





Help needed with dictionaries!

发布者: slowpoke | 发布时间: 2005-10-4 12:44| 查看数: 9352| 评论数: 5|

My system is Windows XP with Media Center. It conflicts with KingSoft (金山词霸) hotkeys, e.g. pressing Ctrl key or Alt or even moving the mouse over a window will kill the program on the foreground, depending on how the hotkeys are set. One other thing that sucks about Media Center is the TV tuners are disabled by the codecs that I installed to enable Windows Media Player to play avi files. I therefore had to uninstall KingSoft and all the codecs. Anyone knows how I can get around the problem? Or anyone knows about something as good as 金山词霸 without having conflicts with Media Center? I do have Google dictionary but it's too limited and can only be used in internet explorer. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thank you.


iceboy 发表于 2005-10-5 12:03:30
I have poor experience in this special version of Windows XP , but you can check it by these steps.
1. Whether this version of Windows XP is simplified chinese . There some problems often made by the system's different language.
2.Update the system and software . Some compatibility problem often occur in the lower version of system and software.
3.About codecs , i think there are some conflicts with the TV tuners ,Whether the codecs is third party ? You can try to update the TV tuners software from MS website and download another media player which not needs install codecs such as 暴风影音 ,i think this problem will be solved .
Good Luck!
slowpoke 发表于 2005-10-7 10:55:28
Thank you for you help! I will try to download 暴风影音. I hope it will help.
Windows XP Media Center probably don't have a Chinese version yet and I have used English version ever since. Guess it should be OK. I have been using Windows Update to keep my system up-to-date. Is this sufficient? (Media Center is part of XP.) Do you usually have to go to MS website to get the updates? Thanks.
iceboy 发表于 2005-10-8 10:20:55
Now ,the software have a newest chinese version ,you can download it by a software named emule from here : <a href="http://board.verycd.com/t207112.html" target="_blank" >http://board.verycd.com/t207112.html</A> . i always use windows-update to update the softwares ,so i am seldom trouble in virus .
Have you solved the problem?

soso 发表于 2005-10-8 15:53:53
Hi <STRONG><FONT color=#0997f7>Slowpoke</FONT></STRONG>,
Did you have a try to adjust the hotkeys of KingSoft? It doesn't seem to be so necessary to uninstall the whole software just to avoid the annoying hotkey conflicts. To disable the hotkeys at all is even preferable.
samin 发表于 2005-11-2 13:29:05
the hotkeys of 金山词霸 have a conflicts with other softwear such as QQ,I think you should reset the hotkeys of jinshan softwear very carefully<BR>I don't like this translate softwear for that bug,I use 东方大典 dictionary,it is facillitate,but it have a bug too,if I minimize the 东方大典 window,它自带的点词取意功能将使键盘的一些操作键失去作用
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