






发布者: NoNine | 发布时间: 2006-5-18 17:48| 查看数: 7155| 评论数: 4|

【类型】: 情景喜剧
【影片长度】: 平均20分钟
【字幕】: 中文/英文

Justin Bartha ..... Jeff Cahill
Sarah Alexander ..... Alice Fletcher
Phil Hendrie ..... Dick Green
Deon Richmond ..... Calvin Babbitt
Kali Rocha ..... Emma Wiggins
Sarah Shahi ..... Tina Torres
Matt Winston ..... Mitch Lenk


Set in New Jersey, Teachers stars Justin Bartha as Jeff Cahill, a skilled, idealistic young English teacher at the fictitious Filmore High School, whose apparent apathy toward his job masks his actual wisdom concerning teaching at an underfunded school. Sarah Alexander co-stars as idealistic British history teacher Alice Fletcher, his only kindred spirit on the faculty, whom Jeff also has romantic feelings for. Alice does not reciprocate these feelings, but she is becoming fonder of him. Radio personality Phil Hendrie plays Dick Green, an apathetic phys-ed and physics teacher, who spends his afternoons chain-smoking and barbecuing behind the gym. Deon Richmond plays Calvin Babbitt, the drama teacher whose attitude about teaching falls somewhere between Jeff's and Dick's. He often gets caught up in Jeff's schemes. Kali Rocha stars as the uncaring, rule-abiding Principal Emma Wiggins. Matt Winston stars as Mitch Lenk, math teacher and lap dog to Principal Wiggins. It is implied that he is romantically interested in her. Sarah Shahi stars as Tina Torres, an attractive teacher from Mexico. She is Alice's possible rival for Jeff's affections, though it seems Jeff prefers Alice. It is revealed in Episode 105 ("Testing 1-2-3") that she does not have her teaching license, having going to school, but taking jobs before she took her finals. However, she stated later in the episode that she will be taking them.

Episode 1, entitled "Substitute", aired March 28, 2006.

Like many sitcoms, Teachers is shot before a studio audience.

The series began development under the title Filmore Middle, which reflected its original middle school setting.

Though adapted for American television by Matt Tarses, a writer and producer of the critically-lauded series Sports Night and Scrubs, Teachers has been panned by many critics—including the San Francisco Chronicle's Tim Goodman—as unoriginal and cliched.
(Copy from Wikipedia)

当个老师真不容易,Filmore高中的英语老师Jeff(Justin Bartha饰演,曾出演国家宝藏‘National Treasure’)几乎把所有精力都耗在了学校, 整日面对官僚气十足的行政体制,与喜欢恪守荒唐而过时的规章制度的同僚们为伴。这还没包括那群只会发短信,打游戏,整日心不在焉,连课本都懒得看一眼的学生们。


与Bartha在这个教师团队中配戏的有Sarah Alexander(Coupling中的Susan)饰演一个天真的老师Alice,Alice从来不会放弃,不论是她的学生还是这所学校。还有Jeff的好朋友,现任戏剧课老师Calvin(Deon Richmond饰演),此外还包括Phil Hendirie饰演的Dick,这个游离于团队之外,总喜欢在体育馆后面做烧烤的老教师。Sarah Shahi (出演过‘The L Wrod’)饰演Tina,新来的性感代课老师。Matt Winston(出演过‘Six Feet Under’)饰演Mitch,整日想方设法巴结校长Emma Wiggins(Kali Rocha饰演,曾出演过‘Buffy’)的数学老师。


NoNine 发表于 2006-5-18 17:52:18
JEFF e8pzYjOc.jpg ALICE N5VtTY2U.jpg CALVIN zh64rWUX.jpg TINA S8rLurNi.jpg DICK 7qTShqkp.jpg
NoNine 发表于 2006-5-18 17:54:10
MITCH 3ug5mkcJ.jpg EMMA sADbwRiH.jpg
7719835 发表于 2006-5-19 11:05:58
谢谢推荐~~~ --【字幕】: 中文/英文 --~地址呢?~ PS:没看到美女~~-.-0
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-19 11:10:04编辑过]
venturewolf 发表于 2006-5-19 17:16:04
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