






发布者: christlulu | 发布时间: 2006-5-24 09:14| 查看数: 7588| 评论数: 16|

作者:libby 文章来源:王迈迈英语教学网 PartⅠListening Comprehension (Total Score:710,Total Time:120min)

PartⅠListening Comprehension (占总分的35%)?
(占总分的5%) Directions: In this section you will hear a conversation. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation. Listen to the conversation carefully and then answer the four questions below. Mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.   1. Where does Mark work?? A. At a newspaper. B. At an advertising agency.? C. At a furniture store. D. At a real estate office. 2. Which of the following is Cecilia trying to find?? A. A two?bedroom apartment.
B. A sofa.? C. A chair. D. A roommate. 3. Which of the following does Cecilia initially forget to tell Mark?? A. Her phone number. B. The location of the apartment.? C. The best time to call her. D. Her first name. 4. What is the total amount that the two advertisements will cost for one week?? A. $5B. $15C. $ 30D. $ 250?

(占总分的10%)? Directions:In this section,you will hear 10 short conversations.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause. During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear:? You will read:A)At the office.B)In the waiting room.?C)At the airport.D.In a restaurant.? From the conversation we know that the two persons were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening.This is most likely to have taken place at the office.Therefore,A)“At the office”is the best answer.You should choose[A] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center.? Sample Answer [A—][B][C][D]? 5.A.Seeing a film.B.Diving in the sea. C.Having a class.D.Doing an experiment. 6.A.Alice is now in a very bad temper. B.Alice is now preparing for the test.? C.Alice is now very happy. D.Alice is now ill. 7.A.A chemistry class.
B.A biology class. C.A mathematics class.
D.A physics class. 8.A.It’s less expensive.
B.It’s more comfortable. C.It’s faster.
D.It’s more direct. 9.A.He prefers staying at home because he doesn’t like to travel. B.He prefers taking a bus because the plane makes him nervous. C.He prefers taking a plane because the bus is too slow.? D.He prefers travelling with the woman. 10.A.The train is faster than the bus. B.There are two buses every day.? C.The bus is cheaper than the train. D.The train is cheaper than the bus. 11.A.At 11 o’clock.
B.At 4 o’clock. C.At 7 o’clock.
D.At 2 o’clock. 12.A.In the morning.
B.Late at night. C.After 5:30.
D.At or before 5:30. 13.A.150 pounds.B.140 pounds.C.145 pounds.D.135 pounds. 14.A.He doesn’t want to stay home. B.The movie is excellent.? C.He wants to see the movie again. D.The movie is not good.?

(占总分的10%)? Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. The passage is printed on your Answer Sheet with about 10 blanks of missing words or phrases, or sentences. First, you will hear the whole passage from the beginning to the end just to get a general idea of it. Then, in the second reading, you will hear signal indicating the beginning of a pause after each sentence, sometimes or just part of a sentence. During the pause, you must write down the missing words you have just heard in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. There is also a different signal indicating the end of the pause. When you hear this signal, you must get ready for what comes next from the recording. You can check what you have written when the passage is read to you again without the pauses.?

Arabs consider it (15) bad manner to start talking business immediately. Even the busiest government official or (16) always takes (17) time to be polite and offer (18). No matter how busy you are, you should make time for this (19) .?Making decisions quickly is not an Arab custom. There is a (20) in doing business in the Middle East which will puzzle a (21). Give yourself lots of time and ask lots of questions.? Patience is an important (22). You may have to wait two or three days to see high?level government officials as they are very busy. Give yourself enough time.?Personal relationships are very important. They are the key to do business in Arab countries (23) .? When an Arab says yes, he may mean “maybe”. When he says maybe, he probably means “no”. You will seldom get a direct “no” from an Arab because it is considered impolite. Also, he does not want to close his options. Instead of “no”, he will say “inshalah” which means, “if God is willing”(24) .??

(占总分的10%)? Directions: In this section,you will hear 3 short passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.??

1 Questions 25 to 27 are based on the passage you have just heard.? 25.A.An English reporter.B.An American reporter.? C.An English scientist.D.An American scientist. 26.A.Cooler weather.B.Raining.C.Warm and sunny.D.Stormy. 27.A.Very cool weather.B.Very warm weather.C.Raining weather.D.Fair weather.?

2 Questions 28 to 30 are based on the passage you have just heard:? 28.A.Something in the Bermuda Triangle is strange.? B.Where the Bermuda Triangle is.? C.On very little about this.? D.Ships were not lost. 29.A.Money.B.Ships and planes.C.Florida.D.Trains and cars. 30.A.In the Pacific Ocean.B.Close to Europe.?C.Nobody knows.D.In the Atlantic Ocean.

3 Questions 31 to 34 are based on the passage you have just heard:? 31.A.A bomb explosion.B.A traffic accident.?C.Murder.D.Massacres. 32.A.At a railway station.B.At a bus center.?C.In the countryside.D.In a coastal town. 33.A.1.B.2.C.3.D.4. 34.A.The discussion. B.The European Union team.? C.The European Union deputy foreign ministers. D.The UN investigation.?

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-24 10:00:12编辑过]


christlulu 发表于 2006-5-24 09:16:49
Part ⅡReading Comprehension (占总分的35%)?? (占总分的25%)? Directions:There are three passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.? Questions 35 to 39 are based on the following passage:? Auctions(拍卖) are public sales of goods,conducted by an officially approved auctioneer.He asked the crowd to gather in the auction room to bid for various items on sale.He encourages buyers to bid higher figures and finally names the highest bidder as the buyer of the goods.This is called “knocking down” the goods,for the bidding ends when the auctioneer bangs a small hammer on a raised platform.? The ancient Romans probably invented sales by auction and the English word comes from the Latin“autic”,meaning “increase”.The Romans usually sold in this way the spoils taken in war;these sales were called“sub hasta”,meaning “under the spear”,a spear being stuck in the ground as a signal for a crowd to gather.In England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries goods were often sold “by the candle”;a short candle was lit by the auctioneer and bids could be made while it was burning.Practically all goods can be sold by auction.Among these are coffee,skins,wool,tea,cocoa,furs,fruit,vegetables and wines.Auction sales are also usual for land and property,antique furniture, pictures,rare books,old china and works of art.The auction rooms at Chritie’s and Sotheby’s in London and New York are world?famous. An auction is usually advertised beforehand with full particulars of the articles to be sold and where and when they can be viewed by the buyers.If the advertisement cannot give full details,catalogues are printed,and each group of goods to be sold together,called a “lot”,is usually given a number.The auctioneer need not begin with lot one and continue the numerical order;he may wait until he notices the fact that certain buyers are in the room and then produce the lots they are likely to be interested in.The auctioneer’s services are paid for in the form of a percentage of the price the goods are sold for.The auctioneer therefore has a direct interest in pushing up the bidding.? 35.Auctioned goods are sold____.? A.for the highest price offered B.at fixed prices? C.at prices lower than their true value D.at prices offered by the auctioneer 36.The end of bidding is called“knocking down” because____.? A.the auctioneer knocks on the table? B.the auctionees names the highest bidder as the buyer of the goods? C.the goods are knocked down onto the table? D.the auctioneer bangs the table with a hammer 37.In the sentence“The Romans usually sold in this way the spoils taken in war,”the word “spoils” most probably means____.? A.useless goodsB.spears?C.various kinds of foodD.property taken from the enemy 38.In England a candle used to burn at auction sales____.? A.because the auction sales took place at night? B.as a signal for the crowd to gather? C.to keep the auction room warm? D.to limit the time when offers of prices could be made 39.An auction catalogue gives buyers____.? A.the current market values of the goods B.details of the goods to be sold? C.the order in which goods are to be sold D.free admission to the auction sale Questions 40 to 44 are based on the following passage:? There are some 65 species of New World monkeys.Many of these have a very useful anatomical adaptation lacking in their old world counterparts:that curious“fifth hand”,the prehensile tail.And in a few species the gripping tail has developed to such an extent that it actually has “fingerprints” on the tip.While of course a tail is not equipped with fingers,it can sometimes be even more useful than an arm or a leg.A spider monkey’s tail,for instance,is longer than its head and body combined,and is frequently used instead of a hand to grasp distant objects.Other monkeys less fortunate are forced to relegate at least one limb to support while they feed,whereas monkeys endowed ?with prehensility can hang by their tails while they feast with both hands and feet.A few New World monkeys have also evolved arms and shoulders that are suitable for swinging hand over hand through the trees like the Asiatic gibbons.? 40.The passage mainly discusses____.? A.certain evolutionary advantages of New World monkeys? B.feeding habits of the spider monkey? C.the development of arms and shoulders in New World monkeys? D.some anatomical adaptations of Asiatic gibbons 41.The author probably believes that a monkey uses its prehensile tail especially for____.? A.running over a grassy plainB.supporting itself while eating? C.swimming across a riverD.defending itself against enemies 42.In the second sentence,the word“their” refers to____.? A.New World monkeysB.Old World monkeys? C.spider monkeysD.Asiatic gibbons 43.It can be inferred from the passage that the Asiatic gibbons and certain New World monkeys are similar in what respect?? A.The length of their tails. B.Their mating habits.? C.The ability to grip with their feet. D.Their upper body structure. 44.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the information in the passage?? A.Some monkeys use their hands to grasp objects.? B.A spider monkey has a very long tail.? C.A prehensile tail has fingers.? D.Asiatic gibbons can swing through trees. Questions 45 to 49 are based on the following passage:? Baltimore was founded in 1729.For a generation it seemed no different from a dozen other settlements springing up at the head of the Chesapeake Bay;its claim to distinction consisted of a blacksmith’s shop,flour mill,and tobacco warehouse.Yet Baltimore was fated for a more dynamic future than its slow beginnings seemed to portend.Spurred by an agricultural revolution in the Maryland and Pennsylvania countrysides as well as dramatic disruptions in the Atlantic economy,Baltimore at mid?century began to boom.By 1790 it had risen to become the new republic’s fourth largest city with aspirations to overtake the three still ahead:New York,Philadelphia,and Boston.? Although the Baltimore of the Jeffersonian are looked utterly unlike the colonial village from which it had emerged,the two shared more than might be apparent at first glance.Baltimore’s economy had expanded tremendously,to be sure,but the same forces that sparked expansion around 1750 continued to sustain it fifty years later.Despite the establishment of new governments at the state level in 1776,national level in 1788,and municipal level in 1797,the same festering issues continued to ?convulse its politics.If Baltimore had become richer and bigger,its occupational structure,wealth distribution,and residential patterns would have withstood the pressures of growth and looked about the same in 1790 as in 1812.In other words,beneath the frenzied and seemingly chaotic pace of urbanization,Baltimore enjoyed a strong element of stability.For in 1812,no less than in 1729,Baltimore was a preindustrial town.? 45.In what year was Baltimore established?? A.1729.B.1750.C.1776.D.1788. 46.Which of the following was not one of the nation’s three largest cities in 1790?? A.Philadelphia.B.Boston.C.New York.D.Baltimore. 47.In line 13,the word “sparked” could best be replaced by which of the following?? A.Burned up.B.Flickered.C.Led to.D.Discharged. 48.What level of government was established in 1788?? A.Municipal.B.Country.C.State.D.National. 49.Which of the following statements about the Baltimore of 1812 can be inferred from the passage?? A.It did not take the way the city did in 1790.? B.It did not have many factories.? C.It was not an enjoyable place in which to live.? D.It could not grow any larger.? (占总分的10%)? Directions: In this section there are four passages with a total of four multiple?choice questions. Skim or scan them as required and then mark your answer on your answer sheet.?? 1 First read the following question.?   50. What is the writer’s main point? ? A. Animals yawn for a number of reasons.? B. Yawning results only from fatigue or boredom.? C. Human yawns are the same as those of other animals.? D. Only social animals yawn.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-24 9:23:21编辑过]
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-24 09:17:24
Now read Passage 1 quickly and mark your answer on your ANSWER SHEET.? Today’s discussion is about a common animal reaction—— the yawn. The dictionary defines a yawn as “an involuntary reaction to fatigue or boredom.” That’s certainly true for human yawns, but not necessarily for animal yawns. The same action can have quite different meanings in different species. For example, some animals yawn to intimidate intruders on their territory. Fish and lizards are examples of this. Hippos use yawns when they want to settle a quarrel. Observers have seen two hippos yawn at each other for as long as two hours before they stop quarreling. ?As for social animals like baboons or lions, they yawn to establish the pecking order within social groups, and lions often yawn to calm social tensions. Sometimes these animals yawn for a strictly physiological reason——that is, to increase oxygen levels. And curiously enough, when they yawn for a physical reason like that, they do what humans do—they try to stifle the yawn by looking away or by covering their mouths.?? 2 First read the following question.? 51. The main idea of the passage is____. ? A. women in Pakistan are liberated totally? B. women in Pakistan are entering men’s world? C. women in Pakistan should wear traditional clothes and stay at home? D. women in Pakistan are running some business completely Now read Passage 2 quickly and mark your answer on your ANSWER SHEET.? In Pakistan the role of women is changing. Although wearing traditional clothing and staying at home used to be the rule, today many women are going into professions, such as medicine, law, and engineering. They comprise a large part of the workers in business and factories, and in addition, they are working up to important jobs which used to be held predominantly by men. There are even some businesses which are run completely by women. However, they still run up against road blocks since many government jobs are closed to them, and certain jobs are not considered honorable for women. In general, they feel they are more liberated now and have an alternative to their old way of life.?? 3 First read the following question.? 52. Which statement is true about first aid? ? A. It usually makes the services of a doctor unnecessary.? B. It is usually done by someone who is not a doctor.? C. It is usually done by a doctor.? D. It is usually done by the victim himself.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-24 9:28:53编辑过]
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-24 09:30:05
Now read Passage 3 quickly and mark your answer on your ANSWER SHEET. ? First aid may be defined as the immediate and temporary care given to a victim of an accident or serious illness until the supersedes of a physician can be obtained. First aid commences with the steadying effect upon the stricken person when he realizes that competent hands will help him. The emergency situation often causes confusion in the mind of the victim, things seem unreal and remote, and he often cannot think clearly and rationally for some time. The emotional reaction which results from a serious accident takes time to subside. Therefore, first aid is more than the physical attention dressing his injuries or making him comfortable. It is the general mental effect that the well-selected word of encouragement, the expression of willingness to help, the uplifting effect of the first aider’s evident capability can be given. The thoughtful for suggestions made to solve immediate problems, the information given concerning nearby physicians and hospitals, the telephone call to summon medical help or an ambulance or to notify a relative, these too are first aid. The good first aider deals with the whole situation, the person and the injury. He knows what not to do as well as to do. Thus, he avoids the error so commonly made through well meant but misguided efforts. He confines his procedures to what is necessary, keeping the handling of injured parts to a minimum.?? 4 First read the following question.? 53. Which service is NOT provided on some ships?? A. Fully-equipped health spa. B. Fitness classes.? C. Rock climbing wall. D. Sumptuous midnight buffets. Now read Passage 4 quickly and mark your answer on your ANSWER SHEET.? Cruise Itinerary Highlights? * 24-hour room service? * Fine dining? * Fully-equipped health spa? * Live music and comedy shows? * Fitness classes? * Adventure Ocean youth activities? * Port-of-call lectures? * Creative theme parties? * Top 40 and Big Band lounges? * Casino with Caribbean stud poker? * Cooking demonstrations? * Broadway/Las Vegas-style entertainment? * Thousands of balcony cabins? * Sumptuous midnight buffets? * Up to a dozen bars and lounges? * Rock climbing wall, some ships? * Ice skating rink, some ships? * Johnny Rocket’s 50’s dinner, some ships? 10-day Europe - Northern cruise aboard Cruise Itinerary? Day Ports of Call Arrival Departure? 1 Copenhagen --- 11:0 0? 2 At Sea --- -- -? 3 Stockholm 7:00 a.m. 5:3 0 p.m.? 4 Helsinki 8:30 a.m. 5 :00 p.m.? 5 St. Petersburg 6:30 a.m. - --?6 St. Petersburg --- [DW ]5:30 p.m.?7 Tallinn 7:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m.?8 Gdansk 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.? 9 At Sea --- --- ? 10 Oslo 7:00 a.m. 1:0 0 p.m.? 11 Copenhagen 5:00 a.m. 1:0 0 p.m.?? Part Ⅲ The Use of English(占总分的15%)?? Error Correction (占总分的10%) ? Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark(∧)in the right place and write the missing word in the blank, if you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash(/)in the blank. ? Example: Television is rapidly becoming the literature of our Many of the arguments ,having used for the study of literature 2. as a school subject are valid for∧study of television.3.the? Whether China’s housing reform can be carried out ? successfully will have a profound bearing on the future of the ? reform of State-owned enterprises.? Although China’s housing reform registered impressive 54. ____ Progress in the past 10 years, it has still been ? fettered by its old-fashioned housing distribution system.? Under this system ,most employees of state enterprises ? can still get apartments to their employers, and this practice has55. ____ turned to be a heavy burden uponthe State firms and a obstacle to56. ____ heir reform.? To clear the runway of the reform, those enterprises should? establish a special shareholding firm in the charge of housing.57.____ This firm would be held responsible at its own gains and losses.58.____ Second ,State-own enterprises must draw a clear line59.____ between housing investment and production investment.? In other words, enterprises should replace the old housing ? distribution system to generous housing subsidies under a system60.____ which encourages employees to buy a home in the market.? Besides, China should beef its efforts to improve its social61.____ security system and establish public funds for housing as a way? to address urban residents’ housing problems.? The government has options to provide houses with those62.____ who cannot afford a home. One of them is to take a part of the? pubic funds to build a batch of cheap houses; the other? is redistributing the old houses. 63.____?  
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-24 09:36:38
Short Answer Questions (占总分的5%) ? Directions: In the part there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words (not exceeding 10 words). ? Icebergs are among nature’s most spectacular creations, and yet most people have never seen one. A vague air of mystery envelops them. They come into being-somewhere-in faraway, frigid waters, amid thunderous noise and splashing turbulence, which in most cases no one hears or sees. They exist only a short time and then slowly waste away just as unnoticed. ? Objects of sheerest beauty, they have been called. Appearing in an endless variety of shapes, they may be dazzlingly white, or they may be glassy blue, green or purple, tinted faintly or in darker hues. They are graceful, stately, inspiring in calm, sunlit seas.? But they are also called frightening and dangerous, and that they are-in the night, in the fog, and in storms. Even in clear weather one is wise to stay a safe distance away from them. Most of their bulk is hidden below the water, so their underwater parts may extend out far beyond the visible top. Also, they may roll over unexpectedly, churning the waters around them. ? Icebergs are parts of glaciers that break off, drift into the water, float about awhile, and finally melt. Icebergs afloat today are made of snowflakes that have fallen over long ages of time. They embody snows that drifted down hundreds, or many thousands, or in some cases maybe a million years ago. The snows fell in polar regions and on cold mountains, where they melted only a little or not at all, and so collected to great depths over the years and centuries. ? As each year’s snow accumulation lay on the surface, evaporation and melting caused the snowflakes slowly to lose their feathery points and become tiny grains of ice. When new snow fell on top of the old, it too turned to icy grains. So blankets of snow and ice grains mounted layer upon layer and were of such great thickness that the weight of the upper layers compressed the lower ones. With time and pressure from above, the many small ice grains joined and changed to larger crystals, and eventually the deeper crystals merged into a solid mass of ice. Questions: S1.Which is the main idea of this passage? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ S2.Why does the author state that icebergs are rarely seen? ? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ S3.According to the passage, why icebergs are dangerous?? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ S4.How can we account for the formation of an iceberg?? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ S5.What is the author’s attitude toward icebergs? ? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ? Part Ⅳ Writing(占总分的15%)?? Directions: For this part, you are required to write a composition on the topic Let’s Go in for Sports. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline given below.? 1.当今世界上,有越来越多的人对体育运动感兴趣; 2.但有些人仍然不了解运动的重要性; 3.体育运动有很高的价值。
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-24 09:39:22
录音文字材料 PartⅠ Listening Comprehension Section A (Ring... ring. . . Sound of phone being picked up. )? M: Hello, Campus Daily, advertising department. This is Mark speaking. F: Hi. I’m calling to place a couple of ads.? M: Sure. Under what classification?? F: Well, I want one in the“Roommate Wanted” section.? M: All right. And how would you like that to read?? F: Ok, it should read Female roommate wanted for pleasant, sunny two? bedroom apartment on Eliiewood Avenue, three blocks from campus. Share rent and utilities. Available September 1. Call between 5 and 9 P.M. and ask for Cecilia. M: Fine. And what about your other ad? ? F: That one I’d like under “Merchandise for Sale,” and I’d like it to read “Matching blue and white sofa and easy chair, excellent condition, $ 350 or best oiler. Call between 5 and 9 P.M. and ask for Cecilia.” Did you get all that? M:Uh- huh. You’ll want your phone numbers on these, right? F:Oh, sure. Thanks for reminding me——it’s 555- 6972. M: And how long do you want these ads to run?? F: For a week, I suppose. How much would that be?? M: It’s five dollars a week per line. Each of your ads will take up three lines, so that’s $15 per ad. Section B 5. M:You see,a marine biologist is now appearing on the screen. W:Yeah.We are now being taken on a tour familiarizing with life in the salty depths.It’s an interesting tele teaching lesson. Q:What are the man and woman doing?
6.M:Alice is in bad mood today.What’s wrong with her?? W:She failed the examination which she prepared for a long time. Q:What can you conclude from this conversation?
7.W:The biology class next Monday has been replaced by a chemistry class. M:Awful.I haven’t prepared for that.? Q:For which class hasn’t the man prepared?
8.M:Since it’s the rush hour,let’s take the subway.? W:OK.It’s not as direct as the bus,but it’s faster and there will be less chance of a traffic jam. Q:Why do the man and the woman decide to take the subway?
9.W:If I were you,I would take a bus instead of a plane.Flying makes me nervous. M:But it will take me forever to get there by bus.? Q:What does the man prefer to do?
10.W:Could you tell me the least expensive way to get to London? M:If you go by bus it’s only £20.But if you go by train,it’s almost twice that much. Q:What does this man explain to the woman?
11.M:Miss Green,I told Dr.Smith that I would call him in the Paris office at 11 o’clock their time.Please find out the time difference for me so that I’ll know when to place the call. W: It’s 4 hours earlier in Paris,sir.? Q: When should the man place his call to Paris?
12.M:There’s no use going to the store now.? W: You are right.It’s after 5:30 already.? Q: When does the store probably close?
13.M:Jane told me you were on a diet.How much weight have you lost? W:Well,to start with,I weighed 150 pounds.The first two weeks I took off 10 pounds,but then I gained back 5 pounds over the holiday. Q: How much does the woman weigh now?
14.W: Was the movie as good as you expected?? M: It was a waste of time and money!? Q: How does the man feel about the movie? Section C? Arabs consider it (15) extremely bad manner to start talking business immediately. Even the busiest government official or (16)executive always takes (17) extra time to be polite and offer (18)refreshments. No matter how busy you are, you should make time for this (19) hospitality.?Making decisions quickly is not an Arab custom. There is a (20)vagueness in doing business in the Middle East which will puzzle a (21)newcomer. Give yourself lots of time and ask lots of questions.? Patience is an important (22)quality. You may have to wait two or three days to see high?level government officials as they are very busy. Give yourself enough time.? Personal relationships are very important. They are the key to do business in Arab countries. (23)Try to identify the decision?maker regarding your product or services immediately and get to know him on a friendly basis. Do your homework. Be prepared to discuss details of your product or proposal. Be ready to answer technical questions.? When an Arab says yes, he may mean “maybe”. When he says maybe, he probably means “no”. You will seldom get a direct “no” from an Arab because it is considered impolite. Also, he does not want to close his options. Instead of “no”, he will say “inshalah” which means, “if God is willing”. (24)On the other hand, “yes” does not necessarily mean “yes”. A smile and slow nod might seem like an agreement, but in fact, your host is being polite. An Arab considers it impolite to disagree with a guest.? Section D? And now for the Monday Morning weather report.Right now the skies over the Chicago area are sunny and clear.We are expecting warm dry weather to continue throughout the day with temperatures in the middle to upper 80’s.Winds will continue to be slightly variable as high as ten miles per hour.We are going to have fair weather continuing over the next couple of days so that means clear and somewhat cooler weather tonight.Tomorrow will be sunny again and quite warm.No precipitation is expected for at least three or four days.? Questions 25 to 27 are based on the passage you’ve just heard:? 25.Who is the speaker?? 26.What will the daytime weather probably be like on Tuesday morning? 27.What’s the long range forecast for the next few days?? There is a strange area in the Atlantic Ocean called the Bermuda Triangle.People have been fascinated by the Bermuda Triangle for years,because of the mysterious disappearance of many ships and planes in the area.There is hardly any agreement about the cause of these disappearance,in fact,it is difficult to find any agreement about the boundaries of the area.Whereas most people argue that the triangle’s northern most point is Bermuda,its western most point is Florida,and its eastern point is the coast of Africa,a few researchers prefer the northern point to be in the Boston area.? Questions 28 to 30 are based on the passage you’ve just heard:? 28.On what do most people agree?? 29.What did the speaker say have been lost in the Bermuda Triangle? 30.Where is the Bermuda Triangle?? Two bombs exploded in Algeria Tuesday as a European Union team met with government leaders to discuss the wave of civilian massacres.One bomb went off at a bus center in the center of the capital of Algiers,killing one person,and an hour la ter,another bomb blew up in the coastal town of Annaba,killing 3 others.The Alge rians agreed to allow European Union deputy foreign ministers into discuss the s ituation but again,turned down any UN investigation.? Questions 31 to 34 are based on the passage you’ve just heard:? 31.What happened in Algeria Tuesday?? 32.Where did the first bomb go off?? 33.How many people were killed in the two bombings?? 34.What did the Algerians reject??? 答案详解 PartⅠ Listening Comprehension 1.答案A。?
[解题思路]这是一个phone conversation,谈话内容是关于广告的。? [详细解答]从四个选项得知所问问题是关于where的,既然是关于刊登广告的,到底是哪家呢?在对话开头有一句话提示“Hello, Campus Daily, advertising department. This is Mark speaking.”因此可排除B、C、D。Mark在报社工作。 2.答案D。? [解题思路]弄清Cecilia广告的内容。? [详细解答]Mark问:Under what classification??Cecilia回答是the“Roomate Wanted” section.? 根据常识可知她在寻找室友。选D。 3.答案A。? [解题思路]弄清广告内容。? [详细解答]广告内容提及了B、C。问题是Cecilia忘了告诉Mark什么了。Mark said :“You’ll want your phone numbers on these, right?” Cecilia answered :“Thanks for reminding me——it’s 555——6972.”因此选A。 4.答案C。? [解题思路]弄清广告的受收费标准。? [详细解答]Mark告诉她收费标准是:five dollars a week per line. Each of your ads will take up 3 lines, so that’s $15 per ad.问题是两则广告每周总费用。因而选C。 5.答案C。? 【试题分析】本题是一道细节题。? 【关键词语】tele teaching,lesson? 【详细解答】这道题中虽然提到“marine”一词,但考生只要听到“on the screen”一词就可以知道地点不是海洋中。关键在于考生听清了“an interesting tele teaching lesson”,就可以作出正确选择。 6.答案A。? 【试题分析】本题是一道细节题兼简单推断题。? 【关键词语】in bad mood,failed? 【详细解答】这道题关键词是“in bad mood”,“what’s wrong...”这类的词,然后结合后面的“failed the examination”,就可以判断出正确的选项。 7.答案A。? 【试题分析】本题是一道细节题兼简单判断题。? 【关键词语】the biology class,replaced,a chemistry class? 【详细解答】这道题要求考生对“replace”这类词要敏感,听到这个词,考生应当马上注意“什么代替了什么”这个问题,这样就不难得出答案。 8.答案C。? 【试题分析】本题是一道间接推断题。? 【关键词语】the subway,faster,less? 【详细解答】这道题要考生对“since”这类表示原因的词要注意,并且考生应当特别留心“but”这类转折连词,往往这类词后面的内容会是问题的关键所在。 9.答案C。? 【试题分析】本题是一道理解推断题。? 【关键词语】would,bus,plane,but? 【详细解答】这道题首先要求考生对虚拟语气的用法要了解。其次,在“but”这类词后的内容往往会反应出说话人对所讨论的事情的真正看法,考生要相当留意。 10.答案C。? 【试题分析】本题是一道简单推断题。? 【关键词语】least expensive,£20,twice the much? 【详细解答】这道题中考生听清“least expensive”后就要注意本题就价格进行讨论,然后掌握往“only”和“twice the much”,并记住它们各自所指,这样就不难得出结论。 11.答案C。? 【试题分析】本题是一道计算题。? 【关键词语】11 o’clock,time difference,4 hours earlier? 【详细解答】这道题是一个关于时差的题,关键在于考生要明白“earlier”一词的含义。当巴黎时间是11点时,说话人所在地的时间是7点,这样才是“The time in Paris is 4 hours earlier than that here.” 12.答案D。? 【试题分析】本题是一道间接判断题。? 【关键词语】no use,after 5:30? 【详细解答】这道题只是要求考生在听懂录音后进行逻辑推断,商店在5:30或5:30之前关门,所以5:30之后就没必要到那间商店去了,因为它已经关门了。 13.答案C。? 【试题分析】本题是一道简单计算题。? 【关键词语】150 pounds,took off 10 pounds,gained back 5 pounds? 【详细解答】这道题的关键词是“took off”和“gained back”,一个是减,一个是加,150-10+5=145就是所要的答案。 14.答案D。? 【试题分析】本题是一道间接推断题。? 【关键词语】a waste of? 【详细解答】这道题中,只要考生听准了“a waste of...”这个词组,就 很容易通过判断得出答案了。 15.【参考答案】 extremely? 【详细解答】 extremely意为“极度地,极努力地”,为extreme的副词形 式。 16.【参考答案】 executive? 【详细解答】 executive意为“执行者”,注意其拼写。 17.【参考答案】 extra? 【详细解答】 extra意为“额外的,特别的”。 18.【参考答案】 refreshments? 【详细解答】 refreshments名词,意为“恢复,爽快”,注意其拼法。 19.【参考答案】 hospitality? 【详细解答】 hospitality名词,好客,殷勤,注意其拼法。 20.【参考答案】 vagueness? 【详细解答】 此词为vague“含糊的”加?ness构成名词,意为“含糊”。
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-24 09:42:14
短文大意 本文讲述了拍卖的一些特点,以及拍卖的起源,它的程序以及内容。 35.答案A。? 【参考译文】拍卖的货物被如何卖掉?? 【试题分析】本题是一道推断题。? 【详细解答】这道题的答案在第一段的第三句话。B、C、D三个选项都是错误的表述。 36.答案D。? 【参考译文】竞价结束叫做“knocking down”是因为……? 【试题分析】本题是一道推断题。? 【详细解答】这道题要求考生不要被A、B、C选项迷惑,考生只要注意到第一段最后的一句话中由“for”引导的原因状语从句,就可以得到答案。 37.答案D。? 【参考译文】在“The Romans usually sold in this way the spoils taken in war”一句中,“spoil”一词最可能意为……? 【试题分析】本题是一道综合推断题。? 【详细解答】这道题要求考生进行分析。“taken in war”的东西而且能出卖的,当然不会是A.useless goods;也不会单单只是“spears”或“food”,而该是D“战利品”。 38.答案D。? 【参考译文】在英格兰,拍卖时点一支蜡烛是为了……? 【试题分析】本题是一道细节题。? 【详细解答】这道题要求考生注意第二段的最后一句话“... and bid could be made while it was burning.”这句话就是答案所在。 39.答案B。? 【参考译文】拍卖目录给了买者……? 【试题分析】本题是一道理解分析题。? 【详细解答】这道题要求考生掌握“particulars”词意指“详细情况”。而且考生也可以从第四段第二句“If the advertisement cannot give full details,...”一句中得出正确。 短文大意 本文主要讲述了美洲猴中一些种类的“第五只手”——一种能卷缠住东西的尾巴。文中讲述这种尾巴的功能特证,并对不同种类进行比较。文章结尾还提及了美洲猴上半身的进化。[FK)][CSX]? 40.答案A。? 【参考译文】这篇文章主要讨论……? 【试题分析】本题是一道综合概括题。? 【详细解答】这道题要求考生通读全文进行归纳。B、D两项文中并未涉及,而C项仅仅是结尾处提了一下,根据文章大意,选项A正确。 41.答案B。? 【参考译文】作者可能认为猴子用它能卷住东西的尾巴是为了……? 【试题分析】本题是一道细节题。? 【详细解答】这道题要求考生注意文中的举例,而且A、C、D三项文中没有提到过。 42.答案A。? 【参考译文】第二句,“their”一句是指……? 【试题分析】本题是一道理解分析题。? 【详细解答】这道题要求考生注意,文中的代词所指对象。从“their old world counterparts”可推出their是指代“many of these”的,而many of these”又指的是“New World monkeys”。 43.答案D。? 【参考译文】从文中可以推断出亚洲的猩猩和一种美洲猴在哪方面相似?? 【试题分析】本题是一道细节题。? 【详细解答】这道题的答案在最后一句。考生注意了“have also evolved arms and shoulders”一句,arms and shoulders也就是“upper body structure”。 44.答案C。? 【参考译文】据文中的信息,下列哪种说法不正确?? 【试题分析】本题是一道综合判断题。? 【详细解答】这道题要求考生通读全文,A、B、D三项是文中提到的,而C正与文中“While of course a tail is not equipped with fingers,...”相反,所以C是不正确的。 短文大意 本文讲述了巴尔的摩的建成与发展,讲述了它在发展初期的发展原因以及存在的一些问题。 45.答案A。? 【参考译文】巴尔的摩何年建立?? 【试题分析】本题是一道细节题。? 【详细解答】这道题的答案就在文章的第一句。 46.答案D。? 【参考译文】下列哪个选项在1790年不是该国三大城市之一?? 【试题分析】本题是一道细节题。? 【详细解答】这道题的答案在第一段最后一句,考生唯一要注意的问题是问“三个最大的城市”,巴尔的摩当时排第四位。 47.答案C。? 【参考译文】在13行,用什么词代替“sparked”最合适?? 【详细解答】本题是一道理解推断题。? 【详细解答】这道题要求考生结合句子理解词意。选项中,A为“激怒”,B为“闪烁”,C为“导致”,D为“解雇”,而根据文中句子可以解释spark意为“引发,激发”,所以答案为C。 48.答案D。? 【参考译文】在1788年成立了哪一级政府?? 【试题分析】本题是一道细节题。? 【详细解答】这道题的答案在第二段第三句。 49.答案B。? 【参考译文】下面哪个关于1812年巴尔的摩的论述可从文章推断出来?? 【试题分析】本题也是一道细节题。? 【详细解答】这道题考生可以从文章最后一句“preindustrial”一词,可以推断出选项B是正确的。 50.答案A。? 【参考译文】作者的主要目的是什么?? 【试题分析】本题考查综合归纳能力。? 【详细解答】文章谈论动物打哈欠的不同用意,并不一定是感到疲倦,人类与动物打哈欠的 用意不同,也不仅只有社会化的动物才打哈欠。用排除归纳法可选出正确答案A。
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-24 09:42:38
51.答案B。? 【参考译文】文章的主要观点是[CD#4]。? 【试题分析】本题考查综合归纳能力。? 【详细解答】A项有“totally”,不能选;C项不是主题;D项不是主要内容。全文主要讲述巴基斯坦妇女地位的提高,选B项。 52.答案B。? 【参考译文】关于急救的描述哪句是对的?? 【试题分析】本题考查综合归纳能力。? 【详细解答】可从文中分析出(或根据自己的经验判断)A、C、D三项肯定不正确,只有B项是 对的。 53.答案C。? 【参考译文】哪项不是所有的船上都有的?? 【试题分析】本题是信息查寻题。? 【详细解答】在Rock climbing wall后有注明some ships,即不是所有的船都有此项目。? Part Ⅲ The Use of English 54.答案:registered 改为 has registered。? 【试题分析】本题为时态误用。? 【详细解答】用过去式,只表示过去取得进步,不一定表示和现在的关系。由于下文是主句,其内容是“房改仍受旧住房分配制度的束缚”,说明仍对现在有影响,而改用现在完成式就可强调这一点。本句意为:……中国的房改已在过去的十年中取得了引人注目的进步,…… 55.答案:to改为from。? 【试题分析】本题是介词错用。? 【详细解答】从本句意义上看,房子由单位领导分配,应用表示“从”的英语介词。而“to”表示“朝……方向;向;至”等意义,不符合句意。本句的意思是:大多数国有企业的职工仍能从他们的单位得到公寓房。 56.答案:a 改为an。? 【试题分析】本题为不定冠词误用。? 【详细解答】obstacle是元音开头,应用不定冠词an。本句可译为:……这种做法已造成国有企业的沉重负担并成为改革的障碍。 57.答案:去掉in the charge of 中的“the”。? 【试题分析】本题为词组的误用。? 【详细解答】in the charge of表示“由……主管”的被动意义,主语通常是某个单位,部门或某项工作等名词,of 后接表示人的名词或代词,例如:The work in the charge of our monitor has been finished.由我们班长负责的这项工作已经做完了。而本句需要用表示主动的in charge of“负责、主管”的意思。其主语通常为表示人的名词或代词。of 后接某项工作、任务等名词。例如:Professor Wang in charge of the experiment in physics has just gone out.负责这项物理实验的王教授刚才出去了。本句意为:那些企业应当建立负责住房的一个专门的股份公司。 58.答案:at改为for。? 【试题分析】本题是介词误用。? 【详细解答】responsible后接for ,表示“负责……”的意思;responsible不与at搭配。本句的意思是:让这个股份公司自负盈亏。 59.答案:own 应为owned。? 【试题分析】本题是词性误用。? 【详细解答】根据构词法own加形容词后缀-ed表示“有”的意思。own作形容词时本身只有“自己的”意思;作动词时是“拥有”之意。另外,本文开头一句中已有此词。本句的意思为:国有企业必须在住房投资和生产投资之间区别清楚。 60.答案:to 改为with/by。? 【试题分析】本题是介词的误用。? 【详细解答】根据句意,要用意思为“以……代替……”的句型,因而应是replace…with…或replace…by …。本句意为:企业应该以足够的住房补贴来代替旧的住房分配制度……。 61.答案:beef后加up。? 【试题分析】本题为介词的漏用。? 【详细解答】beef up 是“增强,加强”之意,符合句意。beef作动词时,是“发牢骚;抱怨”的意思。本句的意思是:中国应不断努力来改善社会保障体系。 62.答案:with改为to。? 【试题分析】本题是介词的误用。? 【详细解答】“provide ……… with”的意思是“给……提供……”汉语中“给”后接指人的名词或代词,“提供”后接指“物”的名词或代词。但英语中“provide”后跟指人的名词或代词,“with”后跟指“物”的名词或代词。显然原句错用了介词。 “provide…… to”表示“为……提供……”。 “provide”后跟指“物”的名词或代词,“to”后跟指人的名词或代词。本句可译为:政府为那些买不起房子的人提供住房时有两种选择。 63.答案:redistributing改为to redistribute 。? 【试题分析】本题为动词形式的误用。? 【详细解答】根据句意,重新分配旧房是比较具体的动作, 用动词不定式作表语比较合适。而动名词作表语时表示一般的, 抽象的动作。其次,“重新分配旧房”这个动作尚未发生,这也是用动词不定式的原因。另外,根据上句,采取不定式作表语。本句意为:另一种是重新分配旧房。? 短文大意 ? 冰山是大自然最壮观的产物,其形成和消失都鲜为人知, 冰山总笼罩着神秘的面纱,然而它们形状各异,色彩缤纷,是海上一道绚丽的风景。冰山虽然美丽但也危险,因为它们大部分都隐藏在水下,只露出一角,而且还容易突然反转形成急流。冰山上的积雪大多年代久远,有的甚至有几百万年的历史,因此冰山是由千年的积雪反复堆积而形成的冰晶体。 ?S1.【参考答案】The nature and origin of icebergs.? 【解题技巧】采用归纳法,从全文归纳其中心思想。? 【详细解答】文章第一段谈到冰山是大自然最壮观的产物,因其形成和消失都鲜为人知, 冰山总笼罩着神秘的面纱;第二段提到了冰山的美丽;它们形状各异,色彩缤纷,是海上一道绚丽的风景;第三段介绍了冰山的危险,因为它们大部分都隐藏在水下,只露出一角,而且还容易突然反转形成急流;第四段介绍了冰山上的积雪年代久远;第五段介绍了冰山是如何形成。这样,通过归纳,不难得出全文主要是谈论讨论了冰山的性质和起源。解答此类大意主旨题,需要考生通读全文才能归纳出文章的大意。 S2.【参考答案】Because they are located in remote regions of the world.? 【解题技巧】本题利用原文所给信息进行归纳得出答案。? 【详细解答】文章第一段提到“They come into being-somewhere-in faraway, frigid waters, amid thunderous noise and splashing turbulence, which in most cases no one hears or sees.”冰山形成于遥远的地方,故大多数人都看不到,听不到。 S3.【参考答案】Because they are hidden underwater and can turn over unexpectedly. ? 【解题技巧】分析归纳原文中的相关信息得出答案。? 【详细解答】文章第三段介绍了冰山的危险性,提到“Most of their bulk is hidden below the water, so their underwater parts may extend out far beyond the visible top. Also, they may roll over unexpectedly, churning the waters around them.”冰山的大部分都隐藏在水下,只露出一角,而且还容易突然反转形成急流,因此它们很危险。 S4.【参考答案】The result of accumulation of snowflake. ? 【解题技巧】本题利用第五段所给信息进行归纳得出答案。? 【详细解答】第五段介绍了冰山是如何形成的,“As each year’s snow accumulation lay on the surface, evaporation and melting caused the snowflakes slowly to lose their feathery points and become tiny grains of ice…With time and pressure from above, the many small ice grains joined and changed to larger crystals, and eventually the deeper crystals merged into a solid mass of ice.”说到底,冰山是由雪花经过长时间的堆积而成。 S5.【参考答案】The author is full of wonder. ? 【解题技巧】通过关键字句揣测作者的态度。? 【详细解答】从文章第一句话“Icebergs are among nature’s most spectacular creations”作者说冰山是大自然最壮观的产物,以及第二段对冰山美丽的描述,说它们是最纯粹的美,既幽雅又端庄,为平静的海面平添了许多激情,可以看出作者对冰山充满了惊叹之情。?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-24 09:46:00
Part Ⅳ Writing 写作指导? 2008年申奥成功, 体育运动必将成为社会讨论的热门话题,六级考试写作也可能涉及到这方面的话题,应该引起大家的重视。本题是一篇号召大家参加体育运动的论说文。根据给出的写作提纲,全文可分为三段来写,而每条提纲也可作为每段的主题句。第一段的主题可为:In the world today, more and more people are interested in sports and games, which have become part of people’s daily life.围绕这个主题句,可具体列举出一些人们喜爱从事的体育活动,如:swing, running, basketball, football, table tennis and badminton。第二段的主题句可为:But there are still some people who don’t know the importance of sports and games.此段可用举例法来说明为什么有些人仍然不了解运动的重要性;第三段为总结段,画龙点睛地提出体育运动的重要性。? Writing Sample?

Let’s Go in for Sports? In the world today, more and more people are interested in sports and games, which have become part of people’s daily life. In our country, swing, running, basketball, football, table tennis and badminton are the favourite sports and games. Early every morning you can see people doing all kinds of exercises in parks and open grounds. Friendly matches and sports meets are often held in schools and factories.? But there are still some people who don’t know the importance of sports and games. They treat them only as amusements just like films or radio programmes. We all know that sports and games build our bodies and keep us in good health. They are especially helpful to those who work with their brains. So sports and games can also train a person’s character. On the sports field, a child learns to fight fair and hard, to win without pride and lose with grace. Sports and games are like a bridge to true friendship. Later, when he has grown up, he will naturally work for the good of his country instead of for his own benefit.? As we have said above, sports and games can be of great value. They not only make people live happily but also help people to learn virtues and do their work better. A sound mind is in a sound body. Let’s go in for sports and games.

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-24 09:48:30
六级最新710分全真模拟题(2) (Total Score:710,Total Time:120min) PartⅠListening Comprehension (占总分的35%)?
(占总分的5%) Directions: In this section you will hear a conversation. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation. Listen to the conversation carefully and then answer the four questions below. Mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.   1. Where does Mark work?? A. At a newspaper. B. At an advertising agency.? C. At a furniture store. D. At a real estate office. 2. Which of the following is Cecilia trying to find?? A. A two?bedroom apartment.
B. A sofa.? C. A chair. D. A roommate. 3. Which of the following does Cecilia initially forget to tell Mark?? A. Her phone number. B. The location of the apartment.? C. The best time to call her. D. Her first name. 4. What is the total amount that the two advertisements will cost for one week?? A. $5B. $15C. $ 30D. $ 250? (占总分的10%)? Directions:In this section,you will hear 10 short conversations.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause. During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear:? You will read:A)At the office.B)In the waiting room.?C)At the airport.D.In a restaurant.? From the conversation we know that the two persons were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening.This is most likely to have taken place at the office.Therefore,A)“At the office”is the best answer.You should choose[A] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center.? Sample Answer [A—][B][C][D]? 5.A.Seeing a film.B.Diving in the sea. C.Having a class.D.Doing an experiment. 6.A.Alice is now in a very bad temper. B.Alice is now preparing for the test.? C.Alice is now very happy. D.Alice is now ill. 7.A.A chemistry class.
B.A biology class. C.A mathematics class.
D.A physics class. 8.A.It’s less expensive.
B.It’s more comfortable. C.It’s faster.
D.It’s more direct. 9.A.He prefers staying at home because he doesn’t like to travel. B.He prefers taking a bus because the plane makes him nervous. C.He prefers taking a plane because the bus is too slow.? D.He prefers travelling with the woman. 10.A.The train is faster than the bus. B.There are two buses every day.? C.The bus is cheaper than the train. D.The train is cheaper than the bus. 11.A.At 11 o’clock.
B.At 4 o’clock. C.At 7 o’clock.
D.At 2 o’clock. 12.A.In the morning.
B.Late at night. C.After 5:30.
D.At or before 5:30. 13.A.150 pounds.B.140 pounds.C.145 pounds.D.135 pounds. 14.A.He doesn’t want to stay home. B.The movie is excellent.? C.He wants to see the movie again. D.The movie is not good.? (占总分的10%)? Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. The passage is printed on your Answer Sheet with about 10 blanks of missing words or phrases, or sentences. First, you will hear the whole passage from the beginning to the end just to get a general idea of it. Then, in the second reading, you will hear signal indicating the beginning of a pause after each sentence, sometimes or just part of a sentence. During the pause, you must write down the missing words you have just heard in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. There is also a different signal indicating the end of the pause. When you hear this signal, you must get ready for what comes next from the recording. You can check what you have written when the passage is read to you again without the pauses.? Arabs consider it (15) bad manner to start talking business immediately. Even the busiest government official or (16) always takes (17) time to be polite and offer (18). No matter how busy you are, you should make time for this (19) .?Making decisions quickly is not an Arab custom. There is a (20) in doing business in the Middle East which will puzzle a (21). Give yourself lots of time and ask lots of questions.? Patience is an important (22). You may have to wait two or three days to see high?level government officials as they are very busy. Give yourself enough time.?Personal relationships are very important. They are the key to do business in Arab countries (23) .? When an Arab says yes, he may mean “maybe”. When he says maybe, he probably means “no”. You will seldom get a direct “no” from an Arab because it is considered impolite. Also, he does not want to close his options. Instead of “no”, he will say “inshalah” which means, “if God is willing”(24) .?? (占总分的10%)? Directions: In this section,you will hear 3 short passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.?? 1 Questions 25 to 27 are based on the passage you have just heard.? 25.A.An English reporter.B.An American reporter.? C.An English scientist.D.An American scientist. 26.A.Cooler weather.B.Raining.C.Warm and sunny.D.Stormy. 27.A.Very cool weather.B.Very warm weather.C.Raining weather.D.Fair weather.? 2 Questions 28 to 30 are based on the passage you have just heard:? 28.A.Something in the Bermuda Triangle is strange.? B.Where the Bermuda Triangle is.? C.On very little about this.? D.Ships were not lost. 29.A.Money.B.Ships and planes.C.Florida.D.Trains and cars. 30.A.In the Pacific Ocean.B.Close to Europe.?C.Nobody knows.D.In the Atlantic Ocean. 3 Questions 31 to 34 are based on the passage you have just heard:? 31.A.A bomb explosion.B.A traffic accident.?C.Murder.D.Massacres. 32.A.At a railway station.B.At a bus center.?C.In the countryside.D.In a coastal town. 33.A.1.B.2.C.3.D.4. 34.A.The discussion. B.The European Union team.? C.The European Union deputy foreign ministers. D.The UN investigation.?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-24 09:50:28
Part ⅡReading Comprehension (占总分的35%)?? (占总分的25%)? Directions:There are three passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.? Questions 35 to 39 are based on the following passage:? Auctions(拍卖) are public sales of goods,conducted by an officially approved auctioneer.He asked the crowd to gather in the auction room to bid for various items on sale.He encourages buyers to bid higher figures and finally names the highest bidder as the buyer of the goods.This is called “knocking down” the goods,for the bidding ends when the auctioneer bangs a small hammer on a raised platform.? The ancient Romans probably invented sales by auction and the English word comes from the Latin“autic”,meaning “increase”.The Romans usually sold in this way the spoils taken in war;these sales were called“sub hasta”,meaning “under the spear”,a spear being stuck in the ground as a signal for a crowd to gather.In England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries goods were often sold “by the candle”;a short candle was lit by the auctioneer and bids could be made while it was burning.Practically all goods can be sold by auction.Among these are coffee,skins,wool,tea,cocoa,furs,fruit,vegetables and wines.Auction sales are also usual for land and property,antique furniture, pictures,rare books,old china and works of art.The auction rooms at Chritie’s and Sotheby’s in London and New York are world?famous. An auction is usually advertised beforehand with full particulars of the articles to be sold and where and when they can be viewed by the buyers.If the advertisement cannot give full details,catalogues are printed,and each group of goods to be sold together,called a “lot”,is usually given a number.The auctioneer need not begin with lot one and continue the numerical order;he may wait until he notices the fact that certain buyers are in the room and then produce the lots they are likely to be interested in.The auctioneer’s services are paid for in the form of a percentage of the price the goods are sold for.The auctioneer therefore has a direct interest in pushing up the bidding.? 35.Auctioned goods are sold____.? A.for the highest price offered B.at fixed prices? C.at prices lower than their true value D.at prices offered by the auctioneer 36.The end of bidding is called“knocking down” because____.? A.the auctioneer knocks on the table? B.the auctionees names the highest bidder as the buyer of the goods? C.the goods are knocked down onto the table? D.the auctioneer bangs the table with a hammer 37.In the sentence“The Romans usually sold in this way the spoils taken in war,”the word “spoils” most probably means____.? A.useless goodsB.spears?C.various kinds of foodD.property taken from the enemy 38.In England a candle used to burn at auction sales____.? A.because the auction sales took place at night? B.as a signal for the crowd to gather? C.to keep the auction room warm? D.to limit the time when offers of prices could be made 39.An auction catalogue gives buyers____.? A.the current market values of the goods B.details of the goods to be sold? C.the order in which goods are to be sold D.free admission to the auction sale Questions 40 to 44 are based on the following passage:? There are some 65 species of New World monkeys.Many of these have a very useful anatomical adaptation lacking in their old world counterparts:that curious“fifth hand”,the prehensile tail.And in a few species the gripping tail has developed to such an extent that it actually has “fingerprints” on the tip.While of course a tail is not equipped with fingers,it can sometimes be even more useful than an arm or a leg.A spider monkey’s tail,for instance,is longer than its head and body combined,and is frequently used instead of a hand to grasp distant objects.Other monkeys less fortunate are forced to relegate at least one limb to support while they feed,whereas monkeys endowed ?with prehensility can hang by their tails while they feast with both hands and feet.A few New World monkeys have also evolved arms and shoulders that are suitable for swinging hand over hand through the trees like the Asiatic gibbons.? 40.The passage mainly discusses____.? A.certain evolutionary advantages of New World monkeys? B.feeding habits of the spider monkey? C.the development of arms and shoulders in New World monkeys? D.some anatomical adaptations of Asiatic gibbons 41.The author probably believes that a monkey uses its prehensile tail especially for____.? A.running over a grassy plainB.supporting itself while eating? C.swimming across a riverD.defending itself against enemies 42.In the second sentence,the word“their” refers to____.? A.New World monkeysB.Old World monkeys? C.spider monkeysD.Asiatic gibbons 43.It can be inferred from the passage that the Asiatic gibbons and certain New World monkeys are similar in what respect?? A.The length of their tails. B.Their mating habits.? C.The ability to grip with their feet. D.Their upper body structure. 44.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the information in the passage?? A.Some monkeys use their hands to grasp objects.? B.A spider monkey has a very long tail.? C.A prehensile tail has fingers.? D.Asiatic gibbons can swing through trees. Questions 45 to 49 are based on the following passage:? Baltimore was founded in 1729.For a generation it seemed no different from a dozen other settlements springing up at the head of the Chesapeake Bay;its claim to distinction consisted of a blacksmith’s shop,flour mill,and tobacco warehouse.Yet Baltimore was fated for a more dynamic future than its slow beginnings seemed to portend.Spurred by an agricultural revolution in the Maryland and Pennsylvania countrysides as well as dramatic disruptions in the Atlantic economy,Baltimore at mid?century began to boom.By 1790 it had risen to become the new republic’s fourth largest city with aspirations to overtake the three still ahead:New York,Philadelphia,and Boston.? Although the Baltimore of the Jeffersonian are looked utterly unlike the colonial village from which it had emerged,the two shared more than might be apparent at first glance.Baltimore’s economy had expanded tremendously,to be sure,but the same forces that sparked expansion around 1750 continued to sustain it fifty years later.Despite the establishment of new governments at the state level in 1776,national level in 1788,and municipal level in 1797,the same festering issues continued to ?convulse its politics.If Baltimore had become richer and bigger,its occupational structure,wealth distribution,and residential patterns would have withstood the pressures of growth and looked about the same in 1790 as in 1812.In other words,beneath the frenzied and seemingly chaotic pace of urbanization,Baltimore enjoyed a strong element of stability.For in 1812,no less than in 1729,Baltimore was a preindustrial town.? 45.In what year was Baltimore established?? A.1729.B.1750.C.1776.D.1788. 46.Which of the following was not one of the nation’s three largest cities in 1790?? A.Philadelphia.B.Boston.C.New York.D.Baltimore. 47.In line 13,the word “sparked” could best be replaced by which of the following?? A.Burned up.B.Flickered.C.Led to.D.Discharged. 48.What level of government was established in 1788?? A.Municipal.B.Country.C.State.D.National. 49.Which of the following statements about the Baltimore of 1812 can be inferred from the passage?? A.It did not take the way the city did in 1790.? B.It did not have many factories.? C.It was not an enjoyable place in which to live.? D.It could not grow any larger.? (占总分的10%)? Directions: In this section there are four passages with a total of four multiple?choice questions. Skim or scan them as required and then mark your answer on your answer sheet.?? 1 First read the following question.?   50. What is the writer’s main point? ? A. Animals yawn for a number of reasons.? B. Yawning results only from fatigue or boredom.? C. Human yawns are the same as those of other animals.? D. Only social animals yawn.
Now read Passage 1 quickly and mark your answer on your ANSWER SHEET.? Today’s discussion is about a common animal reaction—— the yawn. The dictionary defines a yawn as “an involuntary reaction to fatigue or boredom.” That’s certainly true for human yawns, but not necessarily for animal yawns. The same action can have quite different meanings in different species. For example, some animals yawn to intimidate intruders on their territory. Fish and lizards are examples of this. Hippos use yawns when they want to settle a quarrel. Observers have seen two hippos yawn at each other for as long as two hours before they stop quarreling. ?As for social animals like baboons or lions, they yawn to establish the pecking order within social groups, and lions often yawn to calm social tensions. Sometimes these animals yawn for a strictly physiological reason——that is, to increase oxygen levels. And curiously enough, when they yawn for a physical reason like that, they do what humans do—they try to stifle the yawn by looking away or by covering their mouths.?? 2 First read the following question.? 51. The main idea of the passage is____. ? A. women in Pakistan are liberated totally? B. women in Pakistan are entering men’s world? C. women in Pakistan should wear traditional clothes and stay at home? D. women in Pakistan are running some business completely Now read Passage 2 quickly and mark your answer on your ANSWER SHEET.? In Pakistan the role of women is changing. Although wearing traditional clothing and staying at home used to be the rule, today many women are going into professions, such as medicine, law, and engineering. They comprise a large part of the workers in business and factories, and in addition, they are working up to important jobs which used to be held predominantly by men. There are even some businesses which are run completely by women. However, they still run up against road blocks since many government jobs are closed to them, and certain jobs are not considered honorable for women. In general, they feel they are more liberated now and have an alternative to their old way of life.?? 3 First read the following question.? 52. Which statement is true about first aid? ? A. It usually makes the services of a doctor unnecessary.? B. It is usually done by someone who is not a doctor.? C. It is usually done by a doctor.? D. It is usually done by the victim himself.
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-24 09:51:47
Now read Passage 3 quickly and mark your answer on your ANSWER SHEET. ? First aid may be defined as the immediate and temporary care given to a victim of an accident or serious illness until the supersedes of a physician can be obtained. First aid commences with the steadying effect upon the stricken person when he realizes that competent hands will help him. The emergency situation often causes confusion in the mind of the victim, things seem unreal and remote, and he often cannot think clearly and rationally for some time. The emotional reaction which results from a serious accident takes time to subside. Therefore, first aid is more than the physical attention dressing his injuries or making him comfortable. It is the general mental effect that the well-selected word of encouragement, the expression of willingness to help, the uplifting effect of the first aider’s evident capability can be given. The thoughtful for suggestions made to solve immediate problems, the information given concerning nearby physicians and hospitals, the telephone call to summon medical help or an ambulance or to notify a relative, these too are first aid. The good first aider deals with the whole situation, the person and the injury. He knows what not to do as well as to do. Thus, he avoids the error so commonly made through well meant but misguided efforts. He confines his procedures to what is necessary, keeping the handling of injured parts to a minimum.?? 4 First read the following question.? 53. Which service is NOT provided on some ships?? A. Fully-equipped health spa. B. Fitness classes.? C. Rock climbing wall. D. Sumptuous midnight buffets. Now read Passage 4 quickly and mark your answer on your ANSWER SHEET.? Cruise Itinerary Highlights? * 24-hour room service? * Fine dining? * Fully-equipped health spa? * Live music and comedy shows? * Fitness classes? * Adventure Ocean youth activities? * Port-of-call lectures? * Creative theme parties? * Top 40 and Big Band lounges? * Casino with Caribbean stud poker? * Cooking demonstrations? * Broadway/Las Vegas-style entertainment? * Thousands of balcony cabins? * Sumptuous midnight buffets? * Up to a dozen bars and lounges? * Rock climbing wall, some ships? * Ice skating rink, some ships? * Johnny Rocket’s 50’s dinner, some ships? 10-day Europe - Northern cruise aboard Cruise Itinerary? Day Ports of Call Arrival Departure? 1 Copenhagen --- 11:0 0? 2 At Sea --- -- -? 3 Stockholm 7:00 a.m. 5:3 0 p.m.? 4 Helsinki 8:30 a.m. 5 :00 p.m.? 5 St. Petersburg 6:30 a.m. - --?6 St. Petersburg --- [DW ]5:30 p.m.?7 Tallinn 7:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m.?8 Gdansk 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.? 9 At Sea --- --- ? 10 Oslo 7:00 a.m. 1:0 0 p.m.? 11 Copenhagen 5:00 a.m. 1:0 0 p.m.?? Part Ⅲ The Use of English(占总分的15%)?? Error Correction (占总分的10%) ? Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark(∧)in the right place and write the missing word in the blank, if you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash(/)in the blank. ? Example: Television is rapidly becoming the literature of our Many of the arguments ,having used for the study of literature 2. as a school subject are valid for∧study of television.3.the? Whether China’s housing reform can be carried out ? successfully will have a profound bearing on the future of the ? reform of State-owned enterprises.? Although China’s housing reform registered impressive 54. ____ Progress in the past 10 years, it has still been ? fettered by its old-fashioned housing distribution system.? Under this system ,most employees of state enterprises ? can still get apartments to their employers, and this practice has55. ____ turned to be a heavy burden uponthe State firms and a obstacle to56. ____ heir reform.? To clear the runway of the reform, those enterprises should? establish a special shareholding firm in the charge of housing.57.____ This firm would be held responsible at its own gains and losses.58.____ Second ,State-own enterprises must draw a clear line59.____ between housing investment and production investment.? In other words, enterprises should replace the old housing ? distribution system to generous housing subsidies under a system60.____ which encourages employees to buy a home in the market.? Besides, China should beef its efforts to improve its social61.____ security system and establish public funds for housing as a way? to address urban residents’ housing problems.? The government has options to provide houses with those62.____ who cannot afford a home. One of them is to take a part of the? pubic funds to build a batch of cheap houses; the other? is redistributing the old houses. 63.____?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-24 09:52:07
Short Answer Questions (占总分的5%) ? Directions: In the part there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words (not exceeding 10 words). ? Icebergs are among nature’s most spectacular creations, and yet most people have never seen one. A vague air of mystery envelops them. They come into being-somewhere-in faraway, frigid waters, amid thunderous noise and splashing turbulence, which in most cases no one hears or sees. They exist only a short time and then slowly waste away just as unnoticed. ? Objects of sheerest beauty, they have been called. Appearing in an endless variety of shapes, they may be dazzlingly white, or they may be glassy blue, green or purple, tinted faintly or in darker hues. They are graceful, stately, inspiring in calm, sunlit seas.? But they are also called frightening and dangerous, and that they are-in the night, in the fog, and in storms. Even in clear weather one is wise to stay a safe distance away from them. Most of their bulk is hidden below the water, so their underwater parts may extend out far beyond the visible top. Also, they may roll over unexpectedly, churning the waters around them. ? Icebergs are parts of glaciers that break off, drift into the water, float about awhile, and finally melt. Icebergs afloat today are made of snowflakes that have fallen over long ages of time. They embody snows that drifted down hundreds, or many thousands, or in some cases maybe a million years ago. The snows fell in polar regions and on cold mountains, where they melted only a little or not at all, and so collected to great depths over the years and centuries. ? As each year’s snow accumulation lay on the surface, evaporation and melting caused the snowflakes slowly to lose their feathery points and become tiny grains of ice. When new snow fell on top of the old, it too turned to icy grains. So blankets of snow and ice grains mounted layer upon layer and were of such great thickness that the weight of the upper layers compressed the lower ones. With time and pressure from above, the many small ice grains joined and changed to larger crystals, and eventually the deeper crystals merged into a solid mass of ice. Questions: S1.Which is the main idea of this passage? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ S2.Why does the author state that icebergs are rarely seen? ? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ S3.According to the passage, why icebergs are dangerous?? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ S4.How can we account for the formation of an iceberg?? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ S5.What is the author’s attitude toward icebergs? ? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ? Part Ⅳ Writing(占总分的15%)?? Directions: For this part, you are required to write a composition on the topic Let’s Go in for Sports. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline given below.? 1.当今世界上,有越来越多的人对体育运动感兴趣; 2.但有些人仍然不了解运动的重要性; 3.体育运动有很高的价值。
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-24 09:53:29
录音文字材料? PartⅠ Listening Comprehension Section A F1: You’ll be in Room 207. Here’s your key, and I hope you enjoy your stay with us, Ms. Cook. F2: Thanks. Oh, by the way, I’d like to get some information from you. You see, the conference I’m attending will be over early Wednesday, and I don’t fly out until Thursday. Do you have any recommendations for sight?seeing? F1: There’s a great planetarium at our natural history museum.You might enjoy that. F2: I don’t know——I don’t think I want to do that. The city I come from has a good planetarium. F1: There are also some good art galleries downtown.? F2: I’m more interested in doing something outdoors.? F1: Oh, well, there’s a beautiful waterfall called Crystal Falls not far from here. F2: That sounds like something I’d enjoy seeing. How do I get there?? F1: Do you have a car, or will you be taking a bus?? F2: I rented a car at the airport.? F1: Then just take Waterson Street west out of town and go about five miles. You’Il see a sign that says Crystal Falls. It’ s a short walk from there. F2: That sounds great. Thanks!? Section B 5.W: What time does the ballet start?? M: At 8:30. We have 35 minutes to get there.? Q: What time is it now?? 6.W: How did your football team do last season?? M: We won three times, lost five times, and tied twice.? Q: How many times did they tie?? 7.W: Good afternoon, I’m Roseanne, your flight attendant. Welcome aboard.? M: Hello. I’ve got seat A8. I hope it’s by a window so that I can see the view.? Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?? 8.M: Where did Suzanne come from?? W: She was born in Switzerland and grew up in Sweden, but she’s a citizen of England.? Q: What country does Suzanne presently call her home?? 9.W: Are you going to watch the movie on TV tonight?? M: No, I think I’ll watch the soccer game and then the documentary on volcanoes.? Q: Which is the first program the man is planning to watch? 10.M: What do you think of professor Conrad’s class?? W: Well, his lectures are interesting enough, but I think he could choose more appropriate questions for the tests.? Q: What does the woman NOT like about professor Conrad’s class?? 11.M: Nancy, why were you late for class this morning?? W: I overslept and missed the bus.? Q: Why was Nancy late?? 12.W: Aren’t we supposed to have a science test this afternoon?? M: It was postponed because the teacher had to attend a conference.? Q: What do we learn from this conversation?? 13.W: Do you think I have a chance of proving my case?? M: Definitely, and we’re going to sue for injuries as well.? Q: What is the probable relationship between the man and woman?? 14.M: Operator, I’d like to place a call to Athens, Greece. How much will it cost?? W: $9 for the first three minutes and $3 for each additional minute.? Q: How much would a ten—minute call cost?? Section C In 1942, Americans (15) ____won several important victories over the Japanese. The United States navy (16) ____defeated a powerful Japanese fleet near Midway Island. The United States was greatly helped in the Battle of Midway because (17) ____it had learned the secret code in which the Japanese sent messages. The United States knew (18) ____where the Japanese ships would be.? Many hard battles were fought on land and on the ocean. The United States leaders in the Pacific, General Douglas MacArthur of the army and Admiral Chester Nimitz of the navy, (19) ____made a plan to defeat the Japanese. This plan was called “island hopping.”? The plan meant that the United States (20) ____would capture certain islands in the Pacific on which Japan had placed soldiers. Other Japanese?held islands would be passed by and (21) ____cut off from receiving food and supplies from Japan. At the same time, ships of the United States navy would fight Japanese warships wherever they found them.? Each attack on an island held by the Japanese (22) ____resulted in a difficult battle. But the American forces (23) ____moved steadily closer to Japan. Finally, islands were captured that were near enough to Japan so that American planes could bomb the factories (24) ____that made war equipment.? Section D Indian summer is a short period of extremely fair weather and mild days in autumn. It comes in late October or early November while the leaves are changing color and falling from the trees. It has no definite day of beginning or ending.?The pleasant weather follows the autumn’s first period of cold, wintry days. The days become warmer but the nights remain chilly. An Indian summer moon often has a soft yellow or orange hue. Indian summer lasts from a week to ten days and sometimes for two weeks. Then winter starts. Indian summer is caused by a large mass of warm tropical air. South winds carry these masses northward. The American Indian enjoyed Indian summer and called it a gift of a favorite God, Cautantowwit, the god of the southwest.? Questions 25 to 27 are based on the passage you’ve just heard: 25.Which of the following can be understood from the passage?? 26. What causes Indian summer?? 27. What was NOT mentioned as a feature of Indian summer?? I’m Mr. Britain, the head librarian, and today I’d like to introduce you to the facilities in our university library and show you how to use them. The first room on our tour is the reference room, where you’ll find all sorts of reference materials: dictionaries, bibliographies, literature guides, even telephone books. You may use these books only in the reference room itself. The next room is the periodicals room, where you’ll find various newspapers, magazines and academic journals. The current issues are usually directly available to you on the shelves. And you can get an older issue by filling out a slip for the librarian. These items must also be used in this room. This next room contains the card catalogs. All the library’s books are listed here by title, by author and by topic. When you are looking for a book you must write the book’s call number, title and author on these slips and present them with your library card at the desk. The books themselves are kept in the stacks, which are open only to graduate students, faculty members and library staff. Our library has over a million volumes in these stacks which cover five floors. If you have any further questions about using the library, I’d be glad to help you after the tour. Thank you for your attention.? Questions 28 to 30 are based on the passage you’ve just heard:? 28. What is the main topic of this talk?? 29. Who is probably listening to Mr. Britain?? 30. Which people are usually not allowed to use the stacks?? Today I’m going to discuss transportation and communication in the earty 19th century in the United States. At that time, inland waterways provided North America’s most popular form of long distance transportation. Travel by river was often more convenient than taking a wagon over primitive country roads, especially when shipping heavy loads of farm products or household goods. Where the natural waterways were inadequate, shallow canals were built. The Erie Canal, opened in 1825, connected the Great Lakes with the upper Hudson River. It allowed settlers in the Great Lakes region to send their crops eastward to New York City at the mouth of the Hudson at a much lower cost. From there, crops could be shipped to other Atlantic ports. The construction of the Erie Canal also encouraged westward migration along inland waterways and helped populate the frontier. The City of Detroit grew up between two of the Great Lakes. Later a canal joined the Great Lakes with the Mississippi river system and Chicago became a thriving city. Politically the waterway system united the nation in a way few had imagined possible. By the mid—1800’s faster and cheaper railroads became more popular and the canal system declined. Railroads could be used year round whereas canals were often frozen in the winter. During the first third of the century, however, transportation on rivers, lakes and canals aided greatly in the growth of the United States. Next week we’ll discuss the railroads in greater detail.? Questions 31 to 34 are based on the passage you’ve just heard:? 31. What is the main idea of this lecture?? 32. When was inland waterway travel most popular?? 33. What was usually transported from west to east?? 34.What was NOT a result of the inland water system in the United States?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-24 09:54:32
答案详解? PartⅠ Listening Comprehension 1.答案D。? [解题思路]注意地点的把握。? [详细解答]文中虽然听到了“art gallery”; “airport”; “conference”;但针对问题,都没有足够的证据,而选项D有足够的证据,因为对话开头是“You will be in Room 207.Here is your key, and …”,所以D是正确的。? 2. 答案A。? [解题思路]注意对文章内容的分析,抓住关键点。? [详细解答]虽然对话主要谈的是旅游观光的事宜,但这并不是Ms Cook此行的主要目的,因为对话中Ms Cook说“the conference I am attending…”。所以A是正确答案。? 3. 答案C。? [解题思路]对文章细节的选取。? [详细解答]细节题。A、B、D都没有足够的证据;C项是正确答案,因为Ms Cook说:“The city I come from has a good planetarium”。? 4. 答案 B? [解题思路]从容易混淆的选项中辨认出正确答案。? [详细解答]几个选项乍一看比较混乱,但从所给材料来看应选B ,因为Ms Cook 说:“I rented a car at the airport”;当被建议看到瀑布的标记时,可以步行一段路,Ms Cook说:“That sounds great.” ? 5.答案A。? 【试题分析】本题考查对时间的计算,应根据关键词来推理。? 【关键词语】8:30,35minutes,to get there.? 【详细解答】从选项分析,此对话的问题一定与时间有关,可判定为“when...?”或“what time...?”,因此要特别注意对话中的时间。the woman回答说芭蕾8:30开始,但他们还有35分钟的时间,故可推断出此时为7:55,所以选A。? 6.答案C。? 【试题分析】本题考查数据的理解。? 【关键词语】won 3 times,lost 5 times,tied twice? 【详细解答】从选项分析,此对话的问题一定与数据有关,可初步判定为“How many...”,因此要特别注意对话中的数据。the man回答说他们赢了3次,输了5次,平了2次,故答案为C。? 7.答案C。? 【试题分析】本题考查文中信息的发生地,应根据对话内容的关键词来推断。? 【关键词语】flight attendant,welcome aboard? 【详细解答】从选项分析,此对话的问题与地点有关,可判定为“where...”,因此要根据对话中所暗含的内容来分析。the woman说“我是Roseanne,空中乘务员,欢迎登机”,这就明显地说明此对话在飞机上发生,故答案为C。? 8.答案B。? 【试题分析】本题考查对具体细节的把握和推理。? 【关键词语】born in Switzerland and grew up in Sweden,a citizen of England? 【详细解答】从选项分析,此对话的问题与地点有关,因此可判定问题为“where...”或“which country...?”the woman说Suzanne出生在瑞士,长在瑞典,但她现在是英格兰公民。因此答案为B。? 9.答案C。? 【试题分析】本题考查对文中信息的理解和辨识。? 【关键词语】watch the soccer game,then,the documentary on volcanoes.? 【详细解答】the man回答说他今晚不看电视上播放的电影,但他首先要看足球赛,再看有关火山的记录片。故答案应为C。? 10.答案D。? 【试题分析】本题考查对文中细节的辨识。? 【关键词语】choose more appropriate questions? 【详细解答】the woman认为professor Conrad的讲座非常有趣,但她认为那位教授出的考题应该更合适一些。所以the woman所不喜欢的是professor Conrad所选择的那类考题,故应选D。? 11.答案A。? 【试题分析】本题考查对文中词汇的理解。? 【关键词语】overslept,missed the bus? 【详细解答】the woman回答说她今天早上睡过了头,又没搭上车,所以迟到了。因而答案应为A。? 12.答案B。? 【试题分析】本题考查对文中内容的理解和辨识。? 【关键词语】postponed,attend a conference.? 【详细解答】the man回答说考试延期了,因为老师不得不去参加一个会议。并不是说老师把会议延期了。因而答案为B。? 13.答案A。? 【试题分析】本题考查根据文中内容来辨别两人的关系。? 【关键词语】proving my case,sue for injuries.? 【详细解答】从文中对话可听出proving my case,和sue for injuries几个法律专用词汇,因而可判断两人与法律有关。再由选择中可判断出问题大致为“what’s the relationship between the two people?”所以应选A。? 14.答案D。? 【试题分析】本题考查对数据的计算。? 【关键词语】$9 for the first three minutes,$3 for each additional minute.? 【详细解答】从文中可算出10分钟的话费为:前3分钟花费9美元,后7分钟花费7×3=21美元,则共花费9+21=30美元,故应选D。? 15.【参考答案】 won several important victories? 【详细解答】 won为win的过去式,victories为victory复数形式,注意several与severe的拼写区别。? 16.【参考答案】 defeated a powerful Japanese fleet? 【详细解答】 注意Japanese中“J”大写,fleet意为舰队,defeat击败? 17.【参考答案】 it had learned the secret code? 【详细解答】 secret code密码,注意它的拼写。? 18.【参考答案】 where the Japanese ships would be? 【详细解答】 Japanese中“j”大写。? 19.【参考答案】 made a plan to defeat the Japanese? 【详细解答】 make a plan制定计划,这里make不为使动用法,故接带to的 不定式。? 20.【参考答案】 would capture certain islands? 【详细解答】 capture夺得,占领,注意其拼写及发音。? 21.【参考答案】 cut off from receiving food and supplies? 【详细解答】 cut off意为切断,注意receiving为receive现在分词。? 22.【参考答案】 resulted in a difficult battle?【详细解答】 result in意为“导致”。? 23.【参考答案】 move steadily closer to Japan?【详细解答】 注意close发音为[?s],不为[?z]。? 24.【参考答案】 that made war equipment? 【详细解答】 注意equipment的拼写。? 25.答案C。? 【试题分析】本题考查根据所听到的内容进行正确判断推理。? 【详细解答】文中谈到“印度的夏天”是指小阳春,在这段时间,白天暖和,但晚上仍旧很冷。小阳春通常是在十月底或十一月初来临,时间一般持续7-10天,有时持续两周,总的来说时间较短。故A、B、D都不正确,所以选C。? 26.答案C。? 【试题分析】本题考查对具体细节的辨识判断。? 【详细解答】文中谈到Indian summer is caused by a large mass of warm tropical air.South winds carry these masses northward,故应选C。? 27.答案D。? 【试题分析】本题考查对具体细节的辨识判断。? 【详细解答】文中谈到Indian Summer is a short period of extremely fair weather and mild days in autumn.故A正确。后又谈到It has no definite day of beginning or ending.故B也正确。从文中可知C也正确,故只有D项不能从原文中证实。28.答案A。? 【试题分析】本题考查对具体细节的辨识判断。? 【详细解答】文中谈到如何利用图书馆的设备以及对读者的相关要求等。所以应选A。? 29.答案C。? 【试题分析】本题考查对文中细节的把握。? 【详细解答】文章开头就说“I’d like to introduce you to the facilities in our university library and show you how to use them.”B、D两项肯定知道如何在校图书馆查资料,可排除。而且后文中说“The books themselves are kept in the stacks,which are open only to graduate students,faculty members and library staff.”可知应选C。 30.答案B。? 【试题分析】本题考查对文中的细节的把握。? 【详细解答】文章中已说明The books themselves are kept in the stacks,which are open only to graduate students,faculty members and library staff.”可知应选B。? 31.答案A。? 【试题分析】本题考查对全文内容的概括能力。? 【详细解答】文中第二句话“Inland waterways provided North America’s most popular form of long distance transportation.”下文也谈到各条运河的开凿情况。故应选A。 32.答案C。? 【试题分析】本题考查对具体细节和内容的辨识。? 【详细解答】文中提到“到18世纪中期,铁路以快速,价廉的优势变得更为普遍,而水运则大不如从前了。”“By the mid-1800’s faster and cheaper railroads became more popular and the canal system declined.”因此可推出答案应为C。
33.答案A。? 【试题分析】本题考查对具体细节的把握。? 【详细解答】文中提到“It allowed settlers in the Great Lakes region to send their crops eastward to New York city...”crops是一种农产品,应选A。? 34.答案C。? 【试题分析】本题考查对全文意思的理解和具体细节的把握。? 【详细解答】文中提到“The construction of the Erie Canel also encouraged westward migration along inland water ways...”故D项可排除。后文又提到更为廉价和快速的陆运方式,故B也可排除。由于交通的便利,加快全国各地经济,文化的繁荣,故A也可排除,所以答案为C。??
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-24 09:57:30
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension 短文大意? 在小学,孩子处在一个相对简单的环境里,大部分时间与一位熟悉的老师打交道。而到了中学,学生们面临着一个较为复杂的环境,学生和老师都承受着学业上的压力,孩子们的言行举止更是与小学不同,他们需要作出自己的判断。因此,学校希望学生们能够获得所需要的帮助去走好第一步,因为这是成年人世界的模式,只不过是没那么复杂而已。   35.答案A。? 【参考译文】 根据短文,进入中学的学生们遇到的问题之一是许多老师给他们上课。? 【试题分析】 本题测试的是对文章细节部分的理解。? 【详细解答】 文章在一开始就指出,在小学,孩子们大部分时间与一位熟悉的老师建立关系(... and most of the time forms a relationship with one familiar teacher.),言下之意是到了中学就有所区别了。随后文章又提到Teachers with specialist roles may see hundreds of children in a week, and a pupil may be able to form relationships with very few of the staff.可见,老师比较多,学生们无法和他们每个人打交道,选项A符合题目的要求,是本题的正确答案。? 36.答案D。? 【参考译文】 在中学,每一个有问题的学生应该能够和任何一位老师探讨他的问题。? 【试题分析】 本题是道句意理解推论题。? 【详细解答】 本题的答案无法在文章中直接找到,但是可以根据第一段最后一句话进行分析推断。最后一句说:... good schools will make clear to every young person from the first year what guidance and personal help is available—but whether the reality of life in the institution actually encourages requests for help is another matter.学校承诺可以提供帮助,而实际上对是否是这样要提出疑问,那就说明在现实生活中并非如此。由此可见,本题的正确答案应该是D。? 37.答案D。? 【参考译文】 在本篇关于中学的文章中,作者主要关心的是学生的个人发展。? 【试题分析】 本题是道分析推断题。? 【详细解答】 文章在第一段中就提到进入中学,学生们很快就知道了不能对老师随便乱说话,即使对他们的同学也不能(The pupils soon learns to be less free in the way he speaks to teachers and even to his fellow pupils.)。在最后一段中有这么一句话:He sees a great deal of movement, a great number of people—often rather frightening?looking people—and realizes that an increasing number of choices and decisions have to be made.从这里也可以看到学生们所面临的处境,而这些都影响着学生们个人的发展,因此D应该是本题的最佳选项。? 38.答案B。? 【参考译文】 下列叙述中正确的是哪一项?? 【试题分析】 本题测试的是对文章细节部分进行辨析的能力。? 【详细解答】 文章的第一句话就说到在小学,孩子处在一个相对简单的环境里(In the primary school, a child is in a comparatively simple setting ...),文章大部分谈论的又是中学的情况,由此可以判断出第一句话中所说的相对简单是与中学相比较而言的,因此在所给四个选项中符合题意的是B项“小学的环境相对于中学的环境要简单一些”。? 39.答案C。? 【参考译文】 本篇短文主要讨论的是什么?? 【试题分析】 本题是道归纳中心思想的题目。? 【详细解答】 虽然文章中提到了中学和小学的不同之处,但是这毕竟只是局部问题,不是文章所谈论的中心,因此最具干扰性的A项不是本题的答案。B和D所述明显与文章不符,所以都要舍去。只有C项“中学学生个人发展问题”与文章大意相符,是本题的最佳选项。?? 短文大意 每星期刊出的成千上万的广告不断反映了这个传统社会经历的社会变革,即使是登婚姻广告也不觉得尴尬,一改传统的婚姻习俗。 40.答案A。? 【参考译文】 第三段的主要意思是印度的社会正在改变。? 【试题分析】 本题是道逻辑分析推理题。? 【详细解答】 本段的主题句在第二句:The thousands of advertisements published each week increasingly reflect social changes that are coming to this traditional society.(每个星期刊出的成千上万的广告不断反应了这个传统社会经历的社会变革)。根据此主题句就不难找出本题的最佳选项应为A项。? 41.答案A。? 【参考译文】 尽管并未直接说,凯尔卡特市的商人可能同意在报纸上刊登婚姻广告是个好主意。? 【试题分析】 本题测试的是对文章句意的理解。? 【详细解答】 凯尔卡特市的商人虽然未直接发表观点,但是他说“There’s nothing embarrassing about it.”(这样做没什么尴尬的)而且他是在登广告找女婿时说这句话的,因此句中的it指代的是advertising for a son?in?law.同时他认为登广告“It’s just another way of broadening the contacts and increasing the possibility of doing the best one can for one’s daughter.”(这是拓宽接触面的又一种方法,同时增加了为其女儿选择最合适人选的可能性。)同样这句话中的it仍然指的是advertising for a son?in?law.通过这样简单的分析,我们不难推断出本题的最佳答案应该是A项在报纸上登征婚广告是一个好主意。? 42.答案C。? 【参考译文】 在A person who has one can get what he wants中one指的是定居海外的批文。? 【试题分析】 本题测试的是根据上下文推测词义的能力。? 【详细解答】 这句话出现在文章的第九段。one在这里很明显不可能是指人,只可能是指事,指的是前文所提之事:由于高失业率和贫穷的生活标准,征婚广告的最大魅力之一就在于获得移居国外的批文,特别是到加拿大和美国。(... one of the best attractions a marriage advertisement can offer is a permit to live abroad, especially in Canada or the United States.)因此one指的是a permit to live abroad.C项是本题的正确答案。? 43.答案C。? 【参考译文】 第十段给出了一个拥有移民批文的人能够要求并希望得到的地位。? 【试题分析】 本题测试的是对文章细节部分的理解。? 【详细解答】 文章第十段所举事例是为了说明前文所说的:A person who has one can get what he wants.(一个人若拥有移居国外的批文就能得到他想要的)。在婚姻上也是如此,只要有这个批文,不论自己如何,他就可以任意选择自己的新娘,因此本题的最佳答案应该是C。? 44.答案B。? 【参考译文】 本文的最佳题目是印度的婚俗在改变。? 【试题分析】 本题测试的是综合归纳概括的能力。? 【详细解答】 本文主要讲述的是印度一改传统婚姻习俗,通过广告来寻找结婚对象,因此本题的最佳选项应为B项而非其他。?? 短文大意 [FK(H040B0001#]一位著名的神经学家指出,人类语言积累发展的过程是根据脑内的生物时间表来进行的。母语的学习是在孩子开始处于“共鸣”状态的时候进行的,大约是从2岁到青春期开始为止。临床证明,脑部受到损伤的两三岁孩子可能会失去全部或者部分记忆,但是还能够重新开始学习语言,而且进步比以前要快。4至10岁间患有失语症的通常可以完全恢复。但是青春期患上失语症的人很少能够完全恢复,18岁以后患失语症的人能够恢复就是一种例外了。另外还发现语言多边化的过程,绝大部分语言知识转向左脑的进程都是远不到青春期就已经完成了,而且若控制语言的半球受到损伤,5岁以后将语言功能转向小脑的能力就会消失了。 45.答案A。? 【参考译文】 如果孩子患有失语症的话,在青春期开始之前能够完全恢复。? 【试题分析】 本题测试的是对文章句意的理解。? 【详细解答】 本题答案的根据在文章的第一段。文中说到:When children suffer aphasia between four and ten and begin learning language again, recovery is usually complete, even if requiring several years.而4至10岁正是属于青春期之前,所以本题的正确答案应该是A项。? 46.答案C。? 【参考译文】 下列叙述正确的是哪一项?? 【试题分析】 本题是道细节辨别题。? 【详细解答】 文章第一段中清楚地阐明了:When children suffer aphasia between four and ten and begin learning language again, recovery is usually complete, even if requiring several years.从这句话可以推断出本题的正确答案应该是C项“在青春期之前患有失语症的孩子可能要用几年时间才能完全恢复”。? 47.答案B。? 【参考译文】 转移语言功能的能力在5岁以后将会消失。? 【试题分析】 本题测试的是对文章句意的理解。? 【详细解答】 文章的最后一段为本题答案的选择提供了依据:Further, the ability to transfer language function from the language?dominant hemisphere to the minor one when the former suffers damage also seems to disappear after five, ... 由此可见本题的正确答案是B而非其他了。? 48.答案A。? 【参考译文】 两三岁的孩子从失语症恢复了之后能够在学习语言上取得比以前更快的进步。? 【试题分析】 本题是道细节题。? 【详细解答】 文章第一段中有一句话为本题答案的选择提供了依据,那就是:Children aged two or three who suffer brain damage may lose all or part of the language they have learned, but are able to begin the learning process again, often progressing at a faster rate than before.据此可知A是本题的正确选项。? 49.答案D。? 【参考译文】 本文主要谈论的是语言学习的关键阶段。? 【试题分析】 本题是道中心思想题。? 【详细解答】 文章虽然谈论了很多有关失语症的问题,但是读完全文就可以发现,谈论失语症也是为谈论语言学习的关键阶段而服务的,因此本题的最佳选项应该是D而非其他。 ? 50.答案D。? 【参考译文】这篇文章主要是关于[CD#4]。? 【试题分析】本题为宗旨题。? 【详细解答】文章主要谈论了莎士比亚的母亲玛丽·雅顿的房子:过去人们的错误认识以及 如今的澄清。而关于莎士比亚本人,他的出生地及玛丽·雅顿的童年文中并未涉及。因此D 为正确选项。? 51.答案B。? 【参考译文】新近公布的一项欧盟民意测验结果显示,[CD#4]的人认为外语是一项有用的技能。? 【试题分析】本题为细节题。? 【详细解答】根据原文“72 percent of those polled believe foreign language skills are useful...”可判定B为正确选项。? 52.答案A。? 【参考译文】ELTECS?Chi?L是由[CD#4]发起的。? 【试题分析】本题为细节题。? 【详细解答】见原文“Lauched in Beijing by Helena Kennedy QC, Chair of the British Council”,可知ELTECS?Chi?L是由英方发起的,因此A为正确选项。? 53.答案C。? 【参考译文】华盛顿州的幸运者们1989年赢得的赌马奖金数为____。? 【试题分析】本题为细节题。? 【详细解答】使用寻读法便可找到答案C。??
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-24 09:58:03
Part Ⅲ The Use of English 54.答案:C。 ? 【试题分析】本题考查考生对介词运用的掌握。? 【详细解答】by“截至,在……之前”。此句意为:在世纪之交爵士音乐出现之前,美国(在音乐方面)还没有自己的独特风格。? 55.答案:D。? 【试题分析】本题要求考试根据上下文选择近义词。? 【详细解答】此句与前句的most countries have style of their own是对应的,所以参照前文,应选style。? 56.答案:B。? 【试题分析】本题考查考生对意义相近动词的辨析。? 【详细解答】因为是一种音乐,它不可能被发现(discover),设计(design)和发明(invent),只可能被表演,故应act。
57.答案:A。? 【试题分析】本题要求考生根据上下文选择恰当的动词。? 【详细解答】根据上下文,此句应意为:但是它在二十世纪初开始受到欢迎(重视),故选用notice。? 58.答案:D。? 【试题分析】本题考查考生根据日常常识作选择的能力。? 【详细解答】在古典音乐,轻音乐,和流行音乐中,Jazz属于流行音乐,故用popular一词。? 59.答案:B。? 【试题分析】本题考查考生对词语搭配的掌握。? 【详细解答】tradition 应与follow搭配,意为“因袭传统”。该非限定性定语从句意为:古典音乐因袭正统的欧洲传统。? 60.答案:A 。? 【试题分析】本题考查考生对意义相近动词的辨析。? 【详细解答】expressing“表达”,符合题意。B.explaining“解释,说明”;C.exposing“暴露,揭露”。illustrating“举例说明”。该句意为:爵士乐充满活力,能表达人们的情绪、兴趣和心情。? 61.答案:C。? 【试题分析】本题要求考生根据上下文选择恰当的动词。? 【详细解答】其它三个选择与Jazz搭配不妥。? 62.答案:A。? 【试题分析】本题考查考生对副词运用的掌握。? 【详细解答】so作副词,代替上文提到的形容词、名词、动词、介词短语等。如:You say he is clever. So he is.你说他聪明,他确实如此。? 63.答案:B。? 【试题分析】本题考查考生对名词的辨析。? 【详细解答】origins起源,来由。符合句意。A originals原著,原件;C discoveries发现;resources资源;均不符合句意。? 64.答案:B。? 【试题分析】本题要求考生根据上下文选择恰当的词。? 【详细解答】根据上下文,此句应意为:爵士音乐的起源和音乐本身同样有趣。故选itself。? 65.答案:C。? 【试题分析】本题要求考生根据上下文选择恰当的词。? 【详细解答】本段谈论的是爵士音乐的起源,用pioneer表示黑人是最先演奏爵士音乐的,而其它三个选择则与上下文的主题不符。? 66.答案:D。? 【试题分析】本题考查考生对介词运用的掌握。? 【详细解答】此句意为:他们被当作奴隶带到南部各州。? 67.答案:C。? 【试题分析】本题考查考生对介词运用的掌握。? 【详细解答】hour的复数形式hours意为“时间”。? 68.答案:C。? 【试题分析】本题要求考生根据上下文选择恰当的动词。? 【详细解答】form“组成,形成”,这里意为“……组成一支送葬的队伍……”;compose“组成”;但通常用被动形式be composed of表示“由……组成”, host“当主人招待”,demonstrate“示范, 证明,”与句意不符。? 69.答案:D。? 【试题分析】本题考查考生对名词的辨析。? 【详细解答】据上下文“…a procession…”,“on the way to the cemetery”和下文的“…on the way home…”,乐队是伴随送葬的队伍在进行,故选用march。? 70.答案:C。? 【试题分析】本题考查考生对连词运用的掌握。? 【详细解答】根据上下文,此处意为送葬的队伍在回家的路上心情就变了,而选项中只有but是对比连词,表示转折意义。? 71.答案:B。? 【试题分析】本题考查考生对名词的辨析。? 【详细解答】此处意为:死神已经带走了他们中的一员,故用members。? 72.答案:D。? 【试题分析】本题要求考生根据上下文选择恰当的词。? 【详细解答】happy与上文中的solemn相对,在此意为“欢乐的”。? 73.答案:D。? 【试题分析】本题考查考生对动词运用的掌握。? 【详细解答】present此处意为“演奏”,其它三个选择均不能与Jazz搭配使用。? S1.【译文】一个阶级拥有必须有的知识和经验,却缺乏劳动积极性和闲暇,而另一个阶级则没有知识和经验,社会因而无法取得技术的进步。? 【翻译技巧】本题主要采用了增词法、语态转换法和词序调整法。? 【翻译要点】该句的主干是there was no means,其中by which 引导的定语从句修饰means;介词with 引导的是独立主格结构作句子的原因状语。在翻译时,可将三个独立主格结构译为三个分句,因其表达与汉语的表述相近,可用顺译法,incentive原意为“刺激; 鼓励, 动机”,这里意译为“劳动积极性”。本句的难点在于如何翻译there was no means by which technical progress could be achieved,可将被动语态转换为主动语态,并增译“社会”一词,同时将句首的thus移到此处来,使译文更连贯。 ?
S2.【译文】一般地说,癌细胞分裂的速度比正常细胞快得多。但是,癌组织的增生与正常组织的生长之间的区别与其说是在于前者中细胞分裂的速度快,还不如说癌组织中的癌细胞的增长部分失控或完全失控。这些癌组织不能转化为那种具有正常组织均衡功能特征的,有用的,大小限定的组织。? 【翻译技巧】本题主要采用了分译法和语序调整法。? 【翻译要点】西方人喜欢采用“浓缩型”的思维方式,习惯将众多的信息靠各种手段凝聚于一个句子单位加以思考,句子结构复杂,纵横交错;而中国人往往更趋向于按时间顺序、逻辑顺序把问题层层铺开,用节节短句逐点交代,这种“展开型”的思维方式更利于把问题说清说透。因此,在翻译这样信息量大又复杂的句子时,可考虑将but之前的分句分译为一句,而第二分句也可拆开译成两句,其中not so much…as…意为“与其说……不如说……”。differentiate在生物学中意为“分化,不断发生进行的发展变化”;为符合汉语的表达习惯,定语从句 that characterizes the functional equilibrium of growth of normal tissue应挪到所修饰语之前来译。? S3.【译文】环保意识要求我们不仅承认生态层的复杂性与互相之间的依赖性,而且必须保持地球上生态与文化的多样性,必须保持自然界的完整性与稳定性,必须保持人的尊严与自由。? 【翻译技巧】本题主要采用了顺译法、重译法和增词法。? 【翻译要点】本句的结构并不复杂,而且句子的表达顺序也符合汉语的表达顺序,因此可采用顺译法。本句的难点在于如何翻译such an awareness would recognize。首先,根据上下文,我们可知such an awareness指的是environmental awareness,应在译文中明确指代;同时,按照汉语的表达习惯应是“环保意识要求我们承认”,而不是“意识承认”,故应用到增词法;为了起到强调作用,应重译the need to preserve,并将名词need转译为动词“必须”。在翻译时,还应注意句中的一些抽象名词如complexity, diversity, integrity和stability的译法。?
S4.【译文】通常,在缓刑期间,如果违法犯罪分子遵守缓刑法令,不再次违法犯罪,则不会受到其它处罚;但是,如果违法犯罪分子违背缓刑法令,或者再次违法犯罪,则会被押回法庭,为他前一次所犯的罪以及这次犯的罪一并受罚。? 【翻译技巧】本题主要采用了语态转换法和词序调整法。? 【翻译要点】本句是由but连接的两个分句组成的并列句;其中第一个分句中,句子主干为no other penalty is imposed,第二个分句的句子主干为he can be brought back before the court and punished for the original offense;每个分句中,都有一个由if引导的条件状语从句。在翻译第一个分句时,可将套在条件状语从句中的时间状语从句while it is in force挪到前面来译,使之更符合汉语的表达习惯;其中it指的是the offender, 可省去不译;in force意为“在缓刑期间”。应注意在汉语中一般很少用被动语态,所以可将no other penalty is imposed转为主动语态。punished for the original offense as well as the later one 可简单地译为“两罪并罚”。? S5.【译文】有些犯罪分子,违章驾驶犯罪被判刑后,再次使用机动车辆犯同样的罪。一些国家允许法庭取消这种犯罪分子的驾驶资格,其目的在于防止犯罪分子再次犯这样的罪。? 【翻译技巧】本题主要采用了分译法和语序调整法。? 【翻译要点】本句的主干部分是Some countries allow courts to disqualify。句中介词短语from driving把动词不定式to disqualify和其宾语those offenders…分割开了;who引导的定语从句修饰those offenders,在此从句中还套有一个由for which引导的定语从句修饰the crime;with the aim of 为独立主格结构作主句的目的状语。为了使表达明晰,可将who引导的定语从句分译为一个独立的句子,并移至最前面来译;同时将名词词组in the commission of crime 翻译成了动词词组。to disqualify意为“使不合适;剥夺资格” ;hinder…from 意为“阻止;阻碍”。?? Part Ⅳ Writing 写作指导? 这是篇分析建议类议论文,即通过对某种现象或问题等进行深入分析,找出其形成的原因或产生的后果,最后得出结论的一种写作方法。根据提纲,作文可采用三段式行文,文中所给的提纲可确立为各段的主题句,但第三段的主题句还需具体化。文章开篇提出现有的改革开放的成果已为我们深化改革奠定了基础,随后进一步论述改革开发取得的具体成果。接着可用However, 承上启下,完成段落的过度,指出深化改革的道路并不平坦,我们必定会遇到重重阻力。最后,文章应强调,要增强我们的国力就要深化改革,因为深化改革将决定国家的未来。我们必须抓住机遇、深化改革、加快改革的步伐以最终实现改革开放的宏伟目标。? Writing Sample?

Deepen China’s Reform The achievements of China’s reform have established a firm foundation for deepening reform. Politically, China has adopted the principle of “governing the country according to law.” China’s economy is vitalized, and people’s living conditions have been improved. Moreover, China enjoys a stable political environment and makes rapid progress in economic construction. ? ` However, the road of deepening reform is uneven. To begin with, further reform means overcoming rooted defects in our political structure and changing unreasonable factors in economic structure, so it will run up against all kinds of resistances and differences. Besides, some old perceptions and conventional ideology are still influential. And not all people welcomes further reform. ? To strengthen our country we must continue making our efforts to deepen reform. The depth of reform, to some extent, determines the future development of our country. Therefore, we ought to take full advantage of the best development period, adhere to opening up policy and accelerate the speed of reform so as to attain our goals.

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