






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2019-8-7 02:36| 查看数: 530| 评论数: 0|

In less than 24 hours, more than 450 migrants were taken into custody from trains, motels and bus stations in a series of raids across southern Mexico. Well, this is perhaps the biggest operation in the port of Veracruz and the biggest for the southern border program. The crackdown comes as Mexico under pressure from the US keeps its promise to tighten enforcement’s on the supporter. Both countries have been struggling to cope with the influx of Central American migrants seeking asylum in the United States. I have a problem because I cannot return to Honduras. Gangs burned my house, burned my little girl. I had evidence of all that. Analysts say, increased enforcement is not the solution. So many different things that are pushing people out of their home countries, and if that’s not addressed, people will still continue to come. The issue I think with enforcement is that instead of coming along routes that are safer to travel on or, you know, presenting themselves to immigration agents, people will seek more dangerous for us to travels.

在不到24小时的时间里,有450多名移民从火车、汽车旅馆和公交车站被拘捕。这次突击拘捕在墨西哥南部各地展开。这次拘捕行动可能是韦拉克鲁斯港口规模最大的一次,也可能是墨西哥南部边境项目里规模最大的一次。此次行动展开之际正值墨西哥面临美国施压之时——美国要求墨西哥恪守承诺,加强执法力度。美墨两国都捉襟见肘,想尽办法应对涌进来的中美洲移民。这些移民都是为了在美国寻求庇护。我的问题是我不能回到洪都拉斯了。黑帮烧掉了我的家,我年纪尚小的女儿也烧死了。关于这一切,我都有证据可以证明。一些分析师认为,加强执法并不是解决方案。有太多各种各样的问题在逼迫人们离开本国,如果这种情况得不到解决,那么移民还是会持续涌入的。我认为,执法的问题在于移民没有选择更为安全的方式,而是选择了更加危险的方式。U.S. detention centers along the southern border are filled to capacity. Recent accounts of neglect and mistreatment of children at the centers has fueled public outcry over what some call a humanitarian crisis. I’m a citizen here. Do not treat children like this in my name. I’m, I’m deeply anguished and offended that the government has decided to adopt these xenophobic and racist policies. They would never treat white children this way, never. Before breaking for recess, Congress approved an emergency bill that provides 4.6 billion dollars to ease overcrowding and harsh conditions at US holding facilities. On this vote, the yeses are 305. The nays are 102. The motion is adopted. The legislation was a disappointment for some House Democrats who wanted to give more help for detained migrants families and children. The children come first. At the end of the day, we have to make sure that the resources needed to the protect the children are available. The bill now goes to the president who is expected to sign it.美国南部边境的数个拘留中心已经人满为患。根据最近的统计,拘留中心里忽视虐待儿童的问题已经激起了民愤,大家都认为这是人道主义危机。我是这里的一名市民。请不要以我的名义这样对待孩子们。我感到很痛苦,也感到很不受尊重,因为美国政府居然决定采取这种惧外的种族主义政策。他们永远不会这样对待白人儿童,永远不会。在休会之前,美国国会批准了一项应急法案,该法案出资46亿美元,用于缓解人满为患的问题以及美国拘留中心的严峻形势。在该法案的投票上,赞成票有305票,反对票是102票,因此该动议通过。该法案的通过让很多众议院的民主党议员感到失望,因为他们希望能为被拘留的移民家庭和儿童做更多事情。孩子是放在首位的。无论如何,我们都要确保保护儿童所需的资源得到满足。该法案目前已走到了总统审批的环节,预计特朗普会签署通过该法案。JC Simoni, VOA News, Washington.感谢收听JC Simoni从华盛顿发回的报道。


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