






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2020-9-11 04:49| 查看数: 560| 评论数: 0|

Each day in Jakarta at 9 am sharp, local governmentofficial Ricky Mulyana and three colleagues don fullpersonal protective equipment, hoist a wooden coffinonto their shoulders, and set out on a 'funeral'procession down busy city streets.


The coffin, wrapped in plastic, contains only aneffigy. But as Indonesia struggles to contain asurge in coronavirus cases, authorities are tryingshock tactics to catch the public's attention and drive home crucial health messages in acountry that has the highest virus death toll in Southeast Asia.


A video circulating online shows that two men without masks are laying down inside a dummycoffin for few minutes.


The public order enforcers asked them to obey the health protocols in order to avoid the risk ofinfection and transmission of coronavirus.


According to a gubernatorial regulation, failure to wear a mask in public in Jakarta ispunishable by fines up to $16.90 or 60 minutes of community service.


"It's a tiring job because people don't understand the danger of the COVID-19 disease," saidMulyana during a coffin procession along a street in Jakarta's southern Cilandak area, asprawling suburb with business centres and both middle class and poorer districts.


Nearby, other officials held up placards and used loudhailers to urge residents to follow healthprotocols, including wearing masks and social distancing.


The alarming stunt is one of a string deployed amid desperate case numbers: Indonesia onThursday recorded a record daily spike in coronavirus infections and now has more than180,000 cases and at least 7,750 deaths. Jakarta has been the epicentre of Indonesia'soutbreak, accounting for nearly a quarter of cases in the world's fourth most populous country.


Elsewhere, tactics used to draw awareness to the virus have even included deploying a cast of"ghosts" to patrol streets of a village in Java, hoping an age-old superstition will keep peopleindoors.


"Until now people are still not aware that using a mask is very important," said Mulyana. Hesaid he hoped seeing a coffin would make people realise the danger of the disease.


Some residents watching on said the coffin parade could help get the message across.


"Now, people can understand (the consequence). Without this (initiative) people will alwaysbreak the rules," said 74-year-old Masno.


The daily procession started last week and is expected to run for two weeks until Sept 10.


"We hope it will frighten the public and increase their awareness, and that residents inJakarta will be receptive," said Encu Suhani, deputy chief of Cilandak's local government.


This is not the first time that the Jakarta administration displayed a coffin as a warningagainst COVID-19.


Governor Anies Baswedan on Tuesday inaugurated the COVID-19 Monument in Sunter Jaya,North Jakarta.

上周二(9月1日),雅加达首都特区省长阿尼斯·巴斯韦丹在雅加达北部Sunter Jaya为新冠肺炎纪念碑揭幕。

The monument was built in a form of coffin equipped with information board containing warningsentences, appeals, and data on the accumulation of COVID-19 cases in the city.



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