





【同义词辨析】 2020-05-14 困扰枯萎毁灭爬行翻滚(5小组一起记)

发布者: jason246 | 发布时间: 2020-6-10 14:20| 查看数: 909| 评论数: 0|

(1) 困扰
trouble: suggests a loss of tranquillity and implies a disturbing element that interferes with efficiency, convenience, comfort, health, or peace of mind: ~d by sleeplessness.       tranquillity平静,富兰克林13美德里第11条是tranquility平静: "be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable不要被琐事烦恼,或者被普遍的无法避免的事故困扰",有人评论: "Don’t get upset about the little things, as it does more harm than good不要为小事生气烦恼. Learn to be tranquil and at peace with issues that are clearly out of your control平静面对自己无法控制的事情. Don’t let them control you不要被它们控制."   'tranquil' implies deep quietitude and composure安静无搅动,如the tranquil beauty of a formal garden宁静美丽的园林)  
distress: implies subjection to strain or pressure and resulting tension, pain, worry, or grief: ~ed by the sight of suffering.

ail: implies that something unspecified has gone wrong and often suggests a will to find the cause with an eye to aid or correction: what ~s that naughty child?

trouble困扰: 表示干扰人的身心,失去安宁,distress痛苦: 指给人压力,导致紧张痛苦烦恼悲伤,ail困扰患病: 指出了问题,希望找到原因,帮助解决

记忆方法: 1)困扰的意思是使人不安宁烦恼mean to cause to be uneasy or upset.    uneasy有3个意思 1、不安的worried and unhappy,如I am uneasy about/with the change对变化感到不安  2、有问题可能改变或结束likely to change or end,如an uneasy truce/alliance/relationship存在问题的停火/同盟/关系   3、尴尬的awkward and uncomfortable,如an uneasy silence尴尬的沉默)   upset表示1、生气to irritate 2、烦恼to worry,如domestic upsets家庭烦恼,如a legal dispute will cause worry and upset法律纠纷会引起担忧烦恼

(2) 枯萎
wither: implies a loss of vital moisture, such as sap or tissue fluids, with consequent fading or drying up: ~ leaves; or suggests a comparable loss of vigor, vitality, or animation: interest that ~ed as the hard work increased.   sap汁液 tissue fluid组织液

shrivel: carries a stronger impression of a becoming wrinkled or crinkled or shrunken: leaves ~ in the hot sun.     crinkle皱纹slight lines or folds,如Rose's face crinkled in bewilderment罗斯困惑地皱起了脸,和wrinkle完全同义       三个关键词都包含rnk三个字母

wizen: may be preferred when the notion of shrinking in size and accompanying wrinkling of the surface are stressed, especially if the shrinking is caused by aging, deprivation, or failing vitality: the ~ed old man; the ~ed face of the starving child.

wither枯萎: 表示体液流失(汁液组织液),导致萎缩干枯,shrivel枯萎: 给人更深萎缩的印象,wizen枯槁瘦瘠: 强调褶皱萎缩,特别是由于年老体衰贫困

记忆方法: 1)枯萎的意思是外表不再新鲜光滑mean to lose or cause to lose freshness and smoothness of appearance.         ""从木古声,"古"意为"老"。木与古合起来表示"古老的树木",老树容易失去水分,引申为"失去水分完全没有水",如干枯枯萎枯井枯槁,还比喻没有趣味,如枯燥枯肠

(3) 毁灭
ruin: usually suggests the action of destructive agencies and the ending of the value, beauty, or well-being of something or someone or the loss of something vital: a reputation ~ed by ugly rumors.     destruction毁灭suggests an utter undoing by or as if by demolition or annihilation表示完全摧毁,被拆除或消灭,如saw the rapid destruction of his entire life's work看到他一生的劳动成果迅速毁灭

wreck: implies a ruining by or as if by crashing or being shattered and is likely to suggest damage that is beyond repair: health ~ed by dissipation.    crash撞毁坠毁to collide violently,如a racing car had crashed, wrecking a safety barrier一辆赛车失事撞坏了安全栏,如a jet crashed 200 yards from the school一架喷气式飞机在离学校200码的地方坠毁)   (shatter摔碎破碎to break into small pieces,多用于花瓶玻璃等容易破碎的物体,如he dropped the vase and it shattered into pieces on the floor他失手把花瓶掉到地板上摔碎了,如the sound of shattering glass玻璃破碎的声音)
dilapidate: historically implies ruin resulting from neglect or abuse but in more general use implies a shabby, run-down, or tumbledown condition without direct suggestion of culpability: drove a ~d car.    tumbledown破败不堪摇摇欲坠implies something that is old and in a poor condition so that it looks as if it is falling down,如tumbledown barn/stones摇摇欲坠的仓库/石头,这个词很少用

ruin毁灭废墟: 表示遭受完全毁灭性终结丧失,wreck毁灭撞摔: 表示撞毁摔碎,损坏严重难以修理(的毁灭),dilapidate破旧: (最早指疏忽使用不当)仅表示破旧,不表示有过错

记忆方法: 1)毁灭的意思是完全摧毁健康价值用处mean to subject to forces that are destructive of soundness, worth, or usefulness.

(4) 爬行
creep: is more often used of quadruples or of human beings who move on all fours and proceed slowly, stealthily, or silently: the cat ~(crept) up on the mouse.    如the dog crept under the car to hide狗爬到汽车下藏着,如he crept downstairs, hardly making any noise他蹑手蹑脚地下楼,几乎没声响,如the hunter crept up to the deer猎人蹑手蹑脚地走近那头鹿    词根QUAD表示4

crawl: is applied to animals with no legs or many small legs that seem to move by drawing the body along a surface or to human beings who imitate such movement: the injured man tried to ~ to the door.

creep趴行蹑手蹑脚: 表示四足动物或四肢行走的人行进缓慢隐蔽安静,crawl爬行蠕动: 指无足动物或多足动物沿地面移动

记忆方法: 1)爬行的意思是俯卧移动mean to move along a surface in a prone or crouching posture.

(5) 翻滚
wallow: basically implies a lurching or rolling to and fro, as of a hog in the mire or a ship in a troubled sea, and may imply complete self-abandonment: ~ing in self-pity; or absorption: ~ed in the romantic music.      lurch颠簸to make an unsteady, uncontrolled movement指走路不稳控制力弱, 如the car lurched forward汽车颠簸着向前行驶,如Stuart lurched to his feet斯图尔特摇摇晃晃站了起来,如he was lurching from one crisis to the next他危机接二连三)     self-abandonment放纵沉溺implies completely surrendering oneself to a desire or impulse,来自abandon表示放纵不控制absence of control or check,如weep with abandon大哭痛哭,如ate with abandon the whole time we were on the vacation休假时大吃大喝)        "don't wallow in self-pity不要沉溺于自我怜悯"是一本书末尾给年轻人的建议

welter: is likely to carry a stonger implication of being helplessly at the mercy of outside forces: a tide of refugees, many of whom ~ed, adrift on the sea, for days.  

grovel: implies a crawling or wriggling close to the ground in abject fear, self-abasement, or utter degradation: ~led for forgiveness.     wriggle扭动蠕动to twist and turn with quick movements,如she kicked and wriggled她又踢又,如she wriggled her bare toes她扭动她的光脚指头,如he wriggled uncomfortably on the chair他坐在椅子上不舒服地扭动着身体)    utter表示完全,和complete完全同义,有强调的语气

wallow颠簸翻滚沉溺: 本义是来回颠簸翻滚(如泥水里的猪海浪上的船),还指沉溺沉浸吸引,welter颠簸翻滚: 指更无助仰赖他人,grovel扭爬乞怜: 指在地上卑微畏惧

记忆方法: 1)翻滚的意思是艰难移动mean to move heavily or clumsily because or as if impeded or out of control.


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