






发布者: yucc | 发布时间: 2006-6-6 22:20| 查看数: 8229| 评论数: 1|

<font color="#660000">&nbsp;</font><p>Bored with your hairstyle? Want something different for the new school year? Read about the fall's latest styles and find out how to improve your hair's flair (1). </p><p></p><p>对你的发型感到厌倦了吗?想在开学的时候有个新发型吗?看一看今秋的最新发型,提高你的发型创造技巧吧。 </p><p></p><p>BIG NEWS</p><p></p><p>Big rock 'n' roll-style hair is back. Website www.hairboutique.com says international designers are favoring this style on their runway models. Stars recently spotted sporting (2) huge hair include Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, and J. Lo. </p><p></p><p>&nbsp;"n"式的大波浪又重新流行了。www.hairboutique.com网站宣称国际发型设计师在他们的时尚发布会模特儿上又开始钟情这种发型了。最近露面的包括布兰尼·斯皮尔斯、杰西卡·辛普森和J. Lo在内的明星都做了这种极富动感的发型。</p><p></p><p>To create large locks at home, be sure to first ask your hairdresser what kind of rollers, brushes, and products they use.</p><p></p><p>&nbsp;为了能在家里也做出这样的大卷,你一定要想你的发型师询问要使用什么样的卷发筒、刷子和药水。</p><p></p><p>One way to make your hair bigger is to "tease" it, which means to comb it backwards─brushing against the natural growth of your hair. A fine-tooth comb works well for most hair, but some hair types respond better to a brush. We're not talking American 1950s-style beehives (3) (think Frankenstein's bride), but only a slight touch of glamour. "Teasing" is perfect for thin Asian hair.</p><p></p><p>让头发蓬松的一种方法就是通过"梳理",也就是说向后梳头--与头发生长的自然方向相反。齿轮精细的梳子是用于大部分的发质,但是一些发质更适合使用发刷。我们讲的不是美国60年代的蜂窝式发型(就像弗兰肯斯泰因的新娘那样的发型),只是有一些神似。对亚洲人细软的发质来说,"梳理"是一种非常好的方式。 </p><p></p><p>AUTUMN COLOR AND LENGTH</p><p></p><p>秋季的颜色和长度</p><p></p><p>If your hair is short, the fall look follows Charmed American TV star Alyssa Milano's pixie (4) cut. For those who choose longer hair, a structured bob with flip out ends is best. </p><p></p><p>如果你是短发,今年秋天就可以尝试美国电视明星阿莉萨·米拉诺在《魅力》中的小仙女式发型。对那些有着长头发的人来说,层次分明的齐肩发和动感的发梢是最流行的。</p><p></p><p>If you are thinking of coloring your hair, the choices for the fall are warm hues such as hot chocolate or cocoa.</p><p></p><p>&nbsp;如果你在考虑染头发,今秋的选择可以是一些暖色调的颜色,例如浓重明亮的巧克力色或可可色。 </p><p></p><p>FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY</p><p></p><p></p><p>只保留一个晚上</p><p></p><p>Celebrate those fading summer memories with the hip beach girl look. The best way to achieve this edgy style is to hairspray the roots of your hair, then braid and dry. After a few minutes, undo the braids and you will look like you just came from a day in the surf.</p><p></p><p>&nbsp;以时尚沙滩女郎的形象庆祝即将过去的夏天。获得这种时尚的风格最佳方法就是在发根处上定型水,然后变成辫子再吹干。几分钟后,解开辫子,你看上去就像刚从冲浪板上下来一样。</p><p></p><p>For a special event, a classic up-do is perfect. Be sure to make your hair sleek, with no flyaway strands. Unless, however, you allow a section of gelled hair to be loose and fall naturally. This gelled strand instantly turns your mother's old fashioned up-do into youthful elegance . </p><p></p><p>&nbsp;如果要参加特别的活动,经典的盘头是最完美的。要保证头发丝毫不乱,没有散落下来的一小缕一小缕的头发。但是,你可以松开一部分上了发胶的头发,让它们自然垂下来。这一缕头发会立即把妈妈式的老气盘头变成一种年轻的优雅气质。</p><p></p><p>This fall, boys should follow the trends set by the Japanese and Koreans. Good examples can be found at www.modshair.co.jp and www.apollonia.jp/salon.</p><p></p><p>&nbsp;今年秋天,男孩子们可以紧跟日韩时尚,***有不少这样的例子。</p><p></p><p>Other 2004 fall hair hints: the wet hair look or the low ponytail.</p>


海伦 发表于 2006-6-7 14:18:14
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