






发布者: yucc | 发布时间: 2006-6-2 18:33| 查看数: 5829| 评论数: 1|

<font color="#660000">&nbsp;</font><p>一个独特的创意让他在几个月内成了百万富翁。</p><p>Unless you've been living under a rock for the last couple of months, you've heard of Alex Tew, a 21-year-old student from Wiltshire, England. He spent last summer like any other high school graduate-hanging out with friends, contemplating college, worrying about his university fees. While most of his peers gave up on their pipe dreams, he sat down with a notebook at home, and jotted down1 the question: How can I become a millionaire?</p><p>除非前几个月你两耳不闻窗外事,否则你一定听说过亚历克斯·图。他是来自英格兰威尔特郡的一名学生,年仅21岁。去年夏天,他和其他高中毕业生一样,跟朋友玩在一起,为进入大学做打算,也为大学的费用发愁。就在很多同伴不再沉迷于白日梦时,他却坐在家里,在记事本上草草写下了这么一个问题:我怎样才能成为一个百万富翁呢?</p><p>The result was the MillionDollarHomepage.com. Alex's initial investment was £50 to buy web space and a domain name2. He divided the blank homepage into one million pixels3, 10,000 blocks of 100 pixels each. Each pixel was worth $1, minimum purchase: 100 pixels. Within a month Alex had earned some $37,000, enough for him to cover the entire cost of his forthcoming4 three years at university. In just a few months, he became a real millionaire. Let's hear what Alex Tew says about his marvel5.</p><p>结果,"百万美元主页"就诞生了。最初,亚历克斯仅投资了50英镑来购买网络空间和域名。他将空白的主页划分成一百万个像素,每100个像素又构成一个格子,共一万个格子。每个像素卖1美元,100个像素起卖。一个月内,亚历克斯就挣了37000美元,足以支付他接下来大学三年的所有开支了。短短几个月的时间,他成了一个名副其实的百万富翁。让我们来听听亚历克斯·图是如何看待他这一创举的。</p><p>Alex, how did you come up with the idea for the Million Dollar Home Page?</p><p>亚历克斯,你怎么会想到"百万美元主页"这个点子呢?</p><p>Well, I was trying to think of a way to make some money before I started university, as I was about to take on a huge debt and I was already overdrawn6. Swift action was necessary! Up late with my notepad, I asked my subconscious7 mind the question, "How can I make a million dollars?" Twenty minutes later, I had the answer.</p><p>呃,当时我只是想在上大学之前能挣点钱,因为不然我就要负债累累了,何况我当时已经透支了。要赶快行动才行!那天我很晚都没睡,拿着我的记事本,潜意识地问自己:我怎样才能挣个一百万呢?20分钟后,我就有了答案。</p><p>What have you learnt from this venture?</p><p>你从这次商机中学到了什么东西?</p><p>The important thing is that anything is possible -we are only limited by our imagination. I always had this belief that a good idea can be successful on its own. I think I've learnt that if we think deeper there are magical solutions hiding away for us to find.</p><p>重要的一点是,凡事皆有可能--只是被我们自己的想象力所束缚。我一直相信,一个好的点子本身就能成功。如果我们想得更深一些,总能找出预想不到的解决方案,我想这就是我所学到的。</p><p>How do you plan to spend the million dollars?</p><p>你打算怎样么花这百万美元呢?</p><p>I bought a little car... a black and yellow Mini, and it's the biggest purchase I have made. Most of the money is in my bank account; I want to invest the rest of it in the new ideas that I've got.</p><p>我买了一辆小车,一辆黄黑相间的迷你车,这是我买得最贵的东西。钱大部分都存在我的银行账户里,我想用来对其它的新点子进行投资。</p><p>What is your worst financial habit?</p><p>你在理财方面最大的陋习是什么?</p><p>Making "impulse8 purchases" that I later regret, e.g., clothes and CDs I really don't like, etc.</p><p>有些东西一时冲动就买下来,过后又后悔。比如,买一些自己不大喜欢的衣服和CD等等。</p><p>What's your personal philosophy around money?</p><p>你个人是如何看待金钱的?</p><p>Respect it, save it, invest it, spend a little. And be generous! Money is not everything, but it's an essential part of the way we live. Having some removes a certain amount of stress, but I think unless we are careful, it can create a new type of stress.</p><p>尊重钱财,勤于积蓄,善于投资,花费不多,但是要慷慨!金钱不是万能的,却是我们生活的一个基本部分。手头上有点钱可以缓解一部分压力,但如果不小心,它也会造成一种新型的压力。</p><p>Will you go back to college?</p><p>那你还会继续上大学吗?</p><p>I still want to go to university. Aside from gaining knowledge about business, there are other reasons to be in university-exploring your interests, meeting new people, and being in a creative environment.</p><p>我还是想上大学的。除了获取商业知识外,上大学还有其他原因:探求自己的兴趣、结交新的朋友、融入到一个富有创造性的环境中。</p><p>What contributions to society do you want to make?</p><p>你想为社会做些什么贡献呢?</p><p>To encourage and inspire people to think of creative solutions to problems, whatever they are.</p><p>我想激励和启发人们想出创造性的方案来解决问题,无论是什么问题。</p><p>Ah, has your story been optioned by Hollywood yet?</p><p>啊,那你的故事有没有被选上好莱坞?</p><p>Not that I know of! It's not worthy of a movie!</p><p>据我所知还没有!这不值得拍成电影!</p><p>(Laughing....)</p><p>(笑声)</p>


海伦 发表于 2006-6-6 08:29:10
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