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BBC news.

BBC新闻。A senior United Nations envoy said that Spain is utterly failing people in poverty. Philip Alston has a 12-day tour of the country. He highlighted a housing crisis of what he called stunning proportions. He said a completely inadequate social protection system left large numbers in poverty by design.某高级联合国使者表示,西班牙让穷人非常失望。菲利普·奥尔斯顿游历西班牙12天的时间。他强调了住房危机,用他的话来说,流离失所的比例很高。菲利普·奥尔斯顿表示,社会保护体系的缺失导致许多人身无长物,这是制度的问题。A senior army officer in Russia has been arrested and remanded on charges of embezzling more than 100 million dollars. General Khalil Arslanov is deputy chief of the general staff. Military prosecutors said they requested custody to stop them intimidating witnesses.俄罗斯某高级军官被捕并收审,罪名是挪用公款达1亿美元以上。阿尔斯拉诺夫是通信总局局长。军事公诉人表示他们要求拘留阿尔斯拉诺夫,从而阻止他们胁迫证人。Nearly 600,000 civilians have fled fighting in northwest Syria in the last two months. Russian-backed Syrian government troops have been advancing against rebel forces, which are mainly made up of Jihadi fighters.过去2个月来,有近60万名百姓逃离了叙利亚西北部的战乱。由俄罗斯支持的叙利亚政府军向叛军进发,叛军主要由圣战分子组成。Apple has been fined 27 million dollars by the French authorities for deliberately slowing down older iPhones. Three years ago, the tech company admitted that it did reduce the speed of some models, but insisted it was only to prolong the life of the devices. French prosecutors will open an inquiry one month later.法国当局向苹果公司罚款2700万美元,因为苹果公司故意减慢旧型号手机的运行速度。3年前,苹果公司承认其确实减慢了一些机型的速度,但苹果公司坚称其只是想延长设备的寿命。法国的几位检察官将在一个月后开始调查。Botswana has raised more than two million dollars from its first option of licenses to hunt elephants since lifting a ban last year. Companies registered locally to bid for the right to kill ten elephants. Botswana has the world's biggest elephant's population.自从去年取消捕象禁令以来,博茨瓦纳已经通过首批狩猎大象的许可证选项募集到了200多万美元。许多公司在本地注册,来竞标猎杀10只大象的权利。博茨瓦纳的大象数量是世界上最多的。


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