





New word 4

发布者: zoe | 发布时间: 2006-5-23 10:44| 查看数: 8620| 评论数: 2|

advertise/advertize  V. 做广告
advertisement    n.
advertiser      n, 广告商
advertising      n. 广告、广告业      adj. 广告的
communication    n. 交际,交流
telefax = fax    n.
modernization=modernisation     n.现代化      
modern        n. 现代人, adj. 现代的,时髦的
model     n. 模拟, 模特儿
mode     n. 方式
purchase   v. 购买      buy
shipment     n. 运输
symbol   n. 符号,象征
telegram      n.电报         telex      n. 用户电报
take a message        记口信
leave a message        留口信
take the place of      代替
take place     发生
ATTN : attention    收件人, 关心
reference      参考(的), 编号
with reference to        adv. 关于
regarding     prep.   关于


zoe 发表于 2006-5-23 11:11:26
of + n. =  adj.
for example,   
it's of great help = it's greatful
he is a man of experience = he is an experienced man
your products are of great interest to me.

Nowadays fax and E-mail are becoming the symbols of office modernization. As one of the most efficient means of communication, fax is taking the place of the telex and the telegram.
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