






发布者: zoe | 发布时间: 2006-5-25 12:12| 查看数: 8618| 评论数: 9|

EF-Admin&nbsp;&nbsp;10:45:15<br><br>大家好,下面我们做一些翻译练习,将一些日常用语由中文翻译成英文,大家把你翻译的英文写在群里,我会在稍后公布标准答案,喜欢这个练习的人可以参加,不喜欢的可以沉默。<br>下面我们开始。第一句:<FONT color=#ff3300>哪一天都可以?</FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>游狼 10:45:16<br>yes , england&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>游狼 10:45:44<br>how about you <br>Fatting Cat 10:49:06<br>哪一天都可以?&nbsp;&nbsp; any day will be ok? <br>Zoe&nbsp;&nbsp;10:49:34<br>is it ok any day?&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>Fatting Cat 10:50:54<br>The EF-Admin is so cool&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>游狼 10:50:59<br>Any day is ok. <br>游狼 10:52:44<br>who have been to 阳朔 ? <br>EF-Admin&nbsp;&nbsp;10:53:41<br>大家都做出来了吗?第一题答案:<br>Any day will do?&nbsp;&nbsp;哪一天都可以? <br>第二题:<FONT color=#ff0000>有我的留言吗?</FONT> <br>游狼 10:55:12<br>is there any leaving message of mine? <br>Fatting Cat 10:57:59<br>any message for me ? <br>EF-Admin&nbsp;&nbsp;10:59:23<br>第二题答案:<br>Any messages for me?&nbsp;&nbsp; 有我的留言吗?<br>第三题:<br><FONT color=#ff0000>你一个人来吗?</FONT> <br>Fatting Cat 11:00:04<br>oh , i made it <br><br>Fatting Cat 11:00:24<br>you come alone? 游狼 11:00:34<br>you are good&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>EF-Admin&nbsp;&nbsp;11:03:41<br>答案:Are you by yourself?&nbsp;&nbsp;你一个人来吗?<br>4、<FONT color=#ff0000>你没有问题吧?</FONT> <br>Fatting Cat 11:04:30<br>are you ok?&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>Zoe&nbsp;&nbsp;11:05:11<br>ohoh, i am later <br>Zoe&nbsp;&nbsp;11:05:21<br>and day will do? <br>Zoe&nbsp;&nbsp;11:05:31<br>any message for me <br>Zoe&nbsp;&nbsp;11:05:44<br>are you by yourself <br>Zoe&nbsp;&nbsp;11:07:06<br>the 4th, i agree with cat. <br>Zoe&nbsp;&nbsp;11:07:53<br>and i likt this one <br>Zoe&nbsp;&nbsp;11:07:57<br>are you crazy. <br>EF-Admin&nbsp;&nbsp;11:08:13<br>答案:All right with you?&nbsp;&nbsp; 你没有问题吧?<br>5、<FONT color=#f70909>明天有空吗?</FONT> <br>Fatting Cat 11:08:36<br>are you free tomorrow? <br>Zoe&nbsp;&nbsp;11:08:36<br>oh. so sad <br>Zoe&nbsp;&nbsp;11:08:58<br>are you busy tomorrow? <br>游狼 11:09:12<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>Zoe&nbsp;&nbsp;11:09:14<br>all right with you <br>Zoe&nbsp;&nbsp;11:10:08<br>are u crazy is usually appear in LYCE. <br>游狼 11:10:18<br>do you have spare time tomorrow <br>EF-Admin&nbsp;&nbsp;11:13:28<br>答案:Are you free tomorrow?&nbsp;&nbsp;明天有空吗?<br>6、<FONT color=#ff0000>你在跟我开玩笑吧?</FONT> <br>Fatting Cat 11:13:55<br>are you kiding me? <br>

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-26 11:29:09编辑过]


zoe 发表于 2006-5-25 12:12:43
EF-Admin  11:18:02<br>Are you kidding me?   你在跟我开玩笑吧? <br>下一题:<FONT color=#f73809>尽可能快!</FONT> <br>Fatting Cat 11:20:17<br>as quickly as possible!! <br>Zoe  11:20:31<br>as quick as you can. <br>Zoe  11:20:45<br>are you kidding me <br>Fatting Cat 11:20:59<br>Zoe , you are so busy <br>Zoe  11:21:19<br>yes. a bit little <br>Zoe  11:22:01<br>i am write &lt;getting up early &gt; down to BBS <br>Zoe  11:22:09<br><a href="https://www.enfamily.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=83&amp;id=9255" target="_blank" >https://www.enfamily.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=83&amp;id=9255</A> <br>EF-Admin  11:22:46<br>As soon as possible!  尽可能快!<br>下一题:<FONT color=#ff0000>马上回来!</FONT> <br>Zoe  11:23:04<br>as soon as possible <br>Zoe  11:23:15<br>back soon <br>Zoe  11:23:22<br>come back soon <br>Fatting Cat 11:23:52<br>Be back right now!! <br>EF-Admin  11:28:26<br>Back in a moment!   马上回来! <br>下一题:<FONT color=#ff0000>信不信由你!</FONT> <br>Zoe  11:31:37<br>believe or doubt by you <br>Zoe  11:31:51<br>it is difficult for me. <br>Fatting Cat 11:33:24<br>believe or not ,you decide it <br>EF-Admin  11:33:59<br>Believe it or not!  信不信由你! <br>下一题:<FONT color=#ff0000>下次会更好!</FONT> <br>Zoe  11:34:17<br>believe it or not. <br>Zoe  11:34:19<br>oh my god
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-25 12:14:46编辑过]

zoe 发表于 2006-5-25 12:13:04
EF-Admin  11:48:49<BR>Better luck next time!   下次会更好! <BR>It's lunch time. Thank you for your cooperation.<BR>We will go on doing this excise at 3:00 pm.<BR>Remember drinking water more. <BR>EF-Admin  11:49:18<BR>sorry,lost internet <BR>Zoe  11:49:33<BR>never mind. <BR>Zoe  11:49:57<BR>see you at 3:00 in the afternoon <BR>游狼 11:50:00<BR>ok. see you <BR>Zoe  11:50:18<BR>better luck next time
zoe 发表于 2006-5-25 16:24:11
EF-Admin  15:06:03<BR> Hello,everyone.It is time to do the translation excise.If you want to do it,join us please.I will give the Chinese word. You can tranlate it into English.Then I will give you the right answer.Let's begin.<BR>the first one:<BR><FONT color=#f70909>本性难移!</FONT> <BR>Zoe  15:07:47<BR>man is man. <BR>Zoe  15:08:04<BR>or dog is only dog <BR>Zoe  15:08:38<BR>i am suppose. <BR>EF-Admin  15:12:04<BR>Boy will be boys  本性难移!<BR>the Next: <FONT color=#f70968>有话直说!</FONT>  <BR>EF-Admin  15:12:17<BR>all are right <BR>Zoe  15:14:27<BR>why use boy here, not man
zoe 发表于 2006-5-25 16:26:12
Zoe  15:17:11<BR>talk your think up. <BR>EF-Admin  15:17:26<BR>Come to the point!   有话直说!<BR>the next:<FONT color=#f70968>可以保存吗?</FONT> <BR>Zoe  15:18:28<BR>may i keep  <BR>Zoe  15:18:32<BR>can i hold <BR>Zoe  15:18:40<BR>can i save <BR>EF-Admin  15:21:25<BR>Does it keep long?   可以保存吗?<BR>next: <FONT color=#ff0000>别挑剔了!</FONT> <BR>Zoe  15:23:59<BR>don't pick! <BR>EF-Admin  15:26:08<BR>Don't be so fussy!  别挑剔了!<BR>next:<FONT color=#f70909>别指望我!</FONT> <BR>EF-Admin  15:30:38<BR>Don't count to me!   别指望我! <BR>next:<FONT color=#f70909>不要上当!</FONT> <BR>Zoe  15:31:54<BR>back a moment.  wait  a while. <BR>Zoe  15:31:59<BR>new mission <BR>EF-Admin  15:36:28<BR>noticifation: these all are the oral Enlgish.<BR>Don't fall for it!  不要上当!<BR>next:<FONT color=#ff3300>你搞错了</FONT>! <BR>Zoe  15:37:00<BR>don't fall for it <BR>EF-Admin  15:42:07<BR>Don't get me wrong!   你搞错了! <BR>next: <FONT color=#ff0000>少来这套!</FONT> <BR>Zoe  15:47:36<BR>i am back <BR>Zoe  15:47:45<BR>don't get me wrong <BR>EF-Admin  15:48:06<BR>Don't give me that!  少来这套! <BR><FONT color=#ff3300>别让我失望!</FONT> <BR>Zoe  15:48:17<BR>don't give me that <BR>Zoe  15:48:32<BR>don't fall me down <BR>Zoe  15:48:41<BR>come on, everyone
zoe 发表于 2006-5-25 16:28:35
EF-Admin  15:54:00<BR>Don't let me down!   别让我失望! <BR><FONT color=#ff3300>别乐昏了头!</FONT> <BR>EF-Admin  15:57:51<BR>Don't lose your head!  别乐昏了头! <BR> <FONT color=#f73809>别做过头了!</FONT>  <BR>Fatting Cat 16:00:46<BR>don't overdo <BR>Fatting Cat 16:00:55<BR>don't overdo it!
Fatting Cat 16:00:55<BR>don't overdo it! <BR>Fatting Cat 16:00:59<BR>I am coming  <BR>EF-Admin  16:01:57<BR>Don't over do it!   别做过头了! <BR><FONT color=#ff3300>别闲着做白日梦!</FONT> <BR>EF-Admin  16:02:02<BR>  <BR>  16:05:20<BR>make some noise  <BR>Fatting Cat 16:07:08<BR>don't daydream  <BR>Fatting Cat 16:07:45<BR>you should do sth,don't daydream always <BR>Fatting Cat 16:08:29<BR>sun , it is your turn <BR>EF-Admin  16:09:11<BR>Don't sit there daydreaming!  别闲着做白日梦!
OK,this the latest question.that's all for today. <BR>We will do the excise "English 900". I hope that more people can join us. Thank you,everyone. Don't forget to insist to learning englsih everyday even you do it for half an hour. <BR>Fatting Cat 16:10:04<BR>EF-Admin ,you are so cool <BR>
Toily 发表于 2006-5-27 09:58:22
Zoe, thank you very much,
zoe 发表于 2006-5-27 14:44:48
My dear firend, you are welcome.[em04][em04][em04]
Toily 发表于 2006-5-30 09:46:49
food, wheaten food, pie(apple pie), substantial, rare beef, barbecue, honey-mustard, French-dressing, medium, (sweet and sour)chop, fish, pork(steamed pork with rice flour), juice, chocolate, caffeen, decaf, porridge, bread, milk, sour milk &amp; pure milk, mineral water, rice dumpling, trout, catfish,&nbsp;popular, population,&nbsp;noodle, characteristic, smell,&nbsp;tasty,
Toily 发表于 2006-5-30 17:53:40
gluttonous, mutual, notic, goat, Arab, arabic, Peru, Europe, Ethiopia, German, Irish, dish, bush, marriage, apart from..., futhermore, therefore, on a whole, sum up, lack,
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