






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2019-9-18 03:17| 查看数: 772| 评论数: 0|

BBC News. Hello, I'm Jerry Smit. The main city in Indian-administered Kashmir Srinagar is once again under complete lockdown. A curfew which had been eased for the past two days has been strictly reimposed for reasons that remain unclear. On Thursday, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi assured Kashmiris that they will be able to celebrate the religious festival of Eid al-Adha. Yogita Limaye reports from Srinagar. Once again, this is a city in complete lockdown. There are hardly any vehicles or people on the streets. The curfew which had been eased for the past two days has been strictly reimposed. It's not clear why this action has been taken. To enforce the curfew, tens of thousands of troops remain deployed on the streets. It's been nearly a week now that phone and internet lines have been cut off. The situation in Indian-administered Kashmir has been tense and volatile since the national government removed the region special status on Monday.

The Saudi-led coalition in Yemen has warned southern separatists of more air strikes unless they withdraw from the city of Aden, which they effectively seized on Sunday. The coalition targeted an area held by the separatists that it said posed a threat to the internationally recognized government. Sebastian Usher reports. At the moment Aden appears calm for the first time since fierce fighting erupted last Wednesday. The separatists and the Saudi-led coalition have agreed a ceasefire which is holding on the streets despite an air strike by the coalition on a separatist position in the north of the city. But it may not last. The separatists have rejected the coalition's demands to withdraw from the government locations it seized, including the presidential palace. There is the potential for further violence and instability, a new civil war within the civil war.Syrian government forces have seized a town on the edge of Idlib province in their most significant advance since launching an offensive there three months ago. Monitors of the London-based Syrian Observatory said they captured the town after a night of fighting which left dozens dead. Ukraine has strongly protested to Russia over a visit by President Putin to the annexed Crimea peninsula to attend a bikers' festival. Sasha Schlichter reports. Crowds, the size of which Moscow hadn't seen in years, thronged the Russian capital on Saturday, with some trying to reach the presidential administration building. But President Putin was far away, down south in Crimea, which he annexed from Ukraine five years ago. He arrived astride motorbike clad in leather in the company of bikers from the notorious ultra-patriotic Night Wolves Club, who were amongst the loudest cheer leaders of his landgrab. Predictably, Kiev described the visit as a blatant violation of Ukraine sovereignty and territorial integrity. BBC news.参考译文BBC新闻。大家好,我是杰瑞·施密特。印度管辖的克什米尔主要城市斯利那加再次被完全封锁。过去两天已经放开的宵禁现又重新严格实施,原因尚不清楚。周四,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪向克什米尔人保证,他们将能够庆祝宰牲节。以下是约格塔·勒马耶在斯利那加的报道。这座城市现在又被完全封锁。街上几乎没有车辆和行人。过去两天放开的宵禁现已被重新严格实施。目前尚不清楚为何要采取这一行动。为了实施宵禁,印度在街道上部署了成千上万的军队。当地的电话和网络线路已经被切断将近一个星期了。自从印度政府星期一取消印控克什米尔地区的特殊地位以来,该地区的局势一直紧张而动荡。沙特领导的驻也门联军警告南部分裂分子,如果他们不撤出亚丁,将发动更多空袭。联军打击了分裂分子控制的一个地区,联军称,该地区武装人员对国际公认的叙利亚政府构成了威胁。下面请听塞巴斯蒂安·厄舍尔的报告。自上周三爆发激烈战斗以来,亚丁首次出现平静局面。目前,分裂分子和沙特领导的联盟已达成停火协议,尽管联盟对该市北部的分裂分子据点发动了空袭,但仍在街头维持停火状态。这种情况可能不会持续太久。分裂分子拒绝了联盟的要求,拒绝撤出已占领的包括总统府在内的政府区域。这里有可能出现进一步的暴力和不稳定局势,现在也门内战中又爆发了一场新的内战。叙利亚政府军占领了一座伊德利卜省边缘城镇,这是自三个月前发动进攻以来取得的最重大进展。总部设在伦敦的叙利亚观察组织的观察员称,经过一晚的战斗,他们占领了这个城镇,战斗造成数十人死亡。乌克兰强烈抗议俄罗斯总统普京前往被吞并的克里米亚半岛参加摩托车节。以下是萨沙·施莱克特的报道。周六,俄罗斯首都挤满了抗议人群,其规模之大是莫斯科多年未见的,一些人还试图进入总统行政大楼。但普京总统却远在南部的克里米亚,五年前该地区脱离乌克兰加入俄罗斯。他穿着皮衣骑着摩托车来到这里,同行的还有臭名昭著的极端爱国主义夜狼俱乐部的摩托车手,他们是吞并克罗地亚活动中最活跃的支持者。不出所料,基辅当局将普京此次到访称为对乌克兰主权和领土完整的公然侵犯。BBC新闻。


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