





Thoughts on reading the history

发布者: Perfecy | 发布时间: 2009-9-27 20:31| 查看数: 1768| 评论数: 5|

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          After seeing"legend seek begemony"I have a lot of impression. The king called GouJian was a person of conquered nation.He was a forced labour of Wu King's called Fu Chai several years. He tasted Fu Chai's stool all by himself.How could he undertake this kind of shames.Then he endured self-imposed hardships and tempered himself.in order to make firm resolve .At last,with the help of Fang Li and Xi Shi, The country of Yue became stronger and stronger,The power of Wu country is bowed and beaten by the country of Yue .The Yue king became to have not the human ,nature from this ,he even left Xi Shi in Back palaceas his concubine and killeda loyal official named Han Da fu by all kinds of accusations.What was worse ,he killed his own younger sister for wealth and almost the point died FangLI. Why the empire which the emperor ruled was rich ,he would forget bitter past as well as frame-up the loyal .Because of the exsistence of them.the country becameprosperous and strong.


Perfecy 发表于 2009-9-27 20:36:21

Perfecy 发表于 2009-9-27 20:38:35
twemty 发表于 2009-9-29 21:15:05
what ? i can't see anything
墙角的坟墓 发表于 2009-9-30 05:16:00
Perfecy 发表于 2009-9-30 11:49:14
I'm sorry ,the function didn't support the website,so I can't share the film with you.
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