






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2020-5-13 02:46| 查看数: 670| 评论数: 1|

Lyrics Handwritten by Bob Dylan On Sale for $2.2 Million


A paper on which music star Bob Dylan wrote the words to one of his most famous songs, The Times They Are A-Changin,' has gone on sale. The asking price is $2.2 million dollars, a record amount for such an object if someone pays it.


Gary Zimet owns the business Moments in Time, an autograph dealership in Los Angeles. He said that the paper was first owned by Jeff Rosen, a top employee of Dylan's. Now, Zimet said, it is being sold by an unidentified private collector.

盖里·齐梅特(Gary Zimet)是“时光瞬间”公司的老板,这是一家位于洛杉矶的签名代理商。他说,这份手稿最初为迪伦的经纪人杰夫·罗森(Jeff Rosen)所有。现在,齐梅特表示,该手稿正在被一个身份不明的私人收藏家出售。

"It's not an auction. It's a private sale. First come, first served," Zimet told Reuters.


Similar Dylan papers have been sold for record amounts already. In 2014, a buyer paid $2 million for a paper on which the musician wrote the song Like a Rolling Stone.

类似的迪伦手稿已经卖出过创纪录的高价。2014年,一名买家以200万美元的价格买下了一份手稿,迪伦在这份手稿上创作了《Like a Rolling Stone》。

Dylan wrote The Times They Are A-Changin' in 1963 and included it on an album of the same name the following year. It became a major protest song of the 1960s.


Zimet said he was also selling papers on which Dylan wrote the words to two other songs. The dealer set the price for the writing of 1965's Subterranean Homesick Blues at $1.2 million. He wants $650,000 for the paper on which Dylan wrote Lay Lady Lay, a song released in 1969.

齐梅特表示,他还在出售迪伦的另外两首歌曲的歌词手稿。该交易商为1965年的《隐秘思乡布鲁斯》(Subterranean Homesick Blues)定价120万美元。而迪伦于1969年发行的《Lay Lady Lay》的歌词手稿定价为65万美元。

"They are not quite as important," said Zimet, explaining the lower prices. "Subterranean Homesick Blues is certainly a major, major song but not in the same league as ‘The Times They Are A-Changin'," he said.


Musicians' hand-written words to popular songs have become some of the most sought-after objects for collectors.


Singer Don McLean's 16-page handwritten document of the song American Pie sold for $1.2 million in 2015. Paul McCartney's handwritten words to the Beatles' song Hey Jude sold for $910,000 at an online auction earlier this month.

2015年,歌手唐·麦克莱恩(Don McLean)的16页歌词手稿《美国派》(American Pie)以120万美元的价格售出。本月早些时候,保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)为披头士乐队(Beatles)所作歌曲《Hey Jude》的歌词手稿在网上拍卖会以91万美元的价格成交。

The 78-year-old Dylan is considered the voice of his generation. Last month, he released his first new music in eight years. It included a 17-minute song called Murder Most Foul about the 1963 murder of American President John F. Kennedy.

78岁的迪伦被认为是他那一代人的声音。上个月,他发布了他八年来的第一首新曲。这首名为《最卑鄙的谋杀》(Murder Most Foul)的歌曲时长17分钟,讲述的是1963年美国总统约翰·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)被谋杀的故事。

In 2016, Dylan became the only songwriter to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.


I'm Caty Weaver.



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