






发布者: christlulu | 发布时间: 2006-5-17 10:25| 查看数: 51344| 评论数: 87|


christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 13:46:26

南京大学外语部 陆晓

Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)
Section A
Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Example:You will hear: ?
M: When shall we start our work, Jane??
W: Tomorrow at 9 o’clock. But we must work quickly, for we have to finish everything before 2 in the afternoon.?
Q: For how long can they work??
You will read:
A) 2 hours.
B) 3 hours.
C) 4 hours.
D) 5 hours.?
From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 o’clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D)“5 hours” is the correct answer. You should choose [D] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center.
Sample Answer [A] [B][C] [D]?
1. A) At Anne’s Clothing Store.?
B) Inside a shopping center.?
C) At a downtown street.?
D) In a suburban residential district.?
2.A)He was fired from his job.?
B)He was warned about being more punctual from now on.
C)The management cut his working hours.?
D)He was promoted.?
3. A) They are at a violin shop.?
B) They are at a circus.?
C) They are at a concert.?
D) They are inside a movie theatre.?
4. A) She didn’t go to work this morning.?
B) She was injured and had to go to the hospital.?
C) She talked with the boss in the morning.?
D) The traffic delayed her.?
5. A) Seven o’clock. B) Seven thirty.?
C) Eight o’clock. D) Eight thirty.?
6. A) Sending the next package earlier.?
B) Waiting patiently.?
C) Using air freight.?
D) Looking for the package.?
7. A) She thinks that he should plan his money more carefully. ?
B) She thinks that he should buy a convertible.?
C) She thinks that he should ask Barbara for advice.?
D) She wants him to manage her money.?
8. A)He was furious with his boss.?
B)He was always late to work.?
C)His daughter was sick and that made him late for work. ?
D)He prepared a financial report incorrectly.?
9. A) Natalie already knows about the surprise party.?
B) Eugene and Natalie are not good friends.?
C) Eugene will probably tell Natalie about the party.?
D) Eugene won’t tell Natalie about the party.?
10.A) He is questioning whether or not to take a break.?
B) He is discussing his plan to plant a tree.?
C) He is mentioning a car accident.?
D) He is talking about a fight.??

Section B
Directions:In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.?
Passage One?
Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following passage:?
11.A) A victim. B) A police detective.?
C) A robber. D) A pet bird.?
12.A) She recognized the robbers.?
B) She knew the robbers’ names.?
C) She found the stolen property.?
D) She reported the robbery.?
13.A) Two. B) Twenty-six.?
C) Twenty-eight. D) Thirty.?
14.A) Baby— the Parrot Detective.?
B) An Amazon Parrot.?
C) Rising Crime Rates in American Society.?
D) How to Protect Your House.?
Passage Two?
Questions 15 to 17 are based on the following passage:?
15.A) The man’s professor.?
B) The man’s roommate.?
C) A neighbor.?
D) The man’s brother.?
16.A) He is too sloppy.?
B) He borrows Colin’s things.?
C) He brings guests over to the apartment.?
D) He doesn’t use the kitchen enough.?
17.A) Try to talk to Colin.?
B) Go home for a week.?
C) Wait till the end of this week.?
D) Have a room change immediately.?
Passage Three?
Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage:?
18.A) A delicate art. B) A religion. ?
C) An exact science. D) A way of life.?
19.A) His general health will benefit greatly.?
B) He will begin to breathe more regularly.?
C) His flexibility will decrease.?
D) He will lose weight readily.?
20.A) Begin breathing through the nostrils.?
B) Slow down somewhat, but continue straining.?
C) Stop the particular exercise at once.?
D) Close his mouth immediately.

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)
Directions:There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.?
Passage One?
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:?
Much of Canada’s forestry production goes towards making pulp and paper. According to the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Canada supplies 34% of the world’s wood pulp and 49% of its newsprint paper. If these paper products could be produced in some other way, Canadian forests could be preserved. Recently, a possible alternative way of producing paper has been suggested by agriculturalists and environmentalists: a plant called hemp. ?
Hemp has been cultivated by many cultures for thousands of years. It produces fibre which can be made into paper, fuel, oils, textiles, food, and rope. For centuries, it was essential to the economies of many countries because it was used to make the ropes and cables used on sailing ships; colonial expansion and the establishment of a world-wide trading network would not have been feasible without hemp. Nowadays, ships’ cables are usually made from wire or synthetic fibres, but scientists are now suggesting that the cultivation of hemp should be revived for the production of paper and pulp. According to its proponents, four times as much paper can be produced from land using hemp rather than trees, and many environmentalists believe that the large-scale cultivation of hemp could reduce the pressure on Canada’s forests. ?
However, there is a problem: hemp is illegal in many countries of the world. This plant, so useful for fibre, rope, oil, fuel and textiles, is a species of cannabis, related to the plant from which marijuana is produced. In the late 1930s, a movement to ban the drug marijuana began to gather force, resulting in the eventual banning of the cultivation not only of the plant used to produce the drug, but also of the commercial fibre-producing hemp plant. In fact, marijuana cannot be produced from the hemp plant, since it contains almost no THC (the active ingredient in the drug).?In recent years, a movement for legalization have been gathering strength. It is concerned only with the hemp plant used to produce fibre; this group wants to make it legal to cultivate the plant and sell the fibre for paper and pulp production.?
21.Why is pulp and paper production important to Canada??
A) Canada needs to find a way to use all its spare wood.?
B) Canada publishes a lot of newspapers and books.?
C) Pulp and paper export is a major source of income for Canada.?
D) Hemp is a traditional plant of Canada.?
22.Why was the plant hemp essential to world-wide trade in the past??
A) Ships’ ropes were made from it.?
B) Hemp was a very profitable export.?
C) Hemp was used as fuel for ships.?
D) Hemp was used as food for sailors.?
23.Why do agriculturalists think that hemp would be better for paper production than trees??
A) It is cheaper to grow hemp than to cut down trees.?
B) More paper can be produced from the same area of land.?
C) Hemp produces higher quality paper.?
D) It causes less pollution of the environment.?
24.Why was hemp banned??
A) It is related to the marijuana plant.?
B) It can be used to produce marijuana.?
C) It was no longer a useful crop.?
D) It was destructive to the land.?
25.“According to its proponents, four times as much paper can be produced from land using hemp rather than trees.” ——What does “proponents” mean??
A) People who are against something.?
B) People who support something.?
C) People in charge of something.?
D) People who do research on something.?

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 13:47:11
Passage Two?
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:?
I made a pledge to myself on the way down to the vacation beach cottage. For two weeks I would try to be a loving husband and father. Totally loving. No ifs, ands or buts.?
The idea had come to me as I listened to a talk on my car radio. The speaker was quoting a Biblical(圣经的)passage about husbands being thoughtful of their wives. Then he went on to say, “Love is an act of will. A person can choose to love.” To myself, I had to admit that I had been a selfish husband. Well, for two weeks that would change.?
And it did. Right from the moment I kissed Evelyn at the door and said, “That new yellow sweater looks great on you.”?
“Oh, Tom, you noticed,” she said, surprised and pleased. Maybe a little puzzled.?After the long drive, I wanted to sit and read. Evelyn suggested a walk on the beach. I started to refuse, but then I thought, “Evelyn’s been alone here with the kids all week and now she wants to be alone with me.” We walked on the beach while the children flew their kites.?
So it went. Two weeks of not calling the Wall Street firm where I am a director; a visit to the shell museum though I usually hate museums. Relaxed and happy, that’s how the whole vacation passed. I made a new pledge to keep on remembering to choose love.?
There was one thing that went wrong with my experiment, however. Evelyn and I still laugh about it today. On the last night at our cottage, preparing for bed, Evelyn stared at me with the saddest expression.?
“What’s the matter?” I asked her.?
“Tom,” she said in a voice filled with distress, “do you know something I don’t?”?
“What do you mean?”?
“Well…that checkup(体检) I had several weeks ago…our doctor…did he tell you something about me? Tom, you’ve been so good to me…am I dying?”?
It took a moment for it all to sink in. Then I burst out laughing.?
“No, honey,” I said, wrapping her in my arms. “You’re not dying; I’m just starting to live.”?
26.In the first paragraph, “No ifs, ands or buts” probably means “____.”?
A) Unintentionally B) Inevitably?C) Impressively D) Unconditionally?
27.From the story we may infer that Tom drove to the beach cottage ____.?
A) with his family
B) with Evelyn?
C) alone
D) with his children?
28.During the two weeks on the beach, Tom showed more love to his wife because ____.?
A) she looked lovely in her new clothes?
B) he had made a lot of money in his Wall Street firm?
C) he was determined to be a good husband?
D) she was seriously ill?
29.The author says, “There was one thing that went wrong with my experiment.” What was the one thing that went wrong??
A) He praised her sweater, which puzzled her.?
B) She insisted on visiting a museum, which he hated.?
C) He knew something about her illness but didn’t tell her.?
D) He was so good to her that she thought she must be dying.?
30.By saying “I’m just starting to live,” Tom means that ____.?
A) he is just beginning to understand the real meaning of life?
B) he is just beginning to enjoy life as a loving husband?
C) he lived an unhappy life before and is now starting to change?
D) he is beginning to feel regret for what he did to his wife before?

Passage Three?
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:?
In science, a theory is a reasonable explanation of observed events that are related. A theory often involves an imaginary model that helps scientists envision the way an observed event could be produced. A good example of this is found in the kinetic molecular theory (分子运动论), in which gases are pictured as being made up of many small particles that are in constant motion.?A useful theory, in addition to explaining past observations, helps to predict events that have not as yet been observed. After a theory has been publicized, scientists design experiments to test the theory. If observations confirm the scientists’ predictions, the theory is supported. If observations do not confirm the predictions, the scientists must search further. There may be a fault in the experiment, or the theory may have to be revised or rejected.?Science involves imagination and creative thinking as well as collecting information and performing experiments. Facts by themselves are not science. As the mathematician Jules Henry Poincare said:“ Science is built with facts just as a house is built with bricks, but a collection of facts cannot be called science any more than a pile of bricks can be called a house.”? Most scientists start an investigation by finding out what other scientists have learned about a particular problem. After known facts have been gathered, the scientist comes to the part of the investigation that requires considerable imagination. Possible solutions to the problem are formulated. These possible solutions are called hypotheses.?
In a way, any hypothesis is a leap into the unknown. It extends the scientist’s thinking beyond the known facts. The scientist plans experiments, performs calculations, and makes observations to test hypotheses. For without hypotheses, further investigation lacks purpose and direction. When hypotheses are confirmed, they are incorporated into theories.?
31.What is NOT true about a theory??
A) A useful theory can explain past observations.?
B) A useful theory helps to make predictions.?
C) A theory is the truth that does not need to be tested.?
D) A theory may have to be revised or rejected sometimes.?
32.Science involves ____.?
A) imagination and creative thinking?
B) collecting information?
C) performing experiments?
D) all of the above?
33.The key point of the quotation from Jules Henry Pincare is that ____.?
A) facts are the most important things?
B) building a house is like performing experiments?
C) science is more than a collection of facts?
D) a pile of bricks can not be called a house?
34.In Paragraph 4, the author implies that imagination is most important to scientists when they ____.?
A) evaluate previous work on a problem?
B) formulate possible solutions to a problem?
C) gather known facts?
D) close an investigation?
35.In Paragraph 5, the author refers to a hypothesis as “a leap into the unknown” in order to show that hypotheses ____.?
A) go beyond available facts?
B) are sometimes ill-conceived?
C) can lead to dangerous results?
D) require efforts to formulate?

Passage Four?
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:?
Practically speaking, the artistic maturing of the cinema was the single-handed achievement of David W Griffith (1875-1948). Before Griffith, photography in dramatic films consisted of little more than placing the actors before a stationary camera and showing them in full length as they would have appeared on stage. From the beginning of his career as a director, however, Griffith, because of his love of Victorian painting, employed composition. He conceived of the camera image as having a foreground and a rear ground, as well as the middle distance preferred by most directors. By 1910, he was using close-ups to reveal significant details of the scene or of the acting. Extreme long shots were adopted to achieve a sense of spectacle and distance. His exploration produced amazing dramatic effects. By splitting an event into fragments and recording each from the most suitable camera position, he could significantly make the emphasis change from camera shot to camera shot.?
Griffith also achieved dramatic effects by means of creative editing. By juxtaposing images and varying the speed and rhythm of their presentation, he could control the dramatic intensity of the events as the story progressed. Despite the reluctance of his producers, who feared that the public would not be able to follow such a story, Griffith persisted and experimented and these practices have become standard ever since. ?
Besides developing the cinema’s language, Griffith immensely broadened its range and treatment of subjects. His early movies included not only the standard comedies, melodramas, westerns, and thrillers, but also adaptations from Browning and Tennyson, and treatment of social issues. When he made a new movie in 1911, he insisted that a subject of importance could not be treated in the then conventional length of one reel. One of his movies reached the unprecedented length of four reels, or one hour’s running time. Griffith’s introduction of the American-made multi-reel picture began an immense revolution.?
36.The primary purpose of the passage is to ____.?
A) discuss the importance of Griffith to the development of cinema?
B) describe the impact on cinema of the flashbacks and other editing innovations?
C) show Griffith’s impact on the choice of subject matter in American films?
D) criticize the state of American cinema before the Griffith?
37.The author suggests that Griffith’s film innovations had a direct effect on all of the following except ____.?
A) film editing C) camera work?B) scene composing D) sound editing?
38.It can be inferred from the passage that before 1910 the normal running time of a film was ____.?
A) 15 minutes or less?
B) between 30 and 45 minutes?
C) between 15 and 30 minutes?
D) one hour or more?
39.It can be inferred that Griffith would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements??
A) The good director will attempt to explore new ideas as quickly as possible.?
B) The most important element contributing to a film’s success is the ability of the actors.?
C) The camera should be considered an integral and active element in the creation of a film. ?
D) The cinema should emphasize serious and sober examinations of fundamental human problems.?
40.The author’s attitude toward photography in the cinema before Griffith can be best described as ____.?
A) sympathetic B) amused?C) nostalgic D) condescending

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 13:47:38
Passage Two?
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:?
I made a pledge to myself on the way down to the vacation beach cottage. For two weeks I would try to be a loving husband and father. Totally loving. No ifs, ands or buts.?
The idea had come to me as I listened to a talk on my car radio. The speaker was quoting a Biblical(圣经的)passage about husbands being thoughtful of their wives. Then he went on to say, “Love is an act of will. A person can choose to love.” To myself, I had to admit that I had been a selfish husband. Well, for two weeks that would change.?
And it did. Right from the moment I kissed Evelyn at the door and said, “That new yellow sweater looks great on you.”?
“Oh, Tom, you noticed,” she said, surprised and pleased. Maybe a little puzzled.?After the long drive, I wanted to sit and read. Evelyn suggested a walk on the beach. I started to refuse, but then I thought, “Evelyn’s been alone here with the kids all week and now she wants to be alone with me.” We walked on the beach while the children flew their kites.?
So it went. Two weeks of not calling the Wall Street firm where I am a director; a visit to the shell museum though I usually hate museums. Relaxed and happy, that’s how the whole vacation passed. I made a new pledge to keep on remembering to choose love.?
There was one thing that went wrong with my experiment, however. Evelyn and I still laugh about it today. On the last night at our cottage, preparing for bed, Evelyn stared at me with the saddest expression.?
“What’s the matter?” I asked her.?
“Tom,” she said in a voice filled with distress, “do you know something I don’t?”?
“What do you mean?”?
“Well…that checkup(体检) I had several weeks ago…our doctor…did he tell you something about me? Tom, you’ve been so good to me…am I dying?”?
It took a moment for it all to sink in. Then I burst out laughing.?
“No, honey,” I said, wrapping her in my arms. “You’re not dying; I’m just starting to live.”?
26.In the first paragraph, “No ifs, ands or buts” probably means “____.”?
A) Unintentionally B) Inevitably?C) Impressively D) Unconditionally?
27.From the story we may infer that Tom drove to the beach cottage ____.?
A) with his family
B) with Evelyn?
C) alone
D) with his children?
28.During the two weeks on the beach, Tom showed more love to his wife because ____.?
A) she looked lovely in her new clothes?
B) he had made a lot of money in his Wall Street firm?
C) he was determined to be a good husband?
D) she was seriously ill?
29.The author says, “There was one thing that went wrong with my experiment.” What was the one thing that went wrong??
A) He praised her sweater, which puzzled her.?
B) She insisted on visiting a museum, which he hated.?
C) He knew something about her illness but didn’t tell her.?
D) He was so good to her that she thought she must be dying.?
30.By saying “I’m just starting to live,” Tom means that ____.?
A) he is just beginning to understand the real meaning of life?
B) he is just beginning to enjoy life as a loving husband?
C) he lived an unhappy life before and is now starting to change?
D) he is beginning to feel regret for what he did to his wife before?

Passage Three?
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:?
In science, a theory is a reasonable explanation of observed events that are related. A theory often involves an imaginary model that helps scientists envision the way an observed event could be produced. A good example of this is found in the kinetic molecular theory (分子运动论), in which gases are pictured as being made up of many small particles that are in constant motion.?A useful theory, in addition to explaining past observations, helps to predict events that have not as yet been observed. After a theory has been publicized, scientists design experiments to test the theory. If observations confirm the scientists’ predictions, the theory is supported. If observations do not confirm the predictions, the scientists must search further. There may be a fault in the experiment, or the theory may have to be revised or rejected.?Science involves imagination and creative thinking as well as collecting information and performing experiments. Facts by themselves are not science. As the mathematician Jules Henry Poincare said:“ Science is built with facts just as a house is built with bricks, but a collection of facts cannot be called science any more than a pile of bricks can be called a house.”? Most scientists start an investigation by finding out what other scientists have learned about a particular problem. After known facts have been gathered, the scientist comes to the part of the investigation that requires considerable imagination. Possible solutions to the problem are formulated. These possible solutions are called hypotheses.?
In a way, any hypothesis is a leap into the unknown. It extends the scientist’s thinking beyond the known facts. The scientist plans experiments, performs calculations, and makes observations to test hypotheses. For without hypotheses, further investigation lacks purpose and direction. When hypotheses are confirmed, they are incorporated into theories.?
31.What is NOT true about a theory??
A) A useful theory can explain past observations.?
B) A useful theory helps to make predictions.?
C) A theory is the truth that does not need to be tested.?
D) A theory may have to be revised or rejected sometimes.?
32.Science involves ____.?
A) imagination and creative thinking?
B) collecting information?
C) performing experiments?
D) all of the above?
33.The key point of the quotation from Jules Henry Pincare is that ____.?
A) facts are the most important things?
B) building a house is like performing experiments?
C) science is more than a collection of facts?
D) a pile of bricks can not be called a house?
34.In Paragraph 4, the author implies that imagination is most important to scientists when they ____.?
A) evaluate previous work on a problem?
B) formulate possible solutions to a problem?
C) gather known facts?
D) close an investigation?
35.In Paragraph 5, the author refers to a hypothesis as “a leap into the unknown” in order to show that hypotheses ____.?
A) go beyond available facts?
B) are sometimes ill-conceived?
C) can lead to dangerous results?
D) require efforts to formulate?

Passage Four?
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:?
Practically speaking, the artistic maturing of the cinema was the single-handed achievement of David W Griffith (1875-1948). Before Griffith, photography in dramatic films consisted of little more than placing the actors before a stationary camera and showing them in full length as they would have appeared on stage. From the beginning of his career as a director, however, Griffith, because of his love of Victorian painting, employed composition. He conceived of the camera image as having a foreground and a rear ground, as well as the middle distance preferred by most directors. By 1910, he was using close-ups to reveal significant details of the scene or of the acting. Extreme long shots were adopted to achieve a sense of spectacle and distance. His exploration produced amazing dramatic effects. By splitting an event into fragments and recording each from the most suitable camera position, he could significantly make the emphasis change from camera shot to camera shot.?
Griffith also achieved dramatic effects by means of creative editing. By juxtaposing images and varying the speed and rhythm of their presentation, he could control the dramatic intensity of the events as the story progressed. Despite the reluctance of his producers, who feared that the public would not be able to follow such a story, Griffith persisted and experimented and these practices have become standard ever since. ?
Besides developing the cinema’s language, Griffith immensely broadened its range and treatment of subjects. His early movies included not only the standard comedies, melodramas, westerns, and thrillers, but also adaptations from Browning and Tennyson, and treatment of social issues. When he made a new movie in 1911, he insisted that a subject of importance could not be treated in the then conventional length of one reel. One of his movies reached the unprecedented length of four reels, or one hour’s running time. Griffith’s introduction of the American-made multi-reel picture began an immense revolution.?
36.The primary purpose of the passage is to ____.?
A) discuss the importance of Griffith to the development of cinema?
B) describe the impact on cinema of the flashbacks and other editing innovations?
C) show Griffith’s impact on the choice of subject matter in American films?
D) criticize the state of American cinema before the Griffith?
37.The author suggests that Griffith’s film innovations had a direct effect on all of the following except ____.?
A) film editing C) camera work?B) scene composing D) sound editing?
38.It can be inferred from the passage that before 1910 the normal running time of a film was ____.?
A) 15 minutes or less?
B) between 30 and 45 minutes?
C) between 15 and 30 minutes?
D) one hour or more?
39.It can be inferred that Griffith would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements??
A) The good director will attempt to explore new ideas as quickly as possible.?
B) The most important element contributing to a film’s success is the ability of the actors.?
C) The camera should be considered an integral and active element in the creation of a film. ?
D) The cinema should emphasize serious and sober examinations of fundamental human problems.?
40.The author’s attitude toward photography in the cinema before Griffith can be best described as ____.?
A) sympathetic B) amused?C) nostalgic D) condescending

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 13:48:26
Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes)
Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.?
41.Those mosquito bites will itch even more if you ____ them.?
A) rub B) scratch?C) scrub D) brush?
42.____ he ____ a synopsis of a story ____ he would summon a crowd of his friends to his house and read it aloud to them.?
A) No sooner did… have…than?
B) As soon as… had…then?
C) No sooner did…have…that?
D) No sooner…had…than?
43.Being without funds, Owen ____ some means of obtaining financial help.?
A) cast out B) cast about for?C) cast down D) cast up?
44.The bill for the new taxes hasn’t ____ the Congress yet.?
A) gone over B) gone cross?C) gone through D) gone out?
45.The boxer ____ his opponent as hard as he could.?
A) punched B) whipped?C) slapped D) knocked?
46.My sister has been ____ at me again about my lack of neatness.?
A) teaching B) scolding?C) evangelizing D) preaching?
47.The novel first ____ in 1920, but did not become well-known until years later.?
A) came out B) printed?C) published D) came across?
48.In evaluating applicants some colleges ____ heavily ____ interviews.?
A) lean on B) lean over?C) lean to D) lean towards?
49.They decided to ____ their different interests and unite in pursuit of a common goal.?
A) substitute B) cross?C) submerge D) surrender?
50.Every effort has been made ____ to ensure that our team will win the game.?
A) at her expense?
B) on her part?
C) at hand?
D) on record?
51.When the streets are full of melting snow, you can’t help but ____ your shoes wet.?
A) getting B) get?C) to get D) got?
52.The flavor of most foods can be ____by good cooking.?
A) enhanced B) added?C) increased D) strengthened ?
53.As the word was repeated over and over again, it began to ____ a new meaning.?
A) put on B) turn on?C) take on D) bring on?
54.She once again went through her composition carefully to ____ all spelling mistakes from it.?
A) withdraw B) diminish?C) abandon D) eliminate?
55.There is a ____ of three men to one woman in this factory.?
A) ratio B) percentage?C) portion D) rate?
56.That battle is of great significance when viewed in the ____ of the progress of the war.?
A) view B) perspective?C) opinion D) idea?
57.I wanted to ____ upon the next move quietly. ?
A) ponder B) think?C) contemplate D) conceive?
58.As he was blamed for damage he hadn’t caused, indignation ____ up in him.?
A) appeared B) surged?C) rose D) soared?
59.Petrol is manufactured from the ____ oil we take out of the ground.?
A) crude B) raw?C) rough D) tough?
60.The emergency ____ reserves of energy she did not know she possessed.?
A) called for B) called on?C) called forth D) called down?
61.He was ____ admittance to the concert hall for not being properly dressed.?
A) rejected B) denied?C) withheld D) deprived?
62.At present, there is a ____ of iron and steel and more must be produced.?
A) limit B) loss?C) poverty D) scarcity?
63.The sergeant’s orders were perfectly ____.?
A) executed B) developed?C) exercised D) applied?
64.It will take months for his fractured leg to ____.?
A) heal B) recover?C) cure D) recuperate?
65.The size of the audience, ____ we had expected, was well over one thousand.?
A) whom B) who C) as?D) that?
66.These features are ____ of what we may call educated informal English.?
A) trivial B) tremendous?C) typical D) traditional?
67.When a gladiator(角斗士) was defeated in the games arena, he might be ____ or he might be killed on the spot.?
A) elevated B) spared?C) favoured D) consumed?
68.The robbers ____ the possibility of the alarm system sounding.?
A) overtook B) overflowed?C) overcame D) overlooked?
69.In manufacturing, cheaper materials are constantly being ____ for the better and more expensive kind.?
A) replaced B) transformed?C) displaced D) substituted?
70.The government ____ a mass campaign to wipe out malaria (疟疾) in the area.?
A) initiated B) modified?C) participated D) comprised

Part Ⅳ Error Correction (15 minutes)
Directions:This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.?
The decision to move is also influenced by “personal factors” of the promising migrant. The same push-pull factors and obstacles operate differently on different peoples, sometimes because they are on different stages of their lives, or just ?because their varying abilities and personalities. The prospect of pulling up stakes and moving to a new and perhaps very strange environment may appear interesting and challenging to a young, footloose man and frightening difficult to a slightly older man with a wife and young children. Similarly, the need to learn a new language and customs may intrigue one person and frighten the other.?
Regardless from why people move, migration of large ?number of people causes friction. The United States and other “receiving” countries (the term used for countries that welcome large number of immigrants) have experienced adjustment problems with each new wave of immigrants. The newest arrivals are usually giving the jobs with lowest pay and are resented by natives who may have to compete with them for those jobs. It has usually taken several decades for each one to gain acceptance in the mainstream of society in the receiving country.
?1. time ____?2. ? ____?3. the ____?

Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)
Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Competition and Cooperation. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:?

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 13:49:05

Section A?
1.M: May I ask where Anne’s Clothing Store is located??
W: Of course. Just keep walking down for another 3 blocks and it’ll be on your right between the post office and the courthouse.?
Q: Where is this dialogue occurring??
2.M: I came as soon as you called. Is there a problem??
W: Yes, Mr. Chu. You must begin getting to the office on time, or we will no longer need your service here. ?
Q: What happened to Mr. Chu??
3.M: The violin sounds awful.?
W: I know. I wish we could get a refund. This performance is the worst I’ve ever been to.?
Q: Where are these people talking??
4.W: If the traffic wasn’t held up for so long, I would have been to class by ten o’clock.?
M: It’s too bad you didn’t make it. The professor was looking for you all morning. ?
Q: What happened to the woman??
5.W: I hate the way the trains run in this city. I’ve been waiting here for almost a half hour.?
M: It’s almost eight o’clock, so we should be on our way soon.?
Q: When did the woman begin waiting for the train??
6.M: I sent the package over 10 days ago and it still hasn’t arrived. ?
W: Maybe you should send the next one by air. ?
Q: What does the woman suggest??
7.M: I wish I could be the person driving that new Cadillac instead of Barbara.?
W: Well, if you would budget your money more carefully, this wouldn’t be a problem.?
Q: How does the woman feel about the man??
8.M: I was so disappointed to hear that Jim lost his job. I know that his daughter was sick last month, so he was always late to work.?
W: Oh, that wasn’t it. Jim made a big error in this week’s accounting. The boss was furious.?
Q: Why was Jim fired??
9.M: Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to tell Eugene about the surprise party for Natalie this Friday.?
W: I’m not worried. He promised not to tell and he doesn’t make promises lightly.?
Q: What does the man mean??
10.M: Then what did you do??
W: Then I hit the brakes and swerved to the left to avoid hitting the tree.?
Q: What is the man talking about??

Section B?
Passage One?
For centuries, parrots have been prized pets because of their strange talent for imitating human speech. They are able to hear vocal ranges, memorize the tones, and then repeat what they have heard. Often this skill is used to entertain people. But recently, an Amazon parrot, named Baby, was able to put this ability to work by helping police break up a gang of burglars responsible for over $50,000 in property theft.?
Baby helped the police to identify the gang of thieves. A recent robbery victim reported to the Baytown, Texas police that her parrot, Baby started acting strangely and saying new phrases after the robbery. Before the robbery, Baby had only a twenty-eight vocabulary; afterwards, the bird started saying the additional phrases “Come back, Robert!” and “Come here, Ronnie!”.?
The police detectives were delighted. Although one man had already been arrested, Ronnie and Robert were the names of their two top suspects who were believed to have aided the first man. Under questioning, this suspect explained what had happened. When the robbers entered the house, they heard Baby talking and thought that someone was home. Ronnie and Robert began running away, while the third man yelled for them to come back. Baby remembered this incident and recorded their voices in her memory.?
11.Who is Baby??
12.How did Baby help the police??
13.How many words was Baby able to say before the robbery??
14.Which of the following would be the best title for this talk??

Passage Two?
I ’m having problems living with Colin. We’ve barely spoken to each other in a month, and when we do, it’s to fight. It started when we first moved in. I had a lot of things, and Colin wasn’t thrilled. He’s not easy to please, you know. I put all my stuff in the closet in the kitchen. This made him really upset because he wanted to put his surfing gear in there. What’s more, I like a neat, orderly apartment, but Colin is so carefree. His part of the apartment is always a mess. That’s ok if he’s just messy in his room, but we also share living space, such as the kitchen, living room, bath etc. I have tried talking to him about this, but then he starts yelling at me about how my friends are always coming over when he has a lot of work to do. I don’t know what to do. The head resident promised to talk to Colin. I will see how it goes. If I still have a problem at the end of week, I will ask for a room to change.?
15.Who is Colin??
16.Why does Colin get angry with the narrator??
17.What will the narrator probably do??

Passage Three?
Yoga becomes very popular nowadays, but it is important that we understand a few facts about it. First of all, it is not a religion. Yoga is a way of life and can serve only to improve your present way of life. Yoga is an exact science and a delicate art. Secondly, be as mechanical as possible. Never strain or pull too much. Forcing will cause your body to resist and will actually slow down or even prevent your progress. Go gently. Stretch up to the point where it would start to hurt, then stop immediately. The key is the proper breathing through the nostrils with the mouth shut. Usually it is best to practise alone in a room with fresh air, wearing little or no clothing. Never practise on a full stomach because an empty stomach permits greater flexibility. Exercise will benefit your general health. Yoga cannot add or reduce pounds from your figure; only eating less or more food can do that. Always remember that diet affects weight, while exercise affects shape. Neither can do the job of the other. ?
18.According to the speaker, what is one thing that yoga should not be classified as??
19.What happens if a person practises yoga on a full stomach??
20.When a person practising a particular yoga exercise has stretched his body to a point where it starts to hurt, what should he do?

Part Ⅰ?
Section A?
【详细解答】男士(即Mr. Chu)问有什么问题,女士要求他以后一定要准时到办公室,不然将不再需要他在这儿工作。关键词是“or”(否则) 和“will”,表示一种警告。?
【详细解答】女士说要不是交通堵塞,她可以10点钟就赶到教室的。男士说她没能赶到很遗憾,教授一个上午都在到处找她呢。关键句型是虚拟语气句“If ... I could have...”,表示“如果… 我本可以…”,而实际未能做到。?
【详细解答】男士说10天前寄的包裹到现在都没到,女士委婉地建议下一次应该用航空方式邮寄。关键词是“by air”,这儿的意思是通过航空途径。?
【详细解答】男士说Jim丢了工作让他很失望,他听说最近Jim的女儿病了,所以他总迟到。女士纠正说Jim丢工作是因为他的会计工作出了大错,让老板很恼火。关键词是“make a big error in accounting”。?
【详细解答】男士说也许不该把星期五将要为Natalie举行的意外惊喜晚会(surprise party)告诉Eugene,女士说她不担心,因为Euene许诺不会先告诉Natalie,而Eugene不是一个轻易许诺的人。关键词是“do not make promises lightly”,意为“不轻易许诺”,即一言九鼎,说话算数。?
【详细解答】从关键词“hit the brake”(踩刹),“swerve to the left”(向左急转),” avoid hitting the tree”(避免撞上树)得知对话是关于车辆驾驶中的紧急情况的。?
Section B?
Passage One?
【详细解答】原文中说“a parrot named Baby”,而鹦鹉是一种宠物鸟。?
【详细解答】原文中说鹦鹉原来的词汇量是28个,“a twenty-eight vocabulary”。?
Passage Two?
【详细解答】由文中的相关词“move in, apartment, a room change”可推断出他们是同屋室友。?
【详细解答】原文中说“Colin starts yelling at me about how my friends are always coming over when he has a lot of work to do”,Colin说在他很忙的时候叙述者总有朋友到宿舍来,由此可得出答案C。?
【详细解答】原文说宿舍管理老师(head resident)答应跟Colin谈一谈,“I will see how it goes. If I still have a problem at the end of week, I will ask for a room change.”所以叙述者将等到周末,如果无法解决问题,他将要求换宿舍。?
Passage Three?
【详细解答】原文中说“Yoga is not a religion”,所以瑜珈不能归为宗教。?
【详细解答】原文中说“an empty stomach permits greater flexibility”,空腹增加身体的灵活性,由此推断出过饱会降低灵活度。?
【详细解答】原文中说“Stretch up to the point where it would start to hurt, then stop immediately”,即拉升到疼痛的时候应立即停止。?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 13:49:48
Part Ⅱ?
Passage One?
【详细解答】原文第一段第二句“According to the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Canada supplies 34% of the world’s wood pulp and 49% of its newsprint paper”,根据加拿大纸浆和纸制品协会的数据,加拿大提供全世界34%的木浆和49%的新闻纸,由此得知加拿大的纸浆和纸制品出口量大,是加拿大重要的收入来源,所以C)为正确答案。答案A)加拿大要想法用掉多余的木材与人们希望保护森林资源的目的正好相反,答案B)加拿大出版许多报纸和书籍在原文中并未提及,答案D)麻是加拿大的传统植物与问题无关。?
【详细解答】原文第二段第三句话“For centuries, it was essential to the economies of many countries because it was used to make the ropes and cables used on sailing ships”,几个世纪以来,它对许多国家的经济来说举足轻重是因为它可以用来制造缆绳,所以答案是A)。答案B)麻是利润丰厚的出口产品、C)麻可以制成船用燃料、D)麻可以作水手的食物等在原文中未提及。?
【详细解答】原文第二段最后一句话“four times as much paper can be produced from land using hemp rather than trees, and many environmentalists believe that the large-scale cultivation of hemp could reduce the pressure on Canada’s forests”意思是,环境学家据此认为大规模种植麻将缓解加拿大森林砍伐的压力,由此可见麻造纸的优势在于产纸量大,从而减少树木的砍伐量,保护环境。答案A)种麻比砍树便宜、答案C)麻造的纸质量更好、答案D)麻较少污染环境均与原文不符。?
【详细解答】原文第三段第二句话“This plant, so useful for fibre, rope, oil, fuel and textiles, is a species of cannabis, related to the plant from which marijuana is produced”说这种植物非常有用,可以制成纤维,绳索,油类,燃料和织物,但它是大麻属的一种植物,与制成大麻毒品的植物种类相近,所以答案A)是正确答案。原文中还说麻并不能制造大麻毒品,因此答案B)麻可以制成大麻毒品明显是错误的,C)麻不再有用也与原文不符,D)麻对土地具破坏性在原文中并未提到,相反种麻可以减少树木砍伐量,从而保护环境。?
Passage Two?
【译文】“No ifs, ands or buts”意思是没有假如、并且和但是,即无条件地。?
【详细解答】“if”, “and” ,“but”都是表示条件的连词,如果没有“if”, “and” ,“but”,那么就是无条件地,所以应该选答案D)。?
【详细解答】本文开头描述Tom 开车去度假小屋,第五段讲到“After the long drive, I wanted to sit and read. Evelyn suggested a walk on the beach. I started to refuse, but then I thought, “Evelyn’s been alone here with the kids all week and now she wants to be alone with me.” 他开车到了以后很累,想坐下读读书,而妻子建议一起去海滩散步。这时他想:妻子一周以来都一个人在这儿陪着孩子,现在只是想单独和丈夫待会儿。由此可见,他的妻子孩子早在他之前已经先到了海边,他是后开车过来的。?
【详细解答】文中开头“I made a pledge to myself on the way down to the vacation beach cottage. For two weeks I would try to be a loving husband and father”,Tom向自己保证在度假的两周里要做一个好丈夫、好父亲,所以他对妻子非常体贴,答案C)是正确的。答案A)因为妻子穿了新衣服更漂亮,B)因为他在华尔街的公司挣了大钱,D)因为他妻子得了重病都与原文不符。?
【详细解答】原文中提到“On the last night at our cottage”, 妻子问他:“Tom, you’ve been so good to me...am I dying?” 联系到上次在医院的体检,妻子不由得怀疑是不是自己快要死了丈夫才突然变得如此体贴,这就是答案D)所指出的。答案A)他称赞妻子的毛衣,让妻子很困惑,这与原文不符,实际上妻子困惑之余更多的是欣喜;答案B)妻子坚持去他不喜欢去的博物馆不成为问题,因为他愿意陪妻子去;答案C)他没告诉妻子她得了重病与原文不符,因为他妻子并未得重病。?
【详细解答】重新开始生活意味着改变,对Tom来说,他自认从前是个自私的丈夫,现在的改变就是做一个充满爱心的好丈夫,所以答案B)是正确的。答案A)他开始理解生活的真正意义,这太笼统,与Tom的具体情况不符;答案C)他以前生活不幸福,现在开始改变,原文并未说Tom 从前就不幸福;答案D)他开始为以前对妻子的所作所为感到遗憾,重新开始生活并不就是遗憾,而是改变。?

Passage Three?
【详细解答】文中第二段第二句话:“After a theory has been publicized, scientists design experiments to test the theory”,一个理论公开提出后,科学家设计实验来验证理论,由此可见,C)是错误的说法。A)有用的理论可以解释过去的观察结果,B)有用的理论可以作预测,D)理论有时侯需要修改或可能被舍弃,这几种说法都可以在原文中找到,都是关于理论正确的阐述,所以它们都不是本题的正确答案。?
【详细解答】原文第三段第一句话:“Science involves imagination and creative thinking as well as collecting information and performing experiments”,科学既包含想象力和创造性思维,也包含搜集信息和做实验。由此可见,答案A)、B)、C)都只说了一个方面,只有答案D)最全面。?
【译文】Jules Henry Pincary的引言的主要意义是:科学不仅仅是收集事实数据。?
【详细解答】在原文第三段可以找到Pincare的引言:“Science is built with facts just as a house is built with bricks, but a collection of facts cannot be called science any more than a pile of bricks can be called a house”,就象房子由砖块砌成一样,科学是由事实数据构建而成的,但一堆事实数据不能就叫做科学,正如一堆砖头不能算是房子。因此,答案C)是正确的。答案A)事实数据最重要、答案B)造房子就象做实验跟原文不符,答案D)一堆砖头不能叫房子并不是这段引言的要点,它只是用来打比方说明科学和事实数据之间的关系的。?
【详细解答】第四段中的第二和第三句话是:“After known facts have been gathered, the scientist comes to the part of the investigation that requires considerable imagination. Possible solutions to the problem are formulated”,收集事实数据后的一步需要想象力,在这一步,制定可能的解决问题的方法,所以正确答案是B)。答案A)当评价前人工作的时候、C)收集事实数据的时候、D)结束调查的时候都与原文不符。?
【详细解答】根据下文的一句:“It extends the scientist’s thinking beyond the known facts”,它使科学家的思维延伸,超出了已知的事实数据,所以正确答案是A)。答案B)假设有时侯考虑不周,C)能带来危险的后果都与原文不符,答案D)提出假设需要付出努力跟“向未知世界的飞跃”这个词组无关。?
Passage Four?
本文描述了著名导演David W Griffith为电影发展作出的巨大成就。Griffith创新了电影的拍摄手法,使用远景和近景,长镜头和特写,制造出令人称奇的戏剧效果。他还通过富有创意的电影剪辑,糅和各种意象,变换表现速度和节奏,控制故事展开的戏剧效果。除了对电影表现手法的改革,Griffith还拓宽了电影题材。他引入了名作改编电影和关于社会问题的作品,并首次将一部电影的长度延长到四盘电影胶片,而通常电影的长度只有一盘胶片长。?
【详细解答】原文第二段提到:“Griffith also achieved dramatic effects by means of creative editing”,Griffith通过富有创意的电影剪辑获得戏剧效果,所以答案A)电影剪辑应该排除。第一段提到:“By 1910, he was using close-ups to reveal significant details of the scene or of the acting. Extreme long shots were adopted to achieve a sense of spectacle and distance”,他运用特写镜头表现场景的细节,长镜头表现壮观的场景和远景,因此Griffith在场景安排和摄影方面都有创新,这样答案B)场景安排和答案C)摄影都应予以排除,只剩下D)音响剪辑是正确答案,因为文中没有提及Gfriffith在这方面的成就。?
【详细解答】见原文最后一段,“When he made a new movie in 1911, he insisted that a subject of importance could not be treated in the then conventional length of one reel. One of his movies reached the unprecedented length of four reels, or one hour’s running time”,1911年,Griffith拍了一部新片,他坚持说一部重大题材影片不应该只有传统的一盘胶片的长度,他的一部新片达到了前所未有的四盘胶片的长度,即一个小时。传统的电影只有一盘胶片的长度,而四盘胶片放一个小时,那么据此可计算出传统电影的长度不超过15分钟,因此正确答案应该是A)。?
【详细解答】答案A)好导演会尽快尝试探索新思想,尽管Griffith尝试创新,但这并不能直接推理出A)观点;答案B)使电影成功的最重要要素是演员的能力在文中并未提及;答案D)电影应该强调对人类根本问题的探索与原文不符,因为Griffith的电影题材非常广泛,文中最后一段说“His early movies included not only the standard comedies, melodramas, westerns, and thrillers, but also adaptations from Browning and Tennyson, and treatment of social issues”,他的早期影片不仅包括标准的喜剧、情节剧、西部片和惊险片,还包括勃朗宁和丁尼生的作品改编电影和社会问题题材的电影。答案C)摄影应当被看作是电影创作中一个不可或缺的、活跃的要素是正确答案,因为Griffith在摄影方面作了很多努力,以获得更好的戏剧效果。?
【详细解答】原文这样在第一段提到Griffith之前的电影摄影:“Before Griffith, photography in dramatic films consisted of little more than placing the actors before a stationary camera and showing them in full length as they would have appeared on stage”,那时的电影摄影仅仅是把演员放到静止的摄像机前,拍下他们的全身像,就象他们站在舞台上的样子。从这句话的语气来看,作者暗示这样做很落后,很呆板,所以他的态度是带着优越感的,认为现代的摄影技术要高得多,所以正确答案是D)。答案A)同情感情色彩过浓,答案B)有趣的和答案C)怀旧的显然与原文不符。?

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-21 13:51:36
Part Ⅲ?
【试题分析】句型结构题,要求熟知No sooner did (had)...than...的用法。?
【详细解答】 did (had) ... than ...的意思是一…就…,如果No sooner放在句首,需要倒装, 如No sooner had I reached home than it began to rain。?
43.【答案】B。 ?
【详细解答】cast out是驱逐的意思; cast down有使沮丧、推翻的意思,cast up指的是计算,相加;cast about for是寻求,搜索的意思。?
【详细解答】提案等被通过是go through,;go over的意思是走到另一边去,仔细检查,再读一遍; go across 指的是穿过; go out是出去,熄灭,辞职,倒台等。?
【详细解答】teach是教的意思,scold是责备,它们都是及物动词,后边直接带宾语。evangelize, preach都有传道的意思,但preach还有说教的意思,它是不及物动词,通常的搭配是preach at。?
【详细解答】本句有两个分句,用连词but相连,前一个分句缺一个谓语部分。词组come out可以直接跟在书、小说等名词后作谓语,意思是出版;print是印刷,publish是出版,但二者都是及物动词,在此处应该用被动语态; come across是过来,偶然遇见的意思,与本句意义不符。?
【译文】很多大学要通过面试来评价申请本校的学生。 ?
【详细解答】lean on意思是靠,倚;倚赖;lean to和lean towards都是倾向的意思;lean over是倾斜向…的上方。?
【详细解答】联系句义,这儿需要一个表示“放弃”的词,这儿只有surrender有这个意义, substitute 是“用…代替”;submerge的意思是淹没;cross只有穿过,交叉,遇见等含义,并没有放弃的意思。?
【详细解答】on her part 的意思是在…方面, 就…而言, 因此正符合句义; at her expense 在她付费(负担)的情况下,at hand在手边,on record记录在案都跟句义不符。?
【试题分析】词组辨析题,要求了解cannot help but的正确用法。?
【详细解答】cannot help but的意思是“不得不”,后面跟动词原形。?
【详细解答】enhance的意思是增加,增强,但一般是增加价值、吸引力等,本句中说增加美味,正好合适。increase和 add主要是数量的增加,strengthen是力量上的增强。?
【详细解答】take on 的一个含义就是呈现(新面貌等),具有(新特点),符合原文意思。put on具有放上,穿上,假装,上演,施加等含义,turn on的意思有打开,反对,依靠,刺激等,bring on的意思是引来,导致,通常是不好的后果,这三个词组都与句义不符。?
【详细解答】withdraw 是收回,撤退的意思;abandon是抛弃(某人),或因为种种问题而放弃某项活动、计划或原则等;diminish 是使缩小或降低重要性。上述三个词都不适合句义。只有D) eliminate有清除的意思,适用于本句。?
【详细解答】这四个词都表示思考,但能与介词upon搭配的只有ponder。contemplate一般用作及物动词,think和conceive表示思考什么时,应该说think about和conceive of。?
【详细解答】rise如果表示“升起,产生”的意思,一般不跟介词,rise up是起义的意思;soar是上升,翱翔,一般也不跟介词;appear是出现,也不跟介词。只有surge跟介词up搭配,是涌起,升起的意思。?
【详细解答】原油只能说“crude oil”。?
【详细解答】call for是号召,要求;邀约; call on 除了有call for的意思,还有拜访的意思;call down是祈求到;招惹。call forth的意思有:唤起;鼓起(勇气,精力等),所以正好符合句义。?
【详细解答】reject是拒绝接受,一般不带双宾语;deprive是剥夺(权利等),常用的搭配是be deprived of;withhold和deny都有拒绝给予的意思,但withhold不带双宾语,deny则可以,搭配是deny sb. of sth.句中的用法是被动态。?
【详细解答】limit 是限制;loss是损失;poverty是贫穷;只有scarcity意思是缺乏,匮乏,符合句义。?
【详细解答】execute的意思是执行、实施,包括执行命令、实施法律等,本句中执行命令就用 execute。exercise有行使的意思,一般是行使权利或发挥影响力等。develop有发挥发扬的意思,但主要是发扬某种精神。apply则主要是运用的意思,一般是运用某种方法或理念。?
【详细解答】cure是治愈病人或疾病;recover, recuperate都是使病人或健康复原;只有heal是(使)伤口愈合,所以正确答案是A)。?
【详细解答】此处是as作连词引导一个状语从句,whom, who, that都不合适。?
【详细解答】四个选择中只有typical可以搭配介词of,be typical of的意思是“是…的典型特征”。?
【详细解答】transform的意思是转变,它的用法是transform A into B,将A转变成B;replace, displace, substitute都有代替的意思,但用法不同,如果说B被A代替,它们分别是B is replaced by A; B is displaced by A; A is substituted for B。?
【详细解答】participate是参加,而且一般用作不及物动词,应该说participate in;modify是修改,修正;comprise是包含,构成。只有initiate是开始,发动,能和名词campaign使用。?
Part Ⅳ?
72.将peoples改为people 或persons。人们应该是people或 persons,peoples是许多民族。?
74.because后插入of。their varying abilities and personalities是名词性词组,不是从句。?
76.将the other改为another。根据上下文,这儿的“另一个”应该是泛指,而不是特指。?
78.将number改为numbers。泛指“大量的”应该是large numbers of ...。?
Part Ⅴ?

Competition and Cooperation?
Competition is a common phenomenon in our social life. We compete when we play games; we try to do better than others in our study, and there is constant competition for jobs, customers, money, and so forth. We can say, to some extent, competition is one of the motive forces of the development of society. ?
We can also find competition and cooperation at the same time. Take a baseball game for example. One team is competing against the other. All the players want to try their best to defeat their opponents and win the game, but the single-handed effort of one player is limited and each member of the team has to cooperate with his or her teammates. In most cases, we cannot win in the competition without cooperation. Thus competition and cooperation are equally important. While we are advocating competition, we cannot forget cooperation. Pure and exclusive competion leads to conflicts and failures. Only cooperation in competition can help us reach our goals and satisfy our needs. ?

hypothesis: 假设 reel: 卷,盘?
enhance: 提高,增强 preach: 说教?
diminish: 缩小,降低重要性 ponder: 思索?
surge: 汹涌澎湃 execute: 实施?
displace: 代替 prospective: 预期的,未来的?
cast about for: 寻求 lean on: 靠,依赖?
go through: (法案等)通过 come out: 出版
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-22 08:54:06

国防科技大学外语系 粟进英
Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension(20 minutes)
Section A
Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Example:You will hear: ?
M: When shall we start our work, Jane??
W: Tomorrow at 9 o’clock. But we must work quickly, for we have to finish everything before 2 in the afternoon.?
Q: For how long can they work??
You will read:
A) 2 hours.
B) 3 hours.
C) 4 hours.
D) 5 hours.?
From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 o’clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D)“5 hours” is the correct answer. You should choose [D] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center.
Sample Answer [A] [B][C] [D]?
1. A) He often cuts classes to play basketball.?
B) He has little chance to play basketball.?
C) He’s looking for somebody to play with the game.?
D. He loves playing basketball very much. ?
2. A) Bob will see Susan tomorrow evening.?
B) Bob might be at home late tomorrow evening.?
C) Bob and Susan have decided to go on a holiday.?
D) Bob asked the woman to come another time.?
3.A)They think cinemas are too far away from their home.?
B)They are disappointed with the films produced these days.?
C)They both dislike films about adventure stories.?
D)They both like the idea of going to the cinema at night.?
4. A) It was too terrible for him to sleep.?
B) He was not very worried about it.?
C) He already lost a lot of sleep over it.?
D) He feels uncomfortable.?
5. A) Customer and salesperson.?
B) Boss and secretary.?
C) Teacher and student.?
D) Guest and waitress.?
6. A) She has to change the time for the trip.?
B) She hasn’t decided where to go next month.?
C) She can’t afford the time for the trip.?
D) She will manage to leave this month.?
7. A) She doesn’t like standing so close.?
B) She can’t hear clearly.?
C) She can’t watch the television clearly.?
D) She was hurt by the light.?
8. A) He doesn’t write well enough.?
B) He is not a professional writer.?
C) He hasn’t got a professional experience.?
D) He didn’t perform well in the interview.?
9. A) He doesn’t think it necessary to refuel the car.?
B) He can manage to get the gasoline they need.?
C) He hopes the woman will help him select a fuel.?
D) He thinks it is difficult to get fuel for the car.?
10. A) In the classroom.
B) At the gate of the library.?
C) In the library.
D) In the office.?
Section B
Directions:In this section you will hear a passage three times. During the first reading, you should listen carefully for a general idea of the whole passage. Then listen to the passage again. When the first part of the passage is being read, you should fill in the missing word during the pause at each blank. After listening to the second part of the passage you are required to write down the main points according to what you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read the third time you can check what you have written. ?
Who won the ball? What happened at the United States? How did the __(11) __ like the new play? Minutes after an event takes place, newspapers are on the streets giving the __(12) __. Wherever anything happens in the world,__(13) __are on the __(14) __ to gather the news. Newspapers have one basic purpose to get the news as quickly as possible from those who know it to those who want to know it.?
Radio,telegraph,television,and other__(15) __ brought competition for newspapers.So did the development of magazines and other means of __(16) __.But his competition merely spurred the newspaper on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the speed and__(17) __ of their own__(18) __.Today more newspapers are printed and read than ever before.?
Competition also led newspapers to branch out into many other fields. __(19)
__. Newspapers depend on advertising for their very existence.?
Newspapers are sold for prices that fail to cover even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main source of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising. __(20)__. This is measured in terms of circulation.
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(35 minutes)
Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.? Passage One?
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:?
Opinion polls are now beginning to show that,whoever is to blame and whatever happens from now on,high unemployment is probably here to say.This means we shall have to find ways of sharing the available employment more widely.?
But we need to go further. We must ask some fundamental questions about the future work. Should we continue to treat employment as the norm? Should we not rather encourage many ways for self-respecting people to work? Should we not create conditions in which many of us can work for ourselves, rather than for an employer? Should we not aim to revive the household and the neighborhood, as well as the factory and the office, as centers of production and work??
The industrial age has been the only period of human history in which most people’s work has taken the form of jobs. The industrial age may now becoming to an end, and some of the changes in work patterns which it brought may have to be reversed. This seems a daunting thought. But, in fact, it could offer the prospect of a better future for work. Universal employment, as its history shows, has not meant economic freedom.?
Employment became widespread when the enclosures of the 17th and 18th centuries made many people dependent on paid work by depriving them of the use of the land, and thus of the means to provide a living for themselves. Then the factory system destroyed the cottage industries and removed work from people’s homes. Later, as transport improved first by rail and then by road, people commuted longer distances to their places of employment until, eventually, many people’s work lost all connection with their home lives and the places in which they live.?
Meanwhile, employment put women at a disadvantage. In preindustrial times, men and women had shared the productive work of the household and village community. Now it became customary for the husband to go out to paid employment, leaving the unpaid work of the home and families to his wife. Tax and benefit regulations still assume this norm today, and restrict more flexible sharing of work roles between the sexes.?
It was not only women whose work status suffered. As employment became the dominant form of work, young people and old people were excluded—a problem now, as more teenagers become frustrated at school and more retired people want to live active lives.?
All this may now have to change.?
The time has certainly come to switch some effort and resources away from the idealist goal creating jobs for all, to the urgent practical task of helping many people to manage without full-time jobs. ?
21.What is the main idea of the passage??
A) Employment became widespread in the 17th and 18th centuries.?
B) Unemployment will remain a major problem for industrialized nations.?
C) The industrial age may now be coming to an end.?
D) Some efforts and resources should be devoted to helping more people cope with the problem of unemployment. ?
22.Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a factor contributing to the spread of employment??
A) The enclosures of the 17th and 18th centuries.?
B) The development of factories.?
C) Relief from housework on the part of women.?
D) Development of modern means of transportation. ?
23.It can be inferred from the passage that____.?
A) most people who have been polled believe that the problem of unemployment may not be solved within a short period of time?
B) many farmers lost their land when new railways and factories were being constructed?
C) in preindustrial societies housework and community service were mainly carried out by women?
D) some of the changes in work pattern that the industrial age brought have been reversed?
24.What does the word “daunting” in the third paragraph mean??
A) Shocking B) Interesting?
C) Confusing D) Stimulating ?
25.Which of the following is NOT suggested as a possible means to cope with the current situation??
A) Create situations in which people work for themselves.?
B) Treat employment as the norm.?
C) Endeavor to revive the household and the neighborhood as centers of production.?
D) Encourage people to work in circumstances other than normal working conditions.?

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-22 08:58:13
Passage Two?
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:? No one should be forced to wear a uniform under any circumstance. Uniforms are demanding to the human spirit and totally unnecessary in a democratic society. Uniforms tell the world that the person who wears one has no value as an individual but only lives to function as a part of a whole. The individual in a uniform loses all self-worth. ?
There are those who say that wearing a uniform gives a person a sense of identification with a larger, more important concept. What could be more important than the individual himself? If an organization is so weak that it must rely on cloth and buttons to inspire its members, that organization has no right to continue its existence. Others say that the practice of making persons wear uniforms, say in a school, eliminates all envy and competition in the matter of dress, such that a poor person who cannot afford good-quality clothing is not to be belittled by a wealthy person who wears expensive quality clothing. Those persons conveniently ignore such critical concepts as freedom of choice, motivation, and individuality. If all persons were to wear the same clothing, why would anyone strive to be better? It is only a short step from forcing everyone to drive the same car, have the same type of foods. When this happens, all incentive to improve one’s life is removed. Why would parents bother to work hard so that their children could have a better life than they had when they know that their children are going to be forced to have exactly the same life that they had? ?
Uniforms also hurt the economy. Right now, billions of dollars are spent on the fashion industry yearly. Thousands of persons are employed in designing, creating and marketing different types of clothing. If everyone were forced to wear uniforms, artistic personnel would be unnecessary. Sales persons would be superfluous as well; why bother to sell the only items that are available? The wearing of uniforms would destroy the fashion industry, which in turn would have a ripple effect on such industries as advertising and promotion. Without advertising, newspapers, magazines, and television would not be able to remain in business. One entire information and entertainment industry would collapse. ?
26.The author’s primary purpose in writing this passage was to ____. ?
A)plead for the abolishment of uniforms?
B)show that uniforms are not possible in a democratic society?
C)advocate stronger governmental controls on the wearing of uniforms?
D)convince the reader that uniforms have more disadvantages than advantages ?
27.Why does the author discuss forcing everyone to buy the same car or eat the same food? ?
A) To show that freedom of choice is absolute.?
B) To show that the government has interfered too much in the lives of individual.?
C) To suggest what would happen if uniforms became compulsory.?
D) To predict the way the society will be in the next few generations. ?
28.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the author? ?
A) The person who wears a uniform has no self-worth.?
B) Wearing a uniform gives a person a sense of identification with a larger concept.?
C) Uniforms will hurt one entire information and entertainment industry.?
D) Envy and competition are incentive to improve one’s life. ?
29.The word “superfluous” (Para. 3) most probably means ____. ?
A) indispensable B) available?
C) surplus D) supplementary ?
30.The next paragraph in this passage might discuss____.?
A) the positive effects of wearing uniforms?
B) more negative effects of wearing uniforms?
C) alternative to wearing uniforms?
D) the legal rights of those not wishing to wear uniforms? Passage Three?
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:? A strange thing about humans is their capacity for blind rage. Rage is presumably an emotion resulting from survival instinct, but the surprising thing about it is that we do not deploy it against other animals. If we encounter a dangerous wild animal - a poisonous snake or a wild cat - we do not fly into a temper. If we are unarmed, we show fear and attempt to back away; if we are suitably armed, we attack, but in a rational manner not in a rage. We reserve rage for our own species. It is hard to see any survival value in attacking one’s own, but if we take account of the long competition, which must have existed between our own subspecies and others like Neanderthal man - indeed others still more remote from us than Neanderthal man - human rage becomes more comprehensible. ?
In our everyday language and behavior there are many reminders of those early struggles. We are always using the words “us and them”. “Our” side is perpetually trying to do down the “other” side. In games we artificially create other subspecies we can attack. The opposition of “us” and “them” is the touchstone of the two-party system of “democratic” politics. Although there are no very serious consequences to many of these modern psychological representations of the “us and them” emotion, it is as well to remember that the original aim was not to beat the other subspecies in a game but to exterminate it. ?
The readiness with which humans allow themselves to be regimented has permitted large armies to be formed, which, taken together with the “us and them” blind rage, has led to destructive clashes within our subspecies itself. The First World War is an example in which Europe divided itself into two imaginary subspecies. And there is a similar extermination battle now in Northern Ireland. The idea that there is a religious basis for this clash is illusory, for not even the Pope has been able to control it. The clash is much more primitive than the Christian religion, much older in its emotional origin. The conflict in Ireland is unlikely to stop until a greater primitive fear is imposed from outside the community, or until the combatants become exhausted. ?
31.A suitable title for this passage would be____. ?
A) Why Human Armies Are Formed?
B) Man’s Anger Against Rage?
C) The Human Capacity for Rage?
D) Early Struggles of Angry Man ?
32.According to the author, the surprising aspect of human anger is____. ?
A) its lengthy and complex development?
B) a conflict such as is now going on in Northern Ireland?
C) that we do not fly into a temper more often?
D) that we reserve anger for mankind ?
33.The passage suggests that____. ?
A) historically, we have created an “us” versus “them” society?
B) humans have had a natural disinclination toward formal grouping?
C) the First World War is an example of how man has always avoided domination?
D) the emotional origin of the war in Ireland is lost in time ?
34.From the passage we can infer that ____. ?
A) the artificial creation of a subspecies unlike us is something that never happens?
B) games are psychologically unhealthy?
C) any artificially created subspecies would be our enemy?
D) the real or imagined existence of an opposing subspecies is inherent in man’s activities ?
35.The author believes that a religious explanation for the war in Northern Ireland is____. ?
A) founded in historical fact
B) deceptive?
C) apparent
D) probably accurate? Passage Four?
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:? The first way we can approach language is as a phenomenon of the individual person. It is concerned with describing and explaining language as a matter of human behavior. People speak and write; they also evidently read and understand what they hear. They are not born doing so; they have to acquire these skills. Not everybody seems to develop them to the same degree. People may suffer accidents or diseases, which impair their performance. Language is thus seen as part of human psychology, a particular sort of behavior, the behavior, which has as its principal, function that of communication.?
The trouble with the term “behavior” is that it is often taken to refer only to more or less overt, and describable, physical movements and acts. Yet part of language behavior-that of understanding spoken or written language, for example-has little or no physically observable signs. It is true we can sometimes infer that understanding has taken place by the changes that take place in the other person’s behavior. When someone has been prohibited from doing something, we may infer that he has understood the prohibition by observing that thereafter he never behaves in that way. We cannot, of course, be absolutely sure that his subsequent behavior is a result of his understanding; it might be due to a loss of interest or inclination. So behavior must be taken to include unobservable activity, often only to be inferred from other observable behavior.?
Once we admit that the study of language behavior involves describing and explaining the unobservable, the situation becomes much more complicated, because we have to postulate some set of processes, some internal mechanism, which operates when we speak and understand. We have to postulate something we can call a mind. The study of language from this point of view can then be seen as a study of the specific properties, processes and states of the mind whose outward manifestations are observable behavior; what we have to know in order to perform linguistically.?This approach to language, as a phenomenon of the individual, is thus principally concerned with explaining how we acquire language, and its relation to general human cognitive systems, and with the psychological mechanisms underlying the comprehension and production of speech; much less with the problem of what language is for, that is, its function as communication, since this necessarily involves more than a single individual. ?
36.What is the best title for this passage??
A) Language as Means of Communication.?
B) Language and Psychology.?
C) Language and the Individual.?
D) Language as a Social Phenomenon. ?
37.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true??
A) Language is often regarded as part of human psychology.?
B) People develop language skills of different degrees as a result of different personal experiences.?
C) Language is a special kind of psychological behavior that is born with an individual.?
D) People learn to speak and write through imitation and training. ?
38.What does the term “behavior” in the second paragraph especially refer to in this passage??
A) It refers to observable and physical movements and acts.?
B) It refers to the part of language behavior that involves understanding or interpretation.?
C) It refers to both the overt and the unobservable language behaviors in communicating.?
D) It refers to acts of speaking and writing. ?
39.What does “internal mechanism”(Line 3, Para. 3) mean??
A) Secret machine. B) Mental processes.?
C) Overt system. D) Mechanic operation. ?
40.What can you infer from the passage??
A) Its individualistic approach to language is meant to study the psychological processes of language acquisition.?
B) The individualistic approach to language is mainly concerned with how language functions in society.?
C) The study of language is sure to involve more than a single individual.?
D) Psychological approach to language is concerned with the comprehension and production of speech.
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-22 08:58:37
Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes)
Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.?
41.In American universities, classes are often arranged in more flexible ____ and many jobs on campus are reserved for students.?
A) scales B) patterns ?
C) grades D) ranks?
42.Once the vice-chancellor of a university is ____, he begins his term of office.?
A) launched B) commenced?
C) inaugurated D) initiated?
43.The company decided to ____ for some assistants in the local newspaper.?
A) advertise B) advocate?
C) activate D) inherit?
44.The firm ____ in producing cheap transistor radios.?
A) exerts B) excels?
C) energizes D) exploits?
45.I don’t really know John all that well; he’s just a ____ acquaintance.?
A) random B) formal?
C) casual D) haphazard?
46.The ____ from childhood to adulthood is always a critical time for everybody.?
A) conversion B) transition?
C) turnover D) formation?
47.Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a ____.?
A) scarcity B) minority?
C) minimum D) shortage?
48. Prof. Smith spoke clearly and ____ and we could understand every word he said.?
A) distinctly?
B) distressfully?
C) distractingly?
D) distinctively?
49. Because of a ____ in her hearing, the teacher gave her a seat in the front row.?
A) error B) mistake?
C) blunder D) defect?
50.A budget of five dollars a day is totally ____ for a trip round Europe.?
A) inadequate B) incapable?
C) incompatible D) invalid?
51.If the world is to remain peaceful, the utmost effort must be made by nations to limit local ____.?
A) collisions B) combats?
C) contradictions D) conflicts?
52. In the past ten years skyscrapers have developed ____ in Chicago and New York City.?
A) homogeneously?
B) simultaneously?
C) spontaneously?
D) harmoniously?
53.The basic causes are unknown, although certain conditions that may lead to cancers have been ____.?
A) identified B) guaranteed?
C) notified D) conveyed?
54.Bill is an example of a severely disabled person who has become ____ at many survival skills.?
A) proficient B) persistent?
C) consistent D) sufficient?
55.The United Nations Conference on Drug Abuse, which took place earlier this year in Vienna, was a very ____ meeting.?
A) compulsory B) protective?
C) productive D) extravagant?
56.The team will have to do well to win a medal at the Olympic Games, where they will face ____ competition from several countries.?
A) harsh B) rigid?
C) rough D) stiff?
57.His ____ for her made him unhappy, because she did not love him in return.?
A) affection B) attraction?
C) partition D) passion?
58.Mary’s mother had to ____ her dress because Mary is growing so tall. ?
A) let off B) let go?
C) let out D) let loose?
59.This ticket ____ you to a free meal in our new restaurant.?
A) confers B) entitles?
C) grants D) credits?
60.Your latest project has little ____ of success.?
A) prediction B) prophecy?
C) prospect D) preview?
61.The new washing machines are ____ at the rate of fifty a day.?
A) turned up B) turned down?
C) turned out D) turned in?
62.The fact that he annoyed you does not ____ your treating him in that way.?
A) justify B) identify?
C) rectify D) modify?
63.Everyone approved of the scheme but when we asked for volunteers they all ____.?
A) hang about B) hang on?
C) hang back D) hang up?
64.People who refuse to ____ with the law will be punished.?
A) obey B) conceal?
C) consent D) comply?
65.Everyone has a legal ____ to provide the tax office with details of their earnings.?
A) oath B) obligation?
C) optimum D) orientation?
66.It took a lot of imagination to come up with such an ____ plan.?
A) inherent B) ingenious?
C) infectious D) indulgent?
67.The microscope can ____ the object 100 times in diameter.?
A) magnify B) increase?
C) develop D) multiply?
68.Mrs. Lackey was awakened by the ringing of the bedside phone 12 hours. after her husband’s boat had been ____.?
A) wrecked B) collapsed?
C) decayed D) fired?
69.They tried to prevent the marriage but it took place ____.?
A) thereafter B) henceforth?
C) notwithstanding D) insomuch?
70.She found the evening boring and uninteresting, ____ , a waste of time.?
A) in short?B) in consequence?
C) in general?D) in force Part Ⅳ Error Correction (15 minutes)
Directions:This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.? We are all naturally attracted to people with ideas, beliefs and interests like our own. Similarly, we feel comfortable with people with physical qualities similar as ours.?
You may have noticed about how people who live or work closely together come to behave in a similar way. Unconsciously we copy these we are close to or love or admire. So a sportsman’s individual way of walking with raised shoulders is imitated by an admired fan; a pair or lovers both shake their heads in the same way; an employer finds himself duplicating his boss’s habit of wagging (摆动) a pen between his fingers while thinking.In every case, the influential person may consciously notice the imitation but he will feel comfortably in its presence. And if he does notice the matching of his gestures or movements, he finds it pleasing he is influencing people: they are drawn to them.?
Sensitive people have been mirroring their friend and acquaintances all their lives., and winning affection and respect in this way without aware of their methods. Now, for people who want to win agreement or trust, affection or sympathy, some psychologists recommend the deliberate use of physical imitation. 71.__________?
73.__________?? 74.__________?
75.__________?? 76.__________?
77.__________?? 78.__________?
Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)
Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic The Development of Private Cars. You should write no less than 150 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:?
2. 有些人反对使用小汽车?
3. 你的看法
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-22 08:59:28
Section A?
1. W: Hi, Tom. Have you been playing much basketball lately??
M: I play as often as I can get out of the classroom. And the game is my way to be somebody. It’s my life, you know? ?
Q: What does Tom tell the woman??
2. W: Bob, can I come to see you at your home tomorrow evening.?
M: Sure. Susan and I have half decided to go swimming late tomorrow afternoon. So give me a ring before you come, OK??
Q: What can we learn from the conversation??
3. M: I used to go to the cinema a lot. It did make a nice night out, but not now.?
W: No, I don’t either. There aren’t any good adventurous stories like the movies they made when I was young.?
Q: What can be concluded from this conversation??
4. W: I heard they didn’t sign the agreement.?
M: Yes, it’s too bad. But I’m certainly not going to lose any sleep over it.?
Q: What was the man’s reaction??
5. M: Please make 20 copies of this and deliver them to the chief executive and heads of departments.?
W: Certainly, sir. They will find it on their desks tomorrow morning.?
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers??
6. M: You’re going to make a trip to San Francisco, aren’t you??
W: Yes. But I haven’t got the plane ticket yet. I’m thinking of postponing the trip to next month since this is the busiest month for the airlines.?
Q: What do we know about the woman from the conversation? ?
7. W: Please turn down the television. I can’t understand anything my friends is saying on the phone.?
M: Hurry up and finish your call. I don’t like standing so close. The light hurts my eyes.?
Q: Why is the woman upset? ?
8. W: How was the job interview? I think you’ll make a good journalist. I remember you as the best writer of the class.?
M: Well, in fact, my application was turned down. They were looking for people with experience in the profession.?
Q: Why didn’t the man get the job? ?
9. W: We have to face the fact that it is a little hard to fuel for the car.?
M: Between you and me, I think there is always a way to get around this problem.?
Q: What does the man mean??
10.M: Jean said she would meet you in the library. Did you get together??
W: Yes, but it’s a wonder that we did. I had given up waiting and had gone inside the classroom. She had done the same thing.?
Q: Where did the two women meet??
Section B?
Who won the ball? What happened at the United States? How did the (11) __critics__ like the new play? Minutes after an event takes place, newspapers are on the streets giving the (12) __details__. Wherever anything happens in the world, (13) __reporters__ are on the (14) __spot__ to gather the news. Newspapers have one basic purpose to get the news as quickly as possible from those who know it to those who want to know it.?
Radio, telegraph, television, and other (15) __inventions__ brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of (16) __communication__. But his competition merely spurred the newspaper on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the speed and (17) __efficiency__ of their own (18) __operations__. Today more newspapers are printed and read than ever before.?
Competition also led newspapers to branch out into many other fields. (19) __Besides keeping readers informed of the latest news, today’s newspapers entertain and influence readers, politically and otherwise__. Newspapers depend on advertising for their very existence.?
Newspapers are sold for prices that fail to cover even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main source of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising. (20) __The ability to sell advertising depends on a newspaper’s value to advertisers__. This is measured in terms of circulation. ?
Part Ⅰ?
Section A?
【详细解答】女士问男士最近是否经常打篮球,男士回答说只要一出教室,就去打球,打篮球是他出众的途径,且是他的生命。关键部分是play as often as I can get out of the classroom. And the game is my way to be somebody. It’s my life。由此可以推断答案为D:He loves playing basketball very much。?
【详细解答】女士问可不可以在明天晚上去他家看他,男士回答说:当然可以,他和Susan基本上已经决定明天下午去游泳,因此要女士去之前给他打个电话。关键部分是Sure...give me a ring before you come。由此可以推断答案为B:Bob might be at home late tomorrow evening.?
【详细解答】男士说他过去常常去电影院看电影,但现在不去了,女士说她现在也不去看电影,现在的惊险故事片没以前的好。关键部分是There aren’t any good adventurous stories like the movies they made when I was young。由此可以推断答案为B: They are disappointed with the films produced these days。?
【详细解答】女士说她听说协议未签成,男士说他不会因此而睡不好觉。关键部分是But I’m certainly not going to lose any sleep over it。由此可以推断答案为B: He was not very worried about it。?
【详细解答】男士要女士复印20份材料,然后发给各部门主管,女士表示同意。关键部分是make 20 copies of this and deliver them to the chief executive and heads of departments。由此可以推断答案为 B: Boss and secretary。?
【详细解答】男士问女士是否去旧金山旅行,女士说去,但她还没有买到飞机票,因此决定推迟到下个月。关键部分是I haven’t got the plane ticket yet. I’m thinking of postponing the trip。由此可以推断答案为A: She has to change the time for the trip。?
【详细解答】女士要求男士把电视机声音关小一点,她听不清朋友在电话里说什么。关键部分是turn down the television. I can’t understand anything my friends is saying on the phone。由此可以推断答案为B: She can’t hear clearly。?
【详细解答】女士问男士面试的结果怎样,男士回答说他的申请被拒绝了,因为他没有工作经验。关键部分是They were looking for people with experience in the profession。由此可以推断答案为C: He hasn’t got a professional experience。?
【详细解答】女士说他们很难得到所要的汽油,而男士则说总有办法解决这一问题。关键部分是there is always a way to get around this problem。由此可以推断答案为 B: He can manage to get the gasoline they need。?
【详细解答】男士问女士是否与Jean在图书馆见面了,女士说她走进教室时,Jean也进去了。关键部分是I had given up waiting and had gone inside the classroom. She had done the same thing。由此可以推断答案为A: In the classroom。?
Section B?
11.critics 12.details?
13.reporters 14.spot?
15.inventions 16.communication?
17.efficiency 18.operations ?
19.Besides keeping readers informed of the latest news, today’s newspapers entertain and influence readers, politically and otherwise. ?
20.The ability to sell advertising depends on a newspaper’s value to advertisers.?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-22 09:00:18
Part Ⅱ?
Passage One?

【详细解答】见文章开篇段Opinion polls are now beginning to show that, whoever is to blame and whatever happens from now on, high unemployment is probably here to say. This means we shall have to find ways of sharing the available employment more widely和结尾段The time has certainly come to switch some effort and resources away from the idealist goal creating jobs for all, to the urgent practical task of helping many people to manage without full-time jobs。所以答案为D。?
【试题分析】 是非题。一误三正,通过选项对应文章中的细节可以得知答案。?
【详细解答】见文章第四段中提到工作普及的三个原因:Employment became widespread when the enclosures of the 17th and 18th centuries (22A对) made many people dependent on paid work by depriving them of the use of the land, and thus of the means to provide a living for themselves. Then the factory system (22B对)destroyed the cottage industries and removed work from people’s homes. Later, as transport improved (22D对), first by rail and then by road, people commuted longer distances to their places of employment until, eventually, many people’s work lost all connection with their home lives and the places in which they live。这段话中没有提到C,所以答案为C。?
【详细解答】见第三段第二句话“The industrial age may now be coming to an end, and some of the changes in work patterns which it brought may have to be reversed”, 可选项D中为have been reversed,因而排除选项D;根据第五段第二句In preindustrial times, men and women had shared the productive work of the household and village community男女共同承当劳动,可以排除C;根据第四段第一句话the enclosures of the 17th and 18th centuries made many people dependent on paid work by depriving them of the use of the land,可以排除B;根据第一段内容high unemployment is probably here to say,答案为A。?
【详细解答】见第三段The industrial age may now be coming to an end, and some of the changes in work patterns which it brought may have to be reversed. This seems a daunting thought. But, in fact, it could offer the prospect of a better future for work。通过第四句话“但实际上它可以为工作提供一个更好的前景。”中的转折含义可以断定最接近daunting的词义为A。 ?
【详细解答】见第二段中提出的解决办法:We must ask some fundamental questions about the future work. Should we continue to treat employment as the norm? (25B不对) Should we not rather encourage many ways for self-respecting people to work?(25D对) Should we not create conditions in which many of us can work for ourselves(25A对), rather than for an employer? Should we not aim to revive the household and the neighborhood, as well as the factory and the office, as centers of production and work? (25C对)。以上几个问句都是修辞疑问句,肯定形式作否定理解,否定形式作肯定理解。所以答案为B。?
Passage Two?
【详细解答】见文章开篇段第一句No one should be forced to wear a uniform under any circumstance可以看出,穿制服不好,接下来简要说明原因:Uniforms are demanding to the human spirit and totally unnecessary in a democratic society. Uniforms tell the world that the person who wears one has no value as an individual but only lives to function as a part of a whole. The individual in a uniform loses all self-worth。所以答案为D。?
【详细解答】见It is only a short step from forcing everyone to drive the same car, have the same type of foods. When this happens, all incentive to improve one’s life is removed. 如果每个人都被迫做同样的事,包括被迫穿制服,那么其结果是all incentive to improve one’s life is removed。因而答案为C。?
【试题分析】是非题。一误三正,通过选项对应文章中的细节可以得知答案。 ?
【详细解答】见第一段最后一句The individual in a uniform loses all self-worth, A说法是对的。根据第二段第一句There are those who say that wearing a uniform gives a person a sense of identification with a larger, more important concept,有人赞成穿制服gives a person a sense of identification with a larger, more important concept,但接下来一句What could be more important than the individual himself?反驳了该观点,因而B说法不对。根据文章最后三句:The wearing of uniforms would destroy the fashion industry, which in turn would have a ripple effect on such industries as advertising and promotion. Without advertising, newspapers, magazines, and television would not be able to remain in business. One entire information and entertainment industry would collapse。特别是根据最后一句可以看出,C说法是对的。根据第二段里的意思: envy and competition...It is only a short step from forcing everyone to drive the same car, have the same type of foods. When this happens, all incentive to improve one’s life is removed. 人们失去了envy and competition,什么都要求一致,也就失去了改善生活的动力,从正面来说,答案为B。?
【详细解答】见第三段里的If everyone were forced to wear uniforms, artistic personnel would be unnecessary. Sales persons would be superfluous as well,特别是as well, 可以看出superfluous与unnecessary是近义词,因而答案是C。 ?
Passage Three?
【详细解答】见文章开篇第一句,即主题句:A strange thing about humans is their capacity for blind rage。 所以答案为C。 ?
【详细解答】见第一段第二句but the surprising thing about it is that we do not deploy it against other animals,和第五句We reserve rage for our own species,所以答案为D。?
【详细解答】见最后一段:The readiness with which humans allow themselves to be regimented has permitted large armies to be formed, which, taken together with the “us and them” blind rage, has led to destructive clashes within our subspecies itself. The First World War is an example in which Europe divided itself into two imaginary subspecies. And there is a similar extermination battle now in Northern Ireland. The idea that there is a religious basis for this clash is illusory, for not even the Pope has been able to control it. The clash is much more primitive than the Christian religion, much older in its emotional origin. The conflict in Ireland is unlikely to stop until a greater primitive fear is imposed from outside the community, or until the combatants become exhausted,所以答案为A。?
【详细解答】见第二段段首:In our everyday language and behavior there are many reminders of those early struggles. We are always using the words “us and them”. “Our” side is perpetually trying to do down the “other” side. In games we artificially create other subspecies we can attack,所以答案为D。?
【详细解答】见最后一段第四句:The idea that there is a religious basis for this clash is illusory(迷惑人的,虚幻的), 所以答案为B。?
Passage Four?
【详细解答】见开篇句:The first way we can approach language is as a phenomenon of the individual person和结尾段第一句:This approach to language, as a phenomenon of the individual...,这两个句子里都提到了language 和the individual,所以答案为C。 ?
【详细解答】见第一段里句子People speak and write; they also evidently read and understand what they hear. They are not born doing so (37C不对); they have to acquire these skills (37D对). Not everybody seems to develop them to the same degree(37B对). People may suffer accidents or diseases, which impair their performance. Language is thus seen as part of human psychology (37A对), 所以答案为C。 ?
【详细解答】见第二段第一、二句话:The trouble with the term “behavior” is that it is often taken to refer only to more or less overt, and describable, physical movements and acts. Yet part of language behavior that of understanding spoken or written language, for example has little or no physically observable signs. 所以答案为C。?
【译文】根据短文得知,internal mechanism指的是大脑对语言的加工。?
【详细解答】见Para.3第一句because从句we have to postulate some set of processes, some internal mechanism, which operates when we speak and understand,some internal mechanism是对some set of processes的解释,所以答案为B。 ?
【详细解答】见文章最后一段第一句: This approach to language, as a phenomenon of the individual, is thus principally concerned with explaining how we acquire language,所以答案为A。?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-22 09:01:22
Part Ⅲ?
【详细解答】pattern模式,样式。scale规模,比例尺,通常与on连用,如:on a large scale (大规模地) 。grade年级,等级,分数。rank等级,排。?
【详细解答】inaugurate为…举行就职典礼,使…正式就职。launch发起,创办,发射。如:launch a new enterprise创办新企业。commence开始,着手,其后接动词不定式或动名词。如commence to study law/studying law开始学法律。initiate开始,创始,发起。如initiate an investigation着手一项调查。?
【详细解答】advertise (?vi.?) 登广告,做广告。advocate ?(vt.)? 提倡,拥护,主张。如:advocate a change of policy主张改变政策。activate ?(vt.)? 使活动起来,使开始起作用。inherit ?(vt.)? 继承。如:inherit a large fortune继承一大笔财产。?
【详细解答】excel (?vi.?)擅长,杰出,常与in或at连用。exert ?(vt.)? 尽力,发挥。如:exert oneself努力,尽力。energize ?(vt.)? 给予能量,给予活力。exploit ?(vt.)? 剥削,利用。如:exploit the natural resources of a country开发国有自然资源。?
【详细解答】casual 偶然的,随便的。random任意的,随机的。formal正式的。
【详细解答】transition过渡,转折。conversion 转变,变换。turnover营业额,成交量,人员调整。formation形成;构成;形成物。?
【详细解答】minority少数;少数民族。scarcity缺乏,不足,萧条。minimum 最小量,最小的。shortage 不足,缺少,不足额。?
【详细解答】distinctly 清楚地,明晰地。distressfully 痛苦地,悲惨地。distractingly 迷惑地,分心地。distinctively与众不同地,醒目地。?
【详细解答】defect 缺陷,用于人时,指生理缺陷。error 错误,差错,指偏离了正确标准。mistake错误,过失,指由于错误理解、判断或粗心大意而造成的错误。blunder 错误,指由于无知或愚蠢而犯的较大错误。?
【详细解答】inadequate不足的,常与for连用。incapable不能的,常与of连用。incompatible不相容的,不和谐的。如:incompatible colors不协调的颜色。invalid无效的,不合法的。?
【详细解答】conflict冲突,抵触。collision碰撞,(利益、意见等)冲突。combat 战斗,斗争。contradiction (意见等)相互矛盾,冲突。?
【详细解答】identify识别,认出。guarantee保证。notify通知,告知, 通常以书面形式通知。convey传达,表达(思想、感情等)。?
【详细解答】affection爱慕,爱情。attraction吸引,吸引力,引力。partition分隔物,隔墙,分割,划分。passion热情,激情,爱好,常与for连用。如:have a passion for music热爱音乐。?
【详细解答】let out放大(衣服等)。let off排放,放过,宽恕。let go放,松手。
let loose释放。?
【详细解答】entitle予以权利,予以资格。常与to连用,构成搭配entitle sb. to sth.。confer商谈,商议,注意搭配confer with sb.。 或confer on sth. grant给予,授予,(姑且)承认。credit相信,信任。?
【详细解答】turn out生产,制造。turn up出现,到来,调大(音量)。turn down拒绝,关小,调低(音量)。turn in上床睡觉,上交,交还。?
【详细解答】hang back踌躇不前,不情愿。hang about闲荡,闲呆着。hang on等待片刻,抓住不放,取决于。hang up挂断(电话)。?
【详细解答】comply(?vi.?)服从,遵守,依从。常与with连用。obey (vt.)服从,顺从,听从。如:obey an order服从命令。conceal ?(vt.)? 隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽。consent同意,答应。如:consent to a proposal同意一个提案。?
【详细解答】obligation义务,职责,责任。oath 誓言,誓约,宣誓。optimum 最佳条件,最适宜。orientation定位;方向。?
【详细解答】in short总之,简言之。in consequence 因此,结果。in general一般来说,大体上。in force声势浩大的,实施中的,有效的。?
Part Ⅳ?
72.去掉about。 notice为及物动词,后面直接接宾语。?
73.these改为those。当特指“那些人”时,只能用those, 后面接定语从句。?
74.admired改为admiring。 根据句子的意思,是fan去admire运动员(sportsman),因而admire用现在分词形式。?
75.employer改为employee。 根据句子的意思,模仿老板的行为的那个人,应该是employee (雇员)。?
77.comfortably改为comfortable。 根据句子的意思,feel后面应该接形容词(comfortable)做表语。?
79.friend改为friends。与friend并列的是acquaintances (熟人),而acquaintances 用的是复数,friend也用复数。?
80.在aware之前加上being. Aware是形容词,不能直接做介词without的宾语,加上 being动名词,与aware一起做介词without的宾语。? Part Ⅴ?
The Development of Private Cars?
There is no denying the fact that the development of private cars is a popular topic which is much talked about. Yet opinions of it vary from person to person.?Some people claim that there are many advantages in possessing a car. A car offers a greater degree of comfort and mobility. The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transport, and hence no irritation caused by waiting for buses or taxis. With a car he can go where he likes and when he wants, so that he can enjoy his leisure to the full by making trips to the countryside or seaside on weekends, instead of being confined to his immediate neighborhood. ?
However, others strongly object to the development of private cars. They maintain that as more and more cars are produced and run in the streets, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere. Furthermore, private cars contribute to traffic congestion that makes a great nuisance.?
So far as I am concerned, I fully believe that the advantages of private cars outweigh their disadvantages. What’s more, there are at least two effective ways to cope with the demerits. The first way to tackle it is to appeal to the authorities to take drastic measures to produce less poisonous cars. The other policy that is worth adopting is to build up more roads to reduce the traffic jam. In this way we can succeed in dealing with the problem and make full use of private cars.? 本套试卷测试语言重点?
excel: 擅长,杰出(常与in或at连用)?
casual: 偶然的,随便的 transition:过渡,转折?
distinctly: 清楚地,明晰地 conflict:冲突,抵触?
productive:富有成效的 justify:证明…是正当的?
wreck:使遭难,(船只等)失事? 4个重点词组:?
in short:总之,简言之
hang back:踌躇不前,不情愿?
turn out:生产,制造 let out:放大(衣服等)
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-22 09:02:04
(点击右键“另存为”可下载语音) 复旦大学外文系 张雪波?

Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Section  A
Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Example:You will hear: ?
M: When shall we start our work, Jane??
W: Tomorrow at 9 o’clock. But we must work quickly, for we have to finish everything before 2 in the afternoon.?
Q: For how long can they work??
You will read:
A) 2 hours.
B) 3 hours.
C) 4 hours.
D) 5 hours.?
From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 o’clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D)“5 hours” is the correct answer. You should choose [D] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center.
Sample Answer [A] [B][C] [D]?

1. A) Buy something in the Bill supermarket.?
B) Get money to pay her bill.?
C) Check to see whether he can pay in cash.?
D) Get a check for the woman. ?

2. A) At class. B) Back at home.?C) At work. D) In hospital.?

3. A) She will help him.?
B) She finished hers two days ago.?
C) She completed her work very quickly.?
D) She is still doing the project.?

4. A) Angry. B) Hungry.?C) Tired. D) Dissatisfied.?

5. A) It is not theirs.?
B) It has some problems.?
C) It is out of warranty.?
D) It was stolen.?

6. A) She doesn’t like picnic.?
B) It will be too hot.?
C) She will have an exam next week.?
D) The biology class will go to the beach next week.?

7. A) It does not concern John.?
B) John does not care about his car.?
C) John will help him fix the car.?
D) He wants John to fix the car.?

8. A) 20 miles. B) 6 miles.?C) 14 miles. D) 26 miles.?

9. A) It’s time to urge him to study math.?
B) He himself should make the decision.?
C) They should help him study math.?
D) They should leave right now.?

10.A) It has been published.?
B) It has been thrown out as junk.?
C) It has been deleted from the computer.?
D) The woman cannot get it any longer.??

Section  B
Passage One?
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage:?
11.A) Soil.  B) Human population.?C) Forest. D) Water. ?

12.A) By using satellite images, maps, etc.?
B) By studying specific farming methods. ?
C) By studying the variation of human population. ?
D) By analyzing the quality of crops. ?

13.A) By forcing them farming.?
B) By affecting the quality of soils. ?
C) By adding chemicals and pollute the waterways. ?
D) By affecting the environments they live in. ?

Passage Two?
Questions 14 to 16 are based on the following passage:?
14.A) To estimate the extreme weather.?
B) To develop the satellite technology. ?
C) To improve agricultural output. ?
D) To learn how to change information to maps more efficiently. ?

15.A) By turning the intensity of sunshine into maps.?
B) By analyzing the recent weather report.?
C) By capturing the microwave radiation from the soil. ?
D) By analyzing information provided by ground observation centers. ?

16.A) Acquire information from satellites more efficiently.?
B) To realize full coverage of area the satellite passes over.?
C) Building more ground observation centers.?
D) Compare? satellites information with those from ground. ?

Passage Three?
Questions 17 to 20 are based on the following passage:?
17.A) Call on people to protect sharks.?
B) Point out the living environment of sharks. ?
C) Explain why the sharks are dangerous. ?
D) An introduction to sharks. ?

18.A)By good sense of water waves made by quarries.?
B)By good sense of smell and electrical magnetic power. ?
C)By good sense of light. ?
D)By good sense of blood. ?

19.A) Bone structure.?
B) Smell ability. ?
C) Birth mode. ?
D) Recover ability against disease. ?

20.A) Their tasty meat.?
B) The principle of their defense system against disease. ?
C) Their solid skin. ?
D) The principle of their birth modes.

Part  Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(35 minutes)
Passage One?
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:?

  Scientists say there has been a severe decrease in the amount of water in Lake Chad in northern Africa in the last thirty years. They report that nature and humans share equal blame for this loss.In 1963 the fresh water lake covered twenty-five-thousand-square kilometers.Now the lake is only about five percent of that size.It measures only about one-thousand-three-hundred square kilometers in the dry season. ?
  Four nations surround Lake Chad. People in Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and Cameroon use it for water, fish and plant life.?Michael Coe and Jonathan Foley are water experts at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.They reported about Lake Chad in the Journal of Geophysical Research.They say the area has suffered from a lack of heavy rain for more than thirty years.This has forced people to build systems to carry water to dry land.These irrigation systems further decrease the lake. ?
  Mister Coe says Lake Chad will be only a small body of water in the future. He says people still can get water from the lake to drink and for crops. But he says the lake will no longer provide a healthy environment for fish and plant life. ?
The researchers used a computer to study what caused the water loss. Their computer study estimated the climate and amount of water in the area. The estimate started with the early 1960s. Then the researchers compared the estimates with the area’s recorded climate and water supply for the same period. ?
  The computer study showed results similar to the recorded ones for the first twenty years. But there was a big change in the 1980s. At that time, the lake got smaller much faster than the computer research had estimated. ?
  The researchers say major irrigation systems were built in the 1980s. The systems took water from two rivers that flow into Lake Chad. The Chari and Logone rivers carry most of the water that enters the lake. The study showed the increased irrigation reduced the flow in the two rivers. Climate changes also were responsible for the reduction. Today the flow of the two rivers has been reduced by almost seventy-five percent.?
  Scientists say the problem is expected to worsen in the coming years as the population and demand for water continue to increase. ?
21.What is this passage mainly about??
A) Demonstrating the serious weather condition around Lake Chad. ?
B) Introducing people’s activity around Lake Chad.?
C) Analyzing of the factors that cause water decreases in Lake Chad.?
D) Introducing scientists’ work about water condition in Lake Chad.?

22.What did people do to solve the problem of rain lack around Chad Lake??
A) They moved out of this area.?
B) They drew water from Lake Chad.?
C) They carried water from other areas.?
D) They utilize seawater near this area.?

23.Which of the following is true according to this passage??
A) Chad Lake located in the middle of Chad in northern Africa.?
B) The water from Chad water can now only be used for irrigation.?
C) The area around Chad Lake has suffered from heavy rain lack many decades.?
D) Population around the Chad Lake now begins to decrease due to water lack.?

24.Why computer data become imprecise in 1980s? ?
A) The related programs on the computer were out of date. ?
B) More and more people drew water directly from the lake for drink. ?
C) A heavy rain happened around 1980. ?
D) The irrigation from the source water increases.?

25. What is scientists’ attitude towards the future of Chad Lake??
A) Pessimism.     B) Hopeful. ?
C) Indifferent.  D) Doubtful.?

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-22 09:02:27
Passage Two?
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:?
  Scientists have long believed one way to stop the Earth’s atmosphere from warming is by planting more trees.The idea is that more trees will take in or absorb some of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.Carbon dioxide is a gas released by cars,factories and other human activities.The gas traps heat in the Earth’s atmosphere,which warms the planet.However,two new studies have found that trees may not be as helpful in reducing carbon dioxide as had been thought. ?
  The first study was done at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. Researchers pumped extra carbon dioxide into a test area where pine trees were growing. The trees grew thirty-four percent faster during the first three years. However, in time, the trees slowed to about their normal growth rate. The scientists say this is because trees need other nutrients, such as nitrogen.?
  In the second study, researchers from Duke and Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine examined the soil around trees. They discovered that as the leaves broke down into the soil, all the carbon was not trapped in the soil. Much of it was released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.?
  The findings of the two studies were published last month in Nature magazine. They suggest there is limited value in planting trees to reduce the carbon dioxide pollution in the atmosphere.?
  Forest planting has been a part of negotiations on a world agreement to reduce greenhouse gases that scientists believe cause global warming. The United States, Canada, Japan and some other industrial countries have supported the idea. But this new research suggests the idea is not as effective as environmental activists had thought. Scientist Ram Oren of Duke University led the study on tree growth. He says that earlier estimates on the ability of forests to absorb carbon dioxide were overly hopeful.?
  Some scientists not involved in the studies say the research provides some of the first evidence on how trees react to carbon dioxide. Other scientists say the research disputes a belief among some coal and power companies. The companies say that rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will not create harmful global warming. Instead, they say it will increase forests and other plants.?
26.What is the purpose of this passage??
A) Introduce some new ideas about the relationship between trees and carbon dioxide.?
B) Introduce recent condition of global industrial pollution.?
C) Call on people to plant more trees to reduce greenhouse gases.?
D) Point out that power companies should be responsible for the rising levels of carbon dioxide.?

27. Why researchers put trees in extra carbon dioxide in the first study??
A) To learn whether trees can still absorb carbon dioxide under extreme conditions.?
B) To get more oxygen from these trees.?
C) To evaluate the maximum carbon dioxide that trees can absorb.?
D) To see the growth rate of these trees.?

28.What happened to the leaves falling from the trees in the second study??
A)They broke down and the main parts turned into oxygen.?
B)They broke down and the carbon content had mainly turned into carbon dioxide.?C)They broke down and the carbon content was mainly absorbed in the soil.?
D)They absorbed more carbon dioxide.?

29.Scientist Ram Oren is of the opinion that common beliefs of the tree’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide are____.?
A) biased     B) insightful?
C) overoptimistic  D) totally wrong?

30.The word “it” (Line 7, Para.6) probably refers to ____.?
A) carbon dioxide B) nitrogen?
C) atmosphere D) coal?

Passage Three?
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:?

An American scientist has found that many images of dinosaurs may be wrong. For years, pictures of the ancient creatures have shown their nose openings near the top of the head. The new study suggests the dinosaurs’ nostrils were just above the mouth.?
Dinosaurs used their nostrils to breathe,smell and control their body temperature.The new theory could help explain how the huge creatures were able to survive by using their sense of smell to find food,a mate and possible enemies. ?
Lawrence Witmer of Ohio University in Athens,Ohio led the study.The publication science reported his findings.?
Many of the early dinosaur remains recovered by scientists were from huge creatures called sauropods. Scientists believed that sauropods must have lived in water because their bodies were so huge and their necks were so long.?
Nostrils high on the head would have permitted the dinosaurs to breathe while partly under water. The discovery of a sauropod head bone in 1884 added support for this belief. The skull had a large hole at the top of the head. ?
Professor Witmer says experts learned years later that sauropods generally were not sea creatures. But he says the earlier theory about nostril position was extended to other dinosaurs. ?
Only dinosaur bones have survived as fossil remains. Scientists have never recovered dinosaur remains of soft tissue. Scientists interested in the physical appearance of dinosaurs often study birds and animals similar to the ancient creatures. Professor Witmer examined forty-five kinds of birds, crocodiles and lizards that are the closest living relatives to dinosaurs. He noted the placement of soft tissue through hundreds of x-ray images and by cutting pieces of tissue. Soft tissue leaves markings on bone. Professor Witmer used this information to make a map of the likely position of soft tissue in the dinosaurs’ noses. He found that the birds and reptiles he studied share a common nostril position.?
Professor Witmer found that the hole scientists once thought was a nostril in dinosaurs is just one part of the larger nasal passage. He found that the nostrils were farther forward and closer to the mouth. He says this new nostril position was true for all dinosaurs.?
31.Where is this article likely to be excerpted from??
A) Biology textbook. B) Scientific report.?C) Science fiction. D) Essay.?

32.One advantage with Nostrils high on the head is to ____.?
A) use sense of smell more efficiently?
B) help them move fast and alert?
C) enable them to find more food?
D) help them live under water more easily?

33.Which of the following may not be a reason why Professor Witmer studies crocodiles and lizards in his experiments??
A) They are close relatives to dinosaurs.?
B) Their soft tissues survive as fossil remains.?
C) Their soft tissues have similar traits with dinosaurs.
D) He cannot find living dinosaurs.?

34.What does “this information” (in paragraph 7) refer to??
A) Soft tissues. B) Bone.?
C) Markings. D) Nose.?

35.The word “passage” (Line 2, Para.8) means____.?
A) gate B) channel?C) cross D) paragraph?

Passage Four?
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:?

Carbon dioxide makes up less than one percent of the Earth’s atmosphere. But the gas is very important to life on Earth. Scientists are finding that processes involving carbon dioxide affect our climate in ways that are difficult to understand.? Last month, a committee of the National Academy of Sciences in Washington released a report. It confirmed that world temperatures increased about six-tenths of a degree Celsius in the last one hundred years. The report also confirmed evidence that the level of carbon dioxide is increasing. ?
The best information about climate in the past comes from tests of ice many kilometers deep in Antarctica and Greenland. The tests show changes in temperature during the past four-hundred-thousand years. These tests show that levels of carbon dioxide today are the highest ever measured. These findings have led scientists to believe that carbon dioxide is a major cause of climate warming. ?
Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere when fuel is burned. Oil, coal and wood are all fuels that release the gas. When biological waste breaks down, it also releases carbon dioxide. ?
However, plants use carbon dioxide in the process called photosynthesis. This process provides food for almost all life on Earth. Some groups that support burning oil and coal want to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. They oppose international efforts to control carbon dioxide.?
Some scientists believe that forests and trees are able to capture large amounts of carbon dioxide from the air. Some groups even suggest that an increase in carbon dioxide could cause plants to grow faster.?
A recent study in North Carolina found that more carbon dioxide in the air could cause trees to grow faster. But the researchers found the effect appears to last for only three years. Another study showed that much of the carbon dioxide that is taken in by trees is released within three years. The study noted that leaves release carbon dioxide when they fall from trees and break down in the soil. Plants also naturally release carbon dioxide through the process of respiration. ?
The natural balance of gases in the atmosphere is a complex scientific issue. The debate over carbon dioxide is only one part of efforts to understand world climate change.?
36.Which one is NOT mentioned in this passage that can be the source of carbon dioxide??
A) Oil.  B) Trees.?C) Wood. D) Soil.?

37.The committee report of National Academy of Sciences in Washington reveal that____.?
A) ice from Antarctica and Greenland is appropriate to show the change?
B) carbon dioxide is released mainly from the fuel?
C) level of carbon dioxide increases with global temperatures?
D) carbon dioxide is helpful for tree growth?

38.According to this passage, those people disagree with the control of carbon dioxide because____.?
A) they think that carbon is beneficial for plant growth?
B) they want to use more fuels that can emit carbon dioxide?
C) they think carbon dioxide is not the main reason for global warming?
D) they think it will destroy the natural balance of gases in the world?

39.The word “issue” in the last paragraph can be replaced as ____.?
A) organ B) topic?C) publication D) result?

40.Those studies carried out in North Carolina suggest that ____.?
A) trees’ function for absorbing carbon dioxide is limited?
B) carbon dioxide is the main cause for global warming?
C) leaves falling from trees can emit more oxygen?
D) more carbon dioxide is beneficial for trees’ growth for many decades

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-22 09:02:51
Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes)
Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked. A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

41.In the ____ of my doctor, I should be well enough to travel by next week.?
A) opinion  B) conviction?C) judgment D) idea?

42.She ____ her wedding presents on the table.?
A) presented B) displayed?C) exhibited D) demonstrated?

43.Contrary to my expectations, the experiment ended ____ failure.?
A) at B) to?C) in D) till?

44.These machines all look much the same, but each has its ____ function.?
A) extraordinary B) special?C) peculiar D) exceptional?

45. It took a week of investigation to get a reasonably ____ account of the accident.?
A) accurate B) precise?C) strict D) positive?

46.After seven years’ work, Chinese scientists ____ the task of launching their country’s first spaceship in seven years.?
A) achieve B) accomplish?C) fulfill D) complete?

47.The little boy ____ at the funny-looking man for a few minutes before answering his question.?
A) glared B) stared?C) gazed D) gaped?

48.The service operates 36 libraries throughout the country,while six〖CD#2*2〗libraries specially serve the countryside.?
A) mobile B) shifting?C) drifting D) rotating?

49.These young people’s ____ to the City Council is considered brilliant.?
A) proposal B) plan C) plot D) scheme?

50.The knife is a strong piece of ____ against the defendant.?
A) proof B) clue?C) indication D) evidence?

51.She was overwhelmed with ____ and couldn’t speak for a moment.?
A) feeling B) sensitivity?C) emotion D) reason?

52.Before he sank into unconsciousness, he ____ towards the window and managed to open it.?
A) fought B) struggled?C) walked D) dragged?

53.In spite of all effort the doctors had done, her burns refuse to ____.?
A) heal B) revive C) recover D) survive?

54.Although somehow abstract, the article is full of biblical and historical ____.?
A) illusion B) allusion?C) accountants D) literarcy?

55.We told him to prepare for the coming cold wave, but he simply ____ our advice.?A) scorn B) neglect C) deny D) ignore?

56.Although thrift all his life, the man left the____ fortune to his son.?
A) huge B) immense?C) magnificent D) rich?

57.The old building is in a good state of ____ except for the wooden floors.?
A) observation B) preservation?C) conservation D) compensation?

58.The council was asked to ____ the engineer’s estimates for the coming year.?
A) answer B) approve?C) confirm D) converge?

59.Is that a(n)____Roman statue, or a modern copy??
A) authentic B) true?C) legitimate D) authorized?

60.Babies begin to be ____ sounds three months after they are born.?
A) responsible for B) retort to?C) responsive to D) reply?

61.The world’s governments have done____ nothing to combat the threat of nuclear accidents.?
A) inherently B) vitally?C) virtually D) identically?

62.We were warned that even a slight ____ in calculation might ruin the whole project.?
A) mistake B) fault?C) flaw D) error?

63.The patient is in a critical state. He doesn’t ____pulling through this time.?
A) bear B) have time?C) stand any chance of D) desire?

64.It is too noisy in the room, we had to use ____ to get those trouble makers out of the place.?
A) force B) power?C) vigor D) strength?

65.Parents often faced the ____ between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.?
A) junction B) premise?C) paradox D) dilemma?

66.I have got an exam tomorrow, so for ____ reasons I won’t go out tonight.?
A) direct B) plain?C) unknown D) obscure?

67.The driver responsible for the accident was ____ punished.?
A) seriously B) totally?C) severely D) clearly?

68.My parents died young, but I have done well in this repect ____ my other ancestors.?
A) to B) for?C) as regards D) with?

69.The man was sitting on the floor shivering with ____; a bullet had been fired through the window.?
A) severity B) fear?C) terror D) excitement?

70.The person who ____ this type of research deserves our praise.?
A) originated B) manufactured?C) generated D) estimated
Part Ⅳ Error Correction (15 minutes)
Directions:This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.?

? The Environmental Protection Agency has set limits for the radiation permitted to leak from a proposed nuclear waste burial center in the state of Nevada. The action will help decided whether the federal government can build the nuclear waste dump at Yucca Mountain. ?
The dump would be used to bury about seventy-thousand tons of nuclear waste. The waste includes use nuclear fuel from power centers and waste from the production of nuclear weapons. The waste is now stored at power center around the country. ?
Yucca Mountain is owned by the federal government. No one lives there. It is in a extremely dry area more than one-hundred-forty-five kilometers northwest of Las Vegas.?
The administration of President Bush believes a nuclear waste dump should develop there. It says this dump is needed to permit an decrease in nuclear power centers. Federal officials supports more use of nuclear power because of the nation’s energy problems. But Nevada state officials strongly reprove the plan. The dispute about Yucca Mountain has continued for almost twenty years. ?
The Environmental Protection Agency recently establish radiation limits for groundwater, air and soil near Yucca Mountain. Both sides claimed that the agency ruling helped their cause. Department of Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham says his agency can meet the new requirement. Mister Abraham says the government may continue with the project by the end of the year.
?1. time __?2. ? __?3. the __?


Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)
Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on Choosing the Right Career.[WTBX] You should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:?

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-22 09:03:14
Section A?
1. W: Did you say you were driving to the town this morning??
M: Yes, I had to get a check cashed to pay my supermarket bill.?
Q: What did the man do in the town??
2. W: Will John be coming to class this afternoon??
M: He’s supposed to. But actually he cannot come out from the hospital until next week as the doctor has said.?
Q: Where is John now? ?
3. W: I do not think you can finish your computer project in less than a week.?
M: Linda got it made in just two days.?
Q: What does the man say about Linda??
4. W: It’s almost 11 o’clock; why not leave that math work till tomorrow??
M: Good idea, I am beat.?
Q: What is the man’s attitude towards this work??
5. W: Ah, is this TV still on the warranty??
M: It should be since I bought it only two months ago.?
Q: What happened on this TV set??
6. M: Mary, let’s go to the beach and have a picnic this weekend.?
W: I’m afraid not now. The biology class will have midterm test next week.?
Q: Why can’t Mary agree with the man??
7. W: John thinks that you should not fix your car yourself.?
M: Why should he care? It’s not his car.?
Q: What does the man imply??
8. W: Hi, Bill. You are so late. The meeting has already started.?
M: Oh, I originally thought I knew the way well enough. I drove 20 miles one way, then 6 another before I got here.?
Q: What is the distance should Bill drive to attend the meeting??
9. W: Do you think we should urge Tom to study math??
M: Oh, we should leave that decision up to him.?
Q: What does the man mean??
10.W: Sorry, Bob. I didn’t know your report was in that stack of papers.?
M: Don’t worry. Fortunately I have a copy on my computer.?
Q: What has happened to Bob’s work??
Section B?
Passage One?
Experts say some farming activities are seriously damaging Earth’s environment. Bad farming methods can damage soil, forests and water supplies. They also have caused some plants and animals to disappear. Two groups now say that bad farming methods are threatening the ability of farmers to produce enough food to feed the world population in the future. ?
The groups used satellite images, maps and modern equipment to study the effect of agriculture on the environment. The study found that the destruction of soil is widespread. Important organic nutrients are being removed from farmland. ?Agriculture uses seventy percent of the freshwater in the world each year. The study found that many farmers are wasting water supplies. In addition, chemicals designed to protect crops may pollute waterways. ?The report also says as much as thirty percent of the world’s forests have been cut down so the land could be used for agriculture. This has led to a severe loss of wildlife and their environments. ?

11.Which is not mentioned in the passage as an aspect that farming activities are damaging??
12. How can the group carry out their studies??
13. According to this passage, why the farming activities can affect the animals??

Passage Two?
American scientists are developing maps that can identify areas of future flooding. The maps also may help scientists estimate the possibility of extremely dry weather and severe storms. ?Tom Jackson of the United States Department of Agriculture prepared the map after the April flood. He used information provided by satellites in Earth orbit. ?
The maps are produced from dish receivers on the satellites. Each dish receiver measures the wetness of the soil by capturing the natural release of microwave radiation from the soil. The receivers turn rapidly. This provides complete coverage of each area the satellite passes over. ?
Mr. Jackson and other scientists have tested Aqua’s equipment in airplanes and satellites flying over several states. The scientists used the tests to develop ways to change the information gathered into maps. ?
Mr. Jackson now plans to compare the microwave dish receiver findings with information from tests on Earth’s soil. He will use instruments at Agricultural Research Service centers in four states. He also will study information provided by forty ground observation centers across the country. ?

14. Why American scientists are developing these maps??
15. How can the satellites catch the information about the soil??
16. What is the future work planned to do??

Passage Three?
Scientists say sharks have lived in the world’s oceans for millions of years. Scientists say there are more than three-hundred-fifty different kinds of sharks. ?Sharks do not have bones, and a shark has an extremely good sense of smell. It can find small amounts of substances in the water, such as blood, body liquids and chemicals produced by animals. Sharks also sense electrical and magnetic power linked to nerves and muscles of living animals. These powerful senses help them find their food. Some sharks will eat just about anything. Many unusual things have been found in the stomachs of some tiger sharks. They include shoes, dogs, a cow’s foot and metal protective clothing. ?About forty percent of the different kinds of sharks lay eggs. The others give birth to live young. Some sharks carry their young inside their bodies like humans do. Scientists are beginning to understand the importance of sharks to humans. Medical researchers want to learn more about the shark’s body defense system against disease. They know that sharks recover quickly from injuries. Sharks appear never to suffer infections, cancer or heart diseases. ?

17. What is this passage mainly about??
18. How can sharks find their quarries??
19. In which point some sharks are similar with humans??
20. Why sharks are useful for humans?

Part Ⅰ?
Section A?
【详细解答】该男士以Linda为例反驳称自己可以完成任务, 故突出了Linda完成之快。?
【详细解答】关键词汇: I’m beat;表示该男士听从了建议,准备睡觉了。因此对应态度应为tired。?
【详细解答】该男士问的是有没有过保修期,可以推断出这台电视未出现被偷等情况而可能出现了毛病。关键词汇: on warranty。?
【详细解答】注意到女方回答是not now.因此A)错误。眼下不行的原因是下星期会有考试,因此C)为正确答案。?
【详细解答】注意到one way指一个方向,从回答中可以看出他先开了20英里后折回6英里,因此实际上只要开14英里即可到达目的地。?
【详细解答】关键词组leave up to把…留给某人(做决定).因此该男士认为应由Tom自己决定是否学习数学,选项B)正确。?
Section B?
Passage One?
【详细解答】相关句子:“ The groups used satellite images, maps and modern equipment to study the effect of agriculture on the environment.”而其余选项在文中均没具体提及。?
【详细解答】相关句子:“ The report also says as much as thirty percent of the world’s forests have been cut down so the land could be used for agriculture. This has led to a severe loss of wildlife and their environments.”可见由于对居住环境的影响导致了动物的减少,因此D)选项正确。?
Passage Two?
本文略述Tom Jackson等美国科学家正进行通过制图预报洪水灾害的工作。主要讲述了通过卫星制图的原理以及将它和地面制图比较的情况。?
【详细解答】相关句子: “The maps also may help scientists estimate the possibility of extremely dry weather and severe storms. ”可见研究的目的在于预报天气灾害。?
【详细解答】相关句子: “Each dish receiver measures the wetness of the soil by capturing the natural release of microwave radiation from the soil.”因此是通过检测土壤微波辐射的方式。?
【详细解答】相关句子: “ Mr. Jackson now plans to compare the microwave dish receiver findings with information from tests on Earth’s soil.” A), B), C)均不是未来的工作目标。?

Passage Three?
【详细解答】相关句子: “Sharks do not have bones, and a shark has an extremely good sense of smell. It can find small amounts of substances in the water, such as blood, body liquids and chemicals produced by animals. Sharks also sense electrical and magnetic power linked to nerves and muscles of living animals. These powerful senses help them find their food.”可以看出鲨鱼靠敏锐的嗅觉和电磁感觉来捕食猎物。?
【详细解答】相关句子: “ Some sharks carry their young inside their bodies like humans do.”可以看出部分鲨鱼的生育方式与人类一样。?
【详细解答】相关句子: “ Medical researchers want to learn more about the shark’s body defense system against disease.”可以看出人类渴望通过研究鲨鱼的抗病机理以期对人类有帮助。?

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-22 09:03:34
Part Ⅱ?
Passage One?
【详细解答】A)只是文中提及的自然因素;文中提及people’s activity只是为了说明人为因素; 介绍科学家的工作也是为了分析原因。因此A),B),D)均为错误答案。?
【详细解答】关键段落:“ This has forced people to build systems to carry water to dry land. These irrigation systems further decrease the lake.”可见人们采取的方式是从湖中提取水分。而A)迁移出去;C)从其他地方运水;D)从海水中运水文中均未提及。?
【详细解答】关键语句:“They say the area has suffered from a lack of heavy rain for more than thirty years. ”因此C)选项正确。而因文中“Four nations surround Lake Chad.” A)错误; “He says people still can get water from the lake to drink and for crops.” B)错误; “Scientists say the problem is expected to worsen in the coming years as the population and demand for water continue to increase.” D)错误。?
【详细解答】关键语句:“The researchers say major irrigation systems were built in the Nineteen-Eighties. The systems took water from two rivers that flow into Lake Chad. The Chari and Logone rivers carry most of the water that enters the lake. The study showed the increased irrigation reduced the flow in the two rivers. Climate changes also were responsible for the reduction. Today the flow of the two rivers has been reduced by almost seventy-five percent.”可见一方面是湖区水源抽取过多,另一方面是天气情况变得恶劣,D)正确。A), C)在文中均未提及。B)不应是directly,且用于drink也不妥当。?
【详细解答】关键语句: “Scientists say the problem is expected to worsen in the coming years as the population and demand for water continue to increase.”且从贯穿全文的语气可以看出不抱乐观态度。?
Passage Two?
【详细解答】关键语句:“The trees grew thirty-four percent faster during the first three years. However, in time, the trees slowed to about their normal growth rate. The scientists say this is because trees need other nutrients, such as nitrogen.”可以看出是研究生长规律.A),B),C)均和本文无关。?
【详细解答】关键语句:“They discovered that as the leaves broke down into the soil, all the carbon was not trapped in the soil. Much of it was released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.” 而A), C), D) 均错误。?
【译文】科学家Ram Oren认为大众对树叶作用的观点过于乐观。?
【详细解答】关键语句:“He says that earlier estimates on the ability of forests to absorb carbon dioxide were overly hopeful.”可见他认为普通观点过于乐观。?
【译文】对应段落里的 “it” 指二氧化碳。?
【详细解答】关键语句:“The companies say that rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will not create harmful global warming. Instead, they say it will increase forests and other plants.” 可见应是二氧化碳.其余选项与本段无关。?
Passage Three?
本篇文章报道了一个新的科学观点,即恐龙鼻孔应紧贴嘴巴上方。文章简要介绍了以前的老观点(认为鼻孔高居头上),并阐明了新观点的提出人Professor Witmer的研究方法和科研成果。?
【详细解答】关键语句:“Nostrils high on the head would have permitted the dinosaurs to breathe while partly under water.” B),C)均与文章无关;A)应与新观点有关,可见文中所述“The new theory could help explain how the huge creatures were able to survive by using their sense of smell to find food, a mate and possible enemies.”?
【译文】Professor Witmer以鳄鱼和蜥蜴为实验研究对象并不是因为它们的软组织可以作为化石幸存下来。?
【详细解答】关键语句:“Scientists interested in the physical appearance of dinosaurs often study birds and animals similar to the ancient creatures. Professor Witmer examined forty-five kinds of birds, crocodiles and lizards that are the closest living relatives to dinosaurs.”可以看出A),C)正确,而D)显然正确;B)文中未提。?
【详细解答】关键语句“Soft tissue leaves markings on bone. Professor Witmer used this information to make a map of the likely position of soft tissue in the dinosaurs’ noses.”可见应指代markings。?
【详细解答】A)gate(门) C)cross(十字路口) D) paragraph(段落)均不符合题意。?
Passage Four?
【详细解答】可见第四段“Oil, coal and wood are all fuels that release the gas.”倒数第二段“The study noted that leaves release carbon dioxide when they fall from trees and break down in the soil. Plants also naturally release carbon dioxide through the process of respiration.”而土壤未被提及过。?
【详细解答】关键语句:“The tests show changes in temperature during the past four-hundred-thousand years. These tests show that levels of carbon dioxide today are the highest ever measured.”可见C)正确.A)是作实验的原料而不是分析结果.B),D)为下面的内容。?
【详细解答】关键语句:“Some groups that support burning oil and coal want to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. They oppose international efforts to control carbon dioxide.” C), D)在文中没提.而A)而在文中出现在:“Some groups even suggest that an increase in carbon dioxide could cause plants to grow faster.”可见至少不是动机。?
【详细解答】关键语句:“A recent study in North Carolina found that more carbon dioxide in the air could cause trees to grow faster. But the researchers found the effect appears to last for only three years. Another study showed that much of the carbon dioxide that is taken in by trees is released within three years.”而C)应是放出二氧化碳;D)只有三年;B)是本文开头所做的试验。
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-22 09:04:30
Part Ⅲ?
【详细解答】opinion指观点;conviction多指坚信;judgment指判断;idea多指思想且只有opinion可以有in opinion of 的用法。?
【试题分析】词语搭配题,要求考生能分辨end in 的词语搭配,并能正确使用。?
【详细解答】end in固定搭配指以…而告终.其余选项均不符合题意。?
【详细解答】extraordinary, exceptional常指非凡的;special指独有的;peculiar指奇特罕见的。?
【详细解答】achieve 多指达到目标理想;accomplish多指完成成就,特别指比较辉煌的成就.fulfill,complete指一般的完成,complete也指竣工。?
【详细解答】glare 多指怒视;stare指短时间盯人看,gaze指长时间瞪着人看,gape指目瞪口呆的盯着人看。?
【详细解答】mobile 多指移动,尤指具有移动特性的物品,如mobile library, moblie phone;shifting指轮流更替,如工作三班倒;drifting多指漂流; rotating指旋转不息。?
【详细解答】proposal 多指正规正式的计划,如议案等;plan 指一般的计划;plot 多指阴谋,情节;scheme多指方案计划,如设计规划等。?
【详细解答】proof指一般的证据;clue 指线索如破案线索;indication指暗示;evidence指正式场合所用的证据,属于比较正式的词汇。?
【详细解答】heal 治愈,多指伤口治愈;revive指复活;recover多指苏醒复原(主语跟人);survive指生存下来。?
【详细解答】scorn表示蔑视;neglect 表示无意间忽视;deny表示否认;ignore表示故意忽视.可见ignore符合题意。?
【译文】虽然一生节俭,他留了一大笔遗产给他的儿子 。?
【详细解答】huge指一般的巨大;immense指空间上的巨大;magnificent指宏伟壮观;rich 指资源,富有。?
【详细解答】observation 表示观测;preservation表示保存如遗迹的保存;conservation指保护如环境保护;compensation指赔偿。?
【详细解答】authentic 表示是真的不是伪劣的;true表示真实的;legitimate表示合法的;authorized表示经过授权的。?
【详细解答】responsible for 表示对…负责;retort to 表示常去,求助于;responsive to 表示对…有反应;reply表示回复。?
【详细解答】inherently 内在的;vitally生机勃勃的;virtually实际上;identically 一致的。?
【详细解答】mistake 指一般错误;fault 指人犯的过错,过失;flaw指人和物的缺点,瑕疵;error指科学计算和工程上的小过失。?
【详细解答】stand a chance of 固定搭配,表示有…的机会.A)忍受B)有时间且后跟doing sth.; D)渴望均与原句意不符。?
【详细解答】junction 表示连接;premise表示假设;paradox表示自相矛盾;dilemma表示窘境困境。?
【详细解答】direct直接;unknown 不知道;obscure表示费解晦涩的,plain表示直白的,只有plain reason比较恰当。?
【详细解答】seriously 表示态度严肃的;totally 表示彻底完全的;severely表示程度严厉的;clearly表示清晰的。?
【详细解答】in this repect表示在…方面;A),B),D)仅在respect表示尊敬意思的时候才搭配使用。本题所考的内容与respect无太大关系。?
【详细解答】severity 表示严重性;fear表示恐慌;terror表示恐怖;相比起来fear多用于修饰人的情绪;excitement表示激动,与原文不符。?
Part Ⅳ?
help do something;这里不应该用过去式。?
used 表示用过的,use 是动词,而include的用法是include doing something。?
74.a? an?
75.develop?be developed?
Part Ⅴ?
Choosing the right career is very important. Most of us spend a great part of our lives at our jobs. For that reason we should try to find out what our talents are and how we use them. Therefore, the most important thing is how to find which kind of career suits us most.There are several ways which can help us in the career choice. First, we should know where our interest lies in. Then we can do some aptitude tests, interview with experts and study books in our field interest. Once we find something fit for us, we should try to do it whole heartedly.?
As for me, I am interested in dealing with people and I want to find a place in personnel management or public relations. I am studying courses in these aspects now and I think I can fulfill my dream one day.?

conviction: 深信、确信
legitimate: 合法的?
inherently: 天生的 rotate:旋转?
obscure: 模糊的、不起眼的 vigor: 活力?
allusion: 暗指、间接提到 accurate: 精确的?
estimate: 估计 compensation: 补偿?
for fear that: 唯恐 resort to: 诉诸于?
find fault with: 找茬、挑错 stand the chance of: 有……机会
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-22 09:05:58

国防科技大学外语系 粟进英
Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension(20 minutes)
Section A
Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Example:You will hear: ?
M: When shall we start our work, Jane??
W: Tomorrow at 9 o’clock. But we must work quickly, for we have to finish everything before 2 in the afternoon.?
Q: For how long can they work??
You will read:
A) 2 hours.
B) 3 hours.
C) 4 hours.
D) 5 hours.?
From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 o’clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D)“5 hours” is the correct answer. You should choose [D] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center.
Sample Answer [A] [B][C] [D]?
1. A) He often cuts classes to play basketball.?
B) He has little chance to play basketball.?
C) He’s looking for somebody to play with the game.?
D. He loves playing basketball very much. ?
2. A) Bob will see Susan tomorrow evening.?
B) Bob might be at home late tomorrow evening.?
C) Bob and Susan have decided to go on a holiday.?
D) Bob asked the woman to come another time.?
3.A)They think cinemas are too far away from their home.?
B)They are disappointed with the films produced these days.?
C)They both dislike films about adventure stories.?
D)They both like the idea of going to the cinema at night.?
4. A) It was too terrible for him to sleep.?
B) He was not very worried about it.?
C) He already lost a lot of sleep over it.?
D) He feels uncomfortable.?
5. A) Customer and salesperson.?
B) Boss and secretary.?
C) Teacher and student.?
D) Guest and waitress.?
6. A) She has to change the time for the trip.?
B) She hasn’t decided where to go next month.?
C) She can’t afford the time for the trip.?
D) She will manage to leave this month.?
7. A) She doesn’t like standing so close.?
B) She can’t hear clearly.?
C) She can’t watch the television clearly.?
D) She was hurt by the light.?
8. A) He doesn’t write well enough.?
B) He is not a professional writer.?
C) He hasn’t got a professional experience.?
D) He didn’t perform well in the interview.?
9. A) He doesn’t think it necessary to refuel the car.?
B) He can manage to get the gasoline they need.?
C) He hopes the woman will help him select a fuel.?
D) He thinks it is difficult to get fuel for the car.?
10. A) In the classroom.
B) At the gate of the library.?
C) In the library.
D) In the office.?
Section B
Directions:In this section you will hear a passage three times. During the first reading, you should listen carefully for a general idea of the whole passage. Then listen to the passage again. When the first part of the passage is being read, you should fill in the missing word during the pause at each blank. After listening to the second part of the passage you are required to write down the main points according to what you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read the third time you can check what you have written. ?
Who won the ball? What happened at the United States? How did the __(11) __ like the new play? Minutes after an event takes place, newspapers are on the streets giving the __(12) __. Wherever anything happens in the world,__(13) __are on the __(14) __ to gather the news. Newspapers have one basic purpose to get the news as quickly as possible from those who know it to those who want to know it.?
Radio,telegraph,television,and other__(15) __ brought competition for newspapers.So did the development of magazines and other means of __(16) __.But his competition merely spurred the newspaper on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the speed and__(17) __ of their own__(18) __.Today more newspapers are printed and read than ever before.?
Competition also led newspapers to branch out into many other fields. __(19)
__. Newspapers depend on advertising for their very existence.?
Newspapers are sold for prices that fail to cover even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main source of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising. __(20)__. This is measured in terms of circulation.
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(35 minutes)
Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.? Passage One?
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:?
Opinion polls are now beginning to show that,whoever is to blame and whatever happens from now on,high unemployment is probably here to say.This means we shall have to find ways of sharing the available employment more widely.?
But we need to go further. We must ask some fundamental questions about the future work. Should we continue to treat employment as the norm? Should we not rather encourage many ways for self-respecting people to work? Should we not create conditions in which many of us can work for ourselves, rather than for an employer? Should we not aim to revive the household and the neighborhood, as well as the factory and the office, as centers of production and work??
The industrial age has been the only period of human history in which most people’s work has taken the form of jobs. The industrial age may now becoming to an end, and some of the changes in work patterns which it brought may have to be reversed. This seems a daunting thought. But, in fact, it could offer the prospect of a better future for work. Universal employment, as its history shows, has not meant economic freedom.?
Employment became widespread when the enclosures of the 17th and 18th centuries made many people dependent on paid work by depriving them of the use of the land, and thus of the means to provide a living for themselves. Then the factory system destroyed the cottage industries and removed work from people’s homes. Later, as transport improved first by rail and then by road, people commuted longer distances to their places of employment until, eventually, many people’s work lost all connection with their home lives and the places in which they live.?
Meanwhile, employment put women at a disadvantage. In preindustrial times, men and women had shared the productive work of the household and village community. Now it became customary for the husband to go out to paid employment, leaving the unpaid work of the home and families to his wife. Tax and benefit regulations still assume this norm today, and restrict more flexible sharing of work roles between the sexes.?
It was not only women whose work status suffered. As employment became the dominant form of work, young people and old people were excluded—a problem now, as more teenagers become frustrated at school and more retired people want to live active lives.?All this may now have to change.?The time has certainly come to switch some effort and resources away from the idealist goal creating jobs for all, to the urgent practical task of helping many people to manage without full-time jobs. ?
21.What is the main idea of the passage??
A) Employment became widespread in the 17th and 18th centuries.?
B) Unemployment will remain a major problem for industrialized nations.?
C) The industrial age may now be coming to an end.?
D) Some efforts and resources should be devoted to helping more people cope with the problem of unemployment. ?
22.Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a factor contributing to the spread of employment??
A) The enclosures of the 17th and 18th centuries.?
B) The development of factories.?
C) Relief from housework on the part of women.?
D) Development of modern means of transportation. ?
23.It can be inferred from the passage that____.?
A) most people who have been polled believe that the problem of unemployment may not be solved within a short period of time?
B) many farmers lost their land when new railways and factories were being constructed?
C) in preindustrial societies housework and community service were mainly carried out by women?
D) some of the changes in work pattern that the industrial age brought have been reversed?
24.What does the word “daunting” in the third paragraph mean??
A) Shocking B) Interesting?C) Confusing D) Stimulating ?
25.Which of the following is NOT suggested as a possible means to cope with the current situation??
A) Create situations in which people work for themselves.?
B) Treat employment as the norm.?
C) Endeavor to revive the household and the neighborhood as centers of production.?
D) Encourage people to work in circumstances other than normal working conditions.

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