






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2019-12-28 01:33| 查看数: 612| 评论数: 0|

Stressful days at work can come in abundance, but they don't have to deplete you of all your energy.工作压力繁重的日子经常会有,但你也不用因此把自己搞的精疲力尽。

Thankfully, certain sounds have been found to relieve stress in practically an instant, meaning you can have total peace of mind without sacrificing your productivity.很幸运的是,人们发现某些声音可以在瞬间缓解压力,这意味着你可以在不牺牲工作效率的情况下获得内心的完全平静。

Here are five types of ambient sounds to listen to when you need a little dose of stress relief in the thick of a long, stressful day at the office.当你需要在漫长而紧张的办公室一天中释放些许压力的时候,来听听这五种背景声音吧。

1. Upbeat Instrumentals.1. 欢快的音乐

According to a 2012 study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, listening to upbeat music can make you feel happier, particularly if you do so with the intention of improving your mood.据《积极心理学》上2012年发表的一份研究文章表明,听欢快音乐可以让你感觉更快乐,特别是当你要打算要改善情绪的时候。

2. Sounds Of Nature.2.大自然的声音。

Listening to the sounds of nature -- whether they be sounds of running water, birds chirping, or rain drops falling -- can put you in a seriously peaceful, tranquil state.倾听自然的声音,无论是流水的声音,鸟儿的啁啾声,还是雨滴落下的声音,都能让你处于一种非常平和宁静的心境。

According to research published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, listening to nature sounds contributes immensely to boosting productivity and positivity.据《美国声学学会杂志》上发表的研究文章显示,倾听大自然的声音对于提高工作效率和积极性大有裨益。

3. Jazz Music3. 爵士音乐

Research has demonstrated jazz music to be an excellent way to calm stressful nerves.研究表明,爵士乐是让紧张的神经放松下来的极好方法。

Specifically, music with a slow tempo that contains an average 60 beats per minute can cause your brain to sync up with the beat and create alpha brain waves, which occur when you are in your most relaxed state of mind.具体来说,每分钟约60拍的舒缓音乐可以使得大脑与之同步并产生阿尔法脑波,这种脑波产生于心境最为放松的时刻。


Listening to Mozart can be great if your stress is so all-consuming that you're having trouble focusing on one particular task.如果你压力过大而没办法专注于某个具体工作的时候,听听莫扎特效果非常好。

"The Mozart effect" is said to arouse the brain, but only for a short period of time.据称,“莫扎特效应”会让大脑清醒,但效果时间很短。

So, use this sparingly for when you just need to focus and bang out an assignment on a short deadline.所以这个方法要谨慎用于需要在很短时间内专注并完成工作的时候。

5. Sound Frequencies5. 声音的频率

Specific types of sound frequencies can be powerful enough to alter your brain activity.特定类型的声音频率可强劲到足以改变你的脑部活动。


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