






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2020-4-12 01:55| 查看数: 719| 评论数: 0|

Mom: Tim! Are you ready for a big, big surprise(惊喜)?

Tim: I guess so. What is it?

Mom: It's something that you really need!

Tim: A new baseball glove?

Mom: No.

Tim: A cell phone(手机)?

Mom: No! You don't need a cell phone---you're too young for that.

Tim: OK, I give up(放弃了), Mom.

Mom: You’re gonna get...braces(牙套)!

Tim: Braces? Mom! Have you checked out a calendar(日历) lately?

Mom: Why?

Tim: I start high school in two weeks! High school! I can't have braces now!

Mom: Now is a good time for us to pay for them. They're expensive, you know.

Tim: I don't care(在意,关心) if they're free! I don't want them.


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