





英国卡车藏尸案震惊世界 全球关注非法移民问题

发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2019-11-1 02:11| 查看数: 897| 评论数: 0|

This is VOA news. I'm Marissa Melton.

U.S. President Donald Trump is celebrating the successful U.S. commando raid in Syria that killed Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on Monday.

He called him a "a sick and depraved man" who is now dead.

VOA's Steve Herman has more.

Speaking at a convention of police chiefs in Chicago, Trump touted that his administration had accomplished what a previous president should have done years ago, ensuring the demise of the Islamic State leader.

"He's dead, he's dead as a doornail and he didn't die bravely, either. I will tell you that."

The president says he hopes to release some video from the operation.

Defense officials say the video and images from the raid are undergoing review, so excerpts can be declassified and made public.

Steve Herman, VOA news, at the White House.

Former White House official Charles Kupperman failed to show up for questioning Monday in the U.S. House of Representatives impeachment inquiry after receiving conflicting orders from Congress and the White House.

VOA's Jeff Caster has more.

Charles Kupperman last week asked a federal court here in Washington for guidance and whether he is legally required to show up. The issue is whether a subpoena from Congress outranks the White House, saying Kupperman is immune from testifying as a close presidential adviser.

His lawyer says Kupperman will comply if the court sides with Congress.

Kupperman is among several current and former national security officials summoned to testify this week about whether the president pushed Ukraine to conduct politically motivated investigations.

Jeff Caster, VOA news.

The European Union is giving Britain an extension to get a Brexit deal done.

AP's Charles De Ledesma has more.

The European Council President Donald Tusk says on Twitter the EU 27 agrees it will accept Britain's request for a Brexit "flextension." The decision is expected to be formalized through a written procedure.

Tusk's announcement comes as EU diplomats meet in Brussels to sign off on the new delay to Britain's departure from the bloc, which had been due in just three days' time on October31.

It's the second time the Brexit date has been changed since a 2016 referendum on Britain's departure from the EU.

I'm Charles De Ledesma.

The driver of a truck in which 39 people were found dead appeared in a British court via video link on Monday. He is charged with manslaughter and people trafficking charges.

The discovery of the bodies is shining a spotlight on the illicit global trade in people which sends the world poor on perilous journeys to the West.

California's governor has declared a state of emergency because of the wildfires ravaging parts of northern and southern California.

AP's Rita Foley has more.

California is "a tinderbox" says Cal Fire. Most counties are under red flag warnings for high fire danger and wind gusts higher than 120 miles per hour are fanning the flames.

They've been fighting wildfires north of San Francisco and in Los Angeles neighborhoods. Thousands have been told to run for their lives.

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti has a message for them. "Do not wait, do not think that you can fight this. Do not get your own hoses out. Do not fight this fire. Leave it to the professionals...."

I'm Rita Foley.

An icon of American politics has died. AP's Matt Small has more on the life of former Congressman John Conyers.

The Michigan Democratic was the longest-serving African-American member of Congress and founder of the Black Caucus.

Detroit police say the 90-year-old appears to have passed away due to natural causes at his home yesterday.

The Reverend Jesse Jackson says there would be no federal holiday honoring the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. without Conyers who fought for 15 years to secure the designation.

The lawmaker's legacy was smeared in 2017 following allegations that he sexually harassed female staffers, accusations Conyers denied. But he eventually stepped down after a nearly 53-career in the House, citing health reasons.

Matt Small, Washington.

Turkey's foreign minister says Kurdish forces in Syria have not fully withdrawn from the border territory as agreed to in a Russian-brokered accord. Turkey will soon discuss the next steps with Moscow.

He repeated that if the Kurdish fighters did not withdraw, Turkish forces will clear them out.

I'm Marissa Melton, VOA news.


n.摘录; 节选; (音乐、电影的) 片段;

v.摘录; 摘要; 引用; 节要;


adj.危险的; 艰险的;


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