






发布者: christlulu | 发布时间: 2006-5-25 14:51| 查看数: 19664| 评论数: 34|


christlulu 发表于 2006-5-25 15:00:02
Today’s phrase is ‘pay-as-you-go’.
和我们的中国联通一样,英国的手机也有那种边打电话边充值,没有月租的服务,就叫pay as you go, 说的就是先买充值卡,再打电话。
If you have a mobile phone you can pay for your calls on a monthly contract or you can pay as you go – paying for calls as you make them.
The meaning is in the phrase: Pay-As-You-Go.
<EM>A: Is that a new mobile phone?</EM>
<EM>B: Yes, I got it last week.</EM>
<EM>A: Did you change your contract?</EM>
<EM>B: No, it’s a pay-as-you-go phone.</EM>
In the UK a contract usually lasts for 12 months and you have to pay every month for a year no matter if you don’t use the phone.
But with pay-as-you-go you only pay for the calls you make. So for some people it’s more flexible and economical.

christlulu 发表于 2006-5-25 15:00:17
Today’s expression is ‘agony A.G.O.N.Y. – aunt A.U.N.T’ –agony aunt.
???You would normally find an agony aunt in a newspaper or magazine.??
?? An agony aunt will give advice to people who write to them about their personal problems.
这个agony aunt其实就是我们中国话“知心大姐”的意思。大家有了什么苦恼烦心的事情就可以写信给报纸杂志上的知心大姐专栏,询求指教和帮助。
Agony is another word for pain.
agony就是指身体上或者精神上的痛苦。知心大姐之所以叫 agony aunt就是因为她是一位帮助别人排解痛苦的人。
<EM>A: What are you reading there?</EM>
<EM>B: Oh I’m reading the agony aunt section in the newspaper – I love reading about people’s problems and the advice they give.</EM>
<EM>A: I feel like an agony aunt at work sometimes – people are always telling me their personal problems</EM>
<EM>B: You must be good at giving advice!</EM>
<EM>A: I am pretty good….</EM>
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-25 15:00:41
Today’s expression is ‘wow factor’.? Two words – wow and factor.
The wow factor is something that makes you pleasantly surprised, makes you say ‘wow!’ . You could use it for anything from a car to an advert on television.
wow factor这个说法可以用来形容任何让人发出惊艳感叹的东西,举个例子:
You might say ‘His new film wasn’t a big success. It didn’t have the wow factor.’
You might use it for a good television advert. You could say ‘ Nivea’s latest ad uses the wow factor to attract customers.’
<EM>A: What did you think of the film Alexander?</EM>
<EM>B: Well, I preferred Gladiator and Troy. Alexander lacked a bit of the wow factor for me.</EM>
<STRONG>Jo:</STRONG> Have you ever been to New York, Jean?
<STRONG>Jean:</STRONG> No Jo, why?
<STRONG>Jo:</STRONG> It really has the wow factor. As soon as you arrive, you have to say ‘Wow!’.
<STRONG>Jean:</STRONG> Really?
<STRONG>Jo:</STRONG> Yes. It’s an amazing place.
今天我们学到的这个新词wow factor就是用来形容那些让我们惊艳赞叹的东西,可以是辆好车,一个美丽的地方,也可以是一种感受,等等。
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-25 15:01:12
英文原文:Fancy a kick-around at lunch time?
We're having a kick-around at lunch time. Do you fancy coming along, get a bit of exercise?
  I can't today. I've got a meeting.
  OK. See you later.中文翻译
  coming along/也来参加
  get a bit of/来点……
  Another time/下次我再来参加。
  Another time, yeah?
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-25 15:01:30
英文原文:Would you let a camera crew into your house?
Would you let a camera crew into your house and your life? Fly on the wall TV is all the rage these days - but you've got to have courage to take part!
  camera crew/摄影队
  all the rage/很流行,受欢迎
  have courage/有勇气
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-25 15:02:32
英文原文:I don't understand why that player was off-side
A: I just don't understand why that player was off-side.
B:  Look, it's simple. He was further forward than any player in the other team when the ball was passed to him. That means he was off-side.
  further forward/靠前(靠近对方的球门)
  That means/这表示
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-25 15:03:03
Today’s new expression is ‘top of the range’. That’s four words – top.of.the and range, R.A.N.G.E
Top of the range means the most expensive or best of a group of similar products.
Top of the range 就是说在同类事物中算是最好最先进或者最昂贵的一种或是一款.
It’s common with cars. You might say ‘my father drives a top of the range BMW’.any product that involves technology will have a top of the range model. There will be cheaper types, then the best and most expensive.
<EM>A: Hey – I like your mobile phone!</EM>
<EM>B: Do you? It’s top of the range. I only bought it yesterday.</EM>
christlulu 发表于 2006-5-25 15:03:20
英文原文:It completely blew me away 中文翻译:我简直为之倾倒 英文原文   Have you seen the latest Spielberg movie?   No I really want to, though. Why? Have you?   Yes, I went last night. It's totally and utterly brilliant. It completely blew me away. 中文翻译   你有没有看过斯皮尔伯格导演的新片?   没有,不过我非常想看。怎么,你看过了?   是的,我昨天晚上看的。真是太精彩了。我简直为之倾倒(=我从没看过这么精彩的电影)。   词汇表   英语词句/中文翻译   latest/最新的   Have you?/你看过了吗?   I went last night/我昨晚看电影去了。   totally and utterly/十足的,   brilliant/精彩   It completely blew me away/我简直为之倾倒,在这里含义是:我从没看过这么精彩的电影。
春风 发表于 2006-6-13 15:19:45
good good study, day day up
xiuyan1205 发表于 2007-3-8 21:54:02
thanks ,i like it very much
xiuyan1205 发表于 2007-3-8 21:54:36
thanks ,i like it very much
xiuyan1205 发表于 2007-3-8 21:54:55
thanks ,i like it very much
alpshuan 发表于 2007-3-9 08:39:52
it,s kind of you!
alpshuan 发表于 2007-3-9 08:41:47
i like it very much!
冥天人 发表于 2008-9-6 16:20:49
thanks ,i like it very much
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