重大的错误。?
【详细解答】文章第三段话中的The first oil well was drilled by E. L. Drake, a tired railroad conductor. In 1859 he began drilling in Titusville, Pennsylvania. The whole venture seemed so impractical and foolish that onlookers called it “Drake’s Folly”.告诉我们E. L. Drake开始寻找石油时,被人们认为是愚蠢的行为。故本题的正确答案是C。?
【详细解答】文章第四段中The boom rivaled the California gold rush of 1848 in its excitement and Wild West atmosphere.提到了“淘金热”。仔细阅读前后的句子,我们可以得出结论:这里是把“淘金热”和发现石油的狂热加以对比。而在四个选项中,只有C在意思和观点上与原文相一致。故本题的正确答案是C。?

Passage Three?
31. 【答案】B。?
【详细解答】原文第二段提到现在涌入的是富人( These are the wealthy),所以当她说“We don’ t have a budget, we just use our credit cards”是指花钱不用做预算,想买就用信用卡,其暗含的意思就是选项B所表达的信息。故本题的正确答案是B。?
【译文】在文章第三段中,作者说了这样一句话:nobody undersells America,他所暗含的意思是没有哪个国家的物价水平比美国更低。?
【详细解答】在文章的第三段中Now the US, still the world’s superpower, can also claim to be the world’s bargain basement的中文意思是:美国现在仍是世界上的超级大国,也可以声称是世界上的廉价商品部。所以,nobody undersells America这句话所暗含的意思是:没有哪个国家的物价水平比美国更低。在后文中,作者又提到了美国的零售底价比欧洲低30%,比亚洲低70%。这一事实更证明了这一观点的正确性。故本题的正确答案是D。?
【详细解答】文章的第四段第二句话There remains an undeniable fascination in the rest of the world with all things American, nourished by Hollywood films and US television series. But shopping the USA is proving irresistible.说明媒体使人们对美国货产生迷恋。在四个选项中,只有选项A与这句话在观点上是一致的。故本题的正确答案是A。?

Passage Four?
【详细解答】选项A的意思是“在20世纪70年代,美国很多城市的古老建筑物被重新利用。”,这只是在文章第一段中提到的一个现象,并不是真正的主题;选项B的意思是“对生态问题的兴趣使得很多河流开始清理工作”,这只是在文章的最后一段提到的一个小小的细节;选项C的意思是“San Antonio的事例表明推土机并不是解决城市废弃建筑的方法”,这正是文章通过一系列事例在文章的最后一段所得出的结论;选项D的意思是“政府的坚强支持使得适应性修缮在波士顿成为了现实”,这只是在文章第一段第四句话中所提到的细节。故本题的正确答案是C。?
37.【答案】D。 ?
【详细解答】文章第二段中He has provided a marvelous setting for dining, shopping, professional offices, and simply walking所暗含的意思与选项D所传递的信息是一致的。故本题的正确答案是D。?
【译文】根据文章内容,Benjamin Thompson是Boston的一个工程的设计者。?
【详细解答】文章第二段中 “One of the most comprehensive ventures was the restoration and transformation of Boston’s eighteenth century Faneuil Hall and the Quincy Market”和“it has returned to life with the intelligent reuse of these fine old buildings under the design leadership of Benjamin Thomson”告诉我们他所设计的工程在Boston。故本题的正确答案是B。?
【详细解答】文章第三段第一句话Butler Square, in Minneapois, examplifies major changes in its complex of offices, commercial space, and public amenities carved out of a massive pile designed in 1906 as a hardware warehouse.告诉我们该建筑物最初是在1906年设计的。1906年是在20世纪初期。故本题的正确答案是D。?
【译文】作者认为San Antonio工程如何??
【详细解答】选项A的意思是“它明显是所讨论过的最佳工程”,在文章中并没有提到这一点;选项B的意思是“它是一个其它城市可以模仿的典范”,文章最后一段中的San Antonio, Texas, offers an object lesson for numerous other cities combating urban decay.所讲述的正是这一点;选项C的意思是“推土机的大量使用使得这项工程代价很高”,这与本文的主要内容相反;选项D的意思是“在河流上所做的工作要比在建筑物上所做的工作要重要得多。故本题的正确答案是B。?

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 17:31:20
Part Ⅲ?
42. 【答案】A。?
【详细解答】remind of的意思是“提醒某人某事”;reassure about的意思是“使确信”;consult about的意思是“咨询某事”;question to没有这个结构。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是A。?
43. 【答案】A。?
【详细解答】conceive of的意思是“认为,以为,想象”;consist of的意思是“包括,包含”;confront with的意思是“使某人面对”;conform to的意思是“遵守,遵从,与…相一致”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是A。?
44. 【答案】B。?
45. 【答案】D。?
46. 【答案】D。?
47. 【答案】A。?
48. 【答案】B。?
49. 【答案】B。?
50. 【答案】B。?
【详细解答】took a chance的意思是“抓住机会”;came to nothing的意思是“化为泡影”;went into action的意思是“开始行动”;got to the point的意思是“适当地,得要领地”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是B。?
51. 【答案】B。?
【详细解答】in excitement的意思是“激动地”,这在意思上与整个句子的意思不一致;in disappointment的意思是“失望地”,与整句话的意思相一致;in disgust的意思是“憎恨地”,与选项B相比在意思上不够合适;in expectation的意思是“期望地”,在感情色彩上与整个句子不合拍。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是B。?
【详细解答】oblivious to的意思是“对…不注意”;guilty of的意思是“对…有负罪感”;wary of的意思是“小心的,机警的,慎重的”;subject to的意思是“屈服于”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是A。?
53. 【答案】B。?
【详细解答】in context的意思是“在上下文中”;in practice的意思是“在实践中”;in place的意思是“代替”;in case的意思是“万一”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是B。?
54. 【答案】D。?
【详细解答】in memory of的意思是“为纪念…”;in search of的意思是“寻找,寻求,试图发现”;in control of的意思是“管理,掌握”;in need of的意思是“需要”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是D。?
55. 【答案】D。?
56. 【答案】A。?
57. 【答案】A。?
58. 【答案】C。?
59. 【答案】B。?
【详细解答】on board的意思是“在船上,在飞机上”;at ease的意思是“放松,稍息”;at leisure的意思是“空闲的,有空的”;at heart的意思是“在心底,实际上”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是B。?
60. 【答案】C。?
61. 【答案】A。?
【详细解答】fold是及物动词,意思是“折叠”;wrap是及物动词,意思是“把…用…包起来”;roll是及物动词,意思是“滚动,转动,把…搓成卷”;slide是不及物动词,意思是“顺着…滑动”。fold the letter是常用短语,意思是“把信折起来”。况且,根据我们的常识判断,我们也会知道是“把信折起来”。故本题的正确答案选A。?
62. 【答案】D。?
63. 【答案】D。?
64. 【答案】B。?
65. 【答案】C。?
66. 【答案】D。?
67. 【答案】C。?
【详细解答】hit是及物动词,意思是“击,打”;beat是及物动词,意思是“打,战胜”;rack是及物动词,意思是“过度剥削”;exhaust是及物动词,意思是“使筋疲力尽”。结合整句话的意思和结构,我们可知只有rack才能与brains一起构成固定搭配rack one’ s brains。故本题的正确答案选C。 ?
68. 【答案】B。?
【详细解答】peer是不及物动词,意思是“凝视,注视”;peek 是不及物动词,意思是“偷看,窥视”;peel是及物动词,意思是“削皮”;pile是及物动词,意思是“堆积”。结合整句话的意思和结构,我们可知本题的正确答案选B。 ?
69. 【答案】A。?
70. 【答案】A。?
【详细解答】gave up的意思是“放弃”;gave away的意思是“送掉,赠送”;gave off意思是“发出,释放出”;gave in意思是“屈服”。结合整句话的意思和结构,我们可知本题的正确答案选A。 ?

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-19 17:31:52
Part Ⅳ?
71. 【答案】all the written materials be stored into the hard disk of computers?
72. 【答案】If I were in your shoes?
【详细解答】本题是测试虚拟语气的一中特殊条件句。在这句话中,我们用“If I were in your shoes”来表示虚拟的条件。如果有了这一条件句,其后的主语从句要用虚拟语气。?
73. 【答案】postponing such a conference to the end of this quarter?
74. 【答案】With various factors considered?
75. 【答案】After having his hair cut?
【详细解答】本题是测试have sth. done这一结构的。have sth. done所表达的意思是“让别人做某事”。另外,类似的结构还有:have sb. do sth.意思是“让某人做某事”,用该结构时,说话人知道动作的发出者是谁,而have sth. done不知道动作的发出者,或者动作的发出者不重要。?
76. 【答案】the least of which the lack of water is not?
【详细解答】本题是测试定语从句中的先行词和关系代词的。我们把该定语从句完全展开后,就成为the lack of water is not the least of the problems。由于problems已经成为了先行词,这样,我们就用了关系代词which,而且把the least of放在了前面。?
77. 【答案】will rise to 500 tons per month?
【详细解答】本题测试动词的及物与不及物问题。在英语中,表示“升高,增长”的动词有rise和raise,其中前者是不及物动词,而后者是及物动词。在这句话的翻译过程中,很明显,我们不知道动作的发出者是谁,因此这里我们应该用不及物动词。所以,这里我们翻译成will rise to 500 tons per month。?
78. 【答案】on having enough money to enjoy themselves outside ?
【详细解答】本题是测试动词与介词的搭配的。动词concentrate后面要跟介词on或upon,然后在介词后跟名词或动名词。所以,我们把这个短语翻译成on having enough money。其后的动词不定式短语表示目的。另外,我们把“痛快地享受”翻译成了“enjoy themselves”。?
79. 【答案】don’t forget to tell your sister to buy some steak in the supermarket?
80. 【答案】prefer to play the computers rather than consult the reference books in the library.?
【详细解答】本题是测试动词的固定结构的。prefer后面跟动词不定式时,接着要用rather than,其后接着用动词原形,来表示愿意做前者,而不愿意做后者。?

Part Ⅴ?

Studying Abroad
Nowadays students can study either in their home country or in foreign countries, in most cases, the United States. Some prefer to stay in their home country and study. Others think studying in the United States is more beneficial. As a matter of fact, each situation has its own advantages.?
When students study in their home country, they have no language barriers. They can read books with their mother tongue very easily. They can also discuss their lessons with the teachers or the fellow students very freely. Since they are accustomed to the way they have been living, they have little difficulties in life. Besides, they have little financial difficulties in the process of their studies because they can easily get financial support from their parents or their relatives.?When students attend schools in the United States, they can act as mediators between peoples of different cultures to promote international understanding. They can also tend to be spokespersons for other cultures and people who may be misunderstood by Americans. They can enjoy the contact with new and different cultures to increase the awareness of their own culture. In addition, they can learn advanced knowledge of science and technology, and learn English much more quickly than in their home country.?
I think it’ s better to study in the United States because the advantages to studying in the US outweigh those to staying in one’ s home country.
prevail: 遍布,流行 combat: 向……宣战?
luxury: 奢侈用品 premise: 前提,条件?
contamination: 污染、破坏 allege: 指证,宣称?
counterpart: 相对应的人或物 expire:过期?
consistent: 一贯的,坚持的 influential:有影响力的?
on the right track: 走对路了 rack one’s brain:绞尽脑汁?
be oblivious to: 对……不注意
in practice: 在实践中
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-20 10:08:59
(点击右键“另存为”可下载语音) 西安外国语学院英语系 李振声 薛彩霞 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension(20 minutes)
Section A
Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Example:You will hear: ?
M: When shall we start our work, Jane??
W: Tomorrow at 9 o’clock. But we must work quickly, for we have to finish everything before 2 in the afternoon.?
Q: For how long can they work??
You will read:
A) 2 hours.
B) 3 hours.
C) 4 hours.
D) 5 hours.?
From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 o’clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D)“5 hours” is the correct answer. You should choose [D] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center.
Sample Answer [A] [B][C][D]?
1. A) $9. B) $18.?C) $12. D) $36.?
2. A) to his home.?B) to her home.?C) to go to the picnic.?D) to go shopping.?
3. A) see a film.?
B) take care of the baby.?
C) take the baby to go out.?
D) sit together with the baby.?
4. A) They bought the motorbike.?
B) They had no time.?
C) They didn’t want a refrigerator.?
D) There’s nothing wrong with the old one.?
5. A) typing.?B) drawing a picture.?C) doing exercise.?D) playing the piano.?
6. A) He will explain to her.?
B) He doesn’t want to explain to her.?
C) He doesn’t know the problem.?
D) He doesn’t understand what she said.?
7. A) Brown isn’t in right now.?
B) Brown doesn’t want to speak to him.?
C) The woman doesn’t want to help him.?
D) The man dialed the wrong number.?
8. A) He never does things early.?
B) He has already finished it.?
C) He isn’t going to finish it.?
D) He will finish it in a few minutes.?
9. A) The bus won’t come today because of accident.?
B) The bus will arrive at 10:30.?
C) The bus was damaged in the accident.?
D) The bus may arrive tomorrow.?
10. A) business associates.?
B) boss and secretary.?
C) teacher and student.?
D) good friends.?
? Section B
Directions:In this section you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear one question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.?

Passage One?

Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following passage:?
11.A) 25 million. B) 75 million.?C) 55 million. D) 5 million.?
12. A) Government funded.?B) Political.?C) Private.?D) None of the above.?
13. A) Wars or natural disasters make them lose their families.?
B) They want to help their families earn enough money to survive.?
C) They are poor.?
D) All the above.?
14.A) The Philippines. ?B) Brazil.?C) Mexico.?D) Guatemala.?

Passage Two?
Questions 15 to 17 are based on the following passage:?
15. A) Philip has not been to this part of the library before.?
B) It was very quiet in the library.?
C) Philip fell off the ladder and made a loud noise.?
D) The librarian was very kind to readers.?
16. A) Novels.?B) Collections of maps.?C) Magazines.?D) Fiction stories.?
17. A) Philip was a rude boy.?
B) Philip was asked to leave the library.?
C) Philip was not old enough to read in this library.?
D) Philip damaged the book by falling it to the floor.? Passage Three?
Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage:?
18.A) A big noise?B) A strange noise?C) A stranger’s noise?D) A child’s noise?
19.A) The well.?B) The wheels.?C) The ears.?D) His ears.?
20.A) Only wheel escaped.?
B) The only way to escape.?
C) That on the way to gate.?
D) The way to cave. Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(35 minutes)
Directions:There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.? Passage One?
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:? Once upon a time,the United States seemed to have plenty of land to go around.Plenty of rivers to dam and plenty of rural valleys left over.Plenty of space for parks and for cities.Plenty of forests to cut and grasslands to plow.But that was once upon a time.The days of unused land are over.Now the land has been spoken for,fenced off,carved up into cities and farms and industrial parks,put to use.?
At the same time, the population keeps growing. People need places to work and place to play. So we need more sites for more industries, more beaches for more sunbathers, and more clean rivers for more fishes. And it isn’t just a matter of population growth. Our modern technology has needs that must be met too: We need more coal for energy, and we need more power plants; cars must have highways and parking lots, and jets must have airports.?
Each of these lands uses swallows up precious space. Highways and expressways alone take some 2,000,000 acres each years. And urban sprawl—the spreading out of cities—is expected to gobble up vast areas of land by the year 2000. But there is only so much land to go around.?
How do you decide what to do with a piece of land? It depends upon the land, and it depend upon the needs of the people and their values. It is always hard to decide. Take, for example, a forest. A forest can be a timber supply. It can provide a home for wildlife. It is scenery and a recreation area for man. It is soil and watershed protection.?
These last two take some explaining. A forest creates its own soil. Leaves and other litter on the forest floor are constantly turned and moved by worms and burrowing animals. Enriched by animal wastes, the litter becomes humus—a rich and spongy mix of organic material. The soil feeds forest plants. The plants in turn protect the soil—roots hold it in place, branches slow rainfall so that it will drop gently to earth. Water slowly trickles through the humus and is purified. Water travels downstream and out to sea.?
When a forest is cut down, there is nothing left to create or protect the soil. Heavy rains beat and wash away spongy humus. Little soil is left to absorb water. Then rain waters can rush unchecked to the valley below, flooding low-lying areas. If a forest is to supply timber, watershed protection, recreation, and a home for wildlife, it has to be cut carefully. And it must be replanted.?
In short, land is fragile. Without proper care it can be ruined forever.?
In the debates about how a particular piece of land is to be used, the priorities often conflict. What should you do, for example, if you find out that under the fertile fields of a farming community there is a thick bed of coal which can be strip-minded? Strip mining rips up topsoil and vegetation. But mining may create jobs, bring money to the town’s businesses. Those who approve of strip mining say that the coal is needed, and they point out that it is quicker and cheaper to get coal from the surface than to go deep into the earth to get it by standard mining techniques. On the other hand, it takes nature 500 years to create an inch of topsoil.?As the countryside fills up, people are becoming more aware of the need for open space. Nearly every proposal for a new power plant, highway, or airport draws fierce opposition. Everyone wants the bid, land-eating “uglies” to be in someone else’s backyard. Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, for example, having been debating about the site of a future airport for years. Yet if a new airport is needed, it will have to go somewhere. ?
How do we find our way out of the land-use problem? One way might be to reexamine our values, to think in new directions. Does everyone have to have a car-with its need for highways and parking lots? What about developing mass transit systems that use less land? Do suburbs have to sprawl? Can they be designed so they use less space? Do we have to have more energy? If we do, do we really have to strip-mine coal to provide it? ?
However difficult they may be to arrive at, choices will have to be made if we want to preserve the beauty and usefulness of the land. For there is at least one point on which all of us can agree; the land does have its limits.?
21.Once upon a time,the United States seemed to have plenty of land to __go around__, “go around” means____.?
A) to visit around
B) to see the land?
C) for sharing with every
D) to have the land around?
22.Each of these land uses swallows up precious space, “swallows up” means ____.?
A) occupies B) gives up?C) disappears D) takes completely?
23.In this sentence “In short, land is fragile.”(Line.1, Para. 7), what does the word “fragile” mean??
A) Very poor. B) Rich.?C) Taken. D) Easily destroyed.?
24.The Para 5 mainly discusses ____.?
A) how animal wastes enriched land?
B) how plant roots protected the land?
C) how humus becomes useful?
D) how a forest creates its own soil and protects the watershed?
25.As the countryside fills up, people are becoming more aware of the need for open space, “open space” means ____.?
A) public land B) unoccupied land?C) unplanted land D) private land?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-20 10:10:19
Passage Two?
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:? Most of the larger cities in the world have grown without plans and blueprints. London is such a city. Its streets zigzag, snake, and circle. There is no reason or order to its street-numbering system. Indeed, no one but a veteran taxi driver knows the whole of London. And before he gets his cabbie’s license he must first tour the city for months, street by street, then take a comprehensive examination to prove that he can find his way about. New York and Chicago grew in much the same way. They just in spread out, pushed by the demands for residential, business, or industrial space. Like spilled water, they expanded in all directions. Today in New York, even a native-born Manhattanite despairs of finding his way around Brooklyn.?There are a few modern cities, however, that were created out of nothing. They were built strictly by the book according to detailed plans that will also control future growth. Two such American cities are Columbia, Maryland, and Reston, Virginia. But the prime example of a city planned and built from scratch in the twentieth century is Brasilia, the new capital of Brazil.?
Brasilia was the brain child of Brazil’s President Juscelino Kubitschek, who held office from 1955 to 1960. Kubitschek, like other Brazilian leaders, was concerned that most of Brazil’s people were crammed into its seacoast cities. Rio de Janeiro, then the nation’s capital and its second largest city, occupies a breathtakingly beautiful site on the Atlantic coast. Sao Paulo, Brazil’s largest city, is very near the coast. Consequently, this meant that riches in timber, minerals, and hydroelectric power sources in the interior of the country were untapped. Recognizing that drastic action was needed to develop the interior, Kubitschek decided to build a brand new capital city in the Brazilian Highlands, 600 miles northwest of Rio de Janeiro. He chose a site that was right in the middle of the wilderness, on land that had never even been plowed.?
Ready for business in 1960, Brasilia was an architect’s delight and a planner’s dream. Its public buildings, monuments, and high-rise apartment complexes were magnificently modern. Access roads fed into its streets with no traffic lights. Every feature seemed logical, reasonable, and right. But for more than a decade, Brasilia seemed all wrong to the people brought there to live and to work in government offices. While it was undeniably a beautiful city, it was not yet a community.?
For it is people and their history of habitation that turn a city from a collection of streets and buildings into a community. It is people who give a city life and character and personality—and a brand-new, tailor-made Brasilia didn’t have those qualities for a long time. But now, happily, its residents no longer feel they need to rush back to Rio or Sao Paulo at every opportunity. Instead, they visit, picnic, and enjoy one another’s company. Brasilia is beginning to feel like home to them.?Other planned cities have faced the same problem of creating a community spirit and identity. Some observers of life in Columbia, Maryland, another planned city, have been concerned with lack of spirit there and have made an interesting comparison between Columbia and Hoboken, New Jersey. Hoboken, an old waterfront town just across the Hudson River from New York City, is an urban planner’s nightmare. It has row upon row of old dingy buildings, and grass and tree are few and far between. Columbia, on the other hand, is an urban planner’s dream. It has charming colonial and modern houses on winding streets. There are lovely lawns and beautiful trees. And there are bicycle paths and hundreds of acres of woods, meadows, and lakes. ?
Yet something is not quite right. Many Hoboken children are almost fiercely loyal to one another and their community. They may not have lawns and lakes, but they find ways to have fun on the pavements and sidewalks. In Columbia, by contrast, many of the young people seem listless. As one teenager from Detroit put it, “In Detroit it seemed like something was always happening. But here”. And he shrugged his shoulders. ?
What is it about a treeless,grimy,old city like Hoboken that makes people love it so much?What is it about a beautiful new city like Columbia that makes young people shrug with boredom?These are questions which city planners will have to face up to.For no matter how well it is designed,a city will not ultimately come to life unless it inspires the love and loyalty of the people who live and work in it.?
26.In this sentence “ Indeed, no one but a veteran taxi driver knows the whole of London.”(Sent 5, Para. 1), what does the word “veteran” mean??
A) Local. B) Experienced.?C) New. D) Warm-hearted.?
27.What can we inferred from Para. 1??
A) London’s planning system is sound.?
B) New York and Chicago developed with the help of planning.?
C) It’s difficult to be a cabbie in London.?
D) Finding their way around Brooklyn delights travelers.?
28.Why did Kubitschek decided to build a new capital city??
A) Because he wanted his people to cram into seacoast cities.?
B) Because the new capital city was more prosperous.?
C) Because it was a large city with large population.?
D) Because he thought it necessary to develop inland cities.?
29.Which of the following statements is true??
A) Columbia frightens urban planners.?
B) Although it’s very beautiful, Columbia makes young people bored.?
C) Columbia is just in an urban planner’s dream.?
D) There are rows of grimy buildings and few grass and trees in Columbia.?
30.What is the main idea of this passage??
A) A city must have the spirit to inspire its people, or it will never come to life.?
B) A city’s planning is very important, a well-planned city attracts more people.?
C) Although planned cities are nice, people like old cities more because life in old cities is colorful.?
D) Modern buildings make people love a city.? Passage Three?
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:?
In Japan’s capital city of Tokyo, earthquake danger limits the height of buildings. The city has spread out far and the traffic has become so heavy that it is very difficult to get from one place to another. The price of land, too, has skyrocketed. All this explains why a group of Japanese land developers came to the conclusion that there was nowhere to go but down. So far they have dug out space underground for fifteen major shopping centers, and the underground construction has only begun.?
What are some of the advantages of shopping and eating underground? Clean, filtered air is one of them. The city of Tokyo has one of the most serious smog problems in the world. Another advantage is that you escape the ever-present threat of traffic accidents on the city’s busy streets. Still another is the convenience of getting around: You’re usually right next to, or even in, a subway station. And you can even spend the night underground if you like. The Kyobashi Station, for example, in downtown Tokyo, has a hotel with a bar, restaurant, and barbershop.?
All sorts of surprises can be found in the underground world. At the enormous Shinjuku Subway Station you drive down a winding road lined with water fountains to arrive at a scarce item in Tokyo—a parking lot—and you find stores and shops a few steps away. In the second basement of the Toshiba is a “Fisherman’s Wharf” crowded with pleasant little seafood places. A tunnel that connects the Hibiya and Sanshin Buildings has a number of art galleries, as well as medical and dental clinics. In between are little coffee shops where you can relax and get refreshments.?
Probably the most versatile of the underground wonders, and certainly the most complicated to build, is the Yaesu Subcenter at the heart of the city, where four subway lines link up. Its shopping promenade, which is the size of three football fields, contains 350 stores. In Yaesu you can eat in a different place every day for three months. You can draw money out of a bank and invest it at a stockbroker’s office. There are tailors, watch repairers, furriers, florists, and book sellers. You can meditate in the Plaza of Water while gazing at eight tanks of rare fish. And you can even get arrested by a police officer from the Yaesu subterranean police station! ?
Under all the commercial activity is a parking lot for 520 cars. And under that is a control center where TV monitors watch the devices that watch the air-its temperature, moisture, and purity. There is no alarm for earthquakes, which are common in Tokyo, but the experts feel that there would be fewer problems underground than on the surface in case of tremors. Yaesu also has emergency generators for power and a chemical system for fighting fire.?
Underground construction can be complex and expensive. At times, the Yaesu crews could work only three hours a day because their activities interfered with the running of the subway. Then there was the problem caused by finding unidentified water and gas pips. Since many of the municipal blueprints of pipe systems were destroyed during World War II, strange pipes kept turning up; and work had to be stopped while they were identified and taken care of by detour or replacement.?
There was also some resistance from the people above ground. A good many neighborhood shopkeepers began to picket the project crying, “underground is for moles.” They reasoned that they would lose a lot of their business to the underground competition. The Yaesu people countered by offering them a chance to buy stock in the project. There were a lot of takers, and this had the effect of quieting the complainers.?The Yaesu builders wanted to go deeper, but after they had spent 31 million dollars, they ran out of money. Still, there seems to be little doubt that there will be further development down under. In a city like Tokyo, almost the only space left is underground.?
31.If you want to have your hair cut, you can go to the____.?
A) Hibiya and Sanshin Buildings?
B) Kyobashi Station?
C) Plaza of Water?
D) Second basement of the Toshiba?
32.It will take____to eat in a different place every day in Yaesu.?
A) 350 dollars B) 520 cars?C) three months D) two hours?
33.Which of the following statements is NOT true??
A) You can buy furs, flowers and books underground.?
B) The air is purified underground.?
C) You can eat fresh seafood underground.?
D) The Yaesu crew work day after night to finish the project.?
34.Why underground pipes are difficult to be identified??
A) Water and gas pipes are not taken care by construction workers.?
B) Underground pipe systems were destroyed during World War II.?
C) Many city planning blueprints can be found nowhere.?
D) Pipes were buried too deep underground.?
35.What can be inferred from the passage that??
A) Tokyo is a city rich in land resources.?
B) Underground projects will develop further in the future.?
C) Underground projects are constructed for moles.?
D) When there is an earthquake, it’s safer to stay on the surface.? Passage Four?
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:? A few years ago, Ann and Walter Taylor thought it might be time to move out of their New York City apartment to the suburbs. They had one young son and another child on the way. But after months of looking, they became discourage and decided to buy an old townhouse right in the middle of Brooklyn, which is a part of New York City. To their delight, they discovered that they weren’t the only young couple to have made such a decision. In fact, their entire area in Brooklyn had been settled by young families. And as a result, the neighborhood, which had been declining for years, was now being restored.?
Brooklyn isn’t the only city in the United States to experience this kind of renewal.So are Philadelphia and St.Louis.And Charleston,South Carolina,has so successfully rebuilt its old central area that it now ranks as one of America’s most charming cities.The restoration of the old port ?city? of Savannah,Georgia,is also living proof that downtown areas do not need to die.But encouraging as these developments may be,they are among the few bright spots in a mass of difficulties that today’s cities face.Indeed,their woes are so many that it is fair to ask whether or not the inner city the core of most urban areas will manage to survive at all.?
In the 1940s,urban Americans began a mass move to the suburbs in search of fresh air,elbow room,and privacy.Suburbs began to sprawl out across the countryside.Since most of those making the move were middle-class,they took with them the tax money the cities needed to maintain the neighborhoods in which they had lived.The people left in the cities were often those who were too old or too poor to move.Thus,many cities began to fall into disrepair.Crime began to soar, and public transportation was neglected.( In the past sixty years San Francisco is the only city in the United States to have completed a new mass transit system.)Meanwhile, housing construction costs continued to rise higher and higher. Middle-class housing was allowed to decay, and little new housing was constructed.?
Eventually, many downtown areas existed for business only. During the day they would be filled with people working in offices, and at night they would be deserted. Given these circumstances, some business executives began asking, “Why bother with going downtown at all? Why not move the offices to the suburbs so that we can live and work in the same area?” Gradually, some of the larger companies began moving out of the cities, with the result that urban centers declined even further and the suburbs expanded still more. This movement of business to the suburbs is not confined to the United States. Businesses have also been moving to the suburbs in Stockholm, Sweden, in Bonn, Germany, and in Brussels, Belgium, as well.?
But it may well be that this movement to the suburbs has reached its peak. Some people may be tired of spending long hours commuting, and they may have begun to miss the advantages of culture and companionship provided by city life. Perhaps the decision made by the Taylors is a sign that people will return to the cities and begin to restore them. It begins to look as if suburban sprawl may not have been the answer to man’s need to create an ideal environment in which to live and work.?
36.According to the passage,Ann and Walter Taylor____.?
A) moved from city apartment to the suburb?
B) remained in the downtown area?
C) moved out of New York?
D) bought an old townhouse in the suburb?
37.It can be inferred from the passage that____.?
A) downtown areas must die in the future?
B) suburbs are sure to replace cities?
C) the movement to the suburbs begins to decline?
D) there are just old and poor people left in the cities?
38.Business have been moving to suburbs because____.?
A) people living in the suburbs are rich?
B) many people work in cities and live in suburbs?
C) environment is pleasant in the suburbs?
D) American businessmen are fond of moving around ?
39.Why the cities began to fall into disrepair in the 1940s??
A) Because people could not earn enough money at that time.?
B) Because the municipal planning was not sound.?
C) Because old and poor people were neglected.?
D) Because many people moved out of the cities.?
40.What is the main idea of the passage??
A) American people move a lot in history.?
B) Downtown areas are too crowded to live.?
C) Moving to suburbs is not the answer to an ideal environment.?
D) Cities are likely to be replaced by the suburbs.
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-20 10:10:42
Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes)
Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the letter.?
41.I don’t understand why you ____ the same mistakes.?
A) keep to make B) keeping to make?
C) keep on make D) keep on making?
42.The Great Wall, its one end ____ to the east of Beijing, lies across North China.?
A) extending B) extended?
C) extends D) is extended?
43.The Youth Centers set up by the city government have____those young people to spend their time wisely.?
A) prohibited B) enabled?
C) made D) had?
44.One of the boys in the class had a fever and he soon ____ other children.?
A) infected B) effected?
C) affected D) perfected?
45.After two years of bargaining, the leaders of two countries finally ____ an agreement.?
A) made B) reached?
C) joined D) came?
46.Revolutionary developments in both observational and theoretical astronomy ____ in the 1960’s.?
A) disputed B) occurred?
C) interfered D) commended?
47.The geysers, one of the most unusual phenomena in nature, is beautiful to ____.?
A) sketch B) consider?
C) think D) view?
48.The teacher rather than the students ____ the mistakes.?
A) is responsible for B) are responsible for?
C) is responsible to D) are responsible to?
49.____, a TV set is in use in every home for about six hours each day.?
A) It is average B) The average that?
C) On the average D) On average?
50.____ food is often easer to prepare than fresh food.?
A) Freeze B) Frozen?
C) Froze D) Freezing?
51.The police was completely ____ by the thief’s disguise.?
A) taken back B) taken on?
C) taken in D) taken down?
52.____, criticize him.?
A) Should any one misbehave in class?
B) Any one should misbehave in class?
C) If any one were misbehaves in class?
D) Would any one misbehave in class?
53.The man who was driving the truck would not admit that he had made a mistake, and ____.?
A) neither the other driver had?
B) neither would the other driver?
C) neither had the other driver?
D) the other driver neither would?
54.I don’t understand why such a good man has been treated with such scorn and ____.?
A) defection B) defense?
C) difference D) indifference?
55.Where there is an earthquake, energy is ____ in one area along a crack in the earth crust.?
A) released B) run?
C) rushed D) escaped?
56.After a long journey they reached their destination ____.?
A) at no time B) at least?
C) at length D) at large?
57.Since your friend is visiting her family this evening, ____ you like to have dinner with us.?
A) don’t B) didn’t?
C) won’t D) wouldn’t?
58.The Chinese people will never forget those foreign friends, who ____ down their lives for the cause of the liberation of China.?
A) has laid B) had laid?
C) laid D) would have laid?
59.He was a person who would ____ what he thought right, no matter what the cost to himself.?
A) stand up for B) keep up with?
C) put forward D) look up?
60.It is impossible to make an early ____ to have my hair cut tomorrow.?
A) employment B) engagement?
C) appointment D) arrangement?
61.Of particular interest to visitors ____ the large number of bookstores that sell books in different languages.?
A) is B) are?
C) being D) was?
62.Since the airport is closed this morning, it must ____ last night.?
A) snow
B) have snowed?
C) have been snowed
D) have being snowed?
63.The robber ____ my handbag and ran off down the street.?
A) snatched B) took down?
C) caught D) took off?
64.I thought the problem of increasing wages would ____ at the meeting, but no one mentioned it.?
A) come in B) come for?
C) come to D) come up?
65.The lost bike of Jim was found ____ in the woods of the park.?
A) abandoned B) collided?
C) diverged D) insulated?
66.The president ____ a rise in salary for ages, but nothing has happened yet.?
A) promised B) is promised?
C) has been promising D) is promising?
67.Susan’s mother is very particular ____ the plates she uses for the party.?
A) for B) about?
C) to D) in?
68.It was not until she had arrived home ____ she remembered her appointment with the doctor.?
A) that B) when?
C) and D) where?
69.The mail was ____ for a week because of the flood.?
A) held in B) hold on?
C) hold off D) hold down?
70.Parents are usually ____ towards the mistakes of their children.?
A) enormous B) ambitious?
C) cruel D) benevolent ?
Part Ⅳ Error Correction (15 minutes)
Directions:This part consists of a short passage. In the passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to add a word, cross a word, or change a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided.If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.?
Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, what he may do, It is improbable that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in turn. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child—things that have lost their interesting for older people because they are too well-known. A child finds pleasure in playing in the rain, or in the snow. [JP+2]His first visit to the seaside is a marvelous adventure. But a child has his pains: He is not so free to do as he wishes as he thinks old people do; he is continually being told not to do things,or being punished for that he has done wrong.
His life is therefore ?not perfectly happy.?When the young man starts to earn his own living, he becomes free from the discipline of school and parents; but at the same time he is forced to accept responsibilities. He can not longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortable. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will suffer hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. If, therefore, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of seeing himself making steady progress in his job and of building up for himself his own position in society.
? 71.__________??
Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)
Title: Loyalty to the Employer?
Directions:Some people place a high value on loyalty to the employer. To others, it is perfectly acceptable to change jobs every years to build a career. Please indicate which position you agree with and why.
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-20 10:11:12
听力原文?? Section A?
1.M: The bag is $18 now.?
W: Yes, it’s exactly a half more than it was two months ago.?
Q: What was the price of the bag two months ago??
2.W: Well, the examination is over now, and we can go to the picnic to have a relax.?
M: Going to the picnic is too tiring, why not come to my home to have a party??
Q: Where will the man offer to go??
3.W: You can go to the film tonight and I will baby-sit for you.?
M: That would be very kind of you to do so.?
Q: What is the woman going to do??
4.W: This refrigerator is not working properly, I think we should buy a new one, but I don’t see how we can afford it right now.?
M: If only we hadn’t bought that motorbike?
Q: Why didn’t they buy another refrigerator??
5.M: Could you show me that once more??
W: Sure, put the paper into the machine ,set your margin, put your fingers on the keys. Now you’re ?ready.??
Q: What is the woman doing??
6.W: Can you explain the problem for me??
M: Me??
Q: What does the man mean??
7.M: Hello, may I speak to Brown please??
W: I’m sorry, nobody by that name works here.?
Q: What do we learn from the conversation??
8.W: Have you finished the research paper for psychology??
M: Not yet, I always don’t write it until the last minute.?
Q: What did the man mean??
9.W: Excuse me, when will the 7:30 bus arrive??
M: It has been delayed three hours because a bridge was broken.?
Q: What do we learn from the conversation??
10.M: Nice working with you. I hope we can do business again.?
W: Yes, I would like that.?
Q: What is the relationship between the two speakers??

Section B?
Passage One?
About 25 million children in developing countries have no homes. So they live on city streets. Another 75 million children live at home but work on the streets. United Nations Children’s Fund says most of these children do not receive education or health care. The private organization known as “Child Hope U.S.A.” is trying to do something to help these children. The group has many goals. Child Hope U.S.A. wants to halt the spread of AIDS and the use of illegal drugs among children. It wants to protect young girls from being mistreated sexually. It wants to teach children how to protect themselves, how to survive conditions on the streets and how to feel good about themselves. Child Hope U.S.A. is trying to establish educational programs for the children. It is working with local groups to get their help in protecting the rights of street children. And, it is trying to make international development groups more informed about street children. Some children begin living on the streets when they are five years old or younger. Four-year-old can be found selling goods on the street corner or begging for food and money. Some of these children have lost their families because of wars or natural disasters, such as earthquakes and floods. Some are helping their families earn enough money to survive. Studies show that more than one million children live and work on the streets in the Philippines. Seven million children live on the streets in Brazil. About 250 thousand children live on the streets in Mexico. About ten million Mexican children work on the streets. Child Hope U.S.A. works closely with international children’s groups, government agencies and other national and local groups. It has offices in Brazil, Guatemala, the Philippines, Britain, Canada and the United States. Child Hope U.S.A. also works to improve child labor laws. In 1992, Pakistan approved new laws to control child labor. The laws make it illegal for companies to lend money to families and let children repay the loan by working in factories. Yet, about eight million children still are working in Pakistan to repay loans. We will take more about the problems of children in developing countries next week.?
11.How many children do not receive education or health care according to U. N. Children’s Fund ? ?
12.What organization is Child Hope U.S.A??
13.Why do the children come to the streets selling goods or begging? ?
14.Which country has the most children who work on the streets according to the news??

Passage Two?
The silence of the Reference Library was broken only by an occasional cough and now and then by the scarcely audible sound of pages being turned over. There were about twenty people in the room, most of them with their heads bent over their books. The assistant librarian who was in charge of the room sat at a desk in one corner. She glanced at Philip as he came in, then went on with her work.?
Philip has not been to this part of the library before. He walked around the room almost on tiptoe, afraid of disturbing the industrious readers with his heavy shoes. The shelves were filled with thick volumes: dictionaries in many languages, encyclopedias, atlases, biographies and others words of reference. He found nothing that was likely to interest him, until he came to a small shelf out of his reach, so he had to fetch a small ladder in order to get one down. Unfortunately, as he was climbing down the ladder, the book he had chosen slipped from his grasp and fell to the floor with a loud crash. Twenty pairs of eyes looked up at him simultaneously, annoyed by his unaccustomed disturbance. Philip felt himself go red as he picked up his book, which did not seem to have been damaged by its fall.?
He had just sat down when he found the young lady assistant standing alongside him. “You must be more careful when you are handling these books.” she said severely. Satisfied that she had done her duty, she turned to go back to her desk. Then a sudden thought struck her. “By the way, how old are you?” she asked Philip. “thirteen.” He told her. “You are not allowed in here if you’re under the age of fourteen, you know,” the assistant said. “Didn’t you see the notice on the door?” Philip shook his head. He expected the assistant to ask him to leave. Instead, in a more kindly tone, she said, “Well, never mind. But make sure that you don’t disturb the other readers again, otherwise I shall have to ask you to leave.”?
15.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage??
16.What can be found in this part of the library??
17.What can we learn from the passage? ?

Passage Three?
Hidden passengers traveling in ships, trains, or even cars can be a terrible nuisance—especially when they are insects. In this respect, there is a great difference between human beings and insects. The former make every possible effort to avoid discovery, while the latter quickly draw attention to themselves.?
We can only sympathize with the unfortunate man who had to stop his car soon after setting out from a country village to drive to London. Hearing a strange noise from the back of the car, he naturally got out to have a look. He examined the wheels carefully but as he found nothing wrong, he continued his way. The noise began almost immediately and now it was louder than ever. Quickly turning his head, the man saw what appeared to be a great black could following the car. When he stopped at a village further on, he was told that a queen bee must be hidden in his car as there were thousands of bees nearby.?
On learning this, the man realized that the only way to escape would be to drive away as quickly as possible. After an hour’s hard driving, he arrived in London where he parked his car outside a hotel and went in to have a drink. It was not long before a customer who had seen him arrived and hurried in to inform him that his car was covered with bees. The poor motorist telephoned the police and explained what had happened. The police decided that the best way to deal with the situation would be to call a bee-keeper. In a short time, the bee-keeper arrived. He found the unwelcome passenger hidden near the wheels at the back of the car. Very grateful to the motorist for his unexpected gift, the keeper took the queen and her thousands of followers home in a large box. Equally grateful, the motorist drove away in peace, at last free from the “black cloud” which had hung over his car.?
18. What did he hear from the back of the car??
19.Where did he examine carefully but he found nothing wrong, he continued his way??
20.On learning this, the man realized what would be to drive away as quickly as possible??
Part Ⅰ?
Section A?
【详细解答】男士说:很高兴和你一起工作,希望我们下一次再做生意。女士表示赞同。关键词do business with (和…做生意),由此推断答案为A。?
Section B?
Passage One?
本段听力材料讲述了私人组织 “Child Hope U.S.A.”对于那些生活和工作在街头的孩子的调查及与其它组织联合所采取的帮助措施。?
【译文】按照“U. N. Children’s Fund”调查,大约有多少孩子没有接受教育和健康保障??
【详细解答】我们可以听到“About 25 million children in developing countries have no homes. So they live on city streets. Another 75 million children live at home but work on the streets. United Nations Children’s Fund says most of these children do not receive education or health care”.100 million中的大多数自然是B(75million)。?
【译文】“Child Hope U.S.A”是一个什么组织??
【详细解答】由文章中“The private organization known as “Child Hope U.S.A.” is trying to do something to help these children”.得知,答案为C。?
【详细解答】由文章中“Some of these children have lost their families because of wars or natural disasters, such as earthquakes and floods. Some are helping their families earn enough money to survive”.得知,A,B,C三项均包含在其中。所以答案为D。?
【详细解答】由文章中“Studies show that more than one million children live and work on the streets in the Philippines. Seven million children live on the streets in Brazil. About 250 thousand children live on the streets in Mexico. About ten million Mexican children work on the streets”.得知,答案为C。?

Passage Two

Passage Three
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-20 10:12:04
Part Ⅱ?
Passage One?
【详细解答】go around 可表示“走来走去、疾病传播、结交相处或足够分配” :第一段作者罗列了一些在美国曾经非常丰富的土地资源,但这都成为了过去,就是为了表明土地在过去“足够分配”的含义。?
【详细解答】swallow up 表示“侵吞、吞掉、耗尽”的意思。因此C)“消失”以及B)“放弃”就可以轻易排除。而在本句当中使用swallow up,作者正是为了强调一种完全的占据,故D)最合适。?

Passage Two?
【详细解答】通过第一段的阅读,我们可以发现伦敦的街道弯弯曲曲、迂回曲折,想要在这样的城市中找路,到底要什么样的司机呢?显然C)新手 和 D)热心肠都不能真正帮上忙。那么A)当地人怎么样呢?大家在最后一句可以发现,和伦敦一样没有规划的纽约,“even a native-born...despairs of finding his way...”可见当地人找路都是特别困难的。故只有B)选项可选。?
【详细解答】巴西利亚是巴西的新首都,然而为什么要建立这个新首都呢?仔细阅读会发现Rio de Janeiro(里约热内卢)濒临大西洋,大量的巴西人cram into把沿海城市塞得满满的,而国家内陆城市的各种资源则untapped(没有被开发利用),Kubitschek总统希望通过建立一座新首都,均衡开发国家的资源,而绝对不是A)项中的那样,希望人们向沿海城市发展。而巴西利亚刚建立时,不是B)或C)项中所讲的繁华城市或大城市,只是一大片荒地罢了。?
【详细解答】通过文章的阅读,我们可以发现哥伦比亚是一座planned city规划过的城市。是使城市规划者非常喜悦的,而不是A)中所陈述的。而哥伦比亚已经建成,也不是C)中陈述的那样,存在于规划者的梦想。也不会是D)项中所陈述的,一排排的脏房子以及稀少的绿地。而通过最后一段的阅读“...a beautiful new city like Columbia that makes young people shrug with boredom”,可见应选择B)。?
【译文】文章的主题是,一个城市必须有某种精神去激励她的居民,否则这个城市将没有任何生气。 ?

Passage Three?
【详细解答】依据原文“The Kyobashi Station...has a hotel with a bar, restaurant, and barbershop”(Line7,Para2), “barbershop”的意思就是理发店。自然应该选择B。?
【详细解答】依据原文“In Yaesu you can eat in a different place every day for three months”(Sentence 4, Para 4)。故选C。?
【详细解答】地下的大型购物场所可以大到三个足球场那么大,要买毛皮衣、鲜花和书自然很容易,吃到海鲜也很容易,故A)C)是正确的。地下建筑有什么好处呢?“Clean, filtered air is one of them”可见地下空气是净化过的,故B)也是正确的。只是地下工程很难进行,一是由于受地铁的影响,每天只能进行三个小时,可见D)的陈述是错误的。?
【详细解答】A)项中陈述的建筑工人不注意这些地下管道,和这个问题没有任何逻辑关系。B)项干扰性很强,如果你没有细心阅读,便会错选此项。依据原文“...many ...blueprints...were destroyed...”可见,毁坏的是蓝图而不是地下管道本身,故B)项应排除。应选择C)项,而D)项中,管道埋的很深显然不是理由。?
【详细解答】A)项最容易被排除,如果东京土地资源丰富的话,那么就不用开发地下资源了。C)项中阐述的。地下工程是专为鼹鼠建造的,这显然不合逻辑,原文中出现的“underground is for moles”,只是为了表明一些反对地下工程人士的偏激观点,不可选。而D)项显然与原文“experts feel that ...fewer problems underground than on the surface in case of tremors”冲突。?

Passage Four?
【译文】据这篇文章,Ann和Walter Taylor继续留在了城市繁华地区。?
【详细解答】两人原本想从伦敦般到郊区,但“after months of looking, they became discouraged and decided to buy...in the middle of....a part of New York City”,可见并能如愿,并最终还是留在了城中。故选B。?
【详细解答】依据原文“downtown areas do not need to die”(Line5, Para2)可知,A)选项错误。郊区肯定会代替城市吗?显然不可能,毕竟在城市,“the advantages of culture”是郊区无可比拟的。故B)选项错。而现在很多人又开始向城市迁移,不可能只剩下老人和穷人,故D)错。?
【详细解答】大量的人居住在郊区,使得商业也向郊区迁移,这样人们便不至于“spending long hours commuting” ,这不是由于郊区人有钱,郊区环境好或美国人喜欢搬迁,故排除A)C)D)。?
【详细解答】A)选项中的人们没有足够的钱,不符合原文,故排除,B)选项中归咎于市政规划,显然不符合原文,之所以失修,是因为 “they took with them the tax money the cities needed to maintain the neighborhoods...”可见太多的纳税人离开了城市,使城市没有足够的钱去修护、建设,自然选D)了。?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-20 10:12:29
Part Ⅲ?
【详细解答】本题考查动词词组的用法。Keep to(遵守、坚持), keep on doing(继续做某事,指保持某种状态)。?
【详细解答】本题考查独立主格结构。Its one end tending ... 在语法上称为独立主格,也就是不带谓语动词的主语(its one end),其作用是提供附带的信息,变成从句是whose one end extends to the east of Beijing.?
【详细解答】动词辨析题。使得某人能够做某事:enable sb to do sth, 其余几个动词:prohibit后接动名词做宾语,make, have后接不带to的不定式做宾语。?
【详细解答】动词辨析题。infect(感染、传染), effect(实现),affect(感动,使感染),perfect(使完美)。?
【详细解答】动词词组的固定搭配。reach an agreement (达成一致意见)。?
【详细解答】动词辨析题。A)dispute 辩论、争吵。B)occur 发生。C) interfere 妨碍、干扰。D) commend 托付。?
【详细解答】动词辨析题。A) sketch素描、梗概 B)consider认为、思考 C) think思考、想出 D) view视野、眼界、风景。?
【详细解答】考查主谓一致性。由rather than连接的两个名词做主语,谓语动词应当与前面的主语相一致。be responsible for对…. 负责。?
【详细解答】习惯用法的考查。on the average平均。由于句子中间有逗号把两部分隔开,排除了A,B两项的可能性。?
【详细解答】动词词组辨析。A) take back带回、送回 B) take on承担,从事 C) take in欺骗 D) take down拿下。?
【详细解答】名词辨析题。A) defection叛变 B) defense防御、保护 C)difference不同 D)indifference冷漠。 ?
【详细解答】动词辨析题。A) release释放 B) run跑 C) rush冲出 D) escape逃走。?
【详细解答】词组辨析题。A) at no time立刻、马上 B) at least至少、起码 C) at length最后、终于 D) at large一般、大体上。?
【详细解答】语法考查。Would (not) you like to do sth? 是征求别人意见时的一种委婉的说法,do you like... ?是指一种经常的习惯爱好。?
【详细解答】动词词组辨析。A) stand up for坚持 B) keep up with跟上 C) put forward提出 D) look up向上看、查找。?
【详细解答】名词辨析。A) employment工作 B) engagement订婚 C) appointment约会,预约 D) arrangement安排。?
【译文】大量 出售各种语言书籍的书店对于读者来说是具有特殊兴趣的。?
【详细解答】句子结构与主谓一致性的考查。本句的正常语序应为:The large number of bookstores is of particular interest ... 。the large number of bookstores 指的是书店的数量,后用单数。?
【详细解答】动词及动词词组辨析。A) snatch突然抢走、夺取 B) take down拆除、记下 C) catch抓住 D) take off(飞机)起飞、脱去(衣、袜、鞋、帽)。?
【详细解答】动词词组辨析。A) come in进来 B) come for来接、来取 C) come to总计、达到 D) come up出现。?
【详细解答】动词辨析。A) abandon抛弃B) collide碰撞 C) diverge分歧 D) insulate使绝缘。?
【详细解答】介词的固定搭配。对… 挑剔(be particular about)。?
【详细解答】语法的考查。本题是强调句型it is(was) ... that ... 。?
【详细解答】动词词组辨析。A) hold in 控制 B) hold on 握住不放 C) hold off 拖延 D) hold down 压制。?
【详细解答】形容词辨析。A) enormous最大极恶的 B) ambitious有野心的 C) cruel残忍的 D) benevolent仁慈的。 ?

Part Ⅳ?
71.what改为whatever。whatever引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what,意思是“无论什么”,“不管什么”,whatever在从句中作宾语。?
72.turn改为return。短语in turn表示“轮流地; 挨个, 依次; 反过来”,而在这里是指孩子对父母的回报。?
74.do改为 are。与前面的is相对应。?
75.that改为what。that引导的是定语从句,在本句中应该使用关系代词what,相当于the thing/ things that。?
76.not改为no。固定搭配的副词短语“no longer”?
80.making 改为 make。?

Part Ⅴ?
Loyalty to the employer?
Different cultures place varying values on loyalty to the employer. In some countries, most notably in Asia, there is a high degree of loyalty to one company. However, in most European countries and the United States, loyalty to one’s employer is not high valued; instead it is considered more rational and reasonable for an employee to change jobs whenever it is warranted to achieve the optimal overall career. Both of these position have advantages and disadvantages. ?
In cultures that value loyalty to the employer, a kind of family relationship seems to develop between employer and employee. It is a reciprocal arrangement which the employer is concerned with assisting the employee to develop to his full potential and the employee is concerned about optimizing the welfare of the company. The negative aspect to absolute loyalty to one company is that an employee may stay in one job that he has outgrown and may miss out on opportunities to develop in new directions. From the employer’s point of view, the employee may be burdened with employee whose skills no longer match the needs of the company. ?
In culture in which it is quite acceptable to change jobs every few years, employees can blind the career they choose for themselves. They can stay with one company as long as it is mutually beneficial to company and employee. As long as good relationship exists and the employee’s career is advancing at an acceptable pace, the employee can remain with a company. But at any time the employee is free to move to another company, perhaps to achieve a higher position, to move into a new area, or to find a work situation that is more suitable to his personality. They disadvantage of this situation is employees tend to move around a lot. ?
Although both these systems have advantages and disadvantages, it is much better for employees have the opportunity to move from job to job if it is necessary to have a better career.?

baby-sit: 临时照看婴儿 indifference:冷漠?
appointment:约会,预约 infect:感染、传染?
benevolent:仁慈的,宽容的 fragile:易碎的、虚弱的?
snatch:突然抢走 release:释放?
discourage:使沮丧,使泄气 abandon:抛弃?
hold off:拖延 in return:作为…的回报?
stand up for:坚持 be particular about:对…挑剔

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-20 10:13:16

上海交通大学外语学院 郭鸿杰 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension(20 minutes)
Section A
Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Example:You will hear: ?
M: When shall we start our work, Jane??
W: Tomorrow at 9 o’clock. But we must work quickly, for we have to finish everything before 2 in the afternoon.?
Q: For how long can they work??
You will read:
A) 2 hours.
B) 3 hours.
C) 4 hours.
D) 5 hours.?
From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 o’clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D)“5 hours” is the correct answer. You should choose [D] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center.
Sample Answer [A] [B][C] [CD2][KG-1*4/5][D]?
1. A) On the phone. B) At United World College.?C) At a library. D) At a hotel.?
2. A) $80. B) $60.?C) $90. D) $15.?
3. A) He loves his present work.?
B) He is going to open a store.?
C) He is about to retire.?
D) He works in a repair shop.?
4. A) Mary is going to Hawaii.?
B) Mary has been to many countries.?
C) Mary likes postcards.?
D) Mary is traveling on business.?
5. A) To save the money for a long time.?
B) To buy a new car.?
C) To purchase a used car.?
D) To get a second car.?
6. A) Delivery service manager and driver.?
B) Teacher and student.?
C) Lawyer and client.?
D) Doctor and patient.?
7.A) Four or five days.?B) Exactly two weeks.?C) About two weeks.?D) A few weeks.?
8.A) What will they do that afternoon??
B) Working on an assignment together.?
C) How will they spend the weekend??
D) Returning books to the library.?
9. A) They are having a party.?
B) They are playing the piano.?
C) Someone else is having a party.?
D) Someone else is funny.?
10. A) She was hurt by the man.?
B) She lost her temper.?
C) She didn’t speak to her husband.?
D) She missed the dinner party.?
Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ? Passage One?
Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following passage:?
11. A) Sleep and dreams.
B) Moods of people.?
C) Effect of dreams.
D) How to manipulate sleep.?
12.A) Man’s emotions is affected by dreams and sleep.?
B) A sound sleep usually brings about a good mood.?
C) Scientists began to do researches on dreams 20 years ago.?
D) What happens in a dream is less significant than who appears.?
13.A) The fewer dream characters, the happier people are.?
B) The level of one’s moods rises and falls according to his dream characters.?
C) The less sleep people have, the better they perform.?
D) The less dozy, the more clear thinking.?
14.A) Textbook. B) Science report.?C) Science fiction. D) Critical review.? Passage Two?
Questions 15 to 17 are based on the following passage:?
15.A)Crying is a natural thing for children,but not for adults.?
B)Crying is considered unfortunate for adults.?
C)Adults have learnt to control their emotions.?
D)Adults have forgotten how to cry.?
16.A)Crying can help those who are physically ill.?
B)Crying can help cure some emotional problems.?
C)Crying cannot help people who are emotionally healthy.?
D) Crying can help us lift the load in our mind.?
17.A) How to hold back one’s tears.?
B)Adults should be free of crying.?
C)Why people cry??
D)Crying is of great benefit to our health.? Passage Three?
Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage:?
18.A) Food processing. B) Environmental protection.?C) Shopping habits. D) Overpackaging problems.?
19.A) They help people save time on housework.?
B) They go into the garbage heap.?
C) They are harmful to the environment.?
D) They make products more expensive.?
20.A) Take their own bags to the grocery store.?
B) Buy things that are overpackaged.?
C) Not buy cloth towels.?
D) Not throw away their cloth napkins. Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(35 minutes)
Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ? Passage One?
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:? The media can impact current events. As a graduate student at Berkeley in the 1960s, I remember experiencing the events related to the People’s Park that were occurring on campus. Some of these events were given national media coverage in the press and on TV. I found it interesting to compare my impressions of what was going on with perceptions obtained from the news media. I could begin to see events of that time feed on news coverage. This also provided me with some healthy insights into the distinction between these realities.?
Electronic media are having a greater impact on the people’s lives every day. People gather more and more of their impressions from representations. Television and telephone communications are linking people to a global village, or what one writer calls the electronic city. Consider the information that television brings into your home every day. Consider also the contact you have with others simply by using telephone. These media extend your consciousness and your contact. for example, the video coverage of the 1989 San Francisco earthquake focused on “live action” such as the fires or the rescue efforts. This gave the viewer the impression of total disaster. Television coverage of the Iraqi War also developed an immediacy. CNN reported events as they happened. This coverage was distributed worldwide. Although most people were far away from these events, they developed some perception of these realities. ?
In 1992, many people watched in horror as riots broke out on a sad Wednesday evening in Los Angeles, seemingly fed by video coverage from helicopters. This event was triggered by verdict (裁定) in the Rodney King beating. We are now in an age where the public can have access to information that enables it to make its own judgments, and most people, who had seen the video of this beating, could not understand how the jury(陪审团)was able to acquit (宣布……无罪)the policeman involved. Media coverage of events as they occur also provides powerful feedback that influences events. This can have harmful results, as it seemed on that Wednesday night in Los Angeles. By Friday night the public got to see Rodney King on television pleading. “can we all get along?” By Saturday, television seemed to provide positive feedback as the Los Angeles riot turned out into a rally for peace. The television showed thousands of people marching with banners and cleaning tools. Because of that , many people turned out to join the peaceful event that saw unfolding on television. The real healing, of course, will take much longer, but electronic media will continue to be a part of that process. ? 21.The best title for this passage is____.?
A) The 1992 Los Angeles Riots?
B) The Impact of Media on Current Events?
C) The 1989 San Francisco Earthquake and the 1992 Los Angeles Riots?
D) How media Cover Events?
22.All the following statements are true EXCEPT that____.?
A) electronic media can extend one’s contact with the world?
B) those living far away from a certain event can also have some perception of realities by watching television?
C) all the events occurring on the university campus at Berkeley were given national media coverage ?
D) video coverage of the 1989 San Francisco earthquake gave the viewers the impression of total disaster ?
23.The term“electronic city”in paragraph 2 refers to____.?
A) Los Angeles B) San Francisco?
C) Berkeley D) Earth?
24.The 1992 Los Angeles riots broke out because____. ?
A)the jury acquitted the policemen who had beaten Rodney King ?
B)people can make their own judgments?
C)video coverage from helicopters had made people angry?
D)video coverage had provided powerful feedback ?
25.It can be inferred from the passage that ____.?
A) media coverage of events as they occur can have either good or bad results ?
B) most people who had seen the video of the Rodney King beating agree with the verdict of the jury?
C) the 1992 Los Angeles riots lasted a whole week?
D) Rodney King seemed very angry when he appeared on television on Friday?

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-20 10:13:39
Passage Two?
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:? The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law in 1990. This law extends civil rights protection to persons with disabilities in private sector employment, all public services, and in public accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications. A person with a disability is defined as someone with a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits him or her in a major life activity, such as walking, talking, working, or self-care. A person with a disability may also be someone with a past record of such an impairment, for example, someone who no longer has heart disease but is discriminated against because of that history. ?
The ADA states that employers with fifteen or more employees may not refuse to hire or promote a person because of a disability if that person is qualified to perform the job. Also, the employer must make reasonable accommodations that will allow a person with a disability to perform essential functions of the job. All new vehicles purchased by public transit authorities must be accessible to people with disabilities. All rail stations must be made accessible, and at least one car per train in existing rail systems must be made accessible. ?
It is illegal for public accommodations to exclude or refuse persons with disabilities. Public accommodations are business and services such as restaurants, hotels, grocery stores, and parks. All now buildings must be made accessible, and existing facilities must remover barriers if the removal can be accomplished without much difficulty or expense. ?
The ADA also stipulates that companies offering telephone service to the general public must offer relay services to individuals who use telecommunications devices for the deaf, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. ?
26.What is the main purpose of the passage??
A) To describe discrimination against persons with disabilities.?
B) To explain the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.?
C) To make suggestions for hiring persons with disabilities.?
D) To discuss telecommunications devices for the deaf.?
27. According to the passage, all of the following are affected by the Americans with Disabilities Act EXCEPT ____.?
A) someone who has difficulty walking?
B) a public transit authority?
C) an employer with fewer than fifteen employers?
D) a person with a past record of an impairment?
28.The author mentions grocery stores as an example of ____.?
A) public transit?
B) barriers?
C) private sector employment?
D) public accommodations?
29.The? author implies all of the following EXCEPT ____.?
A) the ADA requires people with disabilities to pay for special accommodations?
B) the ADA is designed to protect the civil rights of many people?
C) public transportation must accommodate the needs of people with disabilities ?
D) The ADA protects the rights of people with mental impairments?
30.It can be inferred from the passage that ____.?
A) restaurants can refuse service to people with disabilities ?
B) every car of a train must be accessible to persons with disabilities.?
C) the ADA is not well-liked by employers?
D) large companies may not discriminate against workers with disabilities. ? Passage Three?
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:? Studies of children’s acquisition of language suggest that the faculty of language includes an inborn knowledge of the formal principles of language structure, a knowledge that depends on generically determined portions of (usually) that left cerebral (大脑的) hemisphere.Although it is well established that the left hemisphere is specialized for language, one cannot say that language is “located” in this or that part of the hemisphere. What is known is that language discorders are the results of lesions (损伤) in the left hemisphere. Disorders of language resulting from damage to the brain are called aphasias (失语症).?
The anterior(前面的)portion of the “language area” is termed Broca’s area. Lesions in this area interfere with the motor(运动原)and articulatory aspects of language.Speech is slow,labored,grammatically incorrect,and telegraphic;in extreme cases,it may be impossible to carry out.Writing is likewise severely impaired.Comprehension of the spoken or written word,however,may be unimpaired or nearly so.(It is interesting to note that under emotional stress,a patient with Broca’s aphasia may be temporarily fluent.)Because Broca’s area is close to the motor cortex(脑皮层),if the former is damaged,the latter is often damaged simultaneously.Hence,such patients often suffer form weakness or paralysis of the right side of the body.Similar lesions in the right hemisphere will cause a left-sided weakness of paralysis but will have no effect on language. ?
Damage to the posterior (后面的) portion of the “language area, ” especially to Wernick’s area, results in a loss of comprehension of the spoken word and often of the written word. The patient’s native language is now like a foreign language. In addition, the patient’s speech is rapid and well-articulated, but without meaning. Writing is defective, and words that are heard cannot be repeated, although hearing itself is completely normal. Similar lesions in the right hemisphere usually have no effect on language.?
Injuries to the “language area” in children result in severe aphasias, but the development of language mechanism in the right hemisphere can often compensate for them to an extraordinary degree. This potential function of the right hemisphere is probably normally suppressed by the left hemisphere. In adults, aphasias from similar lesions are often permanent. ?
31.The author is primarily concerned with ____.?
A) describing the process of language acquisition?
B) explaining potential treatment of language defects?
C) showing the importance of the left hemisphere of the brain to language mechanisms?
D) depicting various means of diagnosing language defects?
32.Unlike a patient with Wernicke’s aphasia, a patient with Broca’s aphasia can ____. ?
A) comprehend written but not spoken language ?
B) hear and read with comprehension?
C) speak articulately and also comprehend spoken language?
D) write and speak readily and coherently?
33.According to the passage,which of the following statements about the right hemisphere of the brain is accurate??
A) It has the potential to serve as a “language area”.?
B) It controls the ability to comprehend but not the ability to speak a language?
C) If it is damaged, gross motor control of the right side of the body may be affected.?
D) It is the right where Wernick’s area is located.?
34.It can be inferred that aphasias in adults often result in permanent damage because ____.?
A) much memory is lost?
B) adults have more trouble learning a foreign language?
C) the right hemisphere is no longer as adaptable as it once was. ?
D) brain cells in adults are especially vulnerable to infection?
35.It can be inferred that the author bases his description on ____.?
A) clinical studies of instances of damage to the brain?
B) studies of language development in children without brain damage?
C) microscopic examination of the brain structure?
D) examples of the integration of the left and right hemispheres? Passage Four?
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:? For millions of years before the appearance of the electric light, shift work,all?night cable TV and the Internet, Earth’s creatures evolved on a planet with predictable and reassuring 24-hour rhythms.Our biological clocks are set for this daily cycle.Simply put,our bodies want to sleep at night and be awake during the day. Most women and men need between eight and eight and a half hours of sleep a night to function properly throughout their lives.(Contrary to popular belief,humans don’t need less sleep as they age.)?
But on average,Americans sleep only about seven and a half hours per night,a marked drop from the nine hours day averaged in 1910.what’s worse,nearly one third of all Americans get less than six hours of sleep on a typical work night. For most people, that’s not nearly enough.?
Finding ways to get more and better sleep can be a challenge. Scientists have identified more than 80 different sleep disorders. Some sleeping disorders are generic. But many problems are caused by staying up late and sleeping in, by traveling frequently between time zones or by working nights. Dr. James. F. Jones at National Jewish Medical and Research Center in Denver says that sleep disorders are often diagnosed at other discomforts. About one third of the patients referred to him with possible chronic fatigue syndrome actually have treatable sleep disorders. “Before we do anything else, we look at their sleep,” Jones says.?
Sleep experts say that most people would benefit from a good look at their sleep patterns, “My motto (座右铭) is 'sleep defensively’,” says Mary Carskadon of Brown University. She says people need to carve out sufficient time to sleep, even if it means giving up other things. Sleep routines-like going to bed and getting up at the same time every day-are important. Pre-bedtime activities also make a difference. As with Elsneer, who used to suffer from sleeplessness, a few lifestyle change-avoiding stimulants and late meals, exercising hours before bedtime, relaxing with a hot bath—yield better sleep. ?
36.What is TRUE of human sleep??
A) Most people need less sleep when grow older.?
B) Most people need seven and a half hours of sleep every night.?
C) On average, people in the U. S. today sleep less per night than they used to.?
D) For most people, less than six hours of sleep on a typical work night is enough.?
37.For our bodies to function properly, we should____.?
A) sleep for at least eight hours per night?
B) believe that we need less sleep as we age?
C) adjust our activities to the new inventions?
D) be able to predict the rhythms of our biological clocks?
38.According to the author, many sleeping disorders are caused by ____.?
A) other diseases?
B) pre-bedtime exercises?
C) improper sleep patterns?
D) Chronic fatigue syndrome?
39.Which of the following measures can help you sleep better??
A) Staying up late.?
B) Taking a hot bath.?
C) Having late meals.?
D) Traveling between time zones.?
40.“Sleep defensively” means that ____.?
A) people should go to a doctor and have their problems diagnosed?
B) people should exercise immediately before going to bed every night?
C) people should sacrifice other things to get enough sleep if necessary.?
D) People should give up going to bed and going up at the same every day.
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-20 10:14:02
Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes)
Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ?
41.____ your suggestions deserve considering, the board thinks it unwise to invest so large a sum of money into the project. ?
A) Assuming B) While?C) Since D) As?
42.The potatoes can be made ____ and reheated in the microwave when every one is present.?
A) a little time ahead?
B) a little ahead of time?
C) ahead of time a little?
D) ahead of a little time?
43.In this respect the Security Council is enjoying the support of the ____majority of the member states of the United Nations.?
A) overwhelming B) tremendous?
C) demanding D) intensive?
44.He was ____ finding his own path by working almost non-stop.?
A) adequate for B) intent on?
C) short of D) deficient in?
45.They put forward those facts that ____ or illuminate the main question at hand.?
A) pour scorn on B) heap praise upon?
C) give vent to D) cast light upon?
46.Nothing could keep us indoors, not even the gloomy and depressing thoughts that had kept us so ____ the night before.?
A) constrained B) dominated?
C) restricted D) occupied?
47.We must ____ our strength and swim vigorously upstream. ?
A) sum up B) summon up?
C) catch on D) watch out?
48.It was ____ that this arrangement would be an efficient use of time and would also help to break down the barriers between employers and employees. ?
A) manifested B) articulated?
C) anticipated D) monitored?
49.Astronomers say the universe is ____ even faster than they thought.?
A) stretching B) extending?
C) prolonging D) expanding?
50.Electronic privacy is ____ to the ongoing success of the Internet as a service and as a commercial and entertainment medium.?
A) subordinate B) cumulative?
C) crucial D) permeated?
51.In order to run your restaurant well, your attendants must ____ the needs of your customers.?
A) look into B) see to?
C) make over D) come through?
52.She analyzed the most ____ information within her field of interest and then identified the research questions and hypothesis.?
A) pertinent B) pervasive?
C) acute D) persistent?
53.The____ provided by the University is offered only to those professors who have made excellent achievements.?
A) treaty B) lease?
C) engagement D) subsidy?
54.Perhaps the most important ____ of good web design is a clearly organized structure or Information Architecture (IA). ?
A) element B) component?
C) ingredient D) constituents?
55.He was ____ from the Philippine Islands on May 6, 1912 and returned to the United States via the Suez Canal and Europe.A) deviated B) disconnected?
C) detached D) distorted?
56.The meeting was ____ over by the mayor to discuss the tax raise in the city.?
A) presumed B) propelled?
C) presided D) pricked?
57.His constant attempts to ____ his colleagues’ achievement eventually caused his dismissal. ?
A) withdraw B) diminish?
C) restrain D) confine?
58.The president’s fitful rule is seen to be even more designed to serve the interests of people ____. ?
A) at a loss B) at a stroke?
C) at large D) at hand?
59.The high ____ of road accidents on the super highway is giving cause for serious concern. ?
A) coincidence B) occurrence?
C) circumstance D) occasion?
60.Sometimes the imprudence ____ some policy makers results in heavy losses of the national interests. ?
A) in the place of B) for the sake of?
C) in view of D) on the part of ?
61.All visitors to this gallery are requested to ____ with the regulations. ?
A) concede B) assent?
C) conform D) comply?
62.I want to begin with a question which Neale does not ____ address, but which seems to me to be a particular blind spot. A) explicitly B) ultimately?
C) fundamentally D) conceptually?
63.Readers will find that a library’s collection of books usually____two categories: fiction and non-fiction. ?
A) falls into B) runs into?
C) separates into D) turns into?
64.The US government expressed their appreciation for our effort to ____ the well-being of the crew. ?
A) see about B) bring about?
C) set about D) go about ?
65.Officials, whatever their rank, are supposed to ____ themselves to the welfare and health of the general public.?
A) accustom B) commit?
C) accommodate D) adapt?
66.But since I am new to this Linux, I can’t ____ compilation error. ?
A) rectify B) oblige?
C) reconcile D) obscure?
67.Many animals will become ____ because they don’t have good habits in living.?
A) feeble B) extinct?
C) massive D) extinguished?
68.The asexual ____ cycle of the parasite takes place within red blood cells, well shielded from attack by the immune system.?
A) manipulation B) reproduction?
C) circulation D) penetration?
69.During the 19th century, heat was recognized as ____ of motion among tiny molecules. ?
A) manifestation B) acceleration?
C) abundance D) deterioration ?
70.When you light the end of the lamp wick which is not ____ in kerosene as the other end is, it will burst into flame. ?
A) restrain B) immerse?
C) purify D) deform Part Ⅳ Error Correction (15 minutes)
Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes , one in each numbered line.You may have to change a word , add a word or delete (删去) a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word , cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word , put an insertion mark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank. ?
Pronouncing a language is a skill. Every normal person is expert in the skill of pronouncing his own language, and few people are even moderately proficient at pronouncing foreign languages. Now there are many reasons about this, some obvious, some perhaps not so obvious. But I suggest that the fundamental reason why people in general do not speak foreign languages very better than they do is that they fail to grasp the true name of the problem of learning to pronounce, and consequently never set about tackling it by the right way. Far too many people fail to realize that pronounce a foreign language is a skill, one that needs careful training of a special kind, and one that cannot be acquired by just leaving it to take care of himself. I think even teachers of language, while recognizing the importance of a good accent, tend to neglect, in their practical teaching, the branch of study concerning with speaking the language. So the first point I want to make is that English pronunciation must be taught; the teacher may be prepared to devote some of the lesson time to this, and by his whole attitude to the subject he should get the student to feel that here is a matter worth of receiving his close attention. So, there should be occasions where other aspects of English, such as grammar or spelling, are allowed for the moment to take a secondary place.
80.__________ Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Information in the Modern World. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: ?
1.信息在当今社会的重要性 ?
2.信息传播的方式 ?
Information in the Modern World
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-20 10:14:26
Section A?
1. W: United World College. Can I help you??
M: Yes. I’d like some information about the college, please.?
Q: Where does the conversation take place??
2. M: Which coat did you finally decide to buy??
W: Well, I would have liked to buy the green one, but it was $75.00. So I bought the brown one instead and saved $15.00.?
Q: How much did the woman pay for the coat??
3. W: Well, it’s good to see you again. What are you doing these days? You are still working at the same place, aren’t you??
M: Yes, I am, and I’m counting the days until retirements.?
Q: What can we learn about the man??
4. W: I guess I’ll send Mary a postcard from Hawaii when I go there on business.?
M: I’m sure she’ll be glad to get one. She has a collection of cards from all over the world.?
Q: What do we learn from the conversation??
5. W: I can’t decide whether to buy a new car or try to find a second-hand one.?
M: If you buy a new one, you’ll probably save money in the long run.?
Q: What does the man suggest to the woman??
6. M: How often can I take them??
W: Every four hours. They may cause some drowsiness, so be careful not to drive.?
Q: What is the relationship between the man and the woman??
7. M: Susan, how long will your sister be staying with you??
W: Just a fortnight or so.?
Q: How many days will she stay??
8. M: I’m anxious to get started on our project. Can we meet sometime before the weekend??
W: If we meet Friday morning, I’ll have time to go to the library that afternoon.?
Q: What are the speakers discussing??
9. M: What’s the laughter and music? It sounds you are having a wonderful night.?
W: It’s John. He has guests over, playing the piano and having a lot of fun.?
Q: What are the man and woman talking about??
10.W: I can’t get over the way you treated me at our own dinner table.?
M: I was irritated at something else. I said I was sorry. Do we have to go through all that again??
Q: What happened to the woman the other day?? Section B?
Passage One? In the past 20 years, scientists have learnt a great deal about sleep and dreams. They have discovered, for example, that sleep and dreams affect the way people feel. A good night sleep, generally, makes a person happier in the morning. Dreams also have a strong effect on the moods of people. However, who appears in a dream is more important than what happens.?
Every person has a special dream character. If the special character appears in dreams, people are happier after sleeping. If there are many people in one’s dreams, this has a good effect. A person will wake up happier.?
The moods of people affect their performances throughout the day. The level of one’s moods rises and falls during the day. The less sleepy the people are, the better they perform, and usually they are more friendly, more aggressive, and more clear thinking.?
Some day scientists hope to manipulate sleep in order to control the way people feel and perform.? Passage Two? In a great number of Western, as well as Eastern societies, many adults have been taught not to cry, or have even forgotten how. This is very unfortunate, because, although it may have been necessary at one point to learn to hold back one’s tears, the ability to cry is actually very human. It is a natural thing, and one of the special ways nature has given us to cure ourselves of the hurts we receive in the course of living.?
If crying is helpful in the curing of physical ills, we can easily imagine the importance of tears and the ability to cry in the curing of emotion ills, and in helping people who are emotional well-being as well. You may have observed this in your personal life. For example, many times after a good cry, we can think more clearly or feel more lighthearted or sleep more easily, because some kind of load has been lifted from within. ? Passage Three? Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. I’m sure we have all heard the expression, “Think Green.” Tonight we are going to talk about ways that we can “Act Green” in our everyday life.?
The best place to start, of course, is in the home. Every day, people all over the world are hurting the environment without even knowing it. For example, busy families buy paper napkins and plastic food wrap at the supermarket. This helps them save time on housework, but after these things have been used, what happens to them? They go into the garbage heap. In many places, especially in North America, big cities are running out of places to throw their package. What can we do about it??
How can we cut down on garbage? Well, we can start using cloth napkins and cloth towels instead of paper towels. When we go grocery shopping, we can choose products that are not “overpackaged.” For example, last week I bought a package of cookies. The cookies were in a bag. There was a plastic tray inside the bag, and then each cookies was in its own little package on the tray in the bag! That’s overpackaging! We should also take our own bags to the grocery store to carry things in.
? 答案与详解?
Part Ⅰ?
Section A?
【详细解答】从女士的说话方式“United World College, can I help you”可以听出是在接电话。故选A。?
【详细解答】男士说“I am counting the days until retirement”,通过关键词“retirement”,可知他即将退休。故应选C。?
【详细解答】通过男士说的“She has a collection of cards from all over the world”,可知C为正确答案。?
【详细解答】“in the long run”意为“从长远看”,男士说从长远看,买新车省钱,可知他建议买新车。故选B。?
【详细解答】本题测试考生能否辨别fortnight一词的发音及含义。容易把它听成four nights或forty nights。选项B则意欲测试考生是否听清了or so这个词组。Just a fortnight or so 的意思是“呆两个星期左右”,因此也就等于选择项C,即“大约半月”。
【详细解答】女士回答到:It's John. He has some guests over, playing the piano and having a lot of fun (是约翰,他来了一些朋友,又弹琴又玩,很开心。因此选项C符合题意。?
【详细解答】女士说道:我不能原谅你在饭桌上对我的那种态度。男士回答:是别的事把我惹怒了。我说了对不起了,还需要再来一次吗?所以说她上次被这个男士伤害了。? Section B?
Passage One?
11.【答案】C。 ?
12.【答案】D。 ?
【详细解答】文中提到“who appears in a dream is more important than what happens”,可知D项正确。?
13.【答案】D。 ?
【详细解答】文中提到“The less sleepy the people are, the better they perform”,表明越清醒,人们的表现越好,故D正确。?
14.【答案】B。 ?

Passage Two?
15.【答案】C。 ?
16.【答案】C。 ?
17.【答案】D。 ?

Passage Three?
18.【答案】B。 ?
【详细解答】短文中第二句话“Think Green”,“Act Green”。绿色与环境有关是一般
19.【答案】C。 ?
【详细解答】短文的第二段第二句话:people are hurting the environment without even knowing it, for example, busy families buy paper napkins and plastic food wrap.?
20.【答案】A。 ?
【详细解答】短文的最后一句话:We should also take our own bags to the grocery store to carry things in.?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-20 10:14:51
Part Ⅱ?
Passage One?
22. 【答案】C?
23. 【答案】D。?
【详细解答】本题问的是electronic city,实际上考的是对global village的理解。由于city一词,而且是个选择中的三个城市在文章中都被提到。因此该题目有一定的迷惑性。但如果考生知道global village是“地球村”的意思,也知道“电子城”就是指的“地球村”,那么这道题比较容易回答。?
24. 【答案】A。?
【译文】1992年落杉矶骚乱的原因是陪审团宣布殴打Rodney King的警察无罪。?
【详细解答】第3段第2句说这次骚乱是由于对Rodney被殴打一案所作的裁决引起的。后面还提到大多数看过Rodney King被殴打录像的人都无法理解为什么陪审团会宣布殴打无辜者的警察无罪。从这两句话可以得出A是正确选项。?
25. 【答案】A。?
Passage Two?
26. 【答案】B。?
27. 【答案】C?
28. 【答案】D。?
【详细解答】第4段第2句话给public accommodation下定义是把选项D包括了进去,与parks, restaurants and hotels并列。?
29. 【答案】A。?
【详细解答】短文中没有讲到或暗示过残疾人必须对其特殊住所支付费用(peoplewith disabilities must pay for specialaccommodations),而B、C、及D项选择的内容在第一和第三段都讲到或暗示过。?
30. 【答案】D。?
【详细解答】关键词是第二段前两个句子:(employers with fifteen or more employees may not refuse to hire or promote a person because of a disability... must take reasonable accommodations...)。A项选择不符合第4段的意思,B项选择不符合第3段的意思,而C项选择在短文中找不到支持信息。?
Passage Three?
31. 【答案】C。?
32. 【答案】B。?
33. 【答案】A。?
34. 【答案】C。?
35. 【答案】A。?
【译文】作者的描述的依据是大脑损伤进行的临床观察和研究。 ?
【详细解答】本文是通过描述大脑不同部位损伤与失语症之间的关系来论证主题的,而在四个选项中只有采用A)的方法(即对脑损伤进行临床观察和研究)才能发现这种关系。? Passage Four?
本文讲的是睡眠问题。琼斯医生说,睡眠紊乱经常被诊断为其他毛病。睡眠有规律是很重要的。与睡前的活动也有关系。晚饭不要吃得太晚, 睡前避免过长时间的运动,洗个热水澡,都会使人睡得香一点。?
36. 【答案】C。?
37. 【答案】A。?
38. 【答案】C。?
【详细解答】第3段第3句说,“许多睡眠问题是由晚睡晚起、经常作跨时区旅行及上夜班引起的”。在这里只提到了“晚睡晚起”,即C所指的improper sleep patterns,而没有提到其他疾病、睡前锻炼和慢性疲劳综合症,因此惟有C是正确选项。?
39. 【答案】B。?
40. 【答案】C。?
【详细解答】本题考对短语“sleep defensively”的意思理解,这要从上下文去理解。下面一句话说,人们须挤出足够的睡眠时间,哪怕这意味着放弃其他的事情。这就解释了该短语的意义。因此选项C“如果必要人们应牺牲其他事情来得到足够的睡眠”是正确答案。?

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