






发布者: yucc | 发布时间: 2006-5-17 20:26| 查看数: 9989| 评论数: 1|

   保险Insurance EMILY: I want to ask you about something. ANNA: Yes? EMILY: My colleagues at work say I should get health insurance. What do you think? ANNA: I think it's important. I can give you my insurance agent's card if you want. EMILY: But I'm not sure what kind I need. In Taiwan, we have a national insurance program. But here you have nothing. ANNA: Yes, I know. Many countries have national health insurance. America doesn't. EMILY: Why is that? ANNA: Well, it's because of American culture. Most Americans think the government should be small. That means the government should not be in charge of everything. Americans think private companies can do things better than the government can. So we depend on private companies for insurance. EMILY: But isn't that expensive? I mean, what about poor people? Can they afford insurance too? ANNA: You're right, Emily. It is expensive. And many people criticize the American way. They say it is not fair to poor people. They say the health systems are better in other countries. Especially in Europe. EMILY: But what do you think? ANNA: I don't know. I just do my best to have good insurance. It's important. EMILY: It's confusing, though. There are so many companies. And so many different kinds of insurance. What should I get? ANNA: I like the company I have now. So I recommend them. What you need to decide is what kind of coverage you want. EMILY: Coverage? ANNA: Yes. Coverage means what the insurance will cover. For example, maybe you plan to have a baby. Then you should choose an insurance that covers pregnancy. Otherwise, you shouldn't pay for pregnancy coverage. Do you understand? EMILY: Yes. So I need to talk to the agent. ANNA: That's right. Would you like the number? EMILY: Alright. ANNA: My agent is Bonnie Smith. She is really helpful. I am confident she can answer your questions. EMILY: Thanks, Anna. I always appreciate your advice. ANNA: Don't mention it. 爱茉莉:我想请教你一些事。 安娜:请说。 爱茉莉:我的同事说我应该要有健康保险,你认为呢? 安娜:那很重要。如果你要的话,我可以给你我保险代理人的名片。 爱茉莉:但是我不确定需要哪一种。 在台湾我们有全民健康保险的方案,但是这里什么都没有。 安娜:是的,我知道很多国家都有全民健康保险,而美国没有。 爱茉莉:为什么会这样? 安娜:那是美国文化的缘故。 大多数的美国人认为政府应该精简。 就是说政府不应该掌控每件事。 他们认为民营企业可以做得比政府好。 所以我们的保险全靠私人公司。 爱茉莉:那样不是比较贵吗?那么穷人怎么办? 他们付担得起保费吗? 安娜:没错,是很贵,爱茉莉。 很多人批评美国的做法,说这样对穷人不公平。 他们说健康体制在其它国家做得比较好,特别是欧洲国家。 爱茉莉:那么你认为呢? 安娜:我不知道。我尽力找个好的保险就是了,这很重要。 爱茉莉:这真让人困扰,有那么多家公司。 那么多种保险,我要选什么呢? 安娜:我喜欢我现在的保险公司。 所以我推荐他们。你要做的是决定要什么保险项目。 爱茉莉:保险项目? 安娜:是的,是指你想要保哪些险。 例如你计划生小孩的话 就要保怀孕险。 不然你就不用付怀孕项目的保费,了解吗? 爱茉莉:是的。所以我需要和代理人谈谈。 安娜:没错,你要电话号码吗? 爱茉莉:好的。 安娜:我的代理人是娜邦妮?史密斯,她真的很帮忙。 我相信她能够解答你的疑问。 爱茉莉:谢谢你,安娜。我一直很感激你的建议。 安娜:别客气。


海伦 发表于 2006-5-18 08:52:51
is the insurance so important?
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