






发布者: abc | 发布时间: 2005-10-3 08:21| 查看数: 14169| 评论数: 15|

Full of passion, great work!! What is next? I am anticipating something makes this family stand out from Wwenglish,Hjbbs,and Neworiental.


fairy 发表于 2005-10-3 09:36:50
wow ,abc,i am glad to see you here and we will make an extra effort[em07]
babyblue 发表于 2005-10-3 09:40:56
HOHO.. man.. you are here yet... good for you!
abc 发表于 2005-10-3 11:43:23
Thanks, and wish your project would get better and better. By the way, it is better to add an administrator, then delete "admin" since only changing password is not safe enough.
david 发表于 2005-10-5 20:12:05
thank you for your advice,abc
abc 发表于 2005-10-5 23:16:39
What is the difference between Enfamily with other english study websites? You'd better highlight the difference if you have;that is why we come here rather than go to wwenglish and hjbbs.
abc 发表于 2005-10-7 03:12:14

The most active section is 献计献策 with many suggestions; that is, many people with high expectation care about this family.

听力专区 and 英语资源共享 have zero post, while 翻译专区,疯狂英语专区,商务英语专区 and 线下活动区 have few topics and posts. Some of them should be put together.

All the key members are working hard and full of passion, but it is better to gather all the members' strength to creat one or two rich and colorful sections rather than each member hosts his/her section.

English Family各QQ群管理区 is so big that 6 sections were further divided. What kind of content will be posted in each section?
babyblue 发表于 2005-10-7 07:42:37
david 发表于 2005-10-7 08:59:22
I agree with abc
abc 发表于 2005-10-7 23:58:35

As a leader,it is your responsibility to motivate others.
You should be an active member and participator; not just make rules as a supervisor.

Quickie 发表于 2005-10-11 01:05:34
abc, what is your advise for me? [em07]
abc 发表于 2005-10-11 08:09:42
Thanks for looking! I like your icon. Wolf is my favorite animal.

Wolf can hunt independently since they are powerful, confident, and patient;while they also do great job when working together since they understand team-work makes them be able to defeat any enemy. Where is your colony?
abc 发表于 2005-10-14 01:12:09
Since key members dedicate passion and energy, Enfamily is deleloping with 172 members in few weeks; that is a good beginning. However, after roughly analyzing, we may see something: for example,
学习交流[本论坛主要交流区] the most active section , has 97 topics posted by 13 persons who are all key members, and 195 posts; that is ,one topic only has two reply on average. 成员议事厅 has 28 topics with 228 reply; that is, 8 responses per topic on average. I can see the passion here. These data show that our key members are working hard, but the enfamily still has no characteric content to draw people's attention.
Those 172 members most are supporters rather than participators who actually make a BBS success.
samin 发表于 2005-10-14 18:45:16
Great,abc you are right,we should be active members,not baby-sitter I'd like to do my best
abc 发表于 2005-10-14 23:41:43
Doing best, that is great. You guys are motivators rather than baby-sitters, and actually making good progress. Here is a small suggestion: how about introduce a kind of Arguement Con & Pro, two teams are separated, one lead by, say, QuIcKie; another ,say ,by Samin. Each team has 3-5 regular members who are not allowed to switch side, and everyone is welcomed to take part in the arguement, but jump team is not allowed for a certain topic , that is, you have to choose which side you support, and can not support both sides. Of course,you can choose another team for the next topic, make your choice again, except for the regular team members. Arguement topics are set by judge, say, David. It is better only one or two topics at a time. The purpose is to practise English and have fun. Visitors may find some funny things to look at, besides some boring grammar and references.
Carlos 发表于 2007-4-11 20:08:04

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